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Harry Gill Wrote: I am amazed by the ruckus being created by the PNC/APNU over the location of the 1823 Monument to commemorate the rebellion on the East Demerara Plantations by 12,000 slaves in August 1823.
Slavery is a part of our dark history that no one can be proud of, and should not have existed. But this is one subject that is always exploited by politicians of African descent to create division among our people.
I am aware that what I’m about to say is not ‘politically correct’. Political pundits and politicians are usually afraid to offend certain groups, especially when running for office. This subject is taboo for most non-Blacks as myself, for whatever I write will be construed as “racist” by my adversaries.
But the truth is, Africans were not the only race that suffered under British colonialism. Indians, Chinese, and to a lesser extent, Portuguese also suffered under the policies of this notorious regime. Yet I’ve never heard a single Guyanese of any other ethnicity blaming their failures, lack of growth and opportunities on being descendants of indentured labourers.
As a nation, it is imperative that we honor and remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom we now enjoy. But let us not get carried away by insinuating that the PPP/C Government is not sensitive to this. The Ethnic Relations Commission was established on August 11, 2000 under the PPP/C Administration.

Among other race-relations functions, this group is charged with promoting the “elimination of all forms of discrimination on the basis of ethnicity; and to discourage and prohibit persons institutions, political parties and associates from indulging in, advocating or promoting discriminatory practices on the ground of ethnicity.”
It was the former President Jagdeo who, on the 162nd Anniversary of Emancipation, preformed the sod turning ceremony at Parade Ground on August 1, 2000. Now, after a thorough research was done by Afro-Guyanese sculptor Ivor Thom, he concluded that the Parade Ground was not the most appropriate place to erect this monument, and as such, a more suitable location was decided upon: a plot of land on Carifesta Avenue, east of GT&T’s Earth Station.
Whether or not this site is ideal is debatable. But it took the PPP/C Administration to finally pay tribute to those martyrs. If the likes of David Granger, Hamilton Green and Nigel Hughes and Lincoln Lewis are so perturbed about the location of this monument, then Afro-Guyanese must ask this of their leaders: Why was no 1823 Monument erected in the 28 years of a predominantly Black PNC Government?
Granger was a former Political Liaison Officer under Forbes Burnham, and my close friend Hamilton Green was a former Vice-President and Prime Minister under Burnham and Desmond Hoyte respectively.
They had the power to get things done if they wanted to. These so-called proponents of African ancestral rights had 28 long years to erect a fitting tribute to their ancestors at the very Parade Ground. They also had 28 years to resolve the problems with Ancestral Lands, that prevents some descendants of slaves the legal titles to an estimated 70, 000 properties purchased by the freed African slaves in villages like Buxton.
Apart from erecting the 1763 Cuffy Monument, the PNC has done very little to honour the sacrifices made by the ancestors of Afro-Guyanese.
It is important to note that the 1763 Cuffy Monument is located on Vlissengen Road in full view of the former official residence of former President Forbes Burnham, despite the fact that the February 23, 1763 slave rebellion occurred in the county of Berbice and had nothing to do with Georgetown.
But none of the individuals or groups battling the PPP/C Administration now had the cojones to tell Forbes Burnham that this venue was inappropriate. No one dared defy the dictator.
Shooting down efforts to unite our people is nothing new. At the launch of activities to mark the International Year for People of African Descent (IYPAD) last January, President Jagdeo hailed the contributions of people of African descent to the development of Guyana and said he did not want the year to be just about slogans but about solutions. He promised that his government will remove obstacles to the development of African people wherever it is found.
Despite this, the African organisation in Guyana -ACDA boycotted this event, so too did the main opposition party -PNCR, whose supporters are predominantly Afro-Guyanese.
After the Rastafari community defied the boycott and participated, Robert Corbin blasted the Administration in a letter to the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, and accused the government of “using the old Slave Master Strategy against African ancestors, sought to divide and rule, (house slaves versus field slaves), by approaching individuals within the African Guyanese Community to participate in the so-called launch in the hope of advancing the propaganda that African Guyanese groups have been involved.”
It seems nothing that the Administration does is good enough for the PNC/APNU.
The 1823 Slave Revolt is of national significance, for despite our ethnicity, we’re all Guyanese struggling for one identity. Why politicians always have to see things through the prism of race and ethnicity is beyond me.
The Ramotar Administration has accelerated efforts to bring this 1823 Monument to fruition. But instead of getting credit for such a noble gesture, they’re stigmatized as racists.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I wonder why the PPP thinks that building some statue on the same ground where leaders of the rebellion were hung means anything to AfroGuyanese in 2013?


