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Former Member

China takes control of State -owned airport, Electricity Company, National Media and major roadway

“What China has done is that they have studied countries that have corrupt governments and greedy leaders….China’s operations in Africa are a fact that many of the deals are done in secret. In many cases, we don’t know what we signed on to.”

An international airport, a State-owned Electricity Company, a National Broadcasting Network and a major roadway in Zambia, have all been taken over by China.

Dr. Mumbi Seraki

In fact, the takeover of the South African country has reached such “commanding heights” that some observers are asking the question, “Is Zambia the first African country to become a full Chinese colony?”
Zambia’s reported ‘colonization’ is due to its government’s failure to repay a US$8B debt to China for infrastructural projects undertaken by the Chinese under programmes like the ”Belt and Road” initiative.
Given the appalling proportions of the debt, it was no surprise that Zambia’s plight was recently highlighted on “The Dr. Mumbi show” —a widely viewed online/TV programme in Africa.
During her show, Dr. Mumbi Seraki noted that China has been given unrestrained control over Zambian resources owing to over-borrowing and the unfiltered immigration of Chinese into the country. It was also highlighted that the Chinese have taken over African neighbourhoods, marketplaces, and major business sectors such as mining and real estate.
Dr. Mumbi noted that the situation is causing conflict between the Chinese immigrants and the locals. But there is nothing that could be done by the Government of Zambia. Their hands are tied.
“If the Zambians complain about something which is done illegally, the Chinese government steps in and says don’t touch my people and the Zambian Government backs down.”
As if that is not enough, Dr. Mumbi said that China has also been grabbing up major State assets.
A few months ago, the state-owned TV and radio news channel, ZNBC, and the Lusaka International Airport were taken over by the Chinese. Even the State’s electricity company, ZESCO, is poised for takeover by the Chinese government owning their loan default, Mumbi stressed. But the government has been denying the reports.
“They (the Government) have been trying to play cool like everything is ok but they have actually been in secret talks over how their national electricity company will be taken over by China,” the African talk-show host revealed.
In addition to all this, the Chinese have closed off a road on the central point of Zambia’s capital, Lusaka.
Given the aforementioned, the Kenyan commentator questioned the logic behind China’s dealings in Zambia’s state- of -affairs.
“Do you think an African company would be allowed control over China’s national electricity? But you know what? It just shows that China’s new colonial strategy is at its climax. And they (China) have been doing this covert business for so long and now they got their tentacles so deep inside (Africa) that it’s going to be hard for some countries turn back,” she said.
The talk-show host also emphasized that China’s whole strategy is encouraging indebtedness.
“They come to Africa with the money. They give and they give (loans) but once you default, they start to take over strategic assets. You see, what China has done is that they have studied countries that have corrupt governments and greedy leaders. That’s the trouble with most African nations.  That’s why we find most African nations in this situation.”
She stressed further, that China’s long-term goal is the effective ownership of the commanding heights of Africa’s economy.
Dr. Mumbi also explained that one of the biggest problems with China’s operations in Africa is the fact that many of the deals are done in secret.
“In many cases, we don’t know what we signed on to. We don’t know the kind of agreements they made because all of them were done hush-hush and behind- the -scenes. All we’ve been told is that China is giving Africa money or they’re funding this or that infrastructure project.
“But we are not told that the debt repayment is set at this percentage and if you fail to pay this percentage, we are going to be in trouble.”
Turning her focus back to Zambia, Dr. Mumbi highlighted yet another problem with the loans—the lack of capacity by the country’s Ministry of Finance to track government spending.
She noted that since President Edgar Lungu came to power, Zambia signed off on to at least US$8B in Chinese projects.  But over US$5B is still to be added to the US$8B total. Zambia is refusing to acknowledge this, saying that the money has not been disbursed as yet.
China, however, said that the money has already been given and more large loans are in the pipeline. According to Dr. Mumbi, there is great worry over the money collected since the Zambian Finance Ministry does not have the capacity, to police, let alone trace all the spending.
“And because these deals are done in secret, the financial penalty of backing out of these projects are worse than if you actually go through with it to the end,” the host added
In spite of the capacity issues, the talk-show host revealed that Zambia’s President, Edgar Chagwa Lungu, recently visited China and signed another US$30 million loan for the modernization of his country’s Mulungushi International Conference Centre and another US$30 million for the expansion of the electricity supply for the Lusaka East Multi-Facility Economic Zone. (

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django posted:
Dave posted:

Well the Chinese Minister Of Foreign Affairs is in Guyana, he now working on we country leaders giving them all the loans.

True bhai,they have been working with the Guyanese leaders for nearly a decade.

So hear nah, is better we take our share before them give way all.

I see we well know foreign affairs minister , who them bhai call Bacco, signing away and run through the back door, avoiding the media. 

Last edited by Former Member

The AFC/PNC were screaming that the PPP was selling out Guyana to the Chinese. Times have changed, they cannot have enough of the Chinese nowadays. They even pawned the Airport to the Chinese.

