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AFC appoints team to review Cummingsburg Accord

-asserts governing coalition ‘strong and cohesive’


On the eve of the second anniversary of the May 11, 2015 General Elections, the Alliance For Change (AFC) has appointed a team to review the Cummingsburg Accord which birthed the historic coalition that ended the PPP/C’s 23-year reign in office.

In a statement yesterday, the AFC said that the Cummingsburg Accord Review Committee (CARC) has been mandated with studying the Accord between the AFC and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and identifying areas which may require strengthening and updating along with discussion and negotiation with APNU.…to continue reading this article, please subscribe.  Already a subscriber ? Sign In.

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I believe there's a saying that goes like this: Leave well alone. 

And another one that goes like this: If it ent bruk, don't mend it.

So, if that Cummingsburg Accord has produced a "strong and cohesive" coalition, why the need for a review now? 

Gilbakka smells a rotting fish.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

They are trying brink back those alienated from the party. Good Luck!!

I think AFC is looking ahead at its status in 2020. The party cannot contest the general election on its own strength anymore, so it wants to solidify its bond with APNU through a more advantageous or upgraded Accord.


if a third party is mostly made up of castoffs from the PPP & PNC, then it's waste of time

On the other hand, folks in Guyana are so used to politicians with familiar names, that they would not give a genuine third party a chance...

So, Guyana pretty much stuck with PPP and PNC...the only change will be if young people in parties make significant contributions to genuine dialogue

RiffRaff posted:

if a third party is mostly made up of castoffs from the PPP & PNC, then it's waste of time

On the other hand, folks in Guyana are so used to politicians with familiar names, that they would not give a genuine third party a chance...

So, Guyana pretty much stuck with PPP and PNC...the only change will be if young people in parties make significant contributions to genuine dialogue

The PPP and PNC are giants that will remain.

The reform must come from within both Parties. I am hopeful that the young generation will take control of these parties in due course by default. The old dinosaurs in both parties will die off and that will eventually pave way for the youths in the PPP and PNC to bring much needed change in both parties.

There will not be a third party option in the near future. The AFC blew it, they allowed old man Moses to lead them down the garden path. They should have remained independent and slowly grow the party into becoming a full force of change.

yuji22 posted:
RiffRaff posted:

if a third party is mostly made up of castoffs from the PPP & PNC, then it's waste of time

On the other hand, folks in Guyana are so used to politicians with familiar names, that they would not give a genuine third party a chance...

So, Guyana pretty much stuck with PPP and PNC...the only change will be if young people in parties make significant contributions to genuine dialogue

The PPP and PNC are giants that will remain.

The reform must come from within both Parties. I am hopeful that the young generation will take control of these parties in due course by default. The old dinosaurs in both parties will die off and that will eventually pave way for the youths in the PPP and PNC to bring much needed change in both parties.

There will not be a third party option in the near future. The AFC blew it, they allowed old man Moses to lead them down the garden path. They should have remained independent and slowly grow the party into becoming a full force of change.

They cannot become a party for change. As noted earlier, they are a bunch of thieves and cast offs from the PPP and PNC. Old dogs, old habits are hard to break. Drunks, thieves, conceited and selfish "good fuh nuttin peeple". Society should get rid of them.


As I've said before, PPP-PNC politics is dead-end politics. Since the mid-1950s those two parties caused irreparable damage to Guyanese in many respects but psychologically most of all. Because of those two, division is ocean-deep between Indos and Afros.

Before 2014 the AFC had shown promise as a viable third party. It increased its parliamentary strength in the 2011 general election and produced a minority PPP government. But in February 2014 the AFC backpedaled on its claim of independence and aligned itself with APNU which essentially was the PNC. The AFC signed the Cummingsburg Accord even after its then Leader Ramjattan publicly prophesied the party would become "dead meat" by hooking itself to APNU.

Now, almost 2 years after the election, the AFC has undoubtedly bled itself profusely of members and supporters and is already looking like a dead donkey outside Congress Place. AFC leaders fear the PPP will give them a brutal trashing in 2020 if it contests without APNU. Hence the "review the Accord" call.

The AFC wants stronger guarantees from APNU in an upgraded Accord. But PNC nah stupid. Congress Place knows AFC is anemic and weak now, and the PNC will exact its pound of flesh for a revised Accord. Wait and see. 


GREAT, IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF THE SITUATION THERE GILLY. The Namakaram Crabdaag and the Ass kisser both are satisfied with being DEAD DONKEYS as long as the SOUP keep dripping. These SHAMELESS Parasites are a DISGRACE to humanity!!!!