And AfroGuyanese told the PPP in 1992, 1997, 2001, 2006 and in 2011 that they do not like them and consider them to be an Indo dominated party which is hostile to the interests of non Indians (and I will ad of non elite Indians too, though they slavishly support them).


So where does the PPP get off in screaming how much they have done for blacks?  Over 90% of blacks do not agree.  Given that the PPP is dominated almost exclusively by Indian identified people with afew black tokens how dare they speak on behalf of AfroGuyanese.  They remind me of southern whites under Jim Crow who boasted about how much they did for "their" negroes.

Originally Posted by Brutus:
Who says the current political system isn't working well?

I do. It has caused distorted thinking like the above from Harry Gill. That those black people got it good  and their kind did not build monuments to them while the PPP  has is an ass backward  statement,

@ Storm ...My point exactly how can the PPP with no mass support from the descendants of slaves arrogate itself by deciding on such matters? We have not the maturity yet as a nation to realize our common destiny so we may as well fashion a new form of governance.
Originally Posted by caribny:

I wonder why the PPP thinks that building some statue on the same ground where leaders of the rebellion were hung means anything to AfroGuyanese in 2013?


I'm sure it means plenty to those who are actual patriots, and not looking for partisan advantage in every political issue.


Just out of curiosity, are there any actual PNC supporters on GNI? It seems to be all PPP or AFC. The AFC people seem to be obscenely eager to introduce the issue of race into every discussion, but always in a strictly opportunistic way. I wonder if there are any PNC supporters who want to make a case for their party, given the rather dismal historical record of PNC rule up to 1992.

Henry ... Forgive me for saying this but you must be one of those guys that takes two hours to watch 60 minutes. Why do you bellyache about people speaking frankly about race? Isnt our predicament due to all involved (PPP included) refusal to confront the issue?
Originally Posted by Brutus:
Henry ... Forgive me for saying this but you must be one of those guys that takes two hours to watch 60 minutes. Why do you bellyache about people speaking frankly about race? Isnt our predicament due to all involved (PPP included) refusal to confront the issue?

Henny perhaps supports talking about race when his beloved PPP leaders shout "don't split the votes." Or when they go to Babu John and remind the Indos there how the blackman will rob and kill them.  

Originally Posted by Brutus:
Henry ... Forgive me for saying this but you must be one of those guys that takes two hours to watch 60 minutes. Why do you bellyache about people speaking frankly about race? Isnt our predicament due to all involved (PPP included) refusal to confront the issue?

Not in the least. Our predicament is due to being an undeveloped, Third World country. When a nation is on the path to real development, when the future looks bright, people are able to grow up and put aside animosity based on racial, religious, or ethnic differences. The race issue in Guyana is entirely synthetic, created and exploited by the British for the standard "divide and conquer" strategy. The people who "speak frankly about race" are being played for suckers, or attempting to play other people as suckers.


The joint opposition seems to be grabbing at any straw for a brief spot in the public limelight, much of their time is being wasted in needless stuff, instead of working along with the present administration for the greater good of all the nation's citizens,especially those of the working class.


Listen folks!


The PNC ruled Guyana, illicitly, of course, for 28 years. During that period the PNC politicians, nearly all blacks, didn't give a rat's a$$ about African culture or African history or African people or African issues.


All that mattered to the PNC politicians in the executive branch was the milk and honey, and they thoroughly enjoyed feasting on the milk and honey. Infact they feasted with such glutton on the milk and honey they bankrupted Guyana.


It is good to see the PPP recognize the black culture---and let's be honest---black Guyanese have had a better living standard under the PPP than under the PNC.






