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Looks like the Afro Guyanese are celebrating their takeover of Guyana in NY.  Congratulations and welcome to the two steps backwards. 

Home > TOP STORY > Guyanese Mash down in New York
A section of the crowd revelling to Guyanese music at the Unity Concert held in New York
A section of the crowd revelling to Guyanese music at the Unity Concert held in New York

Guyanese Mash down in New York


By Navindra Seoraj in New York

GUYANESE in their thousands, bedecked in colourful costumes, paraded through the streets of Brooklyn, New York on Sunday as they celebrated Mashramani in the proverbial Big Apple.

Artists Compton Babb and Christopher Taylor, who designed the 50th Independence Anniversary Logo, hold a banner outside of the South Shore High School, Brooklyn, New York on Sunday following the Guyana Mashramani Parade

Artists Compton Babb and Christopher Taylor, who designed the 50th Independence Anniversary Logo,
hold a banner outside of the South Shore High School, Brooklyn, New York on Sunday following the Guyana Mashramani Parade

Waving tiny replicas of the Golden Arrowhead, Guyana’s national flag, the marchers showed their pride in, and patriotism for, their native country Guyana as they moved in a lively procession first
along Church Avenue, then into Ralph Avenue, before culminating at South Shore High School in Flatlands Avenue, where many more were assembled to partake in the celebrations.

Guyanese singer Terry Gajraj performing at the South Shore High School, Brooklyn, New York on Sunday

Guyanese singer Terry Gajraj performing at the South Shore High School, Brooklyn, New York on Sunday

The parade afforded the Guyanese diaspora an opportunity to enjoy a typical carnival-like atmosphere that is typical of ‘Mash’, and the masqueraders were on hand to aid in transmitting that peculiar spirit.

“Mashramani – an Amerindian word which means ‘celebration after hard work’, will live out its true meaning in New York with ‘Mashramani in New York’ depicting various aspects of our culture and stages of our national journey under the theme,” the New York Guyana 50th Independence Anniversary Committee said.

And it did live up to every expectation! Many Guyanese in New York hailed the occasion as a memorable one, pointing out that it showcased Guyana’s rich cultural diversity in a single celebration.

“It has been so long since I party for Mashramani, because I left years ago; and it feels nice to see everyone coming out in their numbers and enjoying this event together,” one reveller told the Guyana Chronicle.

After the procession, Guyanese artistes Fabulous, Natural Black, Terry Gajraj and others took to the stage; and they had the crowd in a frenzy, with may jumping, cheering and hugging each other as the messages of unity and togetherness blasted from the microphones.

Attendees stand proudly with Guyana Flags on Sunday at the South Shore High School, Brooklyn, New York. Also in photo are Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson and Guyana’s Permanent Ambassador to the United Nations, Ambassador George Talbot

Attendees stand proudly with Guyana Flags on Sunday at the South Shore High School, Brooklyn, New York. Also in photo are Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson and Guyana’s Permanent Ambassador to the United Nations, Ambassador George Talbot

 A vendor displays Guyanese products outside of the South Shore High School, Brooklyn, New York on Sunday

A vendor displays Guyanese products outside of the South Shore High School, Brooklyn, New York on Sunday

Many passersby could not resist joining in the celebrations!
During the celebration, the Buxton Steel Pan Group was honoured for its performance at the recent Interfaith Ceremony.

Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, and his Cabinet colleague, Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson, who were in the proverbial thick of things, lauded the New York Independence Anniversary Committee for their work, and expressed joy in seeing the cohesiveness of the Guyanese diaspora.

They danced and enjoyed every aspect of the event.

Seasoned Guyanese diplomat George Talbot, who also joined in the celebration, said the event was a major success, as it brought many Guyanese together.

