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AG gives Stabroek News 7 days to retract ‘libellous’ Chris Ram letter

AG gives Stabroek News 7 days to retract ‘libellous’ Chris Ram letter


ATTORNEY-GENERAL and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr Mohabir Anil Nandlall, through his lawyer Sase Gunraj, yesterday called on Stabroek News to issue a retraction of a letter penned by Christopher Ram and published under the caption ‘It is the President’s duty alone to appoint three members of the Judicial Service Commission’.In a letter addressed to Stabroek News editor Anand Persaud, a copy of which has been seen by the Guyana Chronicle, Gunraj proposes legal proceedings.

Ram’s has allegedly said that Nandlall is careless about details; cavalier about the constitution and the law; mischievous and obfuscatory; irresponsible; unfamiliar with basic provisions of the Constitution of Guyana; and guilty of a grave dereliction of duty.

Gunraj contends that Ram’s letter, in its natural and ordinary meaning, is understood to say that Nandlall is: incompetent; guilty of dereliction of his duty as principal legal adviser to the President and the Government of Guyana; wilfully and deliberately misleading the President, the Government of Guyana, and the citizens of Guyana; and is unfit to hold either the office of Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, or a seat as a Member of Parliament (MP).

Mr Gunraj’s letter said: “Please be informed that the aforesaid allegations are not only libellous, but are reckless and accentuated by malice, and have caused my client great public ridicule, odium, contempt, embarrassment, humiliation both locally and internationally, and have caused disparagement to the offices of Attorney General, Minister of Legal Affairs, and Member of Parliament, which he holds.

“In the circumstances, I am instructed to demand, as I hereby do, that you do publish a retraction of the libellous statements of and concerning my client, along with an unreserved apology, giving same equal or greater prominence than that enjoyed by the libellous statements.”

The Stabroek News has been given seven days to publish a retraction of Chris Ram’s letter, or face legal proceedings.
By Vanessa Narine

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

It about time to put an end to the peddling of the daily lies by the opposition forces of destruction.

you and suessy can go to hell,the only thing nanda is doing is wasting the court time.this man is a fool he is a public figure and the people have a right to say what they see.cliffton is riding his back

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

yuji's headline:

AG takes on Toilet Paper Reporting. This will put and end to the lies.

yuji calls Stabroek News toilet paper.

I say the Chronicle is yuji's sanitary pad.

yuji is one of the ppp shit head

Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is an excellent move by the AG. The AFC/PNC party lies and misinformation will come to an end.

you wish fool,man duty in life is to expose misdeeds,watch your back 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is an excellent move by the AG. The AFC/PNC party lies and misinformation will come to an end.

Oh rass Chris Ram is now branded PNC by the trench wata Yugi...

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is an excellent move by the AG. The AFC/PNC party lies and misinformation will come to an end.

you wish fool,man duty in life is to expose misdeeds,watch your back 


Foolish man, please take some lessons before responding to my posts. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is an excellent move by the AG. The AFC/PNC party lies and misinformation will come to an end.

you wish fool,man duty in life is to expose misdeeds,watch your back 


Foolish man, please take some lessons before responding to my posts. 

hey low life ******* you want to give me some lessons,i always want to know how people like you thief now go do your duty and plug up bar-rat ass


Originally Posted by yuji22:



With all due respect, please do not pollute my posts. Heed my advice on taking a few lessons. It will do you a lot of good.

go suck your mother

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



With all due respect, please do not pollute my posts. Heed my advice on taking a few lessons. It will do you a lot of good.




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