Every ethnic group is of importance to the PPP/C and will always encourage and support activities and cultural observances of all the ethnic groups, Guyanese of African ancestry are no exception

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Every ethnic group is of importance to the PPP/C and will always encourage and support activities and cultural observances of all the ethnic groups, Guyanese of African ancestry are no exception

Mere platitudes when an indo centric government claims absolute authority and locks out one half of the population from decision making in their own country. The PPP are about multiculturalism as teats to a bull.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by caribny:

I wonder why the PPP thinks that building some statue on the same ground where leaders of the rebellion were hung means anything to AfroGuyanese in 2013?


I'm sure it means plenty to those who are actual patriots, and not looking for partisan advantage in every political issue.


Just out of curiosity, are there any actual PNC supporters on GNI? It seems to be all PPP or AFC. The AFC people seem to be obscenely eager to introduce the issue of race into every discussion, but always in a strictly opportunistic way. I wonder if there are any PNC supporters who want to make a case for their party, given the rather dismal historical record of PNC rule up to 1992.

What is interesting is how often PPP supportere/Indians introduce race when ever they wish to co0ndone PPP racism against AfroGuyanese.


One can easily see how important race is in Guyana when one looks at who the PPP appoints into top leadership and decision making positions in areas under their control.


Even you must have noticed that not one of those who were in serious contention to replace Jagdeo were what most Guyanese would consider to be either AfroGuyanese or Amerindian.   Why when these two groups account for half of the population?  Is it that they lack people who have leadership qualities?  Or is it that the pool from which the PPP can draw from is disproportionately Indian?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Every ethnic group is of importance to the PPP/C and will always encourage and support activities and cultural observances of all the ethnic groups, Guyanese of African ancestry are no excepti



Can you therefore explain to me why after 19 years of PPP rule last year the PPP relied on Indians to supply almost 90% of the votes that it received?  And that maybe 5% of Guyanese of African descent and mixed ancestry voted for the PPP.


And there is no evidence that an election in 2013 willo deliver a different result in its ethnic vote than it did in the previous 5 elections.


You know what is interesting is that the PPP plays the race card every day in its attempt to whip Indians into frenzied fear of Africans.  Even condoning those who claim that blacks are only interested in attacking, robbing, raping, and killing Indians and that crime in Guyana is not something that Indians are involved in.


You know whats interesting is that its likely that Indian criminals almost exclusively target other Indians and yet PPPites will turn crime into a reason for blacks to be excluded and demonized.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Listen folks!


The PNC ruled Guyana, illicitly, of course, for 28 years. During that period the PNC politicians, nearly all blacks, didn't give a rat's a$$ about African culture or African history or African people or African issues.


And yet Indians at the time screamed that Guyana was being turned into LIttle Africa and that Indian culture was being ignored.   I certainly do not think that Cuffy was a Dutchman nor the massive promotion of Masquerade and Guyanese folk songs (much of which come sout of the kwekwe culture, and almost all coming out of the AfroGuyanese experience) qualifies.  Indeed I do recall that Burnham removed the statutes against Obeah.


You scream that one statue is an indication that the PPP respects Indians.  yet until people screamed, they were going to put it in the former slave market.  Maybe a fitting indication that the PPP sees AfroGuyanese as slaves to be bought, sold, and executed when they fight for their rights.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:

---and let's be honest---black Guyanese have had a better living standard under the PPP than under the PNC.


Yes thanks to the fact that so many blacks can find work in Barbados, St L, Antigua and other little islands and so can support their relatives back home.  ANd high gold prices which even you know has nothing to do with the PPP.

Originally Posted by Henry:
. The race issue in Guyana is entirely synthetic, created and exploited by the British for the standard "divide and conquer" strategy.

Henry the British effectively left Guyana over 50 years ago.  Come up with another excuse.  What do the people living in Guyanaknow of British Guiana, except that most think that it was some mythic place where life was better than it is now.


Ask most of them if they want the British back, and their responses will be  a real embarrassment to you.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Listen folks!


The PNC ruled Guyana, illicitly, of course, for 28 years. During that period the PNC politicians, nearly all blacks, didn't give a rat's a$$ about African culture or African history or African people or African issues.


