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Former Member
Wednesday, 21 September 2011 01:56

I am very concerned and even troubled by what has been happening recently within the ‘Alliance for Change’ (AFC) party. This is a party that is desirous of leading Guyana, yet it is fraught with internal crisis, namely one of leadership. At least two incidents reveal that the ‘trouble’ with AFC resides from actual leadership quests and dissatisfaction.

There was a leadership strife, between Khemraj Ramjattan and Rafael Trotman, regarding the position of Presidential Candidate. When the AFC’s constitution was followed, and Ramjattan was made leader of the party, Trotman did not respond with support. In fact he desisted from being the running mate. I got the idea then that Trotman was simply being childish and selfish. He was too much into serving self. Also, I had the distinct feeling that for him, being the running mate, under Ramjattan, was a little too servile.

Many people have this problem. Now look at what is obtaining within the AFC.
The new development, and again manifesting crises, is that of Raphael Trotman and his selection as the party's prime ministerial candidate. This came about due to the withdrawal of Sheila Holder from the Prime Ministerial position, due to health reasons. Again, it is health that is being cited. And I wonder if Trotman is ‘medically’ up to it now.

Especially in Guyana, malingering is a mastered art and it has been surfacing for quite some time now, for many persons in various domains.
So I make the point yet again: Trotman's selection comes as a shock to many. This is because Trotman initially withdrew, after being nominated for this same position. It seems quite clear now that his ‘health’ complications are governed by his will and shifting situations.

The AFC thus owes it to the public and its supporters, to honestly explain this voluntary ‘kind of sickness.’ Trotman now makes this sudden u-turn. So I am wondering: Has he fully recovered from his ‘selective, mystery and strategic’ ailment? Is he fit enough to hold such a position, should the AFC win the upcoming elections? Is he able to explain all this political meandering with the AFC?

I am of the opinion that any failure by the AFC to clarify this ‘concern’ of leadership and internal schism will logically lead many to concur that Trotman's initial decline of the Prime Ministerial candidacy stemmed from issues between him and Ramjattan. This was because there were issues over the rotation policy. Also, when the state media reported in May, regarding the ‘below par’ medical state of Sheila Holder, and her impending withdrawal, AFC went berserk, and bluntly denied the report.

The clear impression AFC is giving, is that ‘leadership’ is to be envied and ‘latched on to’ and this will remove any national concern from leaders within AFC.
To me, AFC has already accepted itself as a ‘no force.’ This being done, the concern for its leaders is one of personal interest, selfishness and greed. How can a party lead properly, when it is not telling the truth and being responsible. It cannot be trusted, and it is taking people for granted.

In closing I remind the public that the PPP/C was accused of all kinds of non-existent crises, regarding Donald Ramotar as the presidential candidate, Even though the move was democratic and smooth, many from the opposition forces complained (as though it was their decision) about suitability and qualification. These attacks were mere figments and maybe ‘hopes’ for the enemies. So far the PPP/C has shown itself to be a party with togetherness.

This means that it is in a position to continue building Guyana. This point should not be made light of. AFC and the rest are just too much into themselves-they are simply too immersed in petty and personal matters.

Source: Chronicle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

AFC prime ministerial candidate Raphael Trotman will ensure that the AFC team up with APNU. If not before the elections, then after the elections, depending on the number of seats the two parties together gather.
Trotman is APNU JHAAT.
Originally posted by Bookman:
AFC prime ministerial candidate Raphael Trotman will ensure that the AFC team up with APNU. If not before the elections, then after the elections, depending on the number of seats the two parties together gather.
Trotman is APNU JHAAT.


No shame . . .
Come on Uncle Bookman the Chronicle has less credibility than the National Enquirer.

I am a PPP man and I dont read that junk here in Guyana. Even if they give it free i dont read it.
Originally posted by Bookman:
AFC prime ministerial candidate Raphael Trotman will ensure that the AFC team up with APNU. If not before the elections, then after the elections, depending on the number of seats the two parties together gather.
Trotman is APNU JHAAT.
What we reveal of ourselves when we tap our private fears! It is logically the counter argument you tolerate quite hypocritically, i.e. the PPP is a party after its kind ( jat not Jhaat!) if you affirm the above.

The PPP is clearly content with the status quo and so does all of its supporters who fail to acknowledge we are a racist culture. Despite the PPP's its grotesque corrupt practices, people like yourselves cling to its dogma because you see the reflected glory of kind.

