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The Taliban saints did not do this. This is the work of the Americans! It has to be. Only the Americans target innocent women and want to keep them in bondage. The Sainted Taliban would never harm innocents!
How did ASJ and the society for the perpetuation of Hate America first did not see and post this?
Mi tink katahar crabdaag Chief gah someting fuh do wid datt shyte.
Mi tink katahar crabdaag Chief gah someting fuh do wid datt shyte.
This is not about individuals or about Islam but about an ideology and expressions of that ideology via perverse interpretations of what it is to be Muslim. The same happens in all religions
Yeh, where is chief when all of this is happening? This so-called hajji prayed for Osama Bin Liden that his soul would be accepted in heaven, and Allah will grant him 72 virgins. Here on earth his brethren are poisoning water and killing out school girls because they seek an education. These cave men missions are to keep women in slavery. Is this what Chief is praying for five times a day? Neemakaran!
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