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AFC’s position on money laundering bill shamelessly irresponsible – Finance Minister


The act of one political party to withdraw support for the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) Bill, unless President Donald Ramotar assents to the two opposition pieces of legislation and establish the Public Procurement Commission, has been regarded by Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh as a shamelessly irresponsible position.


In a comment to the Government Information Agency (GINA) today on the move by the Alliance for Change (AFC), the Finance Minister said he was shocked and horrified that the party would “hold the nation at hostage by using support for this bill as leverage to extract political concessions.”


“What the AFC is essentially saying is that, irrespective of how important this Bill is, or what the consequences of its non-approval would be, they are not prepared to support it because there are other political issues on which they wish to extract concessions from the Government,” Minister Singh said.


The Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) Bill was on May 7, referred to a Parliamentary select committee after A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance for Change (AFC) argued that its passage was ill-timed.


The select committee has apparently not been moving with any sense of urgency, according to Presidential Adviser on Governance Gail Teixeira who also commented on the AFC’s position today.


“The opposition in the committee insisted that we advertise and invite written submissions… were in the newspapers last Sunday (May 12). The deadline is May 17, Friday and therefore… so if we look at those events, there seems to be little haste on the part of the opposition,” Teixeira said.


The passage of the amended legislation is aimed at bringing Guyana in conformity with certain international standards that would have spared the country from being blacklisted or excluded from important activities.

If the bill is not passed, Guyana will be placed on a list with other non-conforming countries, and would be visited with a regime of sanctions which will include restrictions in the manner in which business is done internationally, especially involving wire transfers of funds. Once placed on that list, it takes an average of approximately seven years to come off, during which time the country would have to go through a series of stringent scrutiny of its procedures used when transacting business across the borders.


Teixeira in explaining the dire consequences for countries not in compliance with conventions and treaty obligations on money laundering, pointed out the amendments that were made to redress ambiguities in the current laws, and its correlation to other laws such as on gambling, mutual assistance on criminal matters (extradition), and money transfer licencing agencies among others.


“The impact of that is that it will impact on the financial system and sector of Guyana… other banks could decide how they are going to treat with you as a country,” Teixeira explained.


President Donald Ramotar has called on the political opposition to put aside partisan interests in dealing with such an important piece of legislation and support its passage. Guyana has up until May 27 to subscribe to the international criteria.


The Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is demanding that Guyana tightens its anti-money laundering Act by the stipulated timeline so as to comply with the recommendation of the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force, (CFATF), a move which the ruling administration is keen to implement.


This latest position by the AFC is a clear retaliation to President Ramotar’s refusal to sign into law the Fiscal Management and Accountability (Amendment) Bill and the Former President’s bills, after citing evidence that they were unconstitutional. The bills will require a two-thirds majority before they are returned to the President’s desk.


Teixeira is peeved that the AFC is bargaining through the press and not at the table as mature politicians do.


The party’s other demand; the establishment of the Public Procurement Commission has been an age old argument supporting a claim that the national procurement process has been lacking transparency.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Teixeira is peeved that the AFC is bargaining through the press and not at the table as mature politicians do.

AFC's profound childish exposures as elected MPs.


Actually this is a shrewd move by the opposition to get the Jagdeo benefits roll back and the financial accountability bill. This is done in the US all the time. You folks should know this, over the past 4 years and the issues Obama had with the republicans and the compromises he made.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Actually this is a shrewd move by the opposition to get the Jagdeo benefits roll back and the financial accountability bill. This is done in the US all the time. You folks should know this, over the past 4 years and the issues Obama had with the republicans and the compromises he made.

Putting POOR People lives at stake may be a Card Game for you but NOT the Guyanese People!!!!

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Actually this is a shrewd move by the opposition to get the Jagdeo benefits roll back and the financial accountability bill. This is done in the US all the time. You folks should know this, over the past 4 years and the issues Obama had with the republicans and the compromises he made.

These fools do not understand how parliament works. They just blabber their mouths all day. 


They are like peacocks - more substance in their tails than in their heads. 

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Actually this is a shrewd move by the opposition to get the Jagdeo benefits roll back and the financial accountability bill. This is done in the US all the time. You folks should know this, over the past 4 years and the issues Obama had with the republicans and the compromises he made.

