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AG sues Ferguson over claims of Voter ID fraud

Jun 23, 2021 News, Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...s-of-voter-id-fraud/

Kaieteur News – Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, S.C., has initiated legal proceedings against former Minister of Housing and A Partnership for National Unity +Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Member of Parliament, Annette Ferguson, claiming in excess of G$20M worth of damages for libel.

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, S.C.

According to the Statement of Claim, Nandlall is seeking in excess of $10M for damages and in excess of $10M for aggravated damages on the basis that Ferguson on March 22, 2020, openly slandered him by accusing him of Voter Identification Fraud.

Nandlall has also requested an injunction to ban Ferguson and her staff or servants from further making any such statements.

According to the document filed, Nandlall said that Ferguson accused him of taking part in the illegal distribution of Identification Cards (ID) during the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections. He said Ferguson made the statement at a round table discussion hosted by the European Union Observer Team on March 21, 2021, at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre.

APNU+AFC Member of Parliament, Annette Ferguson.

According to case drafted by the law firm, Satram and Satram, that is representing the AG in the matter, Ferguson is quoted as saying “you have people who are sitting in this room that were found distributing ID cards on Elections Day, not the APNU+AFC. It is the very Attorney General, Mr. Anil Nandlall, who was found distributing ID Cards in the lower East Coast Demerara corridor.”

In a document to support his case, Nandlall said that he believes Ferguson intended to suggest that he committed a criminal and electoral offence, one that is punishable by law.

In the circumstances, the AG said that he believed that his reputation “was seriously harmed.” He claimed too that he has suffered considerable hurt, embarrassment, distress and anxiety.

Nandlall therefore asked that the court grant him the award amounting to in excess of $20M as well as the injunctative relief to ban Ferguson or anyone acting on her behalf from causing him any further distress.

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@Django posted:

Hilarious !!!!

Jagdeo lost the G$20 M Lawsuit filed by Annette Ferguson due to Anil goofed up, now Anil sues Annette Ferguson for G$20M ,if Anil wins ,it becomes a wash.

Guyana's Kangaroo Court! 


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