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2012 Budget Debate…Guyana’s debt higher than 1992 – Moses Nagamootoo


Guyana is more indebted than it was 20 years ago.
At least that is what Moses Nagamootoo, the Alliance For Change (AFC) Parliamentarian, expressed

Moses Nagamootoo

in his presentation during the Parliamentary debate on the $192.8B National Budget on Tuesday.
In a fiery presentation, Nagamootoo insisted that Guyana’s debt is now about a $1B more than it was in 1992.
In that year, when there was a change of government to the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), the debt stood at US$2.1B.
“In pure Guyana dollars terms, without looking at percentage of GDP or other factors, at the then prevailing rate of G$125 to US$1, the 1992 debt was $252,500,000,000. Today, 20 years later, and in spite of write-offs, cancellation and rescheduling, our national debt stands at US$1.2 B which, at the current buying rate of G$207 to US$1, amounts to G$253,400,000,000 – nearly $1B more over 1992,” he told the National Assembly.
Nagamootoo, a former senior executive of the PPP who moved over to the AFC shortly before the November 28th General and Regional Elections, said that no amount of statistical juggling would hide the reality that in fiscal terms, Guyana is like a dog chasing its own tail.
“We are once again in the middle of the vicious debt circle. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by KishanB:

External debt decline by 8%, thank you Donald!


Me might vote fuh yu, if you give abee thesee a proppa wages increase.

what happen you cannot buy a fried rice

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The national debt is smaller today relative to the GDP.


Naga talking non-sense.

What is new Bhai. A drowning man will always grab at straws. Look what this Chap has been reduced to!!!   What a bloody SHAME!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The national debt is smaller today relative to the GDP.


Naga talking non-sense.

What is new Bhai. A drowning man will always grab at straws. Look what this Chap has been reduced to!!!   What a bloody SHAME!!!

what happen you mad naga is not stealing the tax payers money


It's like when I used to have $10 savings and $50 debt. Now I have $300 savings and $100 Debt. I have more debt now but my savings are 30 times what I used to have. It's the same with Guyana. The Debt maybe double of what it used to be, but the GDP is 6 times bigger.


Naga talking Non-Sense

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The national debt is smaller today relative to the GDP.


Naga talking non-sense.

Balgobin, look at the external value of the Guyana currency and measure the debt-to-GDP percentage and you'll see a different story. Yes the GDP might be larger because of a valuation method - lowering of the currency's value relative to a reserve currency like the US$, so the relative impact of debt may not be lessened.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The national debt is smaller today relative to the GDP.


Naga talking non-sense.

What is new Bhai. A drowning man will always grab at straws. Look what this Chap has been reduced to!!!   What a bloody SHAME!!!

Pavi, do you know which issue you're addressing? HYave you checked the veracity of the statement "The national debt is smaller today relative to the GDP". Do you even know what all of this means? Or is it that you are the master of vocabulary like "drowning man" and "bloody shame" used totally out of context?

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The national debt is smaller today relative to the GDP.


Naga talking non-sense.

What is new Bhai. A drowning man will always grab at straws. Look what this Chap has been reduced to!!!   What a bloody SHAME!!!

Pavi, do you know which issue you're addressing? HYave you checked the veracity of the statement "The national debt is smaller today relative to the GDP". Do you even know what all of this means? Or is it that you are the master of vocabulary like "drowning man" and "bloody shame" used totally out of context?

You claim to work on Wall street but shows you lack basic understanding . Are you working in the Mail Room???


Moses concluded from his analysis of the national debt that Guyana now owes $1 Billion Guyana dollars more than in 1992. That's just about $5 million US dollars. I would think that if we owe US2 billion US debt today it would be less than owing US2 billion in 1992 when adjusted for inflation. What kind of screwed up analysis is this. Even if our debt is a billion Guyana dollars more today how can our debt be a greater percentage of GDP when the GDP is several larger larger than in 1992.


This is Naga Nonsense

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Moses concluded from his analysis of the national debt that Guyana now owes $1 Billion Guyana dollars more than in 1992. That's just about $5 million US dollars. I would think that if we owe US2 billion US debt today it would be less than owing US2 billion in 1992 when adjusted for inflation. What kind of screwed up analysis is this. Even if our debt is a billion Guyana dollars more today how can our debt be a greater percentage of GDP when the GDP is several larger larger than in 1992.


This is Naga Nonsense


Naga and his Snakeoil.


They recently came out with some revolutionary brands of snake oil.  Here some of the new brands in Snakeoil widely available:


1) Kishan B - 

2) Kari - new and improved

3) Warrie - Old and improved

4) Stormy - re-cycled 

5)ASJ - Locally cultivated Olives

6) Gerard and Sase - Fake Canola 

Billy Ram Balgobin

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