These fools do not understand how parliament works. They just blabber their mouths all day. 


They are like peacocks - more substance in their tails than in their heads. 

The JACKASS Speaks. You really know how everything works!!!! Sometimes I does wonder about you.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Actually this is a shrewd move by the opposition to get the Jagdeo benefits roll back and the financial accountability bill. This is done in the US all the time. You folks should know this, over the past 4 years and the issues Obama had with the republicans and the compromises he made.

These fools do not understand how parliament works. They just blabber their mouths all day. 


They are like peacocks - more substance in their tails than in their heads. 

The JACKASS Speaks. You really know how everything works!!!! Sometimes I does wonder about you.

At least I'm a lot more intelligent than a dumb ass like you. It does not take a rocket scientist to file away Financial Aid forms. My ten year old nephew can do that. 


Poor Guyana, how will they receive remittances? Country gone fo channa now?

Had the PPP Govt worked above board none of this would have occurred, they are a bunch of misfits trying to run a country into the ground.

Every blasted time things don't go their way, they cry foul.


"If the bill is not passed, Guyana will be placed on a list with other non-conforming countries, and would be visited with a regime of sanctions which will include restrictions in the manner in which business is done internationally, especially involving wire transfers of funds. Once placed on that list, it takes an average of approximately seven years to come off, during which time the country would have to go through a series of stringent scrutiny of its procedures used when transacting business across the borders."

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese populace should not be held captive by the joint opposition in their sinister bid to score cheap political points

The opposition got yall rass in a pickle eh? Good. When all is done above board then things will look up but until then I say, "screw 'em good"

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C would not only be affected, the Guyanese populace will feel the blunt of the sanctions, the blame will be solely at the feet of the joint opposition

BULLSHIT!  So you wanna blame the opposition for the Govt's inability to do things above said b4, screw em. The country is already in the latrine it cannot get much lower.


Its clear for the Guyanese Populace to see, the joint opposition is hell bent on frustrating the development of the country, and tries at any opportunity to make the country ungovernable

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition could never justify their sinister motives to don't support the Money Laundering Bills

You  were fed a lot of shit and now you come here to spew it. You are such a dunce.


The goons of the joint opposition are at full throttle doing damage control, the Guyanese populace are seeing the sinister motives of the joint opposition and are greeting them with cold shoulders when they spread propaganda in the constituencies.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The goons of the joint opposition are at full throttle doing damage control, the Guyanese populace are seeing the sinister motives of the joint opposition and are greeting them with cold shoulders when they spread propaganda in the constituencies.

you are paid to post. We do so on our own time. We do so for the love of country. You do so for the love of the opportunity to raid its coffers.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The goons of the joint opposition are at full throttle doing damage control, the Guyanese populace are seeing the sinister motives of the joint opposition and are greeting them with cold shoulders when they spread propaganda in the constituencies.

Councie you are a paid poster. You deserve no respect.


Too many of our people remain poor, too many children and mothers are dying at childbirth but yet we have money to build the Marriott Hotel but not to fix the basic healthcare system. We have money to build a new airport with only one airline (Caribbean Airlines) to service the more than 500,000 Guyanese in the Diaspora but not to rebuild the road on the East Bank of Berbice. We have money to build a new Specialty Hospital, but the government has poorly managed the public hospitals which are understaffed and without adequate medical supplies.


