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So the government released the contract and other details of three projects for which the opposition and their proxies in the media had sworn on their firstborn were crooked as barbwire – the Marriott Hotel; the Amaila Falls Hydro and the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) expansion. The APNU/AFC coalition also received a separate briefing of the Amaila Falls project. They’ve been struck dumb.
And guess what? When they found their voices, they suddenly sounded just like the government did before they mouthed off. They couldn’t “divulge sensitive details because of the importance of confidentiality in the ongoing negotiations between the Guyana government, China Railway and Sithe Global.” But the opposition’s strident attacks on the government in which they maligned the characters of so many hard-working public officials – and not the least ex-President Jagdeo – were not just about “politics”.
First, there is the matter of their profound ignorance. You have a bunch of opportunists that have never been exposed to doing business in this new globalised environment. Roopnarine examining the details of a US$800 million hydro power project? That’s a joke! The only power that he could possibly know about would be Macbeth’s obsession for power from “vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself”. The man studied Shakespearean literature, for goodness sake. And what can “Flower Boy” Ramsaroop know about negotiations at this level? Traipsing between the tulips? About Ramjattan, the less said the better.
Then there is the matter of their fascist mindset. These are individuals that instinctively think in an elitist totalitarian fashion – and therefore project their modus operandi onto others – in this case the government. The government did not release details of ongoing negotiations because they wanted to play hanky panky! So now that the government has let it all hang out, we predict that we’re going to have an identical dÉnouement like APNU and the SoPS.
After all the storm and fury, we’re going to have more deafening silence. The APNU/AFC coalition will not even have the grace to look embarrassed.




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Opposition satisfied with briefing on Amaila FallsPDF | Print |
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol   
Wednesday, 14 March 2012 21:33


Amaila-FallsGuyana's two opposition parties Wednesday night expressed satisfaction with government’s explanation about plans to build the US$840 million Amaila Falls Hydropower plant but at least one party says the talks do not amount to a rubber-stamp.

Using its one-seat majority in the National Assembly, the combined opposition has been flexing its muscles in demanding details from government about several major projects. The decision to provide as much information as possible was made at tripartite meetings among the government and the oppossition during the past several weeks.

Alliance For Change (AFC) Executive member, Gerhard Ramsaroop and A Partnership for National Unity's (APNU) Vice Chairman, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine both welcomed the openness during the presentation on the 165 megawatt facility. The briefing was done mainly by Head of the Privatisation Unit, Winston Brassington.

“It went very well. We were provided with a lot of information that we did not have before and we agreed that we would study it and come back with questions,” Roopnaraine told Demerara Waves Online News (  Both sides agreed that the questions would be posed in two weeks.

Demerara Waves was told that among APNU’s concerns was the likely impact on residents in the area- a concern that was knocked down by government officials who said the area is uninhabited. Government officials have also assured that the project would have a minimum impact of the environment.

Also attending the meeting were the AFC’s  Chairman, Khemraj Ramjattan and Executive Member, Gerhard Ramsaroop.

Ramsaroop noted that he could not divulge sensitive details because of the importance of confidentiality in the on-going negotiations between the Guyana government, China Railway and Sithe Global.

“Mr Brassington was very frank and forthcoming with all the details notwithstanding the fact that the negotiations are on-going,” he said.

Ramsaroop, noting that the documentation could not be delivered in one presentation, said the opposition was keen on finding out how the project would affect the cost of electricity, the scope of the project and previous, current and prodjected cost.

Amaila Falls Hydropower Project is expected to begin delivering electricity to the grid at Guyana Power and Light’s  Sophia station in late 2015/ early 2016.

On the issue of cost, Ramsaroop said the opposition delegations were told that provision has been made for an escalation of costs due to interest rate, exchange rate and the prices of equipment. The opposition was told that the cost of the project has risen from US$705 million to US$840 million due to rising interest rates and the recent recession.

“They were open and they weren’t trying to hide anything. We are pleased, at this level at the amount of information sharing. It does not mean automatic approval but it certainly means a better working relationship,” he said.

Mention was also made of agreements between the builders of thee hydropower plant and the Guyana Government and Guyana Power and Light Inc.