All that mattered to the PNC politicians in the executive branch was the milk and honey, and they thoroughly enjoyed feasting on the milk and honey. Infact they feasted with such glutton on the milk and honey they bankrupted Guyana.


It is good to see the PPP recognize the black culture---and let's be honest---black Guyanese have had a better living standard under the PPP than under the PNC.





I think even Caribj and Redux would agree that blacks are better off today.  Their peeve is power and most blacks would take the good life over power.  Hey, I would, but the PNC make you scrunge for "cow-pen" bhagie.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Listen folks!


The PNC ruled Guyana, illicitly, of course, for 28 years. During that period the PNC politicians, nearly all blacks, didn't give a rat's a$$ about African culture or African history or African people or African issues.


All that mattered to the PNC politicians in the executive branch was the milk and honey, and they thoroughly enjoyed feasting on the milk and honey. Infact they feasted with such glutton on the milk and honey they bankrupted Guyana.


It is good to see the PPP recognize the black culture---and let's be honest---black Guyanese have had a better living standard under the PPP than under the PNC.





I think even Caribj and Redux would agree that blacks are better off today.  Their peeve is power and most blacks would take the good life over power.  Hey, I would, but the PNC make you scrunge for "cow-pen" bhagie.

yOU FOOL Baseman who never goes to Guyana you are talking out of your arse.



Black are struggling in Guyana and now the East Indians are struggling too.




An East Indian cane cutter get $50,000 a month yet it cost about $68,000 to mine a family of four in Guyana.




Today the chinese business are killing all the Black pavement vendors and small stall holder economically.



So, go and play with cow shit Baseman since that is your obvious forte.

Originally Posted by baseman:
I think even Caribj and Redux would agree that blacks are better off today. 

caribJ is OK in the Rev books--he is proud of his people and his African heritage and he wants more opportunities for them in Guyana.


Listen! Given caribJ's pride--he will never, ever admit that blacks in Guyana enjoy a better living standard under the PPP than under the PNC.


Actually a lot of blacks in Guyana are like carib---their living standards can reach the sun under the PPP but they will still long for a black leader.


Hope black people in Guyana get their wish one day---the only way I see a black president is if the PNC and AFC form a coalition.




Maybe after Moses dies---the AFC will merge with the PNC.



Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Listen folks!


The PNC ruled Guyana, illicitly, of course, for 28 years. During that period the PNC politicians, nearly all blacks, didn't give a rat's a$$ about African culture or African history or African people or African issues.


All that mattered to the PNC politicians in the executive branch was the milk and honey, and they thoroughly enjoyed feasting on the milk and honey. Infact they feasted with such glutton on the milk and honey they bankrupted Guyana.


It is good to see the PPP recognize the black culture---and let's be honest---black Guyanese have had a better living standard under the PPP than under the PNC.





I think even Caribj and Redux would agree that blacks are better off today.  Their peeve is power and most blacks would take the good life over power.  Hey, I would, but the PNC make you scrunge for "cow-pen" bhagie.

yOU FOOL Baseman who never goes to Guyana you are talking out of your arse.



Black are struggling in Guyana and now the East Indians are struggling too.




An East Indian cane cutter get $50,000 a month yet it cost about $68,000 to mine a family of four in Guyana.




Today the chinese business are killing all the Black pavement vendors and small stall holder economically.



So, go and play with cow shit Baseman since that is your obvious forte.

I was in GT last November, for 3 weeks.  And I met a nice Chinee lady...nice.

Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Listen folks!


The PNC ruled Guyana, illicitly, of course, for 28 years. During that period the PNC politicians, nearly all blacks, didn't give a rat's a$$ about African culture or African history or African people or African issues.


All that mattered to the PNC politicians in the executive branch was the milk and honey, and they thoroughly enjoyed feasting on the milk and honey. Infact they feasted with such glutton on the milk and honey they bankrupted Guyana.


It is good to see the PPP recognize the black culture---and let's be honest---black Guyanese have had a better living standard under the PPP than under the PNC.





