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Top Cop invokes God as his judge following rape allegation
Written by Kwesi Isles
Tuesday, 13 December 2011

A 34-year-old woman has accused Commissioner of Police Henry Greene of raping her after she went to him for help on a matter involving another police officer and his wife.
The incident allegedly happened on November 22 last but was only reported to the police on Tuesday because the woman said she had been living in fear as a result of threats from her alleged rapist. She has retained Nigel Hughes as her attorney.

When Demerara Waves Online News ( contacted Greene on Tuesday he said he needed to get the details of the woman's allegations before he made a statement if any.
In a further reaction on Wednesday following media reports on the woman's claims Greene stated "Let God be the judge, suffice to say I've sought legal advice in that matter."
According to the mother of two, she went to the accused's office for a meeting on November 15 and again on November 22 and relayed her concerns. She added that it was at the latter meeting that he offered her GUY$15,000 which she reluctantly took because she had no money to take care of her children.

According to the woman, Greene called her later that day and told her he had her cellphone which the police had seized in connection with the incident involving the police officer's wife. The woman said she went to Eve Leary and after waiting for some time the officer offered to drop her back home. However, she said he took her to a hotel in the city (name provided) where he brandished a handgun and ordered her out of the vehicle.

According to the woman, Greene went to a downstairs room which he opened himself and forced her into the room. She added that he had sex with her for about one and a half to two hours duing which time she continuosly begged him to stop. The woman said she had spied where he placed the gun before mounting her and she began feigning pleasure and asked to go on top in the hopes that she could get her hands on the gun. Had she done so, the woman said, she would have killed him.
According to the woman, he used a condom which he wrapped up in toilet paper and placed in his pocket afterward. The man then took her to buy food on Regent Street sometime after midnight, the woman alleged, before taking her home.

She added that Greene then started threatening to kill her if she went to any doctor and had called her everyday since then until Monday. The woman said he gave her money once more on December 6 and continued his threats. According to her, she visited her family doctor a week after the incident but he refused to get involved when he learnt who was her alleged attacker.

She was subsequently contacted by an individual who identified himself as a senior police officer (name provided), the woman said, who told her a senior government official (name provided) wanted to speak to her without a lawyer.

The woman said she was finally seen by a doctor recommended by Hughes but this was about two weeks after the alleged incident.

Asked why she was coming forward now the woman said she was in fear for her life

She provided the media with phone numbers said to belong to Greene including one which he told her that only government officials had. She also displayed phone messgaes that he allegedly sent her.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by TI:
She added that it was at the latter meeting that he offered her GUY$15,000 which she reluctantly took because she had no money to take care of her children

15K a pop, not bad!
Lets not joke. If he did as she said then he did a really bad thing; he raped her.

Knowing Guyanese women I would say no in this case.
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by TI:
She added that it was at the latter meeting that he offered her GUY$15,000 which she reluctantly took because she had no money to take care of her children

15K a pop, not bad!
Lets not joke. If he did as she said then he did a really bad thing; he raped her.

Knowing Guyanese women I would say no in this case.
There is no "in this case" with rape. My sister and mom are Guyanese women and I know them but miss what is the special characteristic in them you think reflects with this woman.
According to the mother of two, she went to the accused's office for a meeting on November 15 and again on November 22 and relayed her concerns. She added that it was at the latter meeting that he offered her GUY$15,000 which she reluctantly took because she had no money to take care of her children.

This was before the alleged rape.
Which Guyanese man does give away $15K to a stranger?
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Even if it was consensual the commissioner should resign.

Not resign, but excuse himself from office of the Commisioner of Police until the investigations and case is complete, will be my way to go.

why do you people condone crime,because of can you people call yourself honest.this man is a criminal regardless of who he is
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Even if it was consensual the commissioner should resign.

Not resign, but excuse himself from office of the Commisioner of Police until the investigations and case is complete, will be my way to go.

why do you people condone crime,because of can you people call yourself honest.this man is a criminal regardless of who he is

Allegations or what you say does not make anyone a criminal. He has to be convicted in a court of law for a crime and that would make him a criminal.
With all these free lessons you are getting I hope that you are putting it to good use.

GNI is like a Technical Institute for some.

