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Afghanistan: UN agencies sound alarm over emergency aid supply logjam

23 August 2021 -- Humanitarian Aid-- Source - United Nations --© UNICEF/Monique Awad
Ten million children across Afghanistan need humanitarian assistance to survive.

UN humanitarian agencies are warning that they are unable to bring urgently needed emergency supplies into Afghanistan, and are calling for a “humanitarian airbridge” to be set up immediately, to allow the unimpeded delivery of medicines and other aid supplies to the country.

In a media interview on Monday, Richard Brennan, the WHO Regional Director, explained that the agency is unable to bring some 500 tonnes of medical supplies, scheduled to be delivered this week, into the country, because of restrictions at Kabul airport, which is struggling to cope with a massive evacuation effort.

Mary-Ellen McGroarty, the UN’s World Food Programme’s country director for Afghanistan, was also quoted in the press on Monday as calling for swift, coordination action; “otherwise, an already horrendous situation is just going to become an absolute catastrophe, a complete humanitarian disaster”.

Ms. McGroarty reportedly underscored the crucial need for immediate funds to enable more food, shelter and medical supplies to be brought into the country: “Delay for the next six or seven weeks and it’s going to start becoming too late. People have nothing. We have to get food in now and get it to the communities in the provinces, before roads are blocked by snow.”

Humanitarian needs likely to increase

The main focus in recent days has been the evacuation of foreigners and vulnerable Afghans, with 300,000 people displaced in the country in the last two months alone, but the agencies pointed out that “The massive humanitarian needs facing the majority of the population should not – and cannot – be neglected”: even before the Taliban's recent takeover of Afghanistan, the country required the world’s third-largest humanitarian operation, with more than 18 million people needing help.

Henrietta Fore, the head of the UN children’s agency, UNICEF, which has been providing aid and support to Afghan children for 65 years, said on Monday that she anticipates the humanitarian needs of women and children to increase over the coming months, amidst a severe drought and consequent water scarcity, and the ongoing consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Millions will continue to need essential services, including health, lifesaving vaccination drives against polio and measles, nutrition, protection, shelter, water and sanitation”, said Ms. Fore. “In recent years, significant strides have been made on increasing girls’ access to education – it is vital that these gains are preserved, and advocacy efforts continue so that all girls in Afghanistan receive a quality education.”

UNICEF is scaling up its lifesaving programmes for children and women, and hopes to expand these operations to areas that could not previously be reached because of insecurity. Ms. Fore urged the Taliban, now effectively in control of Afghanistan, to ensure that the agency and its humanitarian partners have safe, timely and unfettered access to reach children in need wherever they are.

‘No way out’ for imperilled Afghans, broader international response needed

20 August 2021 -- Peace and Security-- Source -- United Nations --© UNICEF Afghanistan - More than 400 families have taken shelter in a school in southern Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan

Despite a prevailing “sense of fear” among vulnerable citizens, UN humanitarian agencies and their partners reiterated their commitment to the people of Afghanistan on Friday, informing that they are still accessing those in need throughout the country.

UNHCR remains concerned about the risk of human rights violations against civilians in this evolving context, including for women and girls”, said spokesperson Shabia Mantoo from the UN refugee agency. 

As of today, those who may be in danger have no way out. UNHCR is calling on countries neighbouring Afghanistan to keep their borders open in light of the evolving crisis in Afghanistan.”

Humanitarian priorities

Addressing questions about humanitarian aid access constraints, the UNHCR official explained that around 200 national and international staff “remain on the ground” in Afghanistan, where they work with 18 local non-government partners employing around 900 staff throughout the country.

“At present, we are able to access all provinces, and are working in some two-thirds of all districts”, Ms. Mantoo said.  “Together with the wider UN country team, we are committed to staying and delivering aid to the Afghan people for as long as we have access to populations in need and can ensure safety for our staff.”

The UNHCR official added that the agency was not involved in State-led evacuation operations, which although welcome, did not address the plight of many millions of Afghans.

“These evacuations are lifesaving, they’re critical, they’re needed”, said Ms. Mantoo. “But they are bilateral programmes organized with the States so we encourage those, they should continue. But the main message is that a broader international response is needed.”

Vital assistance getting through

Since the beginning of this year, UNHCR has provided emergency assistance to 230,000 people in the country, including cash assistance, hygiene support and other relief items. 

Needs assessments are also ongoing for some half a million displaced Afghans, 80 per cent of whom are women and children.

With 550,000 people displaced inside Afghanistan this year and millions more prior to the chaos linked to the Taliban takeover, UNHCR issued an urgent appeal for $62.8 million to deal with immediate needs. Overall requirements for the Afghanistan situation are $351 million, with funding levels currently at 43 per cent.

Security challenge

In a statement on Friday, the World Food Programme (WFP) said that despite security and logistics challenges, the agency “maintains access to most of the country including areas experiencing active fighting”. 

In the first six months of the year, WFP delivered food and nutrition assistance to 5.5 million people, including the newly displaced .

UNAMA/Shafiqullah Waak
A UNICEF-supported community-based school in Jalalabad, the capital of Afghanistan's eastern Nangarhar province, before the Taliban seized control of the country. (file)

Healthcare protection

Echoing the message of solidarity, UN health agency spokesperson Tarik Jasarevic stressed that the World Health Organization (WHO) was “committed to staying in Afghanistan and delivering critical health services. We’re calling all parties to respect and protect civilians, health workers, patients and health facilities”.

The WHO official noted that at the start of 2021, half the population of Afghanistan – including more than four million women and nearly 10 million children – already needed humanitarian assistance

“One-third of the population was facing crisis and emergency levels of acute food insecurity and more than half of all children under five years of age were malnourished, he said, adding that the current severe drought “is expected to elevate those figures”.

Most major health facilities are still functioning, the WHO spokesperson continued, and health workers had been called “to return to, or to remain in their posts, including female health staff”.

Environmental threats

Apart from chronic insecurity, some 250,000 Afghans are affected by environmental disasters including floods, droughts, avalanches, landslides and earthquakes. 

“The impact of disasters and dependency on water from rain or snowmelt severely limit the productivity of the agricultural sector, which provides a source of income for 44 per cent of the population”, said Mary-Ellen McGroarty, WFP's Country Director. 

Free press call

In a related development, UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay called for the safety of journalists in the country. 

“Access to reliable information and open public debate, facilitated by free and independent media, is crucial for Afghans to achieve the peaceful future they deserve,” she said. “No-one should be afraid to say what they think at this critical juncture, and the safety of all journalists, including women, must especially be guaranteed.”

At least seven journalists – four of them women – have been killed so far this year, according to UNESCO data.

Over the past 20 years, the agency has developed community media, promoted gender-sensitive reporting and reinforced educational broadcasting. 

Most recently, it supported fact-checking networks and media outlets to verify and report on the COVID-19 crisis.

Reuters/Omar Sobhani
Journalists and first responders caught in a downtown Kabul suicide attack. (file)

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