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Well the Chinese Minister Of Foreign Affairs is in Guyana, he now working on we country leaders giving them all the loans.

True bhai,they have been working with the Guyanese leaders for nearly a decade.

So hear nah, is better we take our share before them give way all.

I see we well know foreign affairs minister , who them bhai call Bacco, signing away and run through the back door, avoiding the media. 

In the late 80's i was introduced to him at a party,by a friend from Buxton.He was secretly ushered in by his body guards,he knows the tricks.

Last edited by Django
yuji22 posted:

The AFC/PNC were screaming that the PPP was selling out Guyana to the Chinese. Times have changed, they cannot have enough of the Chinese nowadays. They even pawned the Airport to the Chinese.

Which Airport in Guyana is pawned ??


Greenidge signing secret deals

Dem boys love real people who seh wha dem mean and mean wha dem seh. Dem don’t want no fluff, no bluff and no pretence. This country had enough of pretensive politicians who behaving like prostitutes.
Dem boys realize that this set of politicians also crookish but dem not as bad as Jagdeo and his kavakamites. Dem hands not as sticky. But fuh sure dem more dumb than Jagdeo.
Dem tek a paltry US$18M signing when dem coulda get US$18B instead.
Then DEM run round and SIGN de worst oil contract de world ever see. De whole world was saying that Guyana should renegotiate de contract. Instead, Soulja Bai talk bout sanctity of contract.
But is only de odda day de TT PM seh all contract must benefit both parties and that no contract write in stone.
Wha de man is saying to Soulja Bai and ee dummies is to re-negotiate de contract. If dem don’t, this gun haunt all of dem, dem children, and dem grandchildren.
And at de political level that will be the straw that bruck the camel back.
Everybody know that China on a roll to trap you. Dem do that in over 70 countries and tek way de people assets.
Dem tek way airport, deep water harbor, electricity companies, television companies, radio stations, major highways, mining lands and timber concessions in all dem countries.
Yesterday, Greenidge sign anodda secret contract wid China. He didn’t want to answer no question from de media. When he done sign de secret deal he run to he car and seh he busy.
Dem boys later see him at de Marriott sipping something.
This was de man who invite de reporters to an early morning signing. De signing didn’t tek place til near midday. And even then de reporters nearly miss it because he lock dem in a room and lef dem.
Is a cameraman come and seh de people signing. Greenidge look like if he would sign away he cat in secret.
Every country China lend money had corrupt govt and greedy leaders. Dem boys believe that Guyana already dea in this bracket. And it started wid Jagdeo.
It look like if it continuing under Soulja Bai cats.
Jagdeo sign de airport expansion project in secret; de Skeldon sugar factory still secret; de East Coast road project sign in secret and de GPL transmission line contract was done in secret.
Nobody know unto now how much Jagdeo tek from China suh dem don’t know is how much Guyana owe China.
Now you have this coalition govt signing fuh more loans wid China. Soulja Bai did seh he keeping ee eyes wide open but yesterday he was not there when Greenidge sign wid he shades on.
Dem boys remember Greenidge is de man who been protecting Exxon from Day One. Now he protecting China.
Talk half and watch how dem politicians pawning Guyana assets to de Chinese.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

The AFC/PNC were screaming that the PPP was selling out Guyana to the Chinese. Times have changed, they cannot have enough of the Chinese nowadays. They even pawned the Airport to the Chinese.

Which Airport in Guyana is pawned ??


Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bai, na start your BS this morning. Slop Slop Slop is how you sound.

Old people used to call that Bareface.

Look who's talking,looks like he tugged on your skirt for help.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

The AFC/PNC were screaming that the PPP was selling out Guyana to the Chinese. Times have changed, they cannot have enough of the Chinese nowadays. They even pawned the Airport to the Chinese.

Which Airport in Guyana is pawned ??


Wow whey that deh ?

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

The AFC/PNC were screaming that the PPP was selling out Guyana to the Chinese. Times have changed, they cannot have enough of the Chinese nowadays. They even pawned the Airport to the Chinese.

Which Airport in Guyana is pawned ??


Wow whey that deh ?


Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

The AFC/PNC were screaming that the PPP was selling out Guyana to the Chinese. Times have changed, they cannot have enough of the Chinese nowadays. They even pawned the Airport to the Chinese.

Which Airport in Guyana is pawned ??


Wow whey that deh ?


Suh Irfaan got a private airport  ? pawned now,due to cut off  licking from the trough.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bai, na start your BS this morning. Slop Slop Slop is how you sound.

Old people used to call that Bareface.

These chaps are shameless. They are defending a bunch of thieves day in and day out and they pretended as if they did nothing.

I agree that Bareface if the best way to describe them.

They pawned out the airport and the clown is asking about which airport, Yes Lenora is the best way to describe the name of the airport by the barefaced.