Guyanese beauties stand proudly at the South Shore High School, Brooklyn, New York on Sunday

Guyanese beauties stand proudly at the South Shore High School, Brooklyn, New York on Sunday

Replies sorted oldest to newest

 Call it as it is this is indeed an Afro fest look at the pictures, like everything else/event organised by the APNU/AFC in Guyana. Mitwah- One paid Indo performer and it's Dumbger idea of 'social cohesion'. Notice the awardees.


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Randy, I don't have a pair of racist lenses. See how fast the title got changed?

Terry Gajraj and others took to the stage; and they had the crowd in a frenzy, with many jumping, cheering and hugging each other as the messages of unity and togetherness blasted from the microphones.

Drugb posted:

Looks like the Afro Guyanese are celebrating their takeover of Guyana in NY.  


I don't understand why Admin allows you to post gratuitous and incendiary references to race and ethnicity.


Yea. I can see your racial lenses - Fabulous, Natural Black, and others. But you have Terry Gajraj alone with your racial cut and paste. Check the 'others'

This is how to cut and paste -

"After the procession, Guyanese artistes Fabulous, Natural Black, Terry Gajraj and others took to the stage; and they had the crowd in a frenzy, with may jumping, cheering and hugging each other as the messages of unity and togetherness blasted from the microphones"

Mitwah posted:

The title of your tread is offensive. I don't understand why Admin allows you to post your racist taunts. Is Terry Gajraj Afro?

There is nothing racist about this post.  There were less than 1% Indians there of which Terry Gajraj was one.  At the time when he accepted the invitation to participate in the Jubilee parade, did he know this was going out to be an Afro sport?  Terry is a patriotic son of the soil. 

You Ramjattan kool aid drinkers look for every opportunity to turn schittt into racism.  It's all you have.  Nothing else!

Bibi Haniffa
Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like the Afro Guyanese are celebrating their takeover of Guyana in NY.  


I don't understand why Admin allows you to post gratuitous and incendiary references to race and ethnicity.

You are shameless.  You have spent all your time attacking people and condemning the indos on this site and now you are accusing other people of racism?  The members of that mandir where you show up and pretend that you are an indo supporter read this site.  Continue acting stupid.  You are not fooling anyone.

Bibi Haniffa

It was just another celebration of Afro victory over Indians. Afros will embrace any Indian poker face as long as they are willing to accept Afro dominance. Indians need to unite and ensure they are not shoved aside as with the first time. PNC apartheid should not be allowed to consolidate power as they did back in the day!


I was in the parade from the initial starting point to the eventual starting point.

I walked the entire route.

I lingered in the Park.

I was disappointed as this was billed as a Unity Rally.

It was not reflective.


Now that the festivities are over it is time for us to fix the flaws

Vish M
Vish M posted:

I was in the parade from the initial starting point to the eventual starting point.

I walked the entire route.

I lingered in the Park.

I was disappointed as this was billed as a Unity Rally.

It was not reflective.


Now that the festivities are over it is time for us to fix the flaws

Vish,wondering why the Indo Guyanese in Queens N.Y. didn't participate,it was a Guyanese event.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like the Afro Guyanese are celebrating their takeover of Guyana in NY.  


I don't understand why Admin allows you to post gratuitous and incendiary references to race and ethnicity.

You are shameless.  You have spent all your time attacking people and condemning the indos on this site and now you are accusing other people of racism?  The members of that mandir where you show up and pretend that you are an indo supporter read this site.  Continue acting stupid.  You are not fooling anyone.

I don't know why admin allow your personal attacks. Amral is ready to ban me if I respond in kind. Not that I am afraid of being banned. I have some more work to do. But then again Amral is the bossman.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like the Afro Guyanese are celebrating their takeover of Guyana in NY.  


I don't understand why Admin allows you to post gratuitous and incendiary references to race and ethnicity.

You are shameless.  You have spent all your time attacking people and condemning the indos on this site and now you are accusing other people of racism?  The members of that mandir where you show up and pretend that you are an indo supporter read this site.  Continue acting stupid.  You are not fooling anyone.

What is your problem?

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