RiffRaff posted:

if a third party is mostly made up of castoffs from the PPP & PNC, then it's waste of time

On the other hand, folks in Guyana are so used to politicians with familiar names, that they would not give a genuine third party a chance...

So, Guyana pretty much stuck with PPP and PNC...the only change will be if young people in parties make significant contributions to genuine dialogue

Not quite true. Many Guyanese gave a third Party a genuine chance to prove themselves BUT a Namakaram Crabdaag just wanted to suck the blood of the Guyanese people!!! He made third Parties in Guyana obsolete!!!



Nehru posted:

GREAT, IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF THE SITUATION THERE GILLY. The Namakaram Crabdaag and the Ass kisser both are satisfied with being DEAD DONKEYS as long as the SOUP keep dripping. These SHAMELESS Parasites are a DISGRACE to humanity!!!!

Gilbakka has never been afraid to speak his mind, Nehru. I always give people goodwill initially, but if dem F up me go F dem up good and prappa. AFC F up big time.

Gilbakka posted:
Nehru posted:

GREAT, IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF THE SITUATION THERE GILLY. The Namakaram Crabdaag and the Ass kisser both are satisfied with being DEAD DONKEYS as long as the SOUP keep dripping. These SHAMELESS Parasites are a DISGRACE to humanity!!!!

Gilbakka has never been afraid to speak his mind, Nehru. I always give people goodwill initially, but if dem F up me go F dem up good and prappa. AFC F up big time.

r@ss man both alyuh wanted PPP/C to rule for ever,regardless of being minority Gov't.

Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:

if a third party is mostly made up of castoffs from the PPP & PNC, then it's waste of time

On the other hand, folks in Guyana are so used to politicians with familiar names, that they would not give a genuine third party a chance...

So, Guyana pretty much stuck with PPP and PNC...the only change will be if young people in parties make significant contributions to genuine dialogue

Not quite true. Many Guyanese gave a third Party a genuine chance to prove themselves BUT a Namakaram Crabdaag just wanted to suck the blood of the Guyanese people!!! He made third Parties in Guyana obsolete!!!



Genuine third party...not one made up of cast offs...

I bet if Nagas was still part of the PPP, you would support him, which just reinforces the idea that Guyanese just into names


The demise of the AFC is not about the choices it made with APNU, rather it is a party similar to PNC and PPP. They fail to operate as a democratic entity. The current leadership will be there until death.

Gilbakka posted:
Nehru posted:

GREAT, IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF THE SITUATION THERE GILLY. The Namakaram Crabdaag and the Ass kisser both are satisfied with being DEAD DONKEYS as long as the SOUP keep dripping. These SHAMELESS Parasites are a DISGRACE to humanity!!!!

Gilbakka has never been afraid to speak his mind, Nehru. I always give people goodwill initially, but if dem F up me go F dem up good and prappa. AFC F up big time.

I do the same and was hoping CHANGE really came to Guyana only to see the SHAMELESSNESS!!!


What is the point of reviewing the Cummingsburg Accord when the stipulation of the original one was ignored in the first place?   AFC is wasting their time.  The revised one will become toilet paper just like the previous one.  It's time for the AFC to dismantle.  They have done their mischief.  Their job is done.  America has over three million people and it has two major parties.  Why does a country that doesn't even have a million people need a third political party?  Take a look at Guyana's history.  Both the UF and the AFC produced the same consequence - PNC Dictatorship!

Bibi Haniffa

They found their backsides in a straight jacket and are desperately trying to get out. Revising the Cummingsburg Accord would not stop the downward spiral of the economy and the erosion of human rights in the Guyana.  People are rethinking their actions.  It's just amazing how fast people start dropping their support for the coalition parties.  This is due to the fact that the PNC has taken the country on the wrong course. People have sensed the return of Burnhamism and they don't like it. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What is the point of reviewing the Cummingsburg Accord when the stipulation of the original one was ignored in the first place?   AFC is wasting their time.  The revised one will become toilet paper just like the previous one.  It's time for the AFC to dismantle.  They have done their mischief.  Their job is done.  America has over three million people and it has two major parties.  Why does a country that doesn't even have a million people need a third political party?  Take a look at Guyana's history.  Both the UF and the AFC produced the same consequence - PNC Dictatorship!

Three hundred  million  people. Years gone the third party catered to non black fair skinned Elite today no such thing we are all black.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Nehru posted:

GREAT, IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF THE SITUATION THERE GILLY. The Namakaram Crabdaag and the Ass kisser both are satisfied with being DEAD DONKEYS as long as the SOUP keep dripping. These SHAMELESS Parasites are a DISGRACE to humanity!!!!

Gilbakka has never been afraid to speak his mind, Nehru. I always give people goodwill initially, but if dem F up me go F dem up good and prappa. AFC F up big time.

r@ss man both alyuh wanted PPP/C to rule for ever,regardless of being minority Gov't.