As such you have the audacity if not a compulsion of blind ignorance to project that fear on the only party that acknowledges racism is our problem and runs on a platform to eradicate the superstructure that holds it up by forcing radical reformations to the way we hold elections, appoint our presidents and manage our economy.

I have no regards for the pretentious of people like yourselves. Despite the sententious claims of moral core you are the petrified representations of the stench of the necrosis of our political system. You dogmatically recite the same things because you do not think deeply and are content with the shallow racist expressions of our society as long as it benefits your kind.
Originally posted by Bookman:
AFC prime ministerial candidate Raphael Trotman will ensure that the AFC team up with APNU. If not before the elections, then after the elections, depending on the number of seats the two parties together gather.
Trotman is APNU JHAAT.

Cde Bookman, I must express my profound disappointment with this statement, notwithstanding I consider you a friend.

Can you please explain your concerns as it relates to the allegations you are making?

Before you do, however, let me make it clear that neither Ramjattan nor Trotman can make those types of decisions without the AFC national executive. Our NEC is a diverse body that has never voted consistently with either of the two.

Secondly, forming a coalition before, is out of the question given the decision of our NEC, and endorsed at our National Conference. Such a pre-election coalition will surely mean victory for the PPP.

Thirdly, any coalition formed after the elections cannot remove the party that wins Gov't, which in a three horse race, can be won by as little as 34%.

Now please go ahead and explain. Thank you.
You are disappointed with FACTS. But then again you went to Snakeoil Business College. partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Bookman:
AFC prime ministerial candidate Raphael Trotman will ensure that the AFC team up with APNU. If not before the elections, then after the elections, depending on the number of seats the two parties together gather.
Trotman is APNU JHAAT.

Cde Bookman, I must express my profound disappointment with this statement, notwithstanding I consider you a friend.

Can you please explain your concerns as it relates to the allegations you are making?

Before you do, however, let me make it clear that neither Ramjattan nor Trotman can make those types of decisions without the AFC national executive. Our NEC is a diverse body that has never voted consistently with either of the two.

Secondly, forming a coalition before, is out of the question given the decision of our NEC, and endorsed at our National Conference. Such a pre-election coalition will surely mean victory for the PPP.

Thirdly, any coalition formed after the elections cannot remove the party that wins Gov't, which in a three horse race, can be won by as little as 34%.

Now please go ahead and explain. Thank you.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Bookman:
AFC prime ministerial candidate Raphael Trotman will ensure that the AFC team up with APNU. If not before the elections, then after the elections, depending on the number of seats the two parties together gather.
Trotman is APNU JHAAT.

Cde Bookman, I must express my profound disappointment with this statement, notwithstanding I consider you a friend.

Can you please explain your concerns as it relates to the allegations you are making?

Before you do, however, let me make it clear that neither Ramjattan nor Trotman can make those types of decisions without the AFC national executive. Our NEC is a diverse body that has never voted consistently with either of the two.

Secondly, forming a coalition before, is out of the question given the decision of our NEC, and endorsed at our National Conference. Such a pre-election coalition will surely mean victory for the PPP.

Thirdly, any coalition formed after the elections cannot remove the party that wins Gov't, which in a three horse race, can be won by as little as 34%.

Now please go ahead and explain. Thank you.

Gerhard, let's wait until after the elections.
If my prediction is wrong, I will admit my error of judgement.
Originally posted by Bookman:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Bookman:
AFC prime ministerial candidate Raphael Trotman will ensure that the AFC team up with APNU. If not before the elections, then after the elections, depending on the number of seats the two parties together gather.
Trotman is APNU JHAAT.

Cde Bookman, I must express my profound disappointment with this statement, notwithstanding I consider you a friend.

Can you please explain your concerns as it relates to the allegations you are making?

Before you do, however, let me make it clear that neither Ramjattan nor Trotman can make those types of decisions without the AFC national executive. Our NEC is a diverse body that has never voted consistently with either of the two.

Secondly, forming a coalition before, is out of the question given the decision of our NEC, and endorsed at our National Conference. Such a pre-election coalition will surely mean victory for the PPP.

Thirdly, any coalition formed after the elections cannot remove the party that wins Gov't, which in a three horse race, can be won by as little as 34%.

Now please go ahead and explain. Thank you.

Gerhard, let's wait until after the elections.
If my prediction is wrong, I will admit my error of judgement.

Is it me or do you think Uncle Book put on his Dancing shoes and nicely stepped aside from dat question heheheheheheh i love it.
Originally posted by Bookman:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Bookman:
AFC prime ministerial candidate Raphael Trotman will ensure that the AFC team up with APNU. If not before the elections, then after the elections, depending on the number of seats the two parties together gather.
Trotman is APNU JHAAT.