I think even Caribj and Redux would agree that blacks are better off today.  Their peeve is power and most blacks would take the good life over power.  Hey, I would, but the PNC make you scrunge for "cow-pen" bhagie.

yOU FOOL Baseman who never goes to Guyana you are talking out of your arse.



Black are struggling in Guyana and now the East Indians are struggling too.




An East Indian cane cutter get $50,000 a month yet it cost about $68,000 to mine a family of four in Guyana.




Today the chinese business are killing all the Black pavement vendors and small stall holder economically.



So, go and play with cow shit Baseman since that is your obvious forte.

East Indians should move away from cane cutting, it's the home which Jagan and Burnham had defined for them.  The PPP is correct, let the market decide the pay and let progress continue.  Mechanization and higher skills are the way to go.  Long live the PPP.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Listen folks!


The PNC ruled Guyana, illicitly, of course, for 28 years. During that period the PNC politicians, nearly all blacks, didn't give a rat's a$$ about African culture or African history or African people or African issues.


All that mattered to the PNC politicians in the executive branch was the milk and honey, and they thoroughly enjoyed feasting on the milk and honey. Infact they feasted with such glutton on the milk and honey they bankrupted Guyana.


It is good to see the PPP recognize the black culture---and let's be honest---black Guyanese have had a better living standard under the PPP than under the PNC.





I think even Caribj and Redux would agree that blacks are better off today.  Their peeve is power and most blacks would take the good life over power.  Hey, I would, but the PNC make you scrunge for "cow-pen" bhagie.

yOU FOOL Baseman who never goes to Guyana you are talking out of your arse.



Black are struggling in Guyana and now the East Indians are struggling too.




An East Indian cane cutter get $50,000 a month yet it cost about $68,000 to mine a family of four in Guyana.




Today the chinese business are killing all the Black pavement vendors and small stall holder economically.



So, go and play with cow shit Baseman since that is your obvious forte.

East Indians should move away from cane cutting, it's the home which Jagan and Burnham had defined for them.  The PPP is correct, let the market decide the pay and let progress continue.  Mechanization and higher skills are the way to go.  Long live the PPP.

 You are such an ass! How can they move away? Will you feed them? They have no land. From New Amsterdam to crab wood creek, most Indians do not own more than their house lot so cannot even plant a garden. most rent rented one or two acres and even on that they cannot pay the rent because the corrupt PPP created a complex payment scheme for rice that only the brassintons profit.


They trade the rice for petrol which they resell never paying the millers who cannot pay the farmers who end up starving. You defend the indefensible. The PPP ought to be concern with the people more than their pockets for a chance and individuals  like you need to chastise them on it.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Listen folks!


The PNC ruled Guyana, illicitly, of course, for 28 years. During that period the PNC politicians, nearly all blacks, didn't give a rat's a$$ about African culture or African history or African people or African issues.


All that mattered to the PNC politicians in the executive branch was the milk and honey, and they thoroughly enjoyed feasting on the milk and honey. Infact they feasted with such glutton on the milk and honey they bankrupted Guyana.


It is good to see the PPP recognize the black culture---and let's be honest---black Guyanese have had a better living standard under the PPP than under the PNC.





I think even Caribj and Redux would agree that blacks are better off today.  Their peeve is power and most blacks would take the good life over power.  Hey, I would, but the PNC make you scrunge for "cow-pen" bhagie.

yOU FOOL Baseman who never goes to Guyana you are talking out of your arse.



Black are struggling in Guyana and now the East Indians are struggling too.




An East Indian cane cutter get $50,000 a month yet it cost about $68,000 to mine a family of four in Guyana.




Today the chinese business are killing all the Black pavement vendors and small stall holder economically.



So, go and play with cow shit Baseman since that is your obvious forte.

East Indians should move away from cane cutting, it's the home which Jagan and Burnham had defined for them.  The PPP is correct, let the market decide the pay and let progress continue.  Mechanization and higher skills are the way to go.  Long live the PPP.

 You are such an ass! How can they move away? Will you feed them? They have no land. From New Amsterdam to crab wood creek, most Indians do not own more than their house lot so cannot even plant a garden. most rent rented one or two acres and even on that they cannot pay the rent because the corrupt PPP created a complex payment scheme for rice that only the brassintons profit.


