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Afro-Guyanese are mostly public servants but no Appellate Tribunal -- Luncheon

Written by Denis Scott Chabrol
Friday, 23 September 2011 17:08

Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon on Friday acknowledged that the majority of public servants are African Guyanese but at the same time he said the Public Service Appellate Tribunal has not been appointed for several years now.

Under cross examination by Defence Lawyer, Khemraj Ramjattan in the Bharrat Jagdeo-Freddie Kissoon libel case, Luncheon also told the High Court that the Human Rights Commission has not been established because the Opposition Leader is yet to make his nominations.

Jagdeo has sued Kissoon for GUY$10 million in damages because the Guyanese leader said he was called an ideological racist in a June 28, 2010 column titled ‘King Kong sent his goons to disrupt the conference’ was an unusual writing. The Defence team is setting out to adduce evidence to support Kissoon’s contention by showing that Guyanese of African descent are being discriminated against in favour of East Indians.

The Head of the Presidential Secretariat explained that public servants aggrieved by decisions and rulings of the Public Service Commission (PSC) can seek redress before the tribunal. At the same time, he said the tribunal has not been constituted for several years now. Ramjattan suggested that a chairman of the tribunal has not been appointed since 2004.

Though Luncheon said most of the public servants are African Guyanese, he could not say whether the majority of persons affected by the non-appointment of the tribunal are people of that racial background.

“I’m unable to confirm the assertion that the majority of people affected by the non-appointment of the tribunal are African Guyanese,” he said.

While admitting that an Ombudsman has not been appointed for several years now, Luncheon insisted that the Ombudsman is not responsible for hearing grievances by public servants- a point that was buttressed by Jagdeo’s lawyer, Anil Nandlall, when he pointed out to Justice Brassington Reynolds that the functions of the Ombudsman are listed in Guyana’s constitution. “The functions of the Ombudsman are not for speculation and are expressly enumerated in the constitution,” said Nandlall.

On the question of whether 70 percent of the Guyana government scholarship awardees were of East Indian descent under President Jagdeo’s tenure, the Head of the Presidential Secretariat rejected that suggestion for any period before or during that period. Luncheon recalled that the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) had conducted a probe into the racial bias in the award of scholarships but he could recall who had done that investigation.

He denied being one of the authors of the Guyana government’s repudiation of the report by the UN Independent Expert on Minority Issues, Gay Mc Dougal that was prepared after her visit in July 2008. He, however, said that as Cabinet Secretary he had been responsible for organizing Cabinet’s repudiation and transmittal through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “As Cabinet Secretary and head of the Presidential Secretary, I had no role in generating content,” he said.

Justice Reynolds gave lawyers for the plaintiff and defendants time to prepare legal submissions on whether the Mc Dougal report and the repudiation could be downloaded from the relevant United Nations website and tendered used during the trial. Luncheon said he would first have to examine the copies from the website and ensure that they are the same as those in the possession of the Guyana government. About whether he had ever heard the President saying that Buxtonians are ransom-seekers, Luncheon said “I am aware of reports of him making such a statement.”

The case continues on September 28,2010 at 2:30 PM.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I really do think that Luncheon wants Jagdeo to lose the case. Hios incessant "I dont know" responses instead of furnishing evidence that the PPP isnt racist. Hmmmmmm.

As to the scholarships ERC stated that at least two ministries refused to furnish ethnic breakdowns of scholarship awardees. They tried to have legislation enacted forcing govt agencies to comply, but I guess that went no where.
Originally posted by caribj:
I really do think that Luncheon wants Jagdeo to lose the case. Hios incessant "I dont know" responses instead of furnishing evidence that the PPP isnt racist. Hmmmmmm.

As to the scholarships ERC stated that at least two ministries refused to furnish ethnic breakdowns of scholarship awardees. They tried to have legislation enacted forcing govt agencies to comply, but I guess that went no where.

My thoughts exactly to the first.

To the second, we might have to enquire from Nuff.
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by caribj:
I really do think that Luncheon wants Jagdeo to lose the case. Hios incessant "I dont know" responses instead of furnishing evidence that the PPP isnt racist. Hmmmmmm.

As to the scholarships ERC stated that at least two ministries refused to furnish ethnic breakdowns of scholarship awardees. They tried to have legislation enacted forcing govt agencies to comply, but I guess that went no where.

My thoughts exactly to the first.

To the second, we might have to enquire from Nuff.

Nuff awards to those who thinks are best. Many Indians have been awarded by him, in addition to blacks. That might be even though most of his funds are probably raised from blacks.
Dont really care about 2006 you know my man? not really something I focus on.

