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After this court ruling, the PNC and AFC still will not concede defeat

For a large number of persons, Guyanese and non-Guyanese who have been following the post-2020 election Frankenstein vaudeville show, they believe that GECOM with Claudette Singh’s vote will make a declaration after the Chief Justice’s ruling based on the CARICOM observed recount and that brings an end to it. I don’t think so.

In a column in March, I posited that the PNC and AFC will remain in power illegally and hope for a settlement where there will still have some form of power. Yog Mahadeo on Kaieteur Radio last Friday evening asked me an interesting question. I believe every Guyanese in and out of the land should reflect on my answer.

Mahadeo inquired if the Chancellor will swear in Dr. Irfaan Ali should GECOM make a declaration based on the CARICOM scrutinized recount and what will be the attitude of the police and the army should Granger refuse to exit the presidency. I have always said to myself that as a trained academic, my first loyalty is to history and scholarship and not to people’s feelings

As a human, your first loyalty is to help people. But when you put on the hat of an academic or journalist, your obligation is to history and journalism. You cannot write on social phenomena to ease the pessimism or elevate the optimism of society. That is not your role as an academic or journalist.

What follows may generate maudlin thoughts in people that speak to me all the time about the election crisis since the Mingo sarcoma of March 3. To give an alternative explanation will be a deliberate deception. I hope what I write below I am proven wrong for the sake of my country but as I see it, the Chancellor will swear in Dr. Ali but Granger will not demit office. Granger is going to cite illegal conduct by GECOM and seek further court sessions.

How are the security forces going to react? Neither the army chief nor the police commissioner is going to speak to the press. They are not going to comment on their constitutional loyalty. They are going to take instructions from the President and his Cabinet. What this means is that once APNU+AFC’s oligarchic nihilism continues, the army and police are going to follow instructions from the caretaker government.

Obviously, they will be sanctioned by the international community but I don’t think that will lead them into conceding defeat. In fact, the totality of the state sector – all state institutions, including the autonomous ones like UG and others – will not officially recognize there is a new president but will accept the Granger government until it is officially out of office through its own volition.

I think APNU+AFC is hoping that there will be violent behavior by PPP supporters so they can proclaim a state of emergency but I doubt the opposition parties will swallow that bait. The reason for the PPP’s stance on country-wide demonstrations is because it knows that it is in a win-win situation now that the Chief Justice has ruled.

Once you have the entire world including all the important international and regional institutions, all the important international and regional governments on your side then why give the APNU+AFC’s autocracy a reason for having a state of emergency. The opposition parties know the APNU+AFC regime will fall within weeks or months so they are not going to galvanize their supporters to protest.

In this scenario, how does the APNU+AFC regime hope to survive? The key figure here is Raphael Trotman. He is the one that the APNU+AFC will designate to open negotiations with the Americans. The West will not speak to Harmon, Nagamootoo, and Ramjattan whom they have disdain and contempt for. Granger doesn’t have even an ounce of skills to be part of one of the most sensitive and complex political dialogue in the history of both British Guiana and Guyana.

Trotman is going to ask for an interim government with a new GECOM, new voters’ list, new Constitution. This will take two years and in that interregnum, APNU+AFC will ask for a PNC prime minister while conceding the presidency to the PPP. There are three huge boulders blocking the pathway to the house of compromise.

First, the Canadian and the EU will not go along with the arrangement. While the OAS may remain silent, Canada and the EU may see it as rewarding APNU and AFC for uncivilized political behavior in the 21st century. Secondly, CARICOM under the chairmanship of Ralph Gonsalves will see the settlement as a terrible precedent that will destroy free elections in the region in the future. Finally, the PPP will fight it down.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)


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It must be nice to make a living writing anything you could imagine.  It would be fine if you you are a novelist .   However, if you write for a newspaper, as Freddie Kissoon does, it is a problem.   

@Totaram posted:

It must be nice to make a living writing anything you could imagine.  It would be fine if you you are a novelist .   However, if you write for a newspaper, as Freddie Kissoon does, it is a problem.   

the man gearing up to write fictional books.

@Mars posted:


The appeal court will give the same decision again., and the wheels will keep spinning until something drastic is done by the PNC which will be supported by some token Indian on this GNI.


Seems like Freddie is quiet prescient.

Inclusion of `fraudulent’ votes in declaration will be  violation of constitution – APNU+AFC

Clinging to power despite a recount result which showed that it lost the March 2nd general elections,  the incumbent APNU+AFC today said “Any attempt to include fraudulent votes in a ‘Declaration’ will constitute a violation of the Constitution and the fundamental principles of democracy. We maintain that the Elections Commission can only make a ‘Declaration’ based on valid votes”.


The APNU+AFC statement will be seen as another ominous sign that it does not intend to give up power even if the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) declares that it has lost the election.

The Caribbean Court of Justice has recognised the recount and the GECOM Chair Claudette Singh has said she intends to declare result of the election using the figures from the recount which show a win for the PPP/C. The recount figure does not contain “fraudulent” votes as is being suggested by APNU+AFC. Surrogates of the incumbent within GECOM have mounted a months-long campaign to steal the general election for APNU+AFC.

Any defiance of the GECOM’s declaration by the incumbent  would be seen as an overturning of constitutional rule and the seizure of power.