Commissioner Greene should be interdicted at least - AFC
Written by Kwesi Isles

Wednesday, 14 December 2011 15:18

The Alliance For Change (AFC) has called for the dismissal or at least interdiction from duty of Commisioner of Police Henry Greene following Tuesday's rape allegation against him and is viewing the matter as the first real test of the Donald Ramotar administration.

The 34-year-old mother of two spoke to reporters at her attorney Nigel Hughes' office where she recounted that she had gone to Greene for assistance with a matter involving another police officer with the outcome being him raping her at a city hotel.

Commenting briefly on the allegations against him at the Annual Police Awards Ceremony on Wednesday Greene stated "Let God be the judge; suffice to say I've sought legal advice in that matter."

At the AFC's weekly news conference on Wednesday party Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan called for a "very intense investigation of the allegation and at least Greene's interdication at this stage.

"Based on what we've heard we feel he ought to tender his resignation or the president ought to dismiss him, but at the very least at this stage an interdiction," Ramjattan stated.

He noted that there has been no denial from Greene that he had sex with the woman and added that even if it was consensual it was an abuse of his office since the woman went to him for assistance.

"If it was any other person like yourself ... having an allegation like that made by a woman you would have already been locked up long time and probably with no bail for several weeks," Ramjattan added.

AFC Leader Raphael Trotman meanwhile stated that the interdication call was not unreasonable since Greene heads the agency which will in effect be investigating an allegation made against him.

"It is the man who is in charge of the investigating agency and one need not have to extrapolate and go into any details on how that investigation could be compromised. It's not a citizen relating to the police it's the police dealing with itself and its most senior officer and so common sense, best practices and the transparency of the investigation demand that he be interdicted immediately at least and like Khemraj I believe that he should be dismissed forthwith because I don't see the man tendering any resignation."

According to Trotman, the issue is the first real test for Ramotar.

"Is he president or is he a weakling, because if the most senior police officer in Guyana could break the rule of law or be accused of doing it and nothing happens it defines his presidency in my view from today going forward," he stated.

Trotman said he is holding the president "personally responsible" on the matter and added that the nation and the world is looking on.

"I saw a senior diplomat today and it was the subject of discussion, how will this government handle such an accusation. He is entitled to due process, he's entitled to the rule of law but as Khemraj rightly said if it was one of us we would have already been taken down, refused bail and charges would have been processed by tomorrow morning by the DPP; let's see what happens."

Police probe Top Cop rape allegation
December 14, 2011

accuser was previously fingered in $2M blackmail scheme

In what could turn out to be the scandal of the year, police are probing a report from a 34-year-old woman that she was raped by an officer in the top echelons of the Guyana Police Force.
The woman who hails from the East Coast of Demerara made the report to police at the Brickdam Station yesterday afternoon in the presence of attorney at law Nigel Hughes.
She is alleging that she was forced to have sex with the senior officer after she was induced with cash and a promise to assist her in a matter that is presently engaging the attention of the police.
The officer in question has dismissed the woman’s claims as mere allegations and has vowed to clear his name.
The woman, who spoke to media operatives shortly before reporting the matter officially to the police, spoke about receiving threats to her life if she ever went public with the allegations.