They trade the rice for petrol which they resell never paying the millers who cannot pay the farmers who end up starving. You defend the indefensible. The PPP ought to be concern with the people more than their pockets for a chance and individuals  like you need to chastise them on it.

You really got your head stuck up your Ass!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Listen folks!


The PNC ruled Guyana, illicitly, of course, for 28 years. During that period the PNC politicians, nearly all blacks, didn't give a rat's a$$ about African culture or African history or African people or African issues.


All that mattered to the PNC politicians in the executive branch was the milk and honey, and they thoroughly enjoyed feasting on the milk and honey. Infact they feasted with such glutton on the milk and honey they bankrupted Guyana.


It is good to see the PPP recognize the black culture---and let's be honest---black Guyanese have had a better living standard under the PPP than under the PNC.





I think even Caribj and Redux would agree that blacks are better off today.  Their peeve is power and most blacks would take the good life over power.  Hey, I would, but the PNC make you scrunge for "cow-pen" bhagie.

yOU FOOL Baseman who never goes to Guyana you are talking out of your arse.



Black are struggling in Guyana and now the East Indians are struggling too.




An East Indian cane cutter get $50,000 a month yet it cost about $68,000 to mine a family of four in Guyana.




Today the chinese business are killing all the Black pavement vendors and small stall holder economically.



So, go and play with cow shit Baseman since that is your obvious forte.

East Indians should move away from cane cutting, it's the home which Jagan and Burnham had defined for them.  The PPP is correct, let the market decide the pay and let progress continue.  Mechanization and higher skills are the way to go.  Long live the PPP.

 You are such an ass! How can they move away? Will you feed them? They have no land. From New Amsterdam to crab wood creek, most Indians do not own more than their house lot so cannot even plant a garden. most rent rented one or two acres and even on that they cannot pay the rent because the corrupt PPP created a complex payment scheme for rice that only the brassintons profit.


They trade the rice for petrol which they resell never paying the millers who cannot pay the farmers who end up starving. You defend the indefensible. The PPP ought to be concern with the people more than their pockets for a chance and individuals  like you need to chastise them on it.

You really got your head stuck up your Ass!!!

 One would question where yours is located if from my ass I can still  see my people's needs!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You really got your head stuck up your Ass!!!

 One would question where yours is located if from my ass I can still  see my people's needs!

My goodness, how many of them are up there with you?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Listen folks!


The PNC ruled Guyana, illicitly, of course, for 28 years. During that period the PNC politicians, nearly all blacks, didn't give a rat's a$$ about African culture or African history or African people or African issues.


All that mattered to the PNC politicians in the executive branch was the milk and honey, and they thoroughly enjoyed feasting on the milk and honey. Infact they feasted with such glutton on the milk and honey they bankrupted Guyana.


It is good to see the PPP recognize the black culture---and let's be honest---black Guyanese have had a better living standard under the PPP than under the PNC.





I think even Caribj and Redux would agree that blacks are better off today.  Their peeve is power and most blacks would take the good life over power.  Hey, I would, but the PNC make you scrunge for "cow-pen" bhagie.

yOU FOOL Baseman who never goes to Guyana you are talking out of your arse.



Black are struggling in Guyana and now the East Indians are struggling too.




An East Indian cane cutter get $50,000 a month yet it cost about $68,000 to mine a family of four in Guyana.




Today the chinese business are killing all the Black pavement vendors and small stall holder economically.



So, go and play with cow shit Baseman since that is your obvious forte.

East Indians should move away from cane cutting, it's the home which Jagan and Burnham had defined for them.  The PPP is correct, let the market decide the pay and let progress continue.  Mechanization and higher skills are the way to go.  Long live the PPP.

 You are such an ass! How can they move away? Will you feed them? They have no land. From New Amsterdam to crab wood creek, most Indians do not own more than their house lot so cannot even plant a garden. most rent rented one or two acres and even on that they cannot pay the rent because the corrupt PPP created a complex payment scheme for rice that only the brassintons profit.