The statement issued by APNU+AFC follows:

Statement of A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) on the political situation in Guyana


General and Regional Elections were held on 2nd March 2020 in the Co-operative Republic of Guyana. The results of those elections had not been declared by Monday 20th July, twenty weeks afterwards.

Delays in the declaration of results were caused, in part, by several appeals which were made during this period – to the Supreme Court of Judicature, the Court of Appeal of Guyana and the Caribbean Court of Justice – to provide interpretations of electoral and other laws and to resolve problems arising from the elections.  The people of Guyana await a credible ‘Declaration’ by the Guyana Elections Commission.

A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC Coalition) is committed to a lawful and credible declaration of results based on valid votes. The Coalition has taken note of the ruling of Chief Justice Roxane George on 20th July 2020 in the case of Mesinga Jones v Guyana Elections Commission Chairman et al.


The APNU+AFC Coalition, as always, remains committed to the judicial process. That process is incomplete as it stands and the matter has been appealed in the Guyana Court of Appeal. Such an appeal is lawful, proper and guaranteed under the Constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, our supreme law. The Coalition will await the outcome of the appeal.

The APNU+AFC Coalition is resolved to ensure that fraudulent votes, cannot be factored in to represent the will of the electorate. Any attempt to include fraudulent votes in a ‘Declaration’ will constitute a violation of the Constitution and the fundamental principles of democracy. We maintain that the Elections Commission can only make a ‘Declaration’ based on valid votes.

The recount process which was conducted, painstakingly, for thirty-three days revealed massive irregularities and extensive fraud which cannot be foisted on the Guyanese people to contrive an outcome that betrays the will of the electorate.

The APNU+AFC Coalition, in the national interest, and with a view to maintaining stability and peace, remains open to dialogue with other political parties and stakeholders on the way forward for our country.  The APNU+AFC Coalition is prepared to act responsibly to bring a resolution to the ongoing political situation.

We implore all Guyanese to remain calm and peaceful as we await a credible and legitimate outcome.


Here is another example of Freddie's fiction. This one from April 14th.

Rowley says it will not end well; it will not

With every day that passes, the GECOM conspirators and the people inside the leadership of the PNC and AFC are travelling in a direction where it becomes impossible to turn back. If the election foul-up was two days old, the PNC/AFC could have backed down and said that the system was flawed and they will not recognize the resulting PPP government. This was one way out of the mess.
If the foul-up had lasted four days, the PNC/AFC could have accepted losing and tell its supporters it is going to court. If the imbroglio was a week old, the PNC/AFC could have conceded defeat, start street protest and give themselves an opportunity to exit with a plausible excuse.
After five weeks of using the most bizarre and macabre tools to rig the 2020 election, the leaders inside the PNC/AFC have no way out to make a graceful concession. They have gone too far down the road of depravity to turn back. The idea of turning back does not exist in the minds of any key player that is involved in rigging the process.
We can take our cue from the Trinidadian PM, Keith Rowley. He intoned that it may not end well. It will not end well because the PNC and AFC will not concede, and aren’t going to concede under any brilliant pact no matter if drafted by an Obama or a Jesse Jackson or a P.J Patterson or a Portia Simpson or a Bill Clinton. The refrain of APNU+AFC is; “we aren’t giving up, virus or no virus, sanctions or no sanctions.”
These were the vibes Rowley picked up. He knows there will not be a concession by the APNU+AFC that they have lost. So how will it end? Even Guyanese with no interest in politics (who after this crisis is over will still not be even vaguely interested in politics) are asking themselves – how will it end? It is five weeks now and there is no end in sight so that question is being asked maybe by all Guyanese.
How it will end can be gleamed by the words of Vincent Alexander. I think Alexander has virtually given it away. Two emanations from him have painted the canvas. One is his utterance that even if you recount that doesn’t mean there will be a declaration of a winner. The second one is that he and others want more than recount of the 2020 election process.
So how will it work? All one needs to do is put flesh on the bones of Alexander’s warnings. First, after the recount, PNC commissioners with the invisible hand of the PNC+AFC behind them will claim that the recount has shown too many flaws for there to be a declaration. It will be submitted that the recount cannot be accepted as the basis of a declaration. One must not forget that the time frame is crucial to the conspirators. There will not be a recount in the coming weeks. GECOM’s secretariat will prolong the agony.
Now here is the thing. The conspirators are not stupid. There will be calls that since there cannot be a winner and a loser then Granger and his Cabinet can no longer be the government. Enter the judicial system. There will be lawyers who will argue that the “doctrine of necessity” should apply. For the stability of the country, there must be a government in place until there are fresh elections.
It doesn’t matter if the first writ is thrown out by the High Court. There will be an appeal. It doesn’t matter if the Appellate Court rules against the conspirators. There will be the resort to the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ). Once that hearing is pending the conspirators will ask; why should they resign. They will argue why not wait for the matter to be exhausted in the judicial system because the CCJ could very well rule in their favour.
During all this time, the APNU/AFC remains in government for months. And the hope is that there will be no sanctions because there is no installation of a new president. I believe the West will stay its hands during the hearing in front of the CCJ. Of course the CCJ’s decision will come. What happens then?
The prediction is easy to make. The CCJ rules against the application of the “doctrine of necessity”, thus the APNU+AFC has to resign. The conspirators will posit that the CCJ did not rule on the elections. It ruled on the doctrine of necessity. The results of the recount will then be tested in court. The West will then impose sanctions.


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