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PPP inner circle does not trust the GDF after 20 years in control of the GDF?

What kind of dotish leaders we have in the PPP?


First, the GDF and GPF were not consulted. This underscores how little Jagdeo and the GoG inner circle trust their own security forces. Post finds it difficult to see how any assistance plan can succeed without GDP/GPF buy-in. –

Second, Jagdeo has made up his mind that the so-called Afro-Guyanese "armed resistance" is responsible for Sawh's killing and the missing AK-47s. He appears unwilling to countenance any another explanation, even in the face of convincing evidence. Why dedicate USG investigative resources if the GoG may not accept the conclusions? –


Boutersere and Roger Khan was ONE.


SUBJECT: RESPONDING TO GOG SECURITY ASSISTANCE REQUEST REF: A. B. GEORGETOWN 372 Classified By: Ambassador Roland W. Bullen For Reasons 1.4 (b) and (d) ¶1. (U) Para 9 contains action request for WHA. ¶2. (SBU)

SUMMARY. The GoG requested security assistance from the U.S., UK and Canada in the wake of Agriculture Minister Satyadeow Sawh's assassination April 22 (refs A and B). The GoG's initial request was hasty and vague -- a knee-jerk reaction to a colleague's brutal killing. President Jagdeo raised the issue again in a May 22 meeting with Ambassador and defined the request more clearly. Post requests WHA guidance on response to GoG, bearing in mind Post's reservations spelled out in para 8. END SUMMARY


Serious Reservations about Jagdeo's Request -------------------------------------------

¶8. (C) Post has a few serious reservations about Jagdeo's request. Providing a long-term security advisor will not lead to sustainable improvement in Guyana's administration of justice because: --

First, the GDF and GPF were not consulted. This underscores how little Jagdeo and the GoG inner circle trust their own security forces. Post finds it difficult to see how any assistance plan can succeed without GDP/GPF buy-in. –

Second, Jagdeo has made up his mind that the so-called Afro-Guyanese "armed resistance" is responsible for Sawh's killing and the missing AK-47s. He appears unwilling to countenance any another explanation, even in the face of convincing evidence. Why dedicate USG investigative resources if the GoG may not accept the conclusions? –

Third, the U.S., UK and Canada have provided Guyana with extensive security/law enforcement training in recent years, with only modest results. The problem is two-fold: a lack of political will to tackle Guyana's criminal threats head-on, and a lack of resources and motivation in the police ranks.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The GDF/GPF were in collusion with the Buxton bandits. And to this day they still are controlled by the PNC. The only saving grace that prevents them from overthrowing the govt is the repercussion of isolation from the International community. In addition a healthy dose of phantomizing mixed with a cup of milk does wonders.

Originally Posted by TK:

The GDF has been quite professional. A gay leader of the GDF was promoted by the Indo leader who worked with great Indo pusher. I commend the GDF. 

How do you know he is gay?  Are you implying that sexual orientation should be a factor in one's promotion.  Are you then also implying limitations on the roles of women?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The GDF/GPF were in collusion with the Buxton bandits. And to this day they still are controlled by the PNC. The only saving grace that prevents them from overthrowing the govt is the repercussion of isolation from the International community. In addition a healthy dose of phantomizing mixed with a cup of milk does wonders.

=== of the GDF were. There is no way one should expect them to shoot their uncles and cousins. Indians would have done the same. The fact remains they never tried to overthrow the PPP. A gay GDF member is deep with the jagdeo clan. I know this destroys your Indo racist worldview...but live with it. 20 years and they are yet to remove CARICOM's most disgraceful and corrupt government. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

The GDF has been quite professional. A gay leader of the GDF was promoted by the Indo leader who worked with great Indo pusher. I commend the GDF. 

How do you know he is gay?  Are you implying that sexual orientation should be a factor in one's promotion.  Are you then also implying limitations on the roles of women?


Live with it ********. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The GDF/GPF were in collusion with the Buxton bandits. And to this day they still are controlled by the PNC. The only saving grace that prevents them from overthrowing the govt is the repercussion of isolation from the International community. In addition a healthy dose of phantomizing mixed with a cup of milk does wonders.

=== of the GDF were. There is no way one should expect them to shoot their uncles and cousins. Indians would have done the same. The fact remains they never tried to overthrow the PPP. A gay GDF member is deep with the jagdeo clan. I know this destroys your Indo racist worldview...but live with it. 20 years and they are yet to remove CARICOM's most disgraceful and corrupt government. 

You would have a difficult time telling Guyanese that their lives are in dire straits. They are experiencing prosperity as never before. You are the bhagdad bob of Guyana. ahahahah

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The GDF/GPF were in collusion with the Buxton bandits. And to this day they still are controlled by the PNC. The only saving grace that prevents them from overthrowing the govt is the repercussion of isolation from the International community. In addition a healthy dose of phantomizing mixed with a cup of milk does wonders.

