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Agricola shooting … Detained youths say friend was executed

September 16, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

Troy Greenidge

At least two of the young men who were detained in the wake of last Tuesday’s police shooting in Agricola have expressed fear for their lives. The youngsters who recounted a detailed story of what took place on the day in question have argued that their friend, Shaquille Grant, was executed by the police.
Troy Greenidge and Jamal Henry, who spoke to media operatives on Friday, have both refuted the police claims that they were planning a robbery and had fired at police ranks when the ranks swooped down suddenly on a yard in Caesar Street, Agricola.
According to Greenidge, he and four of his friends had left Brutus Street in the community and moved to Caesar Street where they engaged in conversation under a shed. He said one of the young ladies who live in the yard had given them permission to “cook a pot” while she headed to the city to conduct business.
Greenidge said that some time later they were about to get the stuff to cook when officers stormed the yard hollering, “Nobody don’t f**ing move”. He said everyone did as the police said, but one of his friends was attempting to take out a cell phone and that is when the police fired.
“Police come in and seh nobody don’t f**ing move. We did what them tell we to do, but in the height a going down, Romel Bollers now taking out he phone from he pocket saying officer I want give mah girl ma phone. He go in he pants pocket on de ground and I hear a gunshot go off.”
Greenidge claimed that Bollers was shot at the back of the head and the bullet went straight through hitting the now deceased teen in the ribs. “Romel get shot through the back of he neck, and de bullet come through and knock Georgie (Shaquille Grant) in his ribs.”
Greenidge explained that his friend lay on the ground and started to cry out officer “I get shot”. Greenidge alleged that the officer paid no attention to the teen only shooting him in his head when he attempted to rise up off the ground.

<dl class="wp-caption alignleft" id="attachment_198707" style="width: 160px;"><dt class="wp-caption-dt">
Jamal Henry</dt></dl>

“After Georgie seh officer, officer I get shot, de officer didn’t tek he on. So Georgie now go fah raise up holding he ribs and I hear another shot. When I look at Georgie, I see a bullet to Georgie forehead, which in, he head had a big hole and blood running down.”
Greenidge further alleged that the officer threatened him and he begged for his life. “He come over to me now and seh Dougla u know ya time up, which in I start beg fah me life.” Greenidge said he was, however, saved when Bollers’s girlfriend came out of the house and started to scream after seeing the scene.
Reporters were told that after the shooting, police officers only told the youths that they were planning a robbery before locking them up. Greenidge claimed that they were placed on identification parade after being swabbed for gunpowder residue.
He said he is extremely fearful for his life since being told “your time is up” is a clear indication of someone wanting him dead. He even alleged that three persons all dressed in black were seen in an area not too far from his home, signaling that the persons seemed to be staking out his home.
Jamal Henry related a similar story. He, however, said that he was seated with the other boys just before the incident and had gone inside the house to rest since he had a headache.
He said he came outside when he heard the gunshots and was ordered to join the other young men on the ground. He claimed that he saw when the officer reportedly went over his friend and shot him in the head. “I went and lie down cause I de getting a headache. Then a little while later I hear bodhoo, so I run to de door and see police. Dem tell me go pon de ground, then I see de one who go over Georgie and kill he.”
Both the men who spoke to the media described the rank and said they would be able to identify him anytime they saw him again. They also claimed that one officer did the shooting.
Henry, in tears, pledged to see his friend get justice. “I gun see to it that me friend get he rights in this case, and I gun mek sure I give he right.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Diallo anyone rememberOriginally Posted by baseman:

The police say "don't move" and he reached in his pocket for his cell phone.  Well, in the US they all might have been dead.

Diallo, anyone remember.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The police say "don't move" and he reached in his pocket for his cell phone. 

That was Romel not Shaquilee (17) who was hit in the ribs,lying on the ground, by the bullet that went thru Romel's neck. The police went over and shot the 17 year old in the back of the head telling him that his time is up. Afterwards they  dragged him, kicking him and spitting on him. This is why the people are enraged over the police inhumanity.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The police say "don't move" and he reached in his pocket for his cell phone. 