This she said resulted in her only making the public disclosure more than two weeks after the alleged incident.
She said that she was so overwhelmed and could no longer live with her conscience so she decided to reveal details of the alleged ordeal.
The woman stated that she had sought the assistance of the senior police official in a matter concerning an investigation involving her husband and a policeman and his wife.
Just over a month ago this newspaper had reported that the woman was detained by the police on the East Coast of Demerara in connection with an alleged blackmail plot after she had video recorded her husband and another woman in a compromising position in an East Coast Demerara hotel room.
At that time the police were probing whether or not she had used the video to extort money from her husband’s secret lover.
A few days later she had made allegations that the other woman’s husband, who happens to be a policeman stationed in Berbice had sexually molested her.
It was these matters which the police were investigating that led to her seeking the help of the high ranking police officer.
The woman told the media that she was frustrated with the pace of the investigations, since the police had taken possession of her cellular phone, which contained some very important telephone numbers in it, and she sought help.
She contacted the office of the high ranking officer via telephone and secured an appointment to meet with him.
On November 15 she met with the officer and he made enquiries about the blackmail and sexual assault investigations.
She was subsequently sent away by the officer who promised to look further into the matter.
The woman said that she returned to the officer on November 22 and sat in his office and explained her position in detail.
“I talking to him and he’s telling me his problem, how he was married before and had two children, he divorce and all kinds of things. So I’m sitting there, my children home hungry, I come for my problem and you’re telling me your problemâ€Ķhe was making a mockery out of things,” she said.
She added that she did indicate her financial plight to which the officer said he could help.
“He went down into his drawer and took out some money and he giving it to me. I said ‘Sir, I can’t take your money’. He said ‘Maam listen, take this money, l don’t like to hear about children hungry, I love to help out’,” she explained.
Knowing that her children were indeed in need at home, she eventually took the money.
The officer then promised to have her cellular phone returned to her and subsequently gave her his business card with a written cellular phone number at the back, and urged her to call him if she did not hear from him after a certain time.
“He said don’t give nobody this card, only the government know this number,” the woman stated.
Later that afternoon, the officer contacted her and invited her to meet with him at Eve Leary, since he had collected her cellular phone and wanted to hand it over.
When she turned up she was made to wait at the Police Officers’ Mess for several hours until the officer was finished with a pre-arranged meeting.
She said that after waiting for almost two hours she made an attempt to leave but was advised by another officer to wait a bit longer.
When the officer emerged from his meeting at around 21:00 hours, the woman asked him about her phone and he told her that he had to go over to his office for it.
“I told him that it was getting late and I need to get home. But he said ‘don’t worry I would drop you home’ I didn’t think anything negative.”
But the woman said that instead of walking over to his office, the officer offered her a ride in his vehicle and drove past his office and headed towards the heart of the city.
She recalled that the officer drove her to an area in Charlestown despite her protestations, where he took her into a secluded hotel, where a man opened the gate for the cop to drive in with his vehicle.
She said that she enquired from the police officer if he was living at the location and he said no.
The woman said that she did not see anyone else after then.
“He turned his vehicle off and said ‘Get out! Get out!’ I say ‘Get out to go where?’ and he said, ‘Wait man you’re a very naive women, you don’t live in Guyana, you think people does give money so free. Get out of this car girl’,” the woman recalled.
She said that she started to cry and the senior cop donned a black cap in an apparent move to disguise himself.
According to her, the officer went into the vehicle’s glove compartment and took out a gun which he kept waving as he was ordering her out of the vehicle.
He took care not to point it directly at the woman.
Eventually the policeman came around and opened the door on her side and since she was afraid of the weapon he was waving, she reluctantly exited the vehicle after he made a strange demand.
“He said, ‘oh you don’t want to come out of the vehicle, furthermore give me back my money, you find it back, I want it right now.’ I know I already spent the money, I don’t have it. I start crying,” the woman said, adding that she eventually exited the vehicle and went into a room which was opened by the senior cop himself.
She was ordered to take off her clothes by the cop who was still holding his gun in his hand, even as he hurriedly took off his.
The woman said that she tried to run but the police officer grabbed her and slapped her rendering her unconscious for a brief period.
She said when she regained consciousness, her pants was already ripped down and the cop was on top of her, putting on a condom.
The woman told members of the media that the officer stayed on top of her for a long while, holding her throat to prevent her from screaming.
It was only when his cellular phone rang that he stopped the alleged assault.
She said that she was in so much pain that she remained in the bed while the cop wrapped the condom in a piece of tissue and put it in his pocket.
Eventually she summoned the courage to get up, especially since the officer threatened to repeat his act, this time “from the back”.
Minutes later she dressed herself and they both left the hotel.
“When we were leaving, he started to talk to me like if we were lovers,” the woman said.
It was around midnight when they left the hotel and they went to Regent Street where the officer bought chowmein and pepperpot for her before taking her home.
“He start threatening me. He said ‘listen if you try go to any doctor, I will know. I got strings all over Guyana.”
The woman said that she was extremely afraid, especially since she considered the threat seriously.
Every day after that, the senior cop kept calling her and reminding her about his threat, which she said caused her to be reluctant to reveal what had happened, to anyone.
One week later she went to a doctor on the East Bank of Demerara for a medical examination.
She said that the doctor upon hearing who she was speaking about declined to look at her.
However when contacted, the doctor who could not immediately recall the matter, eventually told this newspaper that he could not look at the woman since he had ceased being a government medical officer earlier this year.
Additionally, he said, the woman was not accompanied by a female police ranks as is normally required when rape cases are being dealt with.
“Anybody who comes with a police matter I now refer them to Diamond or the Georgetown Hospital, and besides she did not come with a female police rank,” the doctor explained.
According to the woman, the doctor however called her and informed her that he had spoken to a friend, who was in a position to assist her.
She said that that person turned out to be another senior officer who told her that he would arrange for her to meet with a senior functionary at the Office of the President who would look into the matter.
However she declined to take up the offer since the person insisted that she went alone.
She subsequently was seen by another doctor, who gave her some treatment for what she claimed was an infection caused by the condoms.
The woman has kept all the text message conversations she had with the police officer as well as records of all the calls he made to her phone, which she showed to members of the media.
The last call was as recent as last week.
She said that she eventually told her husband what happened.
“I cannot even tell you what he said to me.”
Later, she and her attorney went to the Brickdam Police Station where a formal report was made.
When contacted the officer said that the woman was making wild accusations although he admitted that the she did come to him for help.
He said however that while he could easily deny the allegations he would prefer that all queries be directed to his attorney