=== of the GDF were. There is no way one should expect them to shoot their uncles and cousins. Indians would have done the same. The fact remains they never tried to overthrow the PPP. A gay GDF member is deep with the jagdeo clan. I know this destroys your Indo racist worldview...but live with it. 20 years and they are yet to remove CARICOM's most disgraceful and corrupt government. 

You would have a difficult time telling Guyanese that their lives are in dire straits. They are experiencing prosperity as never before. You are the bhagdad bob of Guyana. ahahahah

The prosperity is limited to Pradoville 1, 2 and Eccles. Go see the poverty in Berbice after frittering away US4 190 mill on the Skeldon factory. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

The GDF has been quite professional. A gay leader of the GDF was promoted by the Indo leader who worked with great Indo pusher. I commend the GDF. 

How do you know he is gay?  Are you implying that sexual orientation should be a factor in one's promotion.  Are you then also implying limitations on the roles of women?


Live with it ********. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

The GDF has been quite professional. A gay leader of the GDF was promoted by the Indo leader who worked with great Indo pusher. I commend the GDF. 

How do you know he is gay?  Are you implying that sexual orientation should be a factor in one's promotion.  Are you then also implying limitations on the roles of women?


Live with it ********. 

You were born confused baseman, thus there is no surprise that you are still confused.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The GDF/GPF were in collusion with the Buxton bandits. And to this day they still are controlled by the PNC. The only saving grace that prevents them from overthrowing the govt is the repercussion of isolation from the International community. In addition a healthy dose of phantomizing mixed with a cup of milk does wonders.

=== of the GDF were. There is no way one should expect them to shoot their uncles and cousins. Indians would have done the same. The fact remains they never tried to overthrow the PPP. A gay GDF member is deep with the jagdeo clan. I know this destroys your Indo racist worldview...but live with it. 20 years and they are yet to remove CARICOM's most disgraceful and corrupt government. 

You would have a difficult time telling Guyanese that their lives are in dire straits. They are experiencing prosperity as never before. You are the bhagdad bob of Guyana. ahahahah

The prosperity is limited to Pradoville 1, 2 and Eccles. Go see the poverty in Berbice after frittering away US4 190 mill on the Skeldon factory. 

Obviously you have not visited in a while, look at the buildings going up on the east coast and east bank. Look at Diamond, Grove, Nanda Park, Turkeyen, not to mention Georgetown, and the list goes on and on.  You people really think you can pull the wool over the Guyanese people's eyes?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The GDF/GPF were in collusion with the Buxton bandits. And to this day they still are controlled by the PNC. The only saving grace that prevents them from overthrowing the govt is the repercussion of isolation from the International community. In addition a healthy dose of phantomizing mixed with a cup of milk does wonders.

=== of the GDF were. There is no way one should expect them to shoot their uncles and cousins. Indians would have done the same. The fact remains they never tried to overthrow the PPP. A gay GDF member is deep with the jagdeo clan. I know this destroys your Indo racist worldview...but live with it. 20 years and they are yet to remove CARICOM's most disgraceful and corrupt government. 

You would have a difficult time telling Guyanese that their lives are in dire straits. They are experiencing prosperity as never before. You are the bhagdad bob of Guyana. ahahahah

The prosperity is limited to Pradoville 1, 2 and Eccles. Go see the poverty in Berbice after frittering away US4 190 mill on the Skeldon factory. 

Obviously you have not visited in a while, look at the buildings going up on the east coast and east bank. Look at Diamond, Grove, Nanda Park, Turkeyen, not to mention Georgetown, and the list goes on and on.  You people really think you can pull the wool over the Guyanese people's eyes?

I go several times a year...for every new building two/three are disintegrating. The tide of oligarchic expropriation simply cannot lift all boats. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The GDF/GPF were in collusion with the Buxton bandits. And to this day they still are controlled by the PNC.

the head of BOTh the GDF and the GPF were selected by Jgadeo.  thePNC and the AFC have accused bOTh of being brutal.   I guess you forgot all about Linden and other occassions where both entities weere accused of brutality by the PNC/AFC.


Stop doing your heroin/painkiller cocktails.  It completely remove syour ability to think sensibly.

Originally Posted by TK:
I go several times a year...for every new building two/three are disintegrating. The tide of oligarchic expropriation simply cannot lift all boats. 

Once the Indo elites are doin good druggie doesnt care about the rest.  Guyanese risk beatings in other Caribbean countries in the hope that they will earn enough to support their unemployed relatives, who cant find work because Chinese are taking away jobs.


People tend to be rational beings and so if folks leave Guyana for an uncertian life in Bdos, Tdad, Tortola and St Maarten it must be that life in GY isnt so good.  We arent talking about NY, where one can argue that Guyanese watch TV and are made to think that the USA is easy.


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