They trade the rice for petrol which they resell never paying the millers who cannot pay the farmers who end up starving. You defend the indefensible. The PPP ought to be concern with the people more than their pockets for a chance and individuals  like you need to chastise them on it.

Yes, this is where you see us, cutting cane.  Yuh rass lucky you ain't still juking cassava stick.

Originally Posted by caribny:

You know what is interesting is that the PPP plays the race card every day in its attempt to whip Indians into frenzied fear of Africans.  Even condoning those who claim that blacks are only interested in attacking, robbing, raping, and killing Indians and that crime in Guyana is not something that Indians are involved in.


You know whats interesting is that its likely that Indian criminals almost exclusively target other Indians and yet PPPites will turn crime into a reason for blacks to be excluded and demonized.

The PPP do not have to demonize the PNC and Blacks in order to win votes, there are still enough people around to remember the shine rice days of the PNC as well as the slow fiah mo fiah campaigns against Indian businesses. You and your kind would rather we forget those days. You have yet to make a case why Indians should vote for the PNC, a party that brought them black eye dhall and rice flour bread. 

Originally Posted by Brutus:
@ Storm ...My point exactly how can the PPP with no mass support from the descendants of slaves arrogate itself by deciding on such matters? We have not the maturity yet as a nation to realize our common destiny so we may as well fashion a new form of governance.
Kitty Seawall road best site for 1823 Slave Rebellion monument- SculptorPDF | Print |
Written by Demerara Waves   
Thursday, 03 January 2013 22:45
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Sculptor Ivor Thom

Amid controversy over government’s location of the1823 Slave Rebellion Monument, Sculptor Ivor Thom insisted that the Kitty Seawall Road is the best site.

“The land space was there, place for parking and everything was there and more than , anything else, the viewing was very good,” he told a news conference.

He said “we thought that that would have been the best place to put it” because it could be easily seen by persons traversing to and from East Coast Demerara from different directions.

“I still think that…it is the best of all the areas that were suggested,” said Thom.

A broad cross section of African Guyanese groups had planned to meet with Thom to urge him to make a public statement about the location. Those groups plan to ignore the government-built monument and go ahead with plans to build their monument on Parade Ground. They say that it was there slaves were tried, convicted and executed.

However, Culture Minister Frank Anthony has said that a monument on Parade Ground would not be widely seen by Guyanese and it would obstruct the playing of football and other games there.

The state-run Government Information Agency (GINA) said Thom explained the sequence of events that led to the selection of the current location, which he said fulfills the criterion.

Thom outlined the circumstances regarding the site’s selection.    He noted that while preparing his model for the monument he had Paradise, on the East Coast of Demerara, as a possible site however, after being awarded the contract he became aware that certain criterion had to be met regarding the monument’s location. This includes emotional and physical connection to the rebellion, ambience, adequate land space, accessibility, public view, parking and connection to African people.

Currently the base for the monument is being completed and when that is done the monument will be unveiled.

A number of areas were suggested and visited including the Victoria Law Court, Parade Ground, National Park, Success/Montrose, Château Margot, LBI, Old RDC office at Paradise, Melanie Damishana, Ann’s Grove, Belfield, Bachelor’s Adventure and Mahaica.

Thom explained that points were awarded to the suggested areas on the site selection criteria, and based on that Paradise and LBI received the most points. However, LBI was ruled out since it is a predominantly East Indian community and does not tie in with the criterion which entails connection to African people.

After reviewing the other areas, Melanie was identified since Paradise didn’t have the adequate land space. Thom noted that challenges arose with regards to locating the owner of the available land space in Melanie. Indications of its unavailability were clear after a basketball court was constructed on the said land.

With regards to the protests, Thom stated that it was being peddled that Former President Bharat Jagdeo had turned the sod for the 1823 monument however, after visiting the archives it was found that the former President had turned the sod for an Emancipation monument, and not for the 1823 monument.

Additionally, advertisements were issued in the newspapers seeking suggestions for the monument site and only one person responded with Parade Ground. It was found that there was not suitable for several reasons, one being that the monument had to be of a certain height and based on that its viewing would have posed as challenge.