Just over a month ago this newspaper had reported that the woman was detained by the police on the East Coast of Demerara in connection with an alleged blackmail plot after she had video recorded her husband and another woman in a compromising position in an East Coast Demerara hotel room.
At that time the police were probing whether or not she had used the video to extort money from her husband’s secret lover.

A few days later she had made allegations that the other woman’s husband, who happens to be a policeman stationed in Berbice had sexually molested her.

Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Even if it was consensual the commissioner should resign.

Not resign, but excuse himself from office of the Commisioner of Police until the investigations and case is complete, will be my way to go.

why do you people condone crime,because of can you people call yourself honest.this man is a criminal regardless of who he is

Allegations or what you say does not make anyone a criminal. He has to be convicted in a court of law for a crime and that would make him a criminal.
With all these free lessons you are getting I hope that you are putting it to good use.

GNI is like a Technical Institute for some.

okay teacher,why don you tell the AMERICAN EMBASSY that when they take his visa away.
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Even if it was consensual the commissioner should resign.

Not resign, but excuse himself from office of the Commisioner of Police until the investigations and case is complete, will be my way to go.

why do you people condone crime,because of can you people call yourself honest.this man is a criminal regardless of who he is

Allegations or what you say does not make anyone a criminal. He has to be convicted in a court of law for a crime and that would make him a criminal.
With all these free lessons you are getting I hope that you are putting it to good use.

GNI is like a Technical Institute for some.

okay teacher,why don you tell the AMERICAN EMBASSY that when they take his visa away.

Bai why dont you read and learn something for once, read what your affiliated political personal says "he should be interdicted at least"

Now your homework is to go look up the word "interdicted"

Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Even if it was consensual the commissioner should resign.

Not resign, but excuse himself from office of the Commisioner of Police until the investigations and case is complete, will be my way to go.

why do you people condone crime,because of can you people call yourself honest.this man is a criminal regardless of who he is

Allegations or what you say does not make anyone a criminal. He has to be convicted in a court of law for a crime and that would make him a criminal.
With all these free lessons you are getting I hope that you are putting it to good use.

GNI is like a Technical Institute for some.

okay teacher,why don you tell the AMERICAN EMBASSY that when they take his visa away.