That was Romel not Shaquilee (17) who was hit in the ribs,lying on the ground, by the bullet that went thru Romel's neck. The police went over and shot the 17 year old in the back of the head telling him that his time is up. Afterwards they  dragged him, kicking him and spitting on him. This is why the people are enraged over the police inhumanity.

Ok, I agree that police, as in Linden, seem to be heavy-handed.  However, we also just saw a young detective shot in the head and killed execution-style.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The police say "don't move" and he reached in his pocket for his cell phone. 

That was Romel not Shaquilee (17) who was hit in the ribs,lying on the ground, by the bullet that went thru Romel's neck. The police went over and shot the 17 year old in the back of the head telling him that his time is up. Afterwards they  dragged him, kicking him and spitting on him. This is why the people are enraged over the police inhumanity.

Ok, I agree that police, as in Linden, seem to be heavy-handed.  However, we also just saw a young detective shot in the head and killed execution-style.

Ok, I agree with you  that since these two events are mutully exclusive, the police have the right to be inhumane and execute any one they suspect based on reports that they are planning to commmit a crime. Today for me. Tomorow for you. Baseman I pray and hope that you will be able to rise over your prejudices one of these days.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The police say "don't move" and he reached in his pocket for his cell phone. 

That was Romel not Shaquilee (17) who was hit in the ribs,lying on the ground, by the bullet that went thru Romel's neck. The police went over and shot the 17 year old in the back of the head telling him that his time is up. Afterwards they  dragged him, kicking him and spitting on him. This is why the people are enraged over the police inhumanity.

Mits, Criminals and their families are known to give a different version of Events. Let us wait for ALL the FACTS. I am sure you know the " It is NOT my Child, he did not do it, he is an angel and would never do such a thing"


 BUt we have it on Camera, well the Camera lying said the Mother.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The police say "don't move" and he reached in his pocket for his cell phone. 

That was Romel not Shaquilee (17) who was hit in the ribs,lying on the ground, by the bullet that went thru Romel's neck. The police went over and shot the 17 year old in the back of the head telling him that his time is up. Afterwards they  dragged him, kicking him and spitting on him. This is why the people are enraged over the police inhumanity.

Ok, I agree that police, as in Linden, seem to be heavy-handed.  However, we also just saw a young detective shot in the head and killed execution-style.

Ok, I agree with you  that since these two events are mutully exclusive, the police have the right to be inhumane and execute any one they suspect based on reports that they are planning to commmit a crime. Today for me. Tomorow for you. Baseman I pray and hope that you will be able to rise over your prejudices one of these days.

Hey banna, I said the police seem heavy-handed but also police are being shot and could understand the police agitation.  In the great USA, they all might have been taken down, then what?  What is "prejudice" about my comment.


Now, go carry your "inhumane position" to the parents of Jirbahan Dianand.  Oh, I am racist cuz this guy is Indian and the guy in Buxton is Afro, right!


Buxton and Agricola are/were known hot-bed of domestic terrorism that brought enormous harm to the people of Guyana.  That being said, we don't know all the facts, so why jump to conclusions.  Seems the police were staking out these guys for some reason.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Oh, I am racist cuz this guy is Indian and the guy in Buxton is Afro, right!

ummm . . . allied with a stinking pile of other [documented] reasons, that IS correct!!


Your filthy record on GNI is long and 'distinguished'

Originally Posted by baseman:

The police say "don't move" and he reached in his pocket for his cell phone.  Well, in the US they all might have been dead.

I do agree this was a stupid move, but I'm not sure if the police in the US would have applied the same measure. The guyanese police on the other hand are more quick on the draw.

in reference to the diallo case, he pulled out his wallet on a front porch in the night giving probable cause that he may have had a weapon.  In the agricola case, this was broad daylight. Better judgement should have prevailed on the part of the GPF. Just my take.  

Originally Posted by baseman:
Hey banna, I said the police seem heavy-handed but also police are being shot and could understand the police agitation.  This does not the justify the murder of a youth.

  In the great USA, they all might have been taken down, then what?