Cde Bookman, I must express my profound disappointment with this statement, notwithstanding I consider you a friend.

Can you please explain your concerns as it relates to the allegations you are making?

Before you do, however, let me make it clear that neither Ramjattan nor Trotman can make those types of decisions without the AFC national executive. Our NEC is a diverse body that has never voted consistently with either of the two.

Secondly, forming a coalition before, is out of the question given the decision of our NEC, and endorsed at our National Conference. Such a pre-election coalition will surely mean victory for the PPP.

Thirdly, any coalition formed after the elections cannot remove the party that wins Gov't, which in a three horse race, can be won by as little as 34%.

Now please go ahead and explain. Thank you.

Gerhard, let's wait until after the elections.
If my prediction is wrong, I will admit my error of judgement.
Presently, our system in terms of game theory is a zero sum game. We cannot exist that way. It may be fine TV for the hero in a game of chicken to hold the line as the irascible coward on the other side veers off, crashes and burns. We need non zerosum alternatives. That can only come by cooperation. The PPP audaciously states it will not conceeds to alternatives that mediates their power and authority. They like their absolute autoctatic control of the state and sees no evil in that. After this elections, if they lose a simple majority, for the first time we will have cooperation for any social or political action to occur. Divided government can be our salvation since the executive presidency has only yielded totalitarianism under the guise of democracy. It is not about admitting error. It is about taking us off a path that has been the error of our ways to a different one. It might not be a comfortable one but it will yield the greatest satisfaction.
Originally posted by Cobra:
Originally posted by Mitwah:

This equation is obsolete in today's texts. AFC needs fresh ideas and better strategy as to what they can do for Guyana in whole.

Thats right take a look at the 2006 PPP manifesto lots of fresh untouched ideas in that little thing.
AFC prime ministerial candidate Raphael Trotman will ensure that the AFC team up with APNU. If not before the elections, then after the elections, depending on the number of seats the two parties together gather.

Trotman never left the P.N.C..the million dollar question....Is the A.F.C=P.N.C?
Originally posted by albert:
AFC prime ministerial candidate Raphael Trotman will ensure that the AFC team up with APNU. If not before the elections, then after the elections, depending on the number of seats the two parties together gather.

Trotman never left the P.N.C..the million dollar question....Is the A.F.C=P.N.C?

I don't claim infallibility or omniscience but, in my humble opinion, Raphael Trotman is more cunning and devious than Brer Anancy.
Let me state for the record that Khemraj Ramjattan is a nice guy. Gerhard Ramsaroop is a nice guy. Tarron Khemraj is a nice guy. Carrington is a nice guy.
But Trotman is an ambitious schemer and Sasenarine Singh is plain bogus. Beware those two frauds, AFC!
Uncle Book many today are saying that about us in region 5 and 6.

The poor sugar workers who had to cut 1 ton and a half to get paid for one ton and who had to go on strike to get this fixed are crying for justice.

Do you know how many sugar workers today get injured on the job and Guysuco refuses to help them.

There is one guy the other day from annandale area he got goadie and he is the sole bread winner for that family. Guysuco told him to go and pay the medical bills and then they will reimburse him for 50% of the cost. Now where is this man going to get this money from?

Guess what he end up in the hands of these chaps in the AFC who paid the mans bills and paid for his family to eat while he recovered. Guess who that entire street is going to vote for?

You see what we in the PPP have created?
(Quote)There is one guy the other day from annandale area he got goadie and he is the sole bread winner for that family. Guysuco told him to go and pay the medical bills and then they will reimburse him for 50% of the cost. Now where is this man going to get this money from?

Guess what he end up in the hands of these chaps in the AFC who paid the mans bills and paid for his family to eat while he recovered. Guess who that entire street is going to vote for? (Quote)

If Gurd man sees this, he'll run and join the AFC too.
Originally posted by Bookman:
AFC prime ministerial candidate Raphael Trotman will ensure that the AFC team up with APNU. If not before the elections, then after the elections, depending on the number of seats the two parties together gather.
Trotman is APNU JHAAT.

Comrade Bookman,

You disappoint me. This post is clearly not reflective of your integrity.
Originally posted by André:
Originally posted by raymond:
surprised at Bookman going the racist route

I am never surprised when diehard PPP supporters act in this manner.

I dont think uncle Book is racist I think he is falling back on his training as a young man and some of the brain washing that may have occurred during this time.

Therapy can be quite helpful to some.

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