Bai why dont you read and learn something for once, read what your affiliated political personal says "he should be interdicted at least"

Now your homework is to go look up the word "interdicted"

this is window washing,i say this man should be fire a long time ago.the ppp will do anything to protect their creatures. a dummy like you cannot tell me the ppp do not know about this man crimes
Originally posted by SuperMike:
She added that he had sex with her for about one and a half to two hours duing which time she continuosly begged him to stop.

dis man Green can hardly walk and not blowing like a race horse much less hammering this chick fu 2 hours..WOW..this i find hard to believe... let's see how this will unfold.
i wonder if it was your family if you will belive it.this is not the first time this man was accuse of this kind of crime
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
She added that he had sex with her for about one and a half to two hours duing which time she continuosly begged him to stop.

dis man Green can hardly walk and not blowing like a race horse much less hammering this chick fu 2 hours..WOW..this i find hard to believe... let's see how this will unfold.
i wonder if it was your family if you will belive it.this is not the first time this man was accuse of this kind of crime

don;t get me rang bro...i know dis chap and will not put my head on a block for him...but i cannot see him doing this fu 2 hours...catch me drift...ah tink she extended the time pun him hey. Big Grin
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
She added that he had sex with her for about one and a half to two hours duing which time she continuosly begged him to stop.

dis man Green can hardly walk and not blowing like a race horse much less hammering this chick fu 2 hours..WOW..this i find hard to believe... let's see how this will unfold.
i wonder if it was your family if you will belive it.this is not the first time this man was accuse of this kind of crime

don;t get me rang bro...i know dis chap and will not put my head on a block for him...but i cannot see him doing this fu 2 hours...catch me drift...ah tink she extended the time pun him hey. Big Grin
he did not sex the women for two hrs,he had her captive for two hrs.this is how guyanese people speak,read between the lines
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by warrior:
only in the ppp government.god have mercy on guyana

But PNC/APNU and AFC controlls the PPP/C Govt, are you guys on the take? or is it that you Guys are trying to get her a Visa to Canada? Big Grin

asj, in what year was Henry Greene appointed commissioner? Are you aware of any other scandals before this one, or are you only now up to date with the news?
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
She added that he had sex with her for about one and a half to two hours duing which time she continuosly begged him to stop.

dis man Green can hardly walk and not blowing like a race horse much less hammering this chick fu 2 hours..WOW..this i find hard to believe... let's see how this will unfold.
i wonder if it was your family if you will belive it.this is not the first time this man was accuse of this kind of crime

don;t get me rang bro...i know dis chap and will not put my head on a block for him...but i cannot see him doing this fu 2 hours...catch me drift...ah tink she extended the time pun him hey. Big Grin
he did not sex the women for two hrs,he had her captive for two hrs.this is how guyanese people speak,read between the lines

Lol, yeah two hours backwards. Big Grin yippie
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
She added that he had sex with her for about one and a half to two hours duing which time she continuosly begged him to stop.

dis man Green can hardly walk and not blowing like a race horse much less hammering this chick fu 2 hours..WOW..this i find hard to believe... let's see how this will unfold.
i wonder if it was your family if you will belive it.this is not the first time this man was accuse of this kind of crime

don;t get me rang bro...i know dis chap and will not put my head on a block for him...but i cannot see him doing this fu 2 hours...catch me drift...ah tink she extended the time pun him hey. Big Grin
he did not sex the women for two hrs,he had her captive for two hrs.this is how guyanese people speak,read between the lines

how you noo eh?? like you waz de mat-rass or waa.. cheers lol partybanana yippie strongman

Greene proceeds on leave in wake of rape allegation; opposition, women lawyers welcome decision
Written by Kwesi Isles
Saturday, 17 December 2011 19:04

Commissioner of the Guyana Police Force Henry Greene has proceeded on leave as an investigation gets underway into a rape allegation levelled against him earlier this week

The announcement came via the Government Information Agency (GINA) and amidst strident calls from opposition parties and interest groups for him to either resign or step aside so that an unimpeded investigation could be done.

According to a GINA release on Saturday, President Ramotar has acceeded to Greene's request for leave in light of the allegation against him with Assistant Commissioner Leroy Brumell to serve as Commissioner in the interim.

"The Head of State said also that he has liaised with Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee, requesting that his Ministry conduct external assistance in the investigations in order to expedite them," the GINA release read.

The APNU and AFC,the Guyana Women Lawyers Association and the Youth Coalition for Transformation have all called on Greene to resign or step aside for the investigation.

Executive member of the Guyana Women Lawyers Association, Emily Dodson, in an initial reaction, welcomed the decision, saying
“My view is that this should have happened a long time ago."