I am very much focused on the present and the future. Some of us are so obsessed with the past that they lose focus of what they have in hand right now.

This seems to be your big problem Caribj. You rely too much on 2006 not what is happening present day. Perhaps?
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Are you satisfied now that blacks make up a greater part of the Government. That is inclusive.

Really. Well Luncheon admits that they dont, but doesnt know why. What does he know that you dont?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Are you satisfied now that blacks make up a greater part of the Government. That is inclusive.

Really. Well Luncheon admits that they dont, but doesnt know why. What does he know that you dont?

You clearly missed the point...You cannot hide the fact that afro_guyanese is a great part of the Governmnet of Guyana.
Originally posted by caribj:
I really do think that Luncheon wants Jagdeo to lose the case. Hios incessant "I dont know" responses instead of furnishing evidence that the PPP isnt racist. Hmmmmmm.

As to the scholarships ERC stated that at least two ministries refused to furnish ethnic breakdowns of scholarship awardees. They tried to have legislation enacted forcing govt agencies to comply, but I guess that went no where.

In the Public Service the Permanent Secretaries are the Administrative Heads of Ministries and they are allowed to function in that capacity. They are at liberty to hire or fire and the ethnic composition of the Public Service reflects this. Afro Guyanese dominate the public service, from the Ps, directors and officers. Should one examine the composition of the staff this reality will be manifested.
However idiots like CArib J and Freddie somehow believe the working in the Public Service is the birthright of Afro-Guyanese alone. And this is racist in the most grotesque form being manifested. There must be an ethnic balance in the Public Service where not only Afro-Guyanese are employed, promoted or posted, but every other race ought to be given this opportunity and the PPP/C will continue in this vein regardless of the views of a racist fringe group.
Originally posted by albert:
Originally posted by caribj:
I really do think that Luncheon wants Jagdeo to lose the case. Hios incessant "I dont know" responses instead of furnishing evidence that the PPP isnt racist. Hmmmmmm.

As to the scholarships ERC stated that at least two ministries refused to furnish ethnic breakdowns of scholarship awardees. They tried to have legislation enacted forcing govt agencies to comply, but I guess that went no where.

In the Public Service the Permanent Secretaries are the Administrative Heads of Ministries and they are allowed to function in that capacity. They are at liberty to hire or fire and the ethnic composition of the Public Service reflects this. Afro Guyanese dominate the public service, from the Ps, directors and officers. Should one examine the composition of the staff this reality will be manifested.
However idiots like CArib J and Freddie somehow believe the working in the Public Service is the birthright of Afro-Guyanese alone. And this is racist in the most grotesque form being manifested. There must be an ethnic balance in the Public Service where not only Afro-Guyanese are employed, promoted or posted, but every other race ought to be given this opportunity and the PPP/C will continue in this vein regardless of the views of a racist fringe group.

How many times do we have to tell you PSs head NOTHING. They do what their minister tells them to do. Afros are mainly in low and mid level categories with Indos at the top. Even the PPP controlled ERC says so.

NEXT one. Listen even Luncheon admits there is racism because he is unable to prove that there is not when asked specific questions.

Afros do as they are told by their Indian bosses.

Now go and do like Luncheon does and say "I dont know why this happens".

Its clear what the issue is. Luncheon is definitely unable to refute the claims of almost every AfroGuyanese in Guyana.\

Now explain to me why you think that Indos in Guyana have a birthright to account for almost all positions where real decisions are made?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by albert:
Originally posted by caribj:
I really do think that Luncheon wants Jagdeo to lose the case. Hios incessant "I dont know" responses instead of furnishing evidence that the PPP isnt racist. Hmmmmmm.

As to the scholarships ERC stated that at least two ministries refused to furnish ethnic breakdowns of scholarship awardees. They tried to have legislation enacted forcing govt agencies to comply, but I guess that went no where.

In the Public Service the Permanent Secretaries are the Administrative Heads of Ministries and they are allowed to function in that capacity. They are at liberty to hire or fire and the ethnic composition of the Public Service reflects this. Afro Guyanese dominate the public service, from the Ps, directors and officers. Should one examine the composition of the staff this reality will be manifested.
However idiots like CArib J and Freddie somehow believe the working in the Public Service is the birthright of Afro-Guyanese alone. And this is racist in the most grotesque form being manifested. There must be an ethnic balance in the Public Service where not only Afro-Guyanese are employed, promoted or posted, but every other race ought to be given this opportunity and the PPP/C will continue in this vein regardless of the views of a racist fringe group.

