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Sisters beating the odds

Jovita King moulding a section of the family farm

– Expanding farming practices in Yarrowkabra

THREE sisters are capitalising on the advantages of farming in Yarrowkabra on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway and at the same time, are beating the odds as they set their eyes on citrus, cash crop and sour-sop leaf exportation.

Jovita King

Located approximately 38 miles from the capital city, Yarrowkabra is known for farming. Its sandy soil type makes it ideal for farming citrus and cash crops in addition to poultry farming. The majority of the more than 5,000 residents there, either farm for domestic and or commercial purposes, and Janel, Jovita and Jehanne King are no exception.

For the past six years, these young women have been managing their family farm in Yarrowkabra. During a recent visit to the community, Jovita, the second of the three sisters, was busy moulding the citrus trees on the farm.

“We have a small-scale farm that is 100 per cent organic,” Jovita told the Pepperpot Magazine as she took a 15 minutes break from her routine farming activities.

On their farm measuring one acre, the sisters’ plant bora, tomatoes, pumpkins, peppers, celery, parsley, carilli (corilla) and eggplant commonly called boulanger. Additionally, the farm is filled with soursop and papaya trees, in addition to lime, guava, coconut, tangerine, cherry and pear trees. Meat birds, ducks and goats are also reared on the farm.

Jovita explained that they would use animal manure with green manure as a form of organic fertiliser, stating clearly that no chemical fertilisers are used to grow their crops.

“Our farm is 100 per cent organic because as we rear our chickens, we would use the manure on our plants. Three years ago we had pigs and we would put the mould on the older trees because pig mould is very strong, you wouldn’t take chance to put it on the young cash crops but everything we use is from our compost, from our chicken farm, the ducks, the goats,” the 22-year-old further explained.

Presently, the sisters supply persons at the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) with produce in addition to persons operating out of several Government Ministries on a daily basis while also selling to their neighbours and friends.
However, the girls – ages 20, 22 and 26 – are looking to expand their operation at Yarrowkabra and beyond, reaching as far as Long Creek where the family has managed to secure another plot of land.

“We are in the process of gathering additional lands and acquiring a loan that would allow us to expand. Right now we do small-scale farming but we are trying to reach the standard of exporting,” Jovita said.

She noted that while the family is hoping to export cash crops in the not so distant future, it is also looking for markets abroad for the sale of soursop and papaya leaves due to their health benefits.

Jehanne King feeding their ducks at the family’s Yarrowkabra farm on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway

Rich in protein, calcium, fructose, fat, vitamins ‘A’ and ‘B’, soursop leaves are said to have excellent medical properties that can treat cancer, uric acid, back pain, eczema and rheumatism. Papaya leaves reportedly have anti-malarial properties and are good for treatment of the hair and skin.
“So we are hoping to get a market to export and be used locally for health purposes,” said an optimistic Jovita.

Until they acquire the necessary lands and loan needed to upgrade their farming, Jovita said they will continue to maintain their farm at Yarrowkabra, but that is not without its challenges.

“As it stands now we are not having steady water up here. We still struggle with water, sometimes we have to pump from the creek many days, and the weather changes because right now we are experiencing the dry season. It’s only recently we got electricity but the water pressure is very, very low,” she explained.

Nonetheless, to increase their chances, the sisters, all of whom studied Agricultural Science at secondary school will be specialising in various fields within the sector. Very soon, Jovita said she will be studying Herbology while her younger sister has an interest in Agricultural Mechanics. The eldest sister, Janel is expected to commence studies at the Guyana School of Agriculture soon.

Chronicle online.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Guyana belongs to people who can get up and get. Make use of the soil to plant and grow livestock. The people who were blamed that they cannot run a cake shop are putting coolie to shame. 


Good to see this.  Koolie more interested in drinking the putegee man rum, fighting other koolie, putting down other koolie, cheating other koolie, pulling down other koolie and chopping up other koolie.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

Good to see this.  Koolie more interested in drinking the putegee man rum, fighting other koolie, putting down other koolie, cheating other koolie, pulling down other koolie and chopping up other koolie.

By the sound of it your special land for Indos might be in nuff turmoil banna.

Prashad posted:

Good to see this.  Koolie more interested in drinking the putegee man rum, fighting other koolie, putting down other koolie, cheating other koolie, pulling down other koolie and chopping up other koolie.

This does not help your advocating for a separate Indian country!


This report reminds me of the New Nation during the days of the eat local campaign. Every issue had a story like this along with the slogan "Production Going Up."     The PNC is back at its old game of giving you gyaff about progress when in fact things are getting bad. 


Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Prince posted:

Guyana belongs to people who can get up and get. Make use of the soil to plant and grow livestock. The people who were blamed that they cannot run a cake shop are putting coolie to shame. 

Question? Are you a Coolie? if so you should be ashamed.

I guess you never visited a market to see who are the Farmers/ Vendors selling their produce, 90% are Indians, the Blacks sells Chinese imports such as clothing and shoes. You are diminishing the great work the sisters are doing by bringing race into the equation. 

Prince posted:

Sisters beating the odds

You changed your topic headline to a more sensational one to pit the races against each other.      

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

Prince, you are race BAITING, you are a racist.

I agree. We always say Blacks don’t do much farming.  Now we see these young Black ladies doing it and suddenly Indians are put to shame.  The vast majority of farmers are Indians.  But kudos to these young ladies for what they are doing!

kp posted:
Prince posted:

Guyana belongs to people who can get up and get. Make use of the soil to plant and grow livestock. The people who were blamed that they cannot run a cake shop are putting coolie to shame. 

Question? Are you a Coolie? if so you should be ashamed.