His accuser, a 34-year-old mother of two, said she had gone to Greene last month for assistance with a matter involving another police officer and ended up being raped by the Commissioner on November 22 at a city hotel. Greene has not pronounced on the allegations one way or the other, instead saying that he has put the matter in the hands of his lawyers and that God would be his judge. He has also declined to say whether he knows the woman.

AFC Leader, Raphael Trotman also agreed with the decision for Greene to go on leave but preferred to seem him interdicted as any other officer or rank of the Guyana Police Force. “It's a good first step but ultimately he should be treated in any other way as a rank and not sent on leave but interdicted. It is a good indication that after a very long time rule of law would be propped or an attempt to restore it.”

Trotman not only expects due process and non-interference for both Greene and his accuser but also the beginning of an overhaul of the top-bracket of the police force, aimed at restoring local and international credibility and pride.

“Now we have a good opportunity to ensure both have due process and reshape and reform the entire hierarchy of the Guyana Police Force whose image has been badly tattered,” said Trotman who is a United States-trained security expert.

APNU's Vice Chairman, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine hailed Greene's decision as a "sensible thing" and hoped that the investigation would not be tainted. "He has done the sensible thing. It may be a prelude to his resignation and I think it will be generally welcomed," he said. Greene has reached retirement age but has been retained at the president's pleasure.

"From what I know, there is definitely grounds for an investigation. We do have the capacity to carry out an investigation and in the present climate it would be very foolhardy to interfere with an investigation," Roopnaraine added.


Police Commissioner Henry Greene challenges persons who have evidence to support claims that he is corrupt to come forward and provide same

Published on Tuesday, 06 September 2011

Greene’s US visa was revoked in 2006 after he was suspected to have ties to the illegal drug trade. The commissioner who has been on the job way past his age of retirement has survived various bouts of sicknesses but is still functioning in his capacity.

Wikileaks cables revealed that in 2006 Charge D’affairs Michael Thomas believed Greene as commissioner will have consequences on foreign assistance involving the GPF. This is according to Thomas in a July 24, 2006 cable that was revealed by Wikileaks last week. But the top cop hit back today, asking his accusers to bring the evidence to the table.

“This was something that came up five years ago and I did publically make a comment then but I say judge me by my record from 2006 to now and secondly I still challenge anyone to prove or to give information on either my involvement or dealing with any Narco trafficker or Narco trade” the Police Commissioner said” the commissioner said.

The cable from the American Embassy here questioned Greene’s confidentiality and negatively labeled him. No official from any foreign mission or otherwise has to date brought to the fore evidence the top cop has been involved in any wrong doing.

President orders external help with Investigation
DECEMBER 18th, 2011 Top Cop steps aside over rape allegation â€Ķ

GEORGETOWN, Guyana -President Donald Ramotar has announced that Assistant Commissioner of Police Leroy Brummel will head the force in the absence of embattled Commissioner Henry Greene, who is to proceed on leave to facilitate an investigation into a rape allegation that was made against him.

Reports reaching Kaieteur News stated that following the allegations Greene wrote to the President requesting to proceed on leave while the investigations are taking place.

President Donald Ramotar
“I have agreed that he should go on leave while the investigation is going on,” the President said in a recent interview with the state owned National Communications Network (NCN).
“I’ve also raised with the Minister of Home Affairs that they should seek other assistance, external assistance in this investigationâ€Ķso that it can be done very quickly and that justice can be done, that it can be investigated as fast as possible so that we can put this behind us,” President Ramotar said.
The President’s announcement comes a few days after several calls were made for Greene to step down as Commissioner in light of the damning allegations.

On Monday last a 34-year-old woman shocked the nation when she gave a tell it all interview to several media houses, detailing a sordid encounter with the Top Cop on November 22, six days before the last general elections.
The woman spoke about receiving threats to her life if she ever went public with the allegations.
This, she said, resulted in her only making the public disclosure more than two weeks after the alleged incident.
She said that she was so overwhelmed and could no longer live with her conscience that she decided to reveal details of the alleged ordeal.