May 16, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

 - threatens to withdraw support for amendments to financial crimes Bill

Khemraj Ramjattan

A political battlefield is being set up for the days ahead with the seven-seat Parliamentary party, Alliance for Change (AFC), threatening to withdraw support for the amendments to the law on financial crimes unless its demands are met.
The AFC has two demands. It wants President Donald Ramotar to re-consider withholding his assent to two Bills piloted by the opposition-controlled house. The party also wants the government to set a deadline for the establishment of the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) which will help halt corruption in the award of contracts funded by the public purse.
The legislation under consideration is the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering of Financing Terrorism Act (AMLCFTA).
Non-passage of the legislation could shame the government for failing to act and could put the country on an international blacklist for not doing enough to combat money laundering and stopping financing for terrorism.  A Special Parliamentary Committee was set up to examine and tidy up the amendments proposed by the government. The AFC is participating in the work of the Commission, but when the amendments come up for a vote on May 22, the AFC could withhold its support.
The AFC holds the balance of power in the National Assembly. Any intentions of the majority parties in the House – APNU and the ruling PPP – can be paralysed without the AFC’s backing.
The President has refused to give his assent to the Fiscal Management and Accountability (Amendment) Bill and the Former Presidents (Facilities and Other Benefits) Bill, saying that the Bills are in conflict with the constitution.  Khemraj Ramjattan, leader of the AFC, said that the position of the President is outrageous and that the argument about the constitutionality of the Bills is “wholly unmeritorious” and “totally ridiculous.”
“This government (disrespects) the National Assembly and the people’s elected representatives,” Ramjattan declared yesterday.
He said that the AFC is ready to get into “hard dealing” with the government because its demands are not unreasonable.
In the case of the Former Presidents (Facilities and Other Benefits), Ramjattan said it is reasonable for the National Assembly to demand that the benefits of former Presidents be capped.
The original law, signed by former President Bharrat Jagdeo, gives him unlimited access to vehicles, security guards, gardeners and cooks in addition to his cash pension which amounts to $1.2 million a month.
Further, Ramjattan said that the Fiscal Management and Accountability (Amendment) Bill was intended to enhance good governance and streamline accountability.
Regarding the demand for the Public Procurement Commission, Ramjattan said the ruling party has refused to identify its nominees.
He said that wanting this Commission in place is not unreasonable, as it is a “right” for the Commission to be set up. He said that the absence of the Commission is why corruption continues.
The government is due to defend its efforts to stem financial crimes when the Plenary Meeting of the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) meets in Managua, Nicaragua from May 27 to May 30. The government attempted to force passage of the amendments two Tuesdays ago but the opposition forced the setting up of the Special Committee to examine the government’s proposal, saying the legislation is too important to be rushed.
Those on the Committee from the government side are Chief Whip Gail Teixeira (who chairs the Committee), Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee, Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh and Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister, Anil Nandlall. On the opposition side, Khemraj Ramjattan is representing the Alliance For Change, while A Partnership for National Unity named Deborah Backer, Joseph Harmon, Basil Williams and Carl Greenidge. Further, the government was chided for bringing the amendments to the House at the last minute.
The government was put on notice at least twice before by the CFATF to amend the legislation, but only tabled it last month.
The CFATF is the Caribbean branch of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the international body which examines a country’s efforts to stem money laundering and dictate what new measures need to be enforced.
In the third round Mutual Evaluation Report, which was adopted by the CFATF Council of Ministers in May 2011 in Honduras, Guyana was placed on expedited follow-up and required to report at every Plenary.
Guyana was rated partially compliant or noncompliant on 16 Core and Key Recommendations and 25 other Recommendations.


Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh had called the position adopted by the AFC “shamelessly irresponsible.”
“What the AFC is essentially saying is that, irrespective of how important this Bill is, or what the consequences of its non-approval would be, they are not prepared to support it because there are other political issues on which they wish to extract concessions from the government,” Minister Singh said.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh had called the position adopted by the AFC “shamelessly irresponsible.”
“What the AFC is essentially saying is that, irrespective of how important this Bill is, or what the consequences of its non-approval would be, they are not prepared to support it because there are other political issues on which they wish to extract concessions from the government,” Minister Singh said.

Doesn't come as a surprise from Ashni Singh, he seems quite capable of talkin shit and you councie we know is quite capable to repeat same.

Pressure does mek pipe buss.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Actually this is a shrewd move by the opposition to get the Jagdeo benefits roll back and the financial accountability bill. This is done in the US all the time. You folks should know this, over the past 4 years and the issues Obama had with the republicans and the compromises he made.

These fools do not understand how parliament works. They just blabber their mouths all day. 


They are like peacocks - more substance in their tails than in their heads. 

The JACKASS Speaks. You really know how everything works!!!! Sometimes I does wonder about you.

At least I'm a lot more intelligent than a dumb ass like you. It does not take a rocket scientist to file away Financial Aid forms. My ten year old nephew can do that. 