How many times do we have to tell you PSs head NOTHING. They do what their minister tells them to do. Afros are mainly in low and mid level categories with Indos at the top. Even the PPP controlled ERC says so.

NEXT one. Listen even Luncheon admits there is racism because he is unable to prove that there is not when asked specific questions.

Afros do as they are told by their Indian bosses.

Now go and do like Luncheon does and say "I dont know why this happens".

Its clear what the issue is. Luncheon is definitely unable to refute the claims of almost every AfroGuyanese in Guyana.\

Now explain to me why you think that Indos in Guyana have a birthright to account for almost all positions where real decisions are made?

I will refer to one instance that is being discussed in court. The Ambassadors many of them are Indo Guyanese have to report to the Director General who as revealed in Court is an Afro-Guyanese and she is answerable to the Minister of Foreign Affairs who is an Amerindian.

Take the composition of Afro-Guyanese who populate the Embassies and High Commissions overseas and you get a Foreign Ministry that is about 90% Afro-Guyanese. This is a real decision

No less than the PNC stalwart Keneth King was Guyana's representative in Belgium under Dr. Jagdeo's administration. This was very real
I ask where is the discrimination in this?

Over the last 2-3 years should one the ethnic composition of the returning Cuba graduands then you will find 70% of them being Afro-Guyanese. This figure can be substantiated should you want to ascertain same from the Public Service Ministry.

As for you racists twerps the issue has never been about ethnic discrimination, it was about getting power through the back door, you always wanted opposition elements to be given cabinet positions. You missed the power you once had when you led this nation to ruins. Many including myself were forced to flee Guyana under the despotic PNC reign and have only returned when the PPP/C regained power so that I am allowed to make a contribution to my country's development.

Again every race is entitled to working in the Public Service. It is not the birthright of any race in Guyana and there must be an ethnic balance, this does not mean a balance of Afro and Indo-Guyanese but Amerindians, Portuguese and Chinese as is seen in a number of Ministries. This is the issue here because there are some political separatists who believe that only Afro-Guyanese are entitled to work in the Public Service.

Racism like imperialism is evil and it must be exterminated.
Originally posted by albert:

I will refer to one instance that is being discussed in court. The Ambassadors many of them are Indo Guyanese have to report to the Director General who as revealed in Court is an Afro-Guyanese and she is answerable to the Minister of Foreign Affairs who is an Amerindian.

Take the composition of Afro-Guyanese who populate the Embassies and High Commissions overseas and you get a Foreign Ministry that is about 90% Afro-Guyanese. This is a real decision

No less than the PNC stalwart Keneth King was Guyana's representative in Belgium under Dr. Jagdeo's administration. This was very real
I ask where is the discrimination in this?

Over the last 2-3 years should one the ethnic composition of the returning Cuba graduands then you will find 70% of them being Afro-Guyanese. This figure can be substantiated should you want to ascertain same from the Public Service Ministry.

As for you racists twerps the issue has never been about ethnic discrimination, it was about getting power through the back door, you always wanted opposition elements to be given cabinet positions. You missed the power you once had when you led this nation to ruins. Many including myself were forced to flee Guyana under the despotic PNC reign and have only returned when the PPP/C regained power so that I am allowed to make a contribution to my country's development.

Again every race is entitled to working in the Public Service. It is not the birthright of any race in Guyana and there must be an ethnic balance, this does not mean a balance of Afro and Indo-Guyanese but Amerindians, Portuguese and Chinese as is seen in a number of Ministries. This is the issue here because there are some political separatists who believe that only Afro-Guyanese are entitled to work in the Public Service.

Racism like imperialism is evil and it must be exterminated.

1. The Ambassadors almost ALL of them Indian. Why is that? Yes we note the PPP tokenism. ONE AfroGuyanese in a top position....

2. Clerks/junior administrators in overseas missions DO NOT make decisions. You all treat them so poorly that many must scrounge off friends and relatives as they cant live on these meager handouts that you all see fit to pay them.

3. Why cant you find competent AfroGuyanese to replace Kenneth King? He is not around. Ought you not to be embarrassed by the fact that you had to find a DEAD man as an example?

4. Why didnt the ministries respond to the Ethnic Relations Commission about the ethnic compoation of the scholarship awardees?

5. List the names of teh public corporations, committes and commissions which are run by AfroGuyanese. Please do not mention honorary chairmen...only those who make resource allocation decisions please.

6. Luncheon was asked about teh top level staffing of Gtwn Hospital. He said he didnt know. Otehrs say almost all Indians. Ditto the airport. Yes you will say the immigration/customs are mearly blacks (earning pauper wages) but who mskes the decisions.