The Alliance for Change had first made the call with its Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan demanding that Greene be immediately interdicted from the Guyana Police Force.
“As a matter of fact, based on what we have heard, we feel that he ought to tender his resignation or the President ought to dismiss himâ€Ķ.but at the very least at this stageâ€Ķ an interdiction,” Ramjattan said at a recent press conference that his party hosted.
According to Ramjattan, a citizen seeking the assistance of the Commissioner of Police and having to wait late at nights and the talk of money involved would constitute an abuse of the Commissioner’s office even if there was some level of consentâ€Ķ it would require an immediate resignation or dismissal on the part of Greene.
The AFC Chairman opined that if it were any other ordinary citizen that was being accused of such a heinous act, “you would have already been locked up, probably with no bail for several weeks.”
Ramjattan, a lawyer by profession, was of the opinion that the case will represent a big test for the Guyana Police Force and its commitment to the provisions of the Sexual Offences Act.
It is very unfortunate that it is our Commissioner who will be bearing the bruntâ€ĶI hope that it is dealt with and it is not that we pass laws and there is no enforcement.”
The AFC Prime Ministerial Candidate for the recently held General Elections, Raphael Trotman, adding his sentiments to the now topical issue, said that the matter was the first real test for Head-of- State Donald Ramotar.
Speaking to the call for an interdiction of the Commissioner, who is already past retirement age and is current on an extension contract, Trotman was worried that Greene remaining there could impact on the investigation.
Greene’s predecessor, Former Commissioner Winston Felix had also called on Greene “do the honourable thing” and step down from his post.
“Since he has been interdicting ranks who have committed similar and lesser breaches of the law, I think he has one honourable course of action to take and to do anything otherwise, would be to force the hands of his superiors,” said Felix.
When contacted, Greene had told this publication that Felix, first, has no credibility to be calling for his resignation.
He continued to play down the allegations.
“Let God be the judge. It’s not prudent for me to make any comments right now. I’ve sought legal advice on that matter and it is engaging the attention of my lawyers,” Greene said.
A Partnership for National Unity’s youth arm ‘Youth for Transformational Change’ last week picketed Greene’s home in Lamaha Springs, calling for his resignation.
Similar calls for Greene to step aside were also made by the women’s advocate body Red Thread and the Guyana Association of Women Lawyers.
The association said that the allegation is a very serious one and requires an immediate and thorough investigation by the Guyana Police Force.
They stressed that Greene, who is an Attorney-at-law, ought to know that he should not be performing the duties of Head of the Guyana Police Force while the said Police Force is investigating an allegation made against him. But there are some concerns by several members of the force who believe that the commissioner should step down once and for all.
“There is a possibility that he could still return to the job and those who are carrying out the investigation will know that they will still have to face him if he should return as the Top Cop.
Crime Chief Seelall Persaud dismissed any suggestion that the Top Cop had in any way influenced the investigations.
He said that the Commissioner has not given any instructions regarding the investigation.
“Standard operational procedures are being followed. No, we haven’t approached the Commissioner for a statement as yet. We have to do a number of things in relation to the statement that the woman gave,” the Crime Chief told Kaieteur News

Seven opposition activists arrested outside Police Commissioner's home
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol
Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Seven opposition activists were pre-dawn Wednesday arrested outside Police Commissioner Henry Greene’s residence, Joint Services Housing Scheme.

Attorney-at-Law, Basil Williams and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) activist, Lurlene Nestor confirmed that the women were at the East La Penitence Police Station.

Nestor said police wanted to place the women, said to be in their 30s, in a cell but they objected.

Senior APNU members- Joe Harmon and David Granger – also visited the women who were sitting on a bench. Those arrested include Annette Ferguson and Shondel Hope.

Nestor said the women were arrested around 3:30 AM when they turned up outside Greene’s Lamaha Springs home. A larger group was stopped at the Kaikan Street bridge as they were about to join the seven.

The activists, under the banner of the Youth Coalition for Transformation (YCT), had planned to stage a peaceful picket outside the Police Commissioner’s home.

Among their grouses are Greene’s alleged sexual misconduct and the December 6 shooting of at least 500 protesters with rubber bullets in Georgetown during a peaceful march.

YCT/APNU associates said the seven could be charged with breaching the peace although they said they were not making noise and were wearing peaceful picket arm bands.


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