I rather File fafsa than Dig Toilet, Clean Sewer AND Dry Chowmein.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Actually this is a shrewd move by the opposition to get the Jagdeo benefits roll back and the financial accountability bill. This is done in the US all the time. You folks should know this, over the past 4 years and the issues Obama had with the republicans and the compromises he made.

These fools do not understand how parliament works. They just blabber their mouths all day. 


They are like peacocks - more substance in their tails than in their heads. 

The JACKASS Speaks. You really know how everything works!!!! Sometimes I does wonder about you.

At least I'm a lot more intelligent than a dumb ass like you. It does not take a rocket scientist to file away Financial Aid forms. My ten year old nephew can do that. 

I rather File fafsa than Dig Toilet, Clean Sewer AND Dry Chowmein.

Where those your previous jobs before the one you got now? Nothing wrong with any of that work, somebody got to do it and if is you, well go for it banna.


The time has come for the joint opposition to stop playing partisan politics, and co-operate with the democratically elected government towards the development of the country. Lets put Guyana first

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The time has come for the joint opposition to stop playing partisan politics, and co-operate with the democratically elected government towards the development of the country. Lets put Guyana first

No one in their right mind will ever co-operate with corrupted people.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

At the end of the day, the interest of the Guyanese populace should be place on the National Assembly front burner

Quite Correct!


So when will the PPP Govt plan on doing the right thing and place the interest of the Guyanese populace on this front burner you speak of?

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The time has come for the joint opposition to stop playing partisan politics, and co-operate with the democratically elected government towards the development of the country. Lets put Guyana first

No one in their right mind will ever co-operate with corrupted people.

amm, like the opposition? 

Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The time has come for the joint opposition to stop playing partisan politics, and co-operate with the democratically elected government towards the development of the country. Lets put Guyana first

No one in their right mind will ever co-operate with corrupted people.

amm, like the opposition? 

Again, another correct post. Yes, the opposition is in their right mind to not cooperate with the corrupt PPP Govt.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The time has come for the joint opposition to stop playing partisan politics, and co-operate with the democratically elected government towards the development of the country. Lets put Guyana first

No one in their right mind will ever co-operate with corrupted people.

amm, like the opposition? 

Again, another correct post. Yes, the opposition is in their right mind to not cooperate with the corrupt PPP Govt.

Let me make this simple. Are you say that APNU should not cooperate with the PPP or APNU and AFC or AFC alone? 

Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The time has come for the joint opposition to stop playing partisan politics, and co-operate with the democratically elected government towards the development of the country. Lets put Guyana first

No one in their right mind will ever co-operate with corrupted people.

amm, like the opposition? 

Again, another correct post. Yes, the opposition is in their right mind to not cooperate with the corrupt PPP Govt.

Let me make this simple. Are you say that APNU should not cooperate with the PPP or APNU and AFC or AFC alone? 

This is what the conversation is about.

The time has come for the joint opposition to stop playing partisan politics

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The time has come for the joint opposition to stop playing partisan politics, and co-operate with the democratically elected government towards the development of the country. Lets put Guyana first

No one in their right mind will ever co-operate with corrupted people.

amm, like the opposition? 

Again, another correct post. Yes, the opposition is in their right mind to not cooperate with the corrupt PPP Govt.

Let me make this simple. Are you say that APNU should not cooperate with the PPP or APNU and AFC or AFC alone? 

This is what the conversation is about.

The time has come for the joint opposition to stop playing partisan politics

On one hand your comrades cursing out APNU and here you're supporting them. I don't understand. I thought you was backing AFC? 

Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The time has come for the joint opposition to stop playing partisan politics, and co-operate with the democratically elected government towards the development of the country. Lets put Guyana first

No one in their right mind will ever co-operate with corrupted people.

amm, like the opposition? 

Again, another correct post. Yes, the opposition is in their right mind to not cooperate with the corrupt PPP Govt.

Let me make this simple. Are you say that APNU should not cooperate with the PPP or APNU and AFC or AFC alone? 

This is what the conversation is about.

The time has come for the joint opposition to stop playing partisan politics

On one hand your comrades cursing out APNU and here you're supporting them. I don't understand. I thought you was backing AFC? 

You seem a perfect fit with the dense ones here.


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