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Now they turn to robbing the dead:

Even the dead can’t rest in peace

July 18, 2013 | By | Filed Under News


Even in their final resting place the dead are not resting in peace as over a dozen tombs at the St Mary’s Anglican Church, Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara were found to be desecrated.

Representatives of the church are cleaning up the burial ground. The result is that tree trucks after they were chopped down, smashed several tombs. But there were other tombs that appeared to be forcibly shattered and damaged. Where the churchyard is closed, such as is the case of St Mary’s Anglican Church, the local authority usually takes over responsibility for the cost of maintenance of all aspects— buildings, walls, pathways, tombs and memorials. In older churchyards the most common hazards are table tombs when the lid or sides have become unstable or fall away. If the grass is not regularly cut all of these can be obscured.

Some of the damaged tombs.

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The AFC/pnc fundraising campaign has an impact on tourism as visitors are turned off from visiting by the robberies that are highly publicized in the Kaiteur news.

Agricola family comes home to ransacked house

July 18, 2013 | By | Filed Under News



Burglars cart off $100,000 in cash and items

By Javone Vickerie

An Agricola family returned home from Georgetown, yesterday to find that they had been robbed of their cash and electronics. Shavane Sullivan was returning home with her husband, Bevan, her child and her mother around 16:30 hours when they met the doors to the house open.

One of the ransacked bedrooms

“Somebody stopped us at the corner and told me that they had a break and entry. When we turned the corner we saw police at the house with the doors opened,” the woman said. She added that when she and family came into the house, all three of the bedrooms were ransacked. “They tumbled out everything from the bedrooms,” the woman lamented. The woman told this publication that upon investigation, a number of items including two laptops, a Magic Jack device, and currency were all missing. Cheryl Bourne who resides at the Lot 60 Evans Phillips Park, Agricola, said that although she felt sad about losing the items, she thanked God that no one was at home during the robbery. Bourne added that she was at a Vacation Bible School (VBS) and picked up her daughter, Son-in-law and granddaughter when she received the news that her house was broken into. Bourne added that the family left the home around 8:15 am yesterday. Bourne told Kaieteur News that the men broke in from the louvered window above her toilet. The visibly distressed woman said that her home was never broken into before. “Everybody knows who did this robbery but they are afraid to come forward. They know the people, the name and everything but no one will talk”, Bourne said.

What use to be a small louvered window over Bourne’s toilet where the men gained entry to the home.

Bourne’s ‘daughter, who now resides with her husband and child in Antigua, said, “I feel insecure about this whole thing. Before we came here we read a number of articles about the different robberies and we were skeptical about coming here.” Shavane Sullivan said that they were to travel to Dominica but that they decided to spend their vacation in Guyana because they had not seen their relatives in a while.


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Now they turn to robbing the dead:

Even the dead can’t rest in peace

July 18, 2013 | By | Filed Under News


Even in their final resting place the dead are not resting in peace as over a dozen tombs at the St Mary’s Anglican Church, Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara were found to be desecrated.

Representatives of the church are cleaning up the burial ground. The result is that tree trucks after they were chopped down, smashed several tombs. But there were other tombs that appeared to be forcibly shattered and damaged. Where the churchyard is closed, such as is the case of St Mary’s Anglican Church, the local authority usually takes over responsibility for the cost of maintenance of all aspects— buildings, walls, pathways, tombs and memorials. In older churchyards the most common hazards are table tombs when the lid or sides have become unstable or fall away. If the grass is not regularly cut all of these can be obscured.

Some of the damaged tombs.

This ignorant ass still here spreading filthy lies. I'm positive it's he and his relatives who are part of the gangs that roam around Guyana and he really tries his best to throw blame on others.

What a filthy scumbag he is, always seeking attention. He's now the worse poster on this BB.

From here on I refuse to even read this creep's garbage posts and others should do the same. It's no wonder the creep has no one on this board to back him, dam f-in loser.


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