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Ahead of impending general, regional elections… Rohee deems economic and social indicators ‘signals of progress’


GUYANA is heading into early general and regional elections, and there are going to be certain perceptions on the part of the Guyanese people on whether economic and social progress has been made, and there will be judgments on this basis.

President Donald Ramotar

President Donald Ramotar

This fact was adumbrated by General Secretary of the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Mr Clement Rohee, who has expressed confidence that the party’s track record speaks volumes.

“There is no problem with these (economic and social advances) being the indicators of progress. It is for the people to judge whether there has been economic and social progress in the country, compared to what (obtained) under another regime and compared to what existed before. The track record of the PPP/C speaks for itself,” he said in an interview with the Guyana Chronicle on Monday.

His view is that the PPP/C has made significant advances in both spheres, in line with the principle of the party’s founder, the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan, who held the view that Guyana’s development must have a ‘human’ face to it.

Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh

Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh

“Significant social and economic progress has been made,” Rohee said. “Our projects have been people-centred in terms of water, housing and infrastructural advances. Projects advanced by the PPP/C administration have benefited all Guyanese.”

Rohee said social advances are seen in the successes of the education, health and housing sectors, as well as in the support to vulnerable groups in Guyana.
The country has achieved universal primary education, he disclosed, and is on its way to attaining universal secondary education.

The current administration also has a policy that sees the distribution of free text books, payment of uniform allowances, provision of transportation aid, and the recently launched ‘Because We Care’ cash grant initiative. New schools, including technical institutes, have also been built, expanding access to education. There are also several training programmes to assist out-of-school youths.

Relative to tertiary education, there is a move to expand the University of Guyana’s (UG) distance education programmes.

The largest percentage of the 2014 Budget went to the Education sector, with an allocation of a whopping $32.3B, while Health received an allocation of $21.5B.

In the Health sector, increased services are being provided, and there is additional training to boost the sector’s human resource capacity, among other initiatives. Improved health delivery and service has resulted in improved life expectancy and reduced infant mortality, among other successes.

Also, this year, old age pensions were increased from $12,500 to $13,600 – up from $3,500 in 2006 – and old age pensioners now receive an annual electricity assistance of $30,000, an increase from $20,000, among other social security safety-net programmes.

Under vulnerable groups and other targeted interventions, the 2014 Budget provided $382.5M to consolidate efforts made in the delivery of childcare and protection services, and $796M for continuation of the Youth Entrepreneurship and Apprenticeship Programme (YEAP).

Another major social indication is housing and water; and in the 2014 Budget, housing received $4.4B and water received an allocation of $2.5B, while Sanitation received $544.6M. It is expected that by the end of 2014, a total of 5,900 house lots would have been processed, and 4,100 land titles would have been distributed to new landowners.

Housing scheme development is expected to continue at Eccles, Diamond, Anna Catherina, Uitvlugt, Bath, and No. 77 Village, among other places. In addition, through continuation of the public-private turnkey initiative, another 100 houses will be constructed, and an additional 50 police officers, nurses and teachers will be allocated land to construct their homes.

This year, the housing sector is expected to see completion and distribution of another 176 core houses; disbursement of 134 coastal home improvement subsidies valued at $26.8 million, and an additional disbursement of 54 hinterland subsidies valued at $54 million, benefiting a total of 1,248 persons. Also, subsidies for another 130 hinterland home improvement applicants, valued at $107.2M, were granted, increasing access to affordable shelter by the most vulnerable communities.

In the area of infrastructure, by the end of 2014, an amount of $13.7B would have been expended to improve the network of roads and bridges; of this sum, $12.9B will be spent on roads and $844.2M on bridges.

Also, the sum of $1.9B is expected to be spent on ensuring the further strengthening of our sea and river defence infrastructure.
Additional sums have been spent on drainage and irrigation, among other areas of work.

With regard to Guyana’s economic standing, Guyana has had real consecutive economic growth every year since 2006. This represents the longest period of uninterrupted real economic growth since Independence in 1966.

Growth as at mid-year, according to a report from Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh, reached the 3.2 per cent mark.

The economy is projected to grow by 4.5 percent in the full year 2014, with non-sugar growth projected at 3.6 percent.

Also, the private sector has made significant achievements in every area of endeavour, with investments taking place in mining, agriculture, tourism, commerce and information-based technology.

The service sector has also grown steadily, making an important contribution to Guyana’s economic progress. Also, over the years, Guyana has seen massive development in the construction sector.