I guess you never visited a market to see who are the Farmers/ Vendors selling their produce, 90% are Indians, the Blacks sells Chinese imports such as clothing and shoes. You are diminishing the great work the sisters are doing by bringing race into the equation. 

The Headline is totally uncalled for. Great that the sisters are doing something to better their lives and can demonstrate to their peers they can make a difference  .

It’s ashamed that others of their ethic type didn't choose to better their lives the same way . 

The back land owned by Indians on the East Coast that was planted with mangoes and coconut is been reap and stolen  by Afro youths . The Indians are afraid to cultivate and reap their produce they planted years ago , they are threaten by these Blacks . 

The blacks would walk out with bags of mangoes and coconut in full view of the Indians owners . 

Did Prince did his home work if the Indians who drink alcohol are the owners of these land and they are helpless and hence turn to alcohol abuse. 

Dave posted:
kp posted:
Prince posted:

Guyana belongs to people who can get up and get. Make use of the soil to plant and grow livestock. The people who were blamed that they cannot run a cake shop are putting coolie to shame. 

Question? Are you a Coolie? if so you should be ashamed.

I guess you never visited a market to see who are the Farmers/ Vendors selling their produce, 90% are Indians, the Blacks sells Chinese imports such as clothing and shoes. You are diminishing the great work the sisters are doing by bringing race into the equation. 

The Headline is totally uncalled for. Great that the sisters are doing something to better their lives and can demonstrate to their peers they can make a difference  .

It’s ashamed that others of their ethic type didn't choose to better their lives the same way . 

The back land owned by Indians on the East Coast that was planted with mangoes and coconut is been reap and stolen  by Afro youths . The Indians are afraid to cultivate and reap their produce they planted years ago , they are threaten by these Blacks . 

The blacks would walk out with bags of mangoes and coconut in full view of the Indians owners . 

Did Prince did his home work if the Indians who drink alcohol are the owners of these land and they are helpless and hence turn to alcohol abuse. 

With koolie fools on GNI who want to stay a part of Guyana it probably got the people more depressed.

Last edited by Prashad

Y'all be quiet about heading and give the young ladies credit for their hard work and love of country. Afro's are regularly abused on GNI by coolie scums who believe they're nothing. If they prove their worthiness, they must wear the jewel crown. I am impressed by these hardworking ladies. Who shame, shame. There is no two ways about it. Y'all go drink rum and let dog pee pun all you mouth.

Leonora posted:
Prince posted:

Sisters beating the odds

You changed your topic headline to a more sensational one to pit the races against each other.      

Leonora is picking a fight with Prince. 

Prince posted:

Y'all be quiet about heading and give the young ladies credit for their hard work and love of country. Afro's are regularly abused on GNI by coolie scums who believe they're nothing. If they prove their worthiness, they must wear the jewel crown. I am impressed by these hardworking ladies. Who shame, shame. There is no two ways about it. Y'all go drink rum and let dog pee pun all you mouth.

You talk like a true drunk coolie scum. It is good to compliment the Afro but it does not give you the right to personally insult others. Are you going through a tough time with life to be so  nasty. 

kp posted:
Prince posted:

Y'all be quiet about heading and give the young ladies credit for their hard work and love of country. Afro's are regularly abused on GNI by coolie scums who believe they're nothing. If they prove their worthiness, they must wear the jewel crown. I am impressed by these hardworking ladies. Who shame, shame. There is no two ways about it. Y'all go drink rum and let dog pee pun all you mouth.

You talk like a true drunk coolie scum. It is good to compliment the Afro but it does not give you the right to personally insult others. Are you going through a tough time with life to be so  nasty. 

Like you can't take the Afro heat? 

Prince posted:
Leonora posted:
Prince posted:

Sisters beating the odds

You changed your topic headline to a more sensational one to pit the races against each other.      

Leonora is picking a fight with Prince. 

Put some fyah in shi wyah!!

Prince posted:

Y'all be quiet about heading and give the young ladies credit for their hard work and love of country. Afro's are regularly abused on GNI by coolie scums who believe they're nothing. If they prove their worthiness, they must wear the jewel crown. I am impressed by these hardworking ladies. Who shame, shame. There is no two ways about it. Y'all go drink rum and let dog pee pun all you mouth.

Yeh man!  Di girl dem good fuh sure. But nah beat up pon abie coolies!

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:
kp posted:
Prince posted:

Y'all be quiet about heading and give the young ladies credit for their hard work and love of country. Afro's are regularly abused on GNI by coolie scums who believe they're nothing. If they prove their worthiness, they must wear the jewel crown. I am impressed by these hardworking ladies. Who shame, shame. There is no two ways about it. Y'all go drink rum and let dog pee pun all you mouth.

You talk like a true drunk coolie scum. It is good to compliment the Afro but it does not give you the right to personally insult others. Are you going through a tough time with life to be so  nasty. 

Like you can't take the Afro heat? 

I don't take shit from coolie wannabe Afro.  Sort you self. 

kp posted:
Prince posted:
kp posted:
Prince posted:

Y'all be quiet about heading and give the young ladies credit for their hard work and love of country. Afro's are regularly abused on GNI by coolie scums who believe they're nothing. If they prove their worthiness, they must wear the jewel crown. I am impressed by these hardworking ladies. Who shame, shame. There is no two ways about it. Y'all go drink rum and let dog pee pun all you mouth.

You talk like a true drunk coolie scum. It is good to compliment the Afro but it does not give you the right to personally insult others. Are you going through a tough time with life to be so  nasty. 

Like you can't take the Afro heat? 

I don't take shit from coolie wannabe Afro.  Sort you self. 

Then why are you still arguing with me? It seems as though you're the only one took offense to my post. 


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