In this regard, it was decided that if there was no suitable place on the East Coast for the monument then it should be placed as close as possible to the ECD, hence the current site, at Carifesta and Vlissengen Roads, was viewed as the gateway to the ECD.

Thom recalled that in 2007 one of the African groups in Guyana contacted him to design a monument based on the contributions made by Africans to Guyana and such was done. Thom brought a model/scale version to Guyana to show the group that said it was sexist because it only had a male figure. The necessary changes were made, and to this date the group has not made contact with Thom again.


Would the comrades who have taken the stance of the opposition and their proponents in these politically affiliated 'cultural' organizations please explain where the 1763 slave revolt took place, where was the monument built by the 'great one' and explain their lack of opposition to the disparity between the two

Originally Posted by albert:

Would the comrades who have taken the stance of the opposition and their proponents in these politically affiliated 'cultural' organizations please explain where the 1763 slave revolt took place, where was the monument built by the 'great one' and explain their lack of opposition to the disparity between the two

Spare us the trite communist jingoistic jargon. None of us here ( a few perhaps) are you comrades.


The above is no big political conundrum. Why the PPP thinks it can have complete unaccountable access to the lotto funds is a big problem, building the Marriott without disclosing if Bobby, Edward B, brassington, Gita et al are on the "beneficiary list of investors" getting our free money and land to enrich themselves. How the Berbice people end up stuck paying more to cross a one mile stretch of river than any place else in the world ( comparatively as destitute) and you could not build it on government funds is one of these troubling questions.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I think even Caribj and Redux would agree that blacks are better off today. 

Yes with gold at more than US$1,600 and millions of dollars in remittances from the Caribbean and the USA of vcourse they are better off.  The notion that the PPP has assisted them to live better is a joke.  What do you see in Gtwn or Linden or the black villages suggests to you that there is widespread creation of DECENT paying jobs.  They must either go in the bush to get it or wait in Western Union to deliver it.


When gold price was $850 an ounce in 1980 Guyanese were starving. The gold did not help them then and it would not have helped them now if the PNC was still in power. Give credit the gov't in office today.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

When gold price was $850 an ounce in 1980 Guyanese were starving. The gold did not help them then and it would not have helped them now if the PNC was still in power. Give credit the gov't in office today.  Given that the PPP has no control over gold prices, and a few years ago was even trying to hamper gold miners, why should any credit be given to them?


And now gold is double that and the production is much higher than it ever was many earn a living directly, or indirectly from it.


Sorry your attempts to paint blacks as beneficiaries of the PPP is silly as evidenced by the fact that blacks overwhelmingly reject the PPP, even though APNU scarcely impresses them.  The PPP did no better in getting black votes in 2011 than they did in 1997.  Indeed evidence is that they have lost ground among blacks.




At $850 an ounce for gold in 1980 it is equivalent to over 2k per ounce in today's dollar when adjusted for inflation. They should not have been starving. they should have been living as good as it is today or better. The gov't of the Burnham was  busily living high and assassinating their enemies.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



At $850 an ounce for gold in 1980 it is equivalent to over 2k per ounce in today's dollar when adjusted for inflation. They should not have been starving. they should have been living as good as it is today or better. The gov't of the Burnham was  busily living high and assassinating their enemies.

You also do recall that in 1980 BOTH the PPP and the PNC were communist parties and so there was less incentive for private activity than there is now.  So now there has been a massive increase in gold production in reponse to these higher prices.  Nothing to do with the PPP, who would have gladly continued Burnham's communism, much as they supported his nationalization of the economy, and openly admired Castros' Cuba.


Lucky for Guyana the Soviet Union no longer exists, Hoyte engineered a change to a free market system, and Cheddi was unable to bring Castroism to Guyana.


The very fact that the PPP has LOST ground among black v oters since 1997 suggests that you all are fooling yourselves if you think that blacks think that the PPP is good for them.


Henry I suggest that you hide your racist hatred of AfroGuyanese, which leads you to disregard what they think.  Understand that they know how they live, and you being an Indian, who does NOT live in Guyana, do NOT.


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