Where did I say I wanted the PPP to rule forever? I supported the AFC against the PPP. The AFC led people to believe they were the game-changers in Guyana's dead-end PPP-PNC politics. AFC leaders turned out to be money-changers, not game-changers.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Nehru posted:

GREAT, IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF THE SITUATION THERE GILLY. The Namakaram Crabdaag and the Ass kisser both are satisfied with being DEAD DONKEYS as long as the SOUP keep dripping. These SHAMELESS Parasites are a DISGRACE to humanity!!!!

Gilbakka has never been afraid to speak his mind, Nehru. I always give people goodwill initially, but if dem F up me go F dem up good and prappa. AFC F up big time.

r@ss man both alyuh wanted PPP/C to rule for ever,regardless of being minority Gov't.

You have no problem with PNC ruling forever?? A government is a government regardless it being minority, the people have voted. In the mighty USA there is a minority government, the majority of the voters voted for Clinton.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

They found their backsides in a straight jacket and are desperately trying to get out. Revising the Cummingsburg Accord would not stop the downward spiral of the economy and the erosion of human rights in the Guyana.  People are rethinking their actions.  It's just amazing how fast people start dropping their support for the coalition parties.  This is due to the fact that the PNC has taken the country on the wrong course. People have sensed the return of Burnhamism and they don't like it. 

Human rights or the economy was never a part of the AFC agenda.  They had only one purpose - get rid of the PPP - by any means possible.  Including installing the PNC.  And many in the AFC are looking to repeat that performance in 2020.  The answer to Guyana's politics is not in the role of a third party, but in the restructuring and reforming of the two main parties with the outcome being for the greater good of all Guyanese people.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
kp posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Nehru posted:

GREAT, IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF THE SITUATION THERE GILLY. The Namakaram Crabdaag and the Ass kisser both are satisfied with being DEAD DONKEYS as long as the SOUP keep dripping. These SHAMELESS Parasites are a DISGRACE to humanity!!!!

Gilbakka has never been afraid to speak his mind, Nehru. I always give people goodwill initially, but if dem F up me go F dem up good and prappa. AFC F up big time.

r@ss man both alyuh wanted PPP/C to rule for ever,regardless of being minority Gov't.

You have no problem with PNC ruling forever?? A government is a government regardless it being minority, the people have voted. In the mighty USA there is a minority government, the majority of the voters voted for Clinton.

All wrong my preference is change of Government,taking in to consideration the ethnic makeup of the population and the two major parties whose support are ethnically based,the people should decide and vote for change of government.Further more there should be constitutional changes regarding the electoral process,if that can be accomplished more the merrier,race based politics is not healthy for the nation.

Last edited by Django
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Nehru posted:

GREAT, IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF THE SITUATION THERE GILLY. The Namakaram Crabdaag and the Ass kisser both are satisfied with being DEAD DONKEYS as long as the SOUP keep dripping. These SHAMELESS Parasites are a DISGRACE to humanity!!!!

Gilbakka has never been afraid to speak his mind, Nehru. I always give people goodwill initially, but if dem F up me go F dem up good and prappa. AFC F up big time.

r@ss man both alyuh wanted PPP/C to rule for ever,regardless of being minority Gov't.

Where did I say I wanted the PPP to rule forever? I supported the AFC against the PPP. The AFC led people to believe they were the game-changers in Guyana's dead-end PPP-PNC politics. AFC leaders turned out to be money-changers, not game-changers.

Ok bhaiya misinterpret what you said,unlike the bhai Nehru i am not the sharpest tool in the shed,never claimed to be.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Believe you me. No one. I repeat - no one, ever said you were the sharpest tool in the shed.  I am betting my bottom dollar on that.

That depends on who you talk to,your dollar will be gone.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

 America has over three million people and it has two major parties.

Suriname has multiples of parties which is why one ethnically based dictatorship cannot hold that nation to ransom as both Jagdeo and Burnham did to Guyana. I suspect that Bouterse is worse than either of these two, but his party cannot win without coalitions, which could break apart easily.

So Suriname, which should have even more ethnic angst than Guyana, doesn't appear to.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

 America has over three million people and it has two major parties.

Suriname has multiples of parties which is why one ethnically based dictatorship cannot hold that nation to ransom as both Jagdeo and Burnham did to Guyana. I suspect that Bouterse is worse than either of these two, but his party cannot win without coalitions, which could break apart easily.

So Suriname, which should have even more ethnic angst than Guyana, doesn't appear to.

However they elected a drug convict to office and their economy is in the toilet. Nothing to brag about. 


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