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AG challenges Magistrate’s decision to grant bail to Brazilians busted with 1000lbs of cocaine cocaine bricks found onboard the crashed aircraft

A decision by Senior Magistrate Alex Moore to grant $3M bail each to Salem Nobrega De Alencar, and Andre Luiz Pereira – the two Brazilian nationals who are charged with trafficking close to 1000 pounds of cocaine – is being challenged in the High Court by Attorney General Anil Nandlall, SC. But although they were granted bail, De Alimser and Pereira remain in the custody of the State.

Although the men were granted bail on July 22, Nandlall said that they remain prisoners because if they are released, not only will they be a flight risk as they have no ties to Guyana but also upon their release, they will be perpetually violating several provisions of the Immigration Act.

De Alencar and Pereira have since filed Habeas Corpus proceedings in which they are asking the court to determine whether their detention is lawful.

De Alimser, 60, and Pereira, 30, were jointly charged with the offence back in May following the discovery of 535.8 kilogrammes of cocaine onboard a green and white Beechcraft Bonanza plane with registration number PT-SRR that crash-landed at Orealla, Corentyne River in Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne).

Salim Nobrega De Alimser and Andre Pereira at the Springlands Magistrates Court on Thursday (Fresh Studio photo)

At their first appearance before Magistrate Moore on May 27, the two men who were the pilot and co-pilot of the aircraft pleaded not guilty to the charge which alleged that they had the illicit substance in their possession on May 20. At that time, they were remanded to prison. However, in July, they were each granted bail after their respective lawyers renewed their bail applications.

The men reportedly told residents of Orealla that they were travelling and visiting several areas to do sport fishing and other leisure activities, but encountered difficulties with the weather.

They further claimed that the aircraft was almost out of fuel, and they had gotten lost after circling the area for some time. However, the men were subsequently accosted by Police ranks, who questioned them about their presence in the area. They then took the ranks to the aircraft, where a search conducted unearthed a quantity of cocaine. The estimated cost of the drug is $2.9 billion.

The Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) had reported that from all indications, the aircraft was heading to Suriname. However, in addition to the 450 bricks of cocaine which each weighed one kilogram, two Global Positioning Systems, one radio set, three smartphones, and two identification cards, were found.

Investigations revealed that they had allegedly flown from Brazil to Venezuela and thereafter landed in Guyana without authorisation from the Civil Aviation Authority. Letters have since been dispatched to law enforcement agencies in Brazil, Suriname, and Guatemala to enquire the meaning of the abbreviation VTNO which was a label attached to the packages containing the cocaine found on the plane.

The Brazilians were also charged with entering Guyana illegally; they were each released on $50,000 bail. Despite, being granted their pre-trial liberty, they remain in prison.

The conditionalities of bail fixed by Magistrate Moore are that they lodge their passports with the court pending their trial, report to the East Ruimveldt Police Station on Mondays and Thursdays, and remain at the address on their lease provided by their lawyers.

Excess of jurisdiction

Nandlall, in judicial review proceedings, however, contends that Magistrate Moore acted in excess of his jurisdiction, unreasonably, irregularly, or improperly when he granted bail to the foreign nationals.

Attorney General Anil Nandlall

“There was a failure to satisfy or observe conditions or procedures required by law,” the Attorney General argues, adding that the Magistrate took into account irrelevant considerations when exercising his discretion to grant bail for the offence of possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking.

Specifically, he pointed to Section 94 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control) Act prohibits, which according to him, prohibits the grant of bail unless there are special reasons for so doing. In this case, Nandlall argues that no special reasons in law were proferred.

The Attorney General said that upon renewal of the bail application, Pereira’s counsel informed the court that his client may have contracted the COVID-19 virus, while lawyers for both of them claimed that their clients were assaulted by other prisoners.

Nandlall deposed that the Prosecutor pointed out that the allegations were not supported by medical or other evidence and it was the first time the Prosecutor was hearing of them. Having regard to these reasons, Nandlall added that the Magistrate “presumably” released them on bail.

In an affidavit in support of Nandlall’s application, Police Inspector Orin Joseph avers that the prisoners are foreign nationals and therefore a flight risk, and should they flee the jurisdiction, the State would be left at a severe disadvantage since it would have to expend time and resources to find the prisoner and to have him extradited for prosecution.

Concerning the offence of illegally entering Guyana, Nandlall deposes that releasing them on bail without them having a lawful status in Guyana them in a position where they are in perpetual breach of several provisions of the Immigration Act, Chapter 14:02, thereby perpetuating several criminal offences.

As such, Nandlall noted that the High Court has the power to review a decision of a Magistrate. He is, therefore, asking for the granting of a conservatory order staying and/or suspending the decision of Magistrate Moore to grant bail to the Brazilians until the judicial review application is determined.

The Attorney General said that this matter raises serious issues of law and is a matter of grave public importance. He moreover described the matter as the “whimsical, unlawful, capricious, arbitrary, and irrational exercise of the discretion of a magistrate in relation to the grant of bail.”

