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Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Before you swallow whole what the PNC put in front of your mouth please look at the sugar industry records and carefully analyze how much it has given vs. how it asking for today to survive and run profitable again.

Guysuco production is now back where it wqas under Hoyte.  It is much more indebted, and no longer benefits from EU pricfe guarantees.  Its production costs are way to high for it to compete in normal market conditions.  Skedlon factory was a huge mistake and Guyanese taxpayers' are stuck with the bill,given the guarantees whcih the gov't provided.


All you can respond with is that thousands of Indians will starve if it is sold, and they lose their jobs.  Well you hollered for joy when Guymine was sold and laid off 80% ofr the workers.  Then you screamed about "lazy blackman" after they were deprived of employment.


Whjat6 goes around comes around.  Guysuco's biggest bill is its payroll.


The sugar industry is going through a transformation and therefore one must expect some pains in this process. Investment in the Skeldon Factory is supposed to lower the cost of production to a point where we can sell at world market prices and still remain profitable. Investing in an efficient factory and mechanizing the field work is the only way to accomplish this objective. The industry did not collapse. It's going through a difficult phase but it is showing some positive signs with the production higher in the first quarter of this year vs. last year. The loss of preferential markets in Europe does not mean we should give up.  The industry need our nelp and we must give it full support so can become profitable once again. The world market price for sugar could rise in the near future if production falls in places like Brazil and India and demands rise in other marktets. Lets get rid of this self-defeating attitude that has imbued in us the those now sitting in the oppostion.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

 Lets get rid of this self-defeating attitude that has imbued in us the those now sitting in the oppostion.

Bauxite went through a transformation and so it was sold.


Do the same for Guysuco.  It should be obvious to you that Guysuco has failed under BOTH the PPP and the PNC and so clearly no government is competent to run it. 


Sell it to the private sector and let them do with it what they wish!


I am sure that Jagdeo's boyfriend who owns Guyana Times would love to buy it.  Or sell it to the Chinese, given that the PPP is so in love with them.


If you still think that Skeldon will be profitable, I have a bridge in Antarctica to sell you.  How many years has it been "operational"?


Be honest for once and just admit that you do not want to risk what happened to black people in Linden to happen to Indians in Berbice. hence your screams that Guysuco should remain a millstone around the taxpayers' necks.

Last edited by Former Member

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