What is "prejudice" about my comment. You are a racist and and it's OK with you  to see  another black youth killed. I am cetain your take would have been different if this was an Indian kid.


Now, go carry your "inhumane position" to the parents of Jirbahan Dianand.  Oh, I am racist cuz this guy is Indian and the guy in Buxton is Afro, right!  I have already expressed my empathy for his death. His death has no bearing on the  inhumane behaviour of the police. The events are mutually exclusive and you are going off at a tangent.


Buxton and Agricola are/were known hot-bed of domestic terrorism that brought enormous harm to the people of Guyana.  That being said, we don't know all the facts, so why jump to conclusions.  Seems the police were staking out these guys for some reason.  This is extraneous and has no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Hey banna, I said the police seem heavy-handed but also police are being shot and could understand the police agitation.  This does not the justify the murder of a youth.

  In the great USA, they all might have been taken down, then what?


What is "prejudice" about my comment. You are a racist and and it's OK with you  to see  another black youth killed. I am cetain your take would have been different if this was an Indian kid.


Now, go carry your "inhumane position" to the parents of Jirbahan Dianand.  Oh, I am racist cuz this guy is Indian and the guy in Buxton is Afro, right!  I have already expressed my empathy for his death. His death has no bearing on the  inhumane behaviour of the police. The events are mutually exclusive and you are going off at a tangent.


Buxton and Agricola are/were known hot-bed of domestic terrorism that brought enormous harm to the people of Guyana.  That being said, we don't know all the facts, so why jump to conclusions.  Seems the police were staking out these guys for some reason.  This is extraneous and has no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue.


Yea yea yea.  Go take a shower.  I and you have no idea as to the facts, so why you jumping to conclusion.  As I said, you do half of that in the great USA, you are sent to the mortuary, no questions.


The police are doing their job and good for them.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Oh, I am racist cuz this guy is Indian and the guy in Buxton is Afro, right!

ummm . . . allied with a stinking pile of other [documented] reasons, that IS correct!!


Your filthy record on GNI is long and 'distinguished'

Now, is your diarrhea over, put on some perfume.  Get over police action.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Oh, I am racist cuz this guy is Indian and the guy in Buxton is Afro, right!

ummm . . . allied with a stinking pile of other [documented] reasons, that IS correct!!


Your filthy record on GNI is long and 'distinguished'

Now, is your diarrhea over, put on some perfume.  Get over police action.

run from your record bai, run like the bigot coward we know U are, run . . .

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Oh, I am racist cuz this guy is Indian and the guy in Buxton is Afro, right!

ummm . . . allied with a stinking pile of other [documented] reasons, that IS correct!!


Your filthy record on GNI is long and 'distinguished'

Now, is your diarrhea over, put on some perfume.  Get over police action.

run from your record bai, run like the bigot coward we know U are, run . . .

Police action, what's your problem?  Congrats to the security forces for their pre-empetive posture and stemming the culture of mayhem.  How many innocent lives are being saved, we will never know.


No to terrorism, lawlessness and banditry.  Do you have an issue with that?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Hey banna, I said the police seem heavy-handed but also police are being shot and could understand the police agitation.  This does not the justify the murder of a youth.

  In the great USA, they all might have been taken down, then what?


What is "prejudice" about my comment. You are a racist and and it's OK with you  to see  another black youth killed. I am cetain your take would have been different if this was an Indian kid.


Now, go carry your "inhumane position" to the parents of Jirbahan Dianand.  Oh, I am racist cuz this guy is Indian and the guy in Buxton is Afro, right!  I have already expressed my empathy for his death. His death has no bearing on the  inhumane behaviour of the police. The events are mutually exclusive and you are going off at a tangent.


Buxton and Agricola are/were known hot-bed of domestic terrorism that brought enormous harm to the people of Guyana.  That being said, we don't know all the facts, so why jump to conclusions.  Seems the police were staking out these guys for some reason.  This is extraneous and has no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue.