The Attorney General is ultimately seeking an order of certiorari, quashing the decision of Magistrate Moore to grant bail to De Alimser and Pereira for both offences. He submits that as a condition precedent to the hearing and determination of this matter, the orders preyed for are to be granted in the requirement of justice.

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High Court suspends magistrate’s order to grant bail to Brazilian nationals in cocaine-laden plane case

Justice Sandil Kissoon has granted an Interim Order staying and suspending the Order by Senior Magistrate Moore dated July 22, 2021 in which he granted bail to Andre Luiz Pereira and Salem Nobrega DeAlencar in the sum of $3M each, for the offence of possession of 535.8KG for the purpose of trafficking. Affected also by the order is the $50,000 fines that were paid by both men, for the offence of having arrived in Guyana by air, not a port of entry, pending the hearing and determination of Fixed Date Applications.

De Alencar, 64, and Pereira, 31, were arrested after police found a crashed aircraft, bearing registration PT SRR, at Orealla, Region Six on May 20, 2021, with 1178.95lbs of cocaine onboard.

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall filed those proceedings to have Magistrate Moore’s order suspended, in response to an application filed by Adeline Bernadette Mandokin for and on behalf of Andre Luiz Pereira on the 16th August, 2021, seeking a Writ of Habeas Corpus ad Subjiciendum, a writ for inquiring into the lawfulness of the restraint of a person who is imprisoned or detained in another’s custody.

Justice Sandil Kissoon, who heard the Habeas Corpus Application on the 16th August, 2021, granted an Order Nisi directed to the Commissioner of Police to show cause why it should not be made absolute, that is to say, why Andre Luiz Pereira should not be released from Police custody.

The Habeas Corpus matter was adjourned to today at 11:30 am. It is in response to that application that the AG filed the proceedings.

At today’s hearing, Nigel Hughes and Konyo Sandiford appeared for Andre Luiz Periera while Nandlall appeared in person for the Commissioner of Police. After hearing arguments from both the Attorney General and Hughes, Justice Kissoon upheld the submissions made by the Attorney General that the accused persons should remain in custody until the hearing and determination of the Judicial Review challenge to Magistrate Moore’s grant of bail in the circumstances.

It was emphasised by the AG that the challenge to Magistrate Moore’s order granting bail was unprecedented, it raises matters of public legal importance, and that it is in the public’s interest that the issues raised be fully ventilated and adjudicated upon by a Court of competent jurisdiction. That in those circumstances, justice would be best served if the order of the Magistrate is suspended and that the accused remain in custody until the hearing and determination of the case where the High Court would pronounce upon the legality of Magistrate Moore’s order granting bail.

In the end, Justice Kissoon granted an Interim Order staying and suspending the Order by Senior Magistrate Moore.

The Fixed Date Application which remains pending has not yet been fixed for hearing.


Judge grants interim order suspending bail

Aug 20, 2021 News, Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...der-suspending-bail/

Brazilians placed on bail for cocaine charge…

Kaieteur News – Justice, Sandil Kissoon, on Wednesday granted an interim order suspending Senior Magistrate, Alex Moore’s decision to grant bail to two Brazilian men who were charged with cocaine in their possession.

Senior Magistrate, Alex Moore.

Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mohabir Anil Nandlall, S.C.

The Magistrate’s decision was challenged by the Attorney General (AG), Mohabir Anil Nandlall, S.C.

The defendants, Andre Luiz Pereira, 31, and 64-year-old Salem Nobrega De Alencar, made their first court appearance on July 22, 2021, before Magistrate Moore. The men were charged with illegal entry and for trafficking 453kgs of cocaine. Magistrate Moore had placed them on $3M bail each on the cocaine charge and $50,000 bail each for the illegal entry charge.

According to reports, the cocaine was found after the plane the men were travelling in crashed on May 20, 2021, at Orealla, Region Six.

On August 16, 2021, the AG responded to an application filed in the High Court by Adeline Bernadette Mandokin for and on behalf of Pereira. The application filed was seeking a writ of habeas corpus ad subjiciendum.

Justice Kissoon heard the habeas corpus application and granted an Order Nisi which was directed to the Commissioner of Police to ‘show cause’ why Pereira should not be released from police custody. The matter was then adjourned to Wednesday and this led to the AG responding.The AG then filed a proceeding seeking to have Magistrate’s Moore decision to grant bail revoked.

On Tuesday, attorneys-at-law Nigel Hughes and Konyo Sandiford represented Pereira, while the AG appeared on behalf of the Commissioner of Police.

After hearing arguments from both sides, Justice Kissoon upheld the submissions made by the AG that the Brazilian men should remain in custody until the hearing and determination of the Judicial Review challenge to Magistrate Moore’s decision to grant bail in the circumstances.

Justice Kissoon then granted the interim order staying and suspending the order by Magistrate Moore and also ordered that the ‘show cause’ order that was granted on August 16, 2021, in the Habeas Corpus Application, be discharged.


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