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The bond at Sussex Street, Albouystown

Following three years of public criticism, the Government has finally exited the bond at Sussex Street, Albouystown, but not before racking up a bill of $314.6M.
Kaieteur News has learnt that the Ministry of Health and the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) vacated the bond last month.
The issue of the bond surfaced in 2016 when it was learnt that the $25M bond had been rented under very lucrative terms to businessman, Larry Singh, during the tenure of former Minister of Public Health, Dr. George Norton.
It was pointed out that at the cost of $25M, the Government could have built 12 bonds using the $325M it paid to Singh.
The controversy intensified when it was discovered late 2016 that the facility was merely storing items such as lubricants and condoms.
In June Lawrence said that the Ministry of Public Health paid $264.5M to Linden Holding Inc. for the rental of the building to between July 2016 and March 2018. That amount equates to $12.1M per month.
Further, Lawrence had explained that one of the main reasons for the continued rental of the bond was to store a CT – scanner valued at about US$90,000 ($1.8M). The scanner was a donation from RAD-AID International and the reason given for it being kept in storage was the delay in the completion of a room at the Bartica Hospital.
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Public Health Collette Adams committed to speak with Kaieteur News on the bond rental on Monday, but by Wednesday had not done so despite a commitment from Lawrence that the information would be provided.
Lawrence had indicated that the Government would have stopped the rental of the bond in December, last, but that promise was not fulfilled until August.
A visit to the facility this year revealed that although there were added items by the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), the manner of storage left much to be desired.
The Ministry had served a Notice of Quit dated October 2016 by then Permanent Secretary, Trevor Thomas. A reminder dated October 3, 2017 was sent by Adams who had taken over from Thomas.
Lawrence explained that the Government was hoping to take the money used for the rental of the bond and reinvest it in the public health sector. The Minister had disclosed plans to build more bonds and expand the ones the Ministry has.



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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django posted:

Singh rake in lots of dough with his $25M investment.That does happen when politicians don't understand the value of money.

Not only Singh sharing the 25M. DJ bhai, all government in office has there system of operation. 

- a percentage goes to the political party.

- some goes to government officials who help secure the deal.

- Mr Singh then left with his share

And don’t think it doesn’t happen in North American. The businessman personal cheque is written to the aspiring candidate for campaign funds... the businessman then gets the contracts. 

In Guyana, the businessman donate 100G to PNC and 200G to PPP. for election campaign... 



Dave posted:


DJ, which politicians understand the value of money.. it’s not their own.

Dont we tell we kids that at some time hahahah 

I see you are in very good mood today. 

Anyway, Django didn't say politicians understand the value of money.

Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:


DJ, which politicians understand the value of money.. it’s not their own.

Dont we tell we kids that at some time hahahah 

I see you are in very good mood today. 

Anyway, Django didn't say politicians understand the value of money.

Now my mood change 


It was pointed out that at the cost of $25M, the Government could have built 12 bonds using the $325M it paid to Singh.
The controversy intensified when it was discovered late 2016 that the facility was merely storing items such as lubricants and condoms.

Django posted:

Singh rake in lots of dough with his $25M investment.That does happen when politicians don't understand the value of money.

That's the problem. These dudes never considered the cost versus the benefits. They cared about the amount of kickbacks they will get.

Mitwah posted:

It was pointed out that at the cost of $25M, the Government could have built 12 bonds using the $325M it paid to Singh.
The controversy intensified when it was discovered late 2016 that the facility was merely storing items such as lubricants and condoms.

This is an example of waste by the AFC/PNC administration and a lack of political courage by the AFC to confront the PNC about it.

Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:


DJ, which politicians understand the value of money.. it’s not their own.

Dont we tell we kids that at some time hahahah 

I see you are in very good mood today. 

Anyway, Django didn't say politicians understand the value of money.

Mits, with people like Django in this world, the PNC will forever be there. DUMB , STUPID, NAIVE, GULLIBLE is a mixture only few possess!!!!!

Nehru posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:


DJ, which politicians understand the value of money.. it’s not their own.

Dont we tell we kids that at some time hahahah 

I see you are in very good mood today. 

Anyway, Django didn't say politicians understand the value of money.

Mits, with people like Django in this world, the PNC will forever be there. DUMB , STUPID, NAIVE, GULLIBLE is a mixture only few possess!!!!!

But it was you Americans who kept the PPP out.

Nehru posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:


DJ, which politicians understand the value of money.. it’s not their own.

Dont we tell we kids that at some time hahahah 

I see you are in very good mood today. 

Anyway, Django didn't say politicians understand the value of money.

Mits, with people like Django in this world, the PNC will forever be there. DUMB , STUPID, NAIVE, GULLIBLE is a mixture only few possess!!!!!

Clearly you didn't understand Mits post,being your usual self went off with the words stored in your limited vocabulary.About time to update the noodle with some new words,there may be some hiccups the cells may not have the ability to store the information,it's far gone beyond repair.

Mitwah posted:
Nehru posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:


DJ, which politicians understand the value of money.. it’s not their own.

Dont we tell we kids that at some time hahahah 

I see you are in very good mood today. 

Anyway, Django didn't say politicians understand the value of money.

Mits, with people like Django in this world, the PNC will forever be there. DUMB , STUPID, NAIVE, GULLIBLE is a mixture only few possess!!!!!

But it was you Americans who kept the PPP out.

Mits, right now we Americans are known for Pusse Grabbing and assaulting women


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