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Their hatred of the Chinese is well known, they arm the bandits and send them out to drive the Chinese out of Guyana.

Three bandits caught while robbing restaurant - captured during gunfight with police - Keltec 9mm sub-machine gun among weapons, ammo recoveredPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Leroy Smith  
Thursday, 11 July 2013 23:57

A SUSPECTED bandit was shot and two others arrested by the police last night after they were reportedly ‘caught in the act’ of  robbing a Chinese restaurant on the Coldingen Public Road,  East Coast of Demerara.

This newspaper was told by a police source that the men were in the process of robbing the operators of the Chinese restaurant at gunpoint when a police patrol from in the area made a stop at the same restaurant to purchase water for the ranks on patrol. As the patrol pulled up at the restaurant, they reportedly caught the bandits by surprise and one of the men immediately trained his firearm in the direction of the police. The police, as they entered the restaurant, realised that a robbery was in progress and that one of the gunmen had his weapon trained on them. This was reportedly followed by a brief gunfight between the bandits and the police. According to unconfirmed reports up to press time, one of the suspected bandits Odingo Allen, 23, of Brush Dam, Buxton on the  East Coast of Demerara was shot to his right knee, while one of his accomplices, Elroy Newton, 23, sustained lacerations to his face during the confrontation that ensued when police foiled the robbery attempt at the Chinese restaurant. The police came in for high praise for their swift approach in confronting the bandits although it was reportedly an unexpected encounter. They were also commended for their ability to bring the men to justice without any loss of lives. In a release late last night, police Public Relations and Press Officer, Ivelaw Whittaker, said the incident occurred around 16:45 hrs yesterday when  ranks of a mobile police patrol arrested three men at Coldingen, in whose possession were found a Keltec 9mm  sub-machine gun with 9 rounds and a .38 revolver with two rounds. Whittaker confirmed that one of the men was shot and injured to his right foot during the process and is a patient under guard at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Their hatred of the Chinese is well known, they arm the bandits and send them out to drive the Chinese out of Guyana . . .

hmmmm . . . GNI klown reaching forlornly fuh lil klown revelance



Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:

Police going to buy water

Doan laff, dem boys here in Canada move up, they does go for donuts an coffee,.

dem canadian does pay but Police in Guysna going to a chinese restaurant in Gy dem aint going to buy water

Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:

Police going to buy water

Doan laff, dem boys here in Canada move up, they does go for donuts an coffee,.

dem canadian does pay but Police in Guysna going to a chinese restaurant in Gy dem aint going to buy water

Aright, I ketch it

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:

Police going to buy water

Doan laff, dem boys here in Canada move up, they does go for donuts an coffee,.

dem canadian does pay but Police in Guysna going to a chinese restaurant in Gy dem aint going to buy water

Aright, I ketch it

you guys notice every time the police cauth some bandits with a lot of guns include a machine gun the bandits only shoot off one or two shots with a pistol why they never shoot the machine gun 


AFC/pnc agent claimed he was there to buy energy drink. The police should set him free immediately as he was wrongfully arrested.


Three nabbed at restaurant in suspected robbery…Alleged gunman says he went to purchase an energy drink



The suspected gunman who was shot on Thursday by police who forestalled a robbery at a Chinese restaurant in Coldingen, East Coast Demerara (ECD) is seeking to distance himself from his two acquaintances who were nabbed with a Keltec 9mm. sub-machine gun and a .38 revolver.

Elroy Newron

With both his hands handcuffed to a bed at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), Odinga Allen of Brusche Dam, Buxton, East Coast Demerara said that he was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
The 23-year-old who is under police custody and is nursing a gunshot wound to his right foot at the hospital said that he only went to the Chinese restaurant to purchase an XL energy drink.
“I don’t know those men. That restaurant is a popular restaurant and I only had $500 so I went in and buy the XL and I sit down and then I see police come in and start shoot up,” the suspected gunman said.
Allen said he is a porter, working on a truck “somewhere” on the West Bank Demerara. He claimed that he cannot remember anything about his employer.
According to reports, the police had received information that the three men, Allen, Elroy Newton, a former army corporal of Ann’s Grove, East Coast Demerara and Leon Howard were planning to rob the restaurant’s owners.
Before the men could have carried out their act, police arrived and spoiled their plan. Allen was shot after he reportedly opened fire on ranks. Police managed to capture his two other accomplices.
Kaieteur News confirmed that Allen and Newton were previously charged on different occasions with robbery under arms.


The guns recovered by police




afc/pnc agent raises $8M GYD in campaign funds but at what cost?


Suspect in Water Street Ambush remanded




- prosecution says investigations are still ongoing

A 27- year-old taxi driver, who is said to be the main suspect in the alleged murder of a businessman’s handyman in the Water Street ambush, was yesterday remanded to prison after he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ court.
Magistrate Fabayo Azore, read the particulars of the charge which stated that on July 8, last, at Water Street, Kingston, Joseph Williams allegedly murdered Victor Da Silva.
It is further alleged that on the said date, he robbed Cecil Albert Gajadhar of $8 million.
To the indictable charges, the unrepresented defendant was not required to enter a plea.
The prosecution stated that the case file is not ready as investigations are still ongoing, and sought two weeks in order to prepare the file.
According to newspaper reports on the day in question, Gajadhar, 71, of Foulis, East Coast Demerara is a businessman who was shot in the face by gunmen during the robbery which resulted in the death of his handyman, Victor Da Silva.
The father of three is expected to return to court on July 18.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

AFC/pnc agent claimed he was there to buy energy drink. The police should set him free immediately as he was wrongfully arrested.


 . . .

abee klown pressin . . .



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

AFC/pnc agent claimed he was there to buy energy drink. The police should set him free immediately as he was wrongfully arrested.


 . . .

abee klown pressin . . .



Drugabeer looks seedless. hahahahahahahahaha!

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


watch, watch, shhhhhhhh - psychological train wreck in progress . . . the "great drugB" reduce heself to a sad-ass peep man


har de har har har har har har!




I don't understand why every time a robbery is commited, Bgurd is quick to attribute it as an AFC fund raising campaigne.
These are crimes of oppurtunity, plain and simple. I remember reading that Minister Benn's son beat up his girl because he jumped on the AFC band wagon.
I wonder what will he come up with next.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

I don't understand why every time a robbery is commited, Bgurd is quick to attribute it as an AFC fund raising campaigne.
These are crimes of oppurtunity, plain and simple. I remember reading that Minister Benn's son beat up his girl because he jumped on the AFC band wagon.
I wonder what will he come up with next.

Look at the list of Nigel and Khemraj clientele and tell us who they are. Defenders of criminals. AFC/pnc supports attribute every incident in Guyana on incompetency of the gog. When the tables turn they don't like it. Ask mitjuanita and cocaine. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Look at the list of Nigel and Khemraj clientele and tell us who they are. Defenders of criminals. AFC/pnc supports attribute every incident in Guyana on incompetency of the gog. When the tables turn they don't like it. Ask mitjuanita and cocaine. 

shhhhhhhh - psychological train wreck in progress . . . the "great drugB" reduce heself to a sad-ass peep man




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