Prem Misir you can fool the public all you wish but AfroGuyanese have demonstrated by not voting for the PPP in its first 16 years of what they think of you. Despite their disillusionment with the PNC they refuse to vote PPP.

Please dont try to embarrass yourself by claiming that the PPP gets many black voters, because you will then have to explain why the PNC and AFC got 43% of the votes in 2006 when AfroGuyanese were not more than 30% of the voters. You know few Indians or Amerindians voted for either party in 2006.

Also why does the PPP lose so badly in Linden. Dont tell me about increasing votes. The facts are there. The PPP got fewer votes in Linden in 2006 than they did in 1997 DESPITE SAM HINDS....or maybe BECAUSE of Sam Hinds. Note despite their animosity towards the PNC.
Originally posted by albert:
[Racism like imperialism is evil and it must be exterminated.

yes you ouight to practise what you preach. Name the CEO's of the public sector corporations, committees, and commissions. Only those appointed.

Then get back to me as to why this ethnic mix.

Poor thing you must rant about all the clerks and starving police men as examples of PPP "generosity". Indians dont want those jobs and for obvious reasons.

Prem Misir if you visited British Guiana in 1885 most of the clerks, junior administrators, and plice men were eitehr African or mixed. Almost NONE of those who headed agencies were. Apart from replacing the white man with the Indian we obviously havent progressed too far.

Now stop embarrassing Luncheon by forcing him to daily face embarrassment when he has to excuse the blatant racial favoritism of the PPP towards Indo elites.

Indeed while you post your drivel the PPP is going to bottom houses boasting that the trial prove show much they have done for Indos which is why they deserve that vote.
Originally posted by albert:
[. Many including myself were forced to flee Guyana under the despotic PNC reign and have only .

And now many EDUCATED AfroGuyanese are forced to flee to the Caribbean and elsewhere because they ahve teh "wrong" hair texture so fail your comb tests, and must either face not finding work, work in lower positions than their qualifications entail, or face seeing Indians being promoted over them.

If they complain about this Indoracists like you call them members of a "lunatic "racist" fringe group". And then terrorize them into silence. Well the trials have revealed the racist nature of the PPP with teh "I dont know" responses of Luncheon. Whats noteworthy is that Luncheon advances NO excuse to refute the claims.
You would think that he would be upset and refute some of the assertions by the lawyers but luncheon is sort of resigned to basically admitting failure in the PPP overall which is quite telling he must be a nightmare for Mr. Nandalall.
Originally posted by albert:
. . . CArib J and Freddie somehow believe the working in the Public Service is the birthright of Afro-Guyanese alone.

. . . This is the issue here because there are some political separatists who believe that only Afro-Guyanese are entitled to work in the Public Service.

OUTRAGEOUS lies from the bowels of a corrupt, craven and desperate PPP blowhard.

The pitiful strawmen you hooligans at OP construct for ritual demolition aren’t funny anymore.
Jason these chaps are doing what the slave masters used to do, they would pick one slave and make him head slave.

That is you and kwame and odinga and you get some extra privileges but in turn you have to keep the rest of the slaves in check.

Do you see what you are being used for?
It does not look good for Jagdeo, he may end up losing this case if Ramjattan and Hughes can brackle Luncheon in a corner and prove that Indians have been favored as Blacks were during the PNC years. ahhahaha
Again Afro-Guyanese constitute the the largest employees from a single ethnic group in the Public Service. The range from Ministers to cleaners. The occupy every strata in the public service. What more does the opposition want?
[QUOTE]Originally posted by albert:
Again Afro-Guyanese constitute the the largest employees from a single ethnic group in the Public Service. [QUOTE]

Africans were the largest group in the civil service since 1880.

Should we then conclude that there wasnt widespread racism under British rule?

As with the British, so with the PPP, Africans and mixed Guyanese were confined to low and mid level positions with very few carefully chosen ones selected to top positions, usually as tokens, and toothless (Sam Hinds).
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
The Government is giving lands for farming. Afro_guyanese now have the opportunity to move forward.

Land for farming right? and where will they get equipment and machinery and market for these crops?

Your lazy ass is going to go there and provide markets?

Boy look shut up, you are sounding more ignorant.
Yes we have heard of the Guyana marketing corporation it is basically a cacophony of PPP soup lickers who cannot find a job that they have stuck in there to collect a pay check.

Have you read about what they do today? drive around town sharing out chicken?

Pluck Pluck and while you are at it mek sure you dont get plucked.

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