Greenidge is making secret deals with the Chinese as revealed by KN yet this barefaced bunch Staan Quiet like Satan. Dem eyes jook on the PPP while they white wash the PNC thieves.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

The AFC/PNC were screaming that the PPP was selling out Guyana to the Chinese. Times have changed, they cannot have enough of the Chinese nowadays. They even pawned the Airport to the Chinese.

Which Airport in Guyana is pawned ??


Wow whey that deh ?


Suh Irfaan got a private airport  ?

No.  One of our GNI posters. 

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:

Name talking not for Django.

Conversate with Yugi.

Conversate is not a word.  The word is converse.  You better don't make Gilbaka see this, he will correct you and give you a fail grade.

Bibi Haniffa

@ DJ

Bai, you will have a little credibility when you start speaking out against the wholesale corruption and selling out of Guyana by the PNC to the Chinese. Until then, you are still fetching PNC slop and it carries an unbelievable stench.

How about you start with condemning Greenidge for making secret deals with the Chinese as exposed by KN ? 

Your slop about PPP dis and PPP dat is become very stale, the PNC thieves are right in from your eyes, clean out the Boo Boo, you will see.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Name talking not for Django.

Conversate with Yugi.

Conversate is not a word.  The word is converse.  You better don't make Gilbaka see this, he will correct you and give you a fail grade.

verb: conversate; 3rd person present: conversates; past tense: conversated; past participle: conversated; gerund or present participle: conversating
  1. engage in conversation.
    "sometimes it's nice to be able to sit and conversate"
late 16th century (in the sense ‘associate oneself with’): from Latin conversari (see converse1). The current sense dates from the early 19th century and is probably a back-formation from conversation.
Check this out,bring along the skirt tugger.
Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Name talking not for Django.

Conversate with Yugi.

Conversate is not a word.  The word is converse.  You better don't make Gilbaka see this, he will correct you and give you a fail grade.

verb: conversate; 3rd person present: conversates; past tense: conversated; past participle: conversated; gerund or present participle: conversating
  1. engage in conversation.
    "sometimes it's nice to be able to sit and conversate"
late 16th century (in the sense ‘associate oneself with’): from Latin conversari (see converse1). The current sense dates from the early 19th century and is probably a back-formation from conversation.
Check this out.

Which PNC dictionary you dig this out from?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Name talking not for Django.

Conversate with Yugi.

Conversate is not a word.  The word is converse.  You better don't make Gilbaka see this, he will correct you and give you a fail grade.

verb: conversate; 3rd person present: conversates; past tense: conversated; past participle: conversated; gerund or present participle: conversating
  1. engage in conversation.
    "sometimes it's nice to be able to sit and conversate"
late 16th century (in the sense ‘associate oneself with’): from Latin conversari (see converse1). The current sense dates from the early 19th century and is probably a back-formation from conversation.
Check this out.

Which PNC dictionary you dig this out from?

Nuff ..nuf dictionary got um,use your skills or ask the 4th grade skirt tugger to help out.

Last edited by Django

The scare mongering is silly, the Zambia government like many post colonial leaders in Africa has not been the best and has taken on projects and loans it could not afford to pay back or how to run these projects correctly

Many utilities and infrastructure projects in Latin America and around the world are privately owned it just happens that the Chinese initiative is government backed rather stock market share holder 

But let's stop this colonial Chinese drum beat.

Guyana can really take advantage of its new found popularity we are like the ugly kid now being courted  by all and sundry, but lets not loose sight of the reason why 

I understand the hesitation as I don't think both major parties are capable of running a bath.



you people more interested in going at each other versus having a real discussion on exactly what is going on in Guyana.

You all just like Guyanese wonder the country is one step forward, 3 steps backwards

Ray posted:

you people more interested in going at each other versus having a real discussion on exactly what is going on in Guyana.

You all just like Guyanese wonder the country is one step forward, 3 steps backwards

This place was hot when he had the great debaters like Bushmaster, Terry Ishmael, Nuff, Meharam, Kidmost, Dara Shikoh, etc. We need to bring them back.  

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

The AFC/PNC were screaming that the PPP was selling out Guyana to the Chinese. Times have changed, they cannot have enough of the Chinese nowadays. They even pawned the Airport to the Chinese.

Which Airport in Guyana is pawned ??


Rebut that, Django! I had to press the Like button.

Ray posted:

you people more interested in going at each other versus having a real discussion on exactly what is going on in Guyana.

You all just like Guyanese wonder the country is one step forward, 3 steps backwards

I have been trying very hard to ignore a lot of the personal snipes. 

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Name talking not for Django.

Conversate with Yugi.

Conversate is not a word.  The word is converse.  You better don't make Gilbaka see this, he will correct you and give you a fail grade.

verb: conversate; 3rd person present: conversates; past tense: conversated; past participle: conversated; gerund or present participle: conversating
  1. engage in conversation.
    "sometimes it's nice to be able to sit and conversate"
late 16th century (in the sense ‘associate oneself with’): from Latin conversari (see converse1). The current sense dates from the early 19th century and is probably a back-formation from conversation.
Check this out,bring along the skirt tugger.

Good job! I pressed the Like button.


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