Yea yea yea.  Go take a shower.  I and you have no idea as to the facts, so why you jumping to conclusion.  As I said, you do half of that in the great USA, you are sent to the mortuary, no questions.


The police are doing their job and good for them.

If the police were their job they would arrest Dr. Roger Lunchman for aiding and abetting the criminal activity of stealing and go after the white collar criminals of the PPPinc.

Originally Posted by baseman:

No to terrorism, lawlessness and banditry . . .

albert and conscience living large on the taxpayer's dime chanting platitudes like that on GNI every day


you should think about invoicing Freedom House . . .

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

No to terrorism, lawlessness and banditry . . .

albert and conscience living large on the taxpayer's dime chanting platitudes like that on GNI every day


you should think about invoicing Freedom House . . .

I don't know who "albert" and "conscience" are however, I take it as an acceptance of the statement.


If you are a person who stand for law and order, you must stand with the hardworking police placing their lives on the line to protect the innocent.  Just look at the risk that are taking everyday.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

No to terrorism, lawlessness and banditry . . .

albert and conscience living large on the taxpayer's dime chanting platitudes like that on GNI every day


you should think about invoicing Freedom House . . .

I don't know who "albert" and "conscience" are however, I take it as an acceptance of the statement.


If you are a person who stand for law and order, you must stand with the hardworking police placing their lives on the line to protect the innocent.  Just look at the risk that are taking everyday.

to say you are full of shit is to give shit a bad name.


You are on record here denigrating the [majority Afro] disciplined forces as stealth PNCite, wannabe oppressors of all things non-African, just waiting for opportunity to "pounce" and [re]enslave Indo-Guyanese.


look . . . go peddle your smelly revisionist shyte to those who have not been paying attention, yeh

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

No to terrorism, lawlessness and banditry . . .

albert and conscience living large on the taxpayer's dime chanting platitudes like that on GNI every day


you should think about invoicing Freedom House . . .

I don't know who "albert" and "conscience" are however, I take it as an acceptance of the statement.


If you are a person who stand for law and order, you must stand with the hardworking police placing their lives on the line to protect the innocent.  Just look at the risk that are taking everyday.

to say you are full of shit is to give shit a bad name.


You are on record here denigrating the [majority Afro] disciplined forces as stealth PNCite, wannabe oppressors of all things non-African, just waiting for opportunity to "pounce" and [re]enslave Indo-Guyanese.


look . . . go peddle your smelly revisionist shyte to those who have not been paying attention, yeh

Could you tell us the voting pattern of the armed forces in 2011?


What happen the GR, Cain & Mitwah condolences? It's a bad thing when you get an old putagee man to argue shit from his wheel chair from the maple leaf country. I wouldn't go too hard on my friend Mitwah, but that German, GR; he is one conniving sog aka pistol.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Yes, I've been an ignorant ass since the neemakarams take over Guyana. AFC label their oppositions as asses even on Christmas day. So, what do you expect from me?

Stop giving asses a bad name.  Anybody who told you to be yourself simply couldn't have given you worse advice.... it couldn't have been the Neemaks.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Yes, I've been an ignorant ass since the neemakarams take over Guyana. AFC label their oppositions as asses even on Christmas day. So, what do you expect from me?

Not much really!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

No to terrorism, lawlessness and banditry . . .

albert and conscience living large on the taxpayer's dime chanting platitudes like that on GNI every day


you should think about invoicing Freedom House . . .

I don't know who "albert" and "conscience" are however, I take it as an acceptance of the statement.


If you are a person who stand for law and order, you must stand with the hardworking police placing their lives on the line to protect the innocent.  Just look at the risk that are taking everyday.

to say you are full of shit is to give shit a bad name.


You are on record here denigrating the [majority Afro] disciplined forces as stealth PNCite, wannabe oppressors of all things non-African, just waiting for opportunity to "pounce" and [re]enslave Indo-Guyanese.


look . . . go peddle your smelly revisionist shyte to those who have not been paying attention, yeh

Could you tell us the voting pattern of the armed forces in 2011?

They voted overwhelmingly for PNC/APNU, nothing stealthy about that . . . what's your point?


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