Government officials attending the three-hour meeting included Public Works Minister, Robeson Benn; Prime Minister, Samuel Hinds; Finance Minister, Ashni Singh and Presidential Advisor on Governance, Gail Teixeira.


If we examine the behaviour of the AFC/APNU alliance towards those three projects and their subsequent dispensation after being provided with all the necessary documentation then it is safe to say that their current disposition towards preparatory funding for the speciality hospital is just as unfounded and outlandish and will most likely result in similar silence after being supplied with the documentation. These people just oppose for opposing sake




It's the IDB that will determine whether the Amalia falls hydro project gets built or gets canned---the IDB has been asked to provide $175 million in financing---if they agree---the project is a go.




If one of the terms and conditions of the deal with foreign elements was confidentiality then , the GOG should not have used it as an election campaign trophy but rather seal the deal then announce it and make details available to parliamentary oppositions. But to agree to confidentiality then make it public demanded oppositions demand details.

Originally Posted by kidmost:

If one of the terms and conditions of the deal with foreign elements was confidentiality then , the GOG should not have used it as an election campaign trophy but rather seal the deal then announce it and make details available to parliamentary oppositions. But to agree to confidentiality then make it public demanded oppositions demand details.

Wasn't this what they attempted with respect to the CBJ extension and the Ansa Mc Al ethanol plant? 

Originally Posted by Conscience:
Originally Posted by kidmost:

If one of the terms and conditions of the deal with foreign elements was confidentiality then , the GOG should not have used it as an election campaign trophy but rather seal the deal then announce it and make details available to parliamentary oppositions. But to agree to confidentiality then make it public demanded oppositions demand details.

Wasn't this what they attempted with respect to the CBJ extension and the Ansa Mc Al ethanol plant? 

Dude guyana is more about politics than it is about progressing the nation as a whole or should I say , as a  WHOLE ! Frankly , there politicians in Guyana are like leeches and maggots...they are all about blood , maybe we should label them vampires . The country lacks political will , political commitment and political honesty . There are expats who have deep pockets who would invest in guyana is the conditions were conducive .

Standing Order 94 states that every select committee shall be so constituted so as to ensure as far as possible, that the balance of Parties is reflected.


In the November 28 general and regional elections, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) won 49.23 percent of the votes, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) - 40 percent, and Alliance for Change (AFC)-10.76 percent.

Hence the current percentage of representation for committees are ..


50% == PPP/C

40% == APNU/PNC

10% == AFC


With odd number of the representatives, the PPP/C will have one vote more that the combined total for the APNU/PNC and the AFC.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

So the government released the contract and other details of three projects for which the opposition and their proxies in the media had sworn on their firstborn were crooked as barbwire – the Marriott Hotel; the Amaila Falls Hydro and the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) expansion. The APNU/AFC coalition also received a separate briefing of the Amaila Falls project. They’ve been struck dumb.
And guess what? When they found their voices, they suddenly sounded just like the government did before they mouthed off. They couldn’t “divulge sensitive details because of the importance of confidentiality in the ongoing negotiations between the Guyana government, China Railway and Sithe Global.” But the opposition’s strident attacks on the government in which they maligned the characters of so many hard-working public officials – and not the least ex-President Jagdeo – were not just about “politics”.
First, there is the matter of their profound ignorance. You have a bunch of opportunists that have never been exposed to doing business in this new globalised environment. Roopnarine examining the details of a US$800 million hydro power project? That’s a joke! The only power that he could possibly know about would be Macbeth’s obsession for power from “vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself”. The man studied Shakespearean literature, for goodness sake. And what can “Flower Boy” Ramsaroop know about negotiations at this level? Traipsing between the tulips? About Ramjattan, the less said the better.
Then there is the matter of their fascist mindset. These are individuals that instinctively think in an elitist totalitarian fashion – and therefore project their modus operandi onto others – in this case the government. The government did not release details of ongoing negotiations because they wanted to play hanky panky! So now that the government has let it all hang out, we predict that we’re going to have an identical dénouement like APNU and the SoPS.
After all the storm and fury, we’re going to have more deafening silence. The APNU/AFC coalition will not even have the grace to look embarrassed.




Oi Counsee,




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