These facts, Rohee stressed, will be considered by the voting Guyanese public once the date for early general and regional elections is set.

President Donald Ramotar, in early December, ended the wait of the Guyanese people with the much-anticipated announcement on the way forward to bring an end to the current political impasse – a move to early general and regional elections.

A move by the President to set a date will have a bearing on several processes. Once a date is set, it will translate to the dissolution of Parliament, which currently still stands suspended under the November prorogation proclamation. Political parties will then kick into campaign mode. And once a proclamation announcing a date is made by the President to go to general and regional elections, constitutionally, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has three months within which to deliver.

Asked for clarity on a timeline within which a date would be set for a return to the polls, the President assured that he would make the proclamation early next year.

The Head of State expressed confidence in his party regaining the parliamentary majority it lost in the 2011 general and regional elections by one seat. At the last elections, the combined Opposition gained control of the National Assembly by a one-seat majority in a 33-32 split.

President Ramotar credited his confidence to the Government’s performance in moving the country forward for the benefit of the Guyanese people, and to the experiences of the Guyanese people in the last three years.

The PPP General Secretary shared similar sentiments. “The combined Opposition keeps saying that the people gave them the combined majority in the National Assembly and this should be respected. Come next elections, if the people decide to return the PPP/C’s majority, this is a decision that should also (be respected) because the people would have spoken,” Rohee concluded.

(By Vanessa Narine)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Conscience:
The Head of State expressed confidence in his party regaining the parliamentary majority it lost in the 2011 general and regional elections by one seat. At the last elections, the combined Opposition gained control of the National Assembly by a one-seat majority in a 33-32 split.


President Ramotar credited his confidence to the Government’s performance in moving the country forward for the benefit of the Guyanese people, and to the experiences of the Guyanese people in the last three years.



President Donald Ramotar

President Donald Ramotar


There are indeed aberrations on numerous issues including, of course, election results.


The last election was an interesting one and the scheduled 2015 one will be interesting as the PPP/C will regain a majority of 51+ percent in another free and fair election.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The election will be fought on the Economy and the PPP's tract record.

Moses and Ramjattan are part of that record.

PPP’s 20-year unbroken rule an era of broken promises – AFC

October 4, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

“Tomorrow (October 5th) marks 20 unbroken years of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) in Government, and much of what is positive over the years, has been lost in the frenzy over political control and domination.” This notion was expressed by Alliance for Change (AFC) Vice-Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo, during the Party’s weekly press briefing. Nagamootoo, who once served as a Minister in the PPP Government from 1992 to 2000, reflected that when the PPP assented to Office, it was supposed to be “the dawn of a new era”.

AFC Vice-Chairman, Moses Nagamootoo

“The ‘new era’ promise has been betrayed, and working people have lost faith and hope in the PPP. It is divided and weak and under its present ‘Jagdeoite’ leadership, it can no longer by itself guarantee Guyana good, stable and effective governance. The PPP’s rule has been an era of broken promises.” Nagamootooo stressed that during the 20-year period, President Bharrat Jagdeo ruled from 1999 to 2011, and those years stand out as Guyana’s disgraced era of political vulgarity, lawlessness and corruption. He noted that the early years of the Party in Office were not mired in corruption. “The Cheddi Jagan presidency was the golden gem of “lean and clean” in governance. It was short-lived. While the formal political democracy for which we had fought relentlessly, was to survive, the frugal and honest government of Cheddi Jagan died with him,” Nagamootoo reflected. The veteran politician stressed that 20 years ago Guyanese voted for a change in how Government did business, as they sought benefits for their hard work and taxes, improved social services and job opportunities, but the story of development has been lost in the narrative of corruption. “There is no parallel in Guyana’s history for the vulgar descent into corrupt practices as that unfolding under the PPP’s watch. The inheritors have put Cheddi Jagan and his crop of selfless fighters to shame. “These inheritors have become get-rich-quick elite that have forged an incestuous relationship with rags-to-riches tycoons. They and their cronies swindle billions of dollars on scams…failed construction projects; accounts hidden from the treasury; super salaries for sinecure employment together with ‘fat cat’ pensions, perks and privileges; rigged contracts for computers, drugs, pirated textbooks.” Nagamootoo opined that after 20 years, “the social fabric of society is disintegrating, as there seems to be no effective safety net for the poor and vulnerable. In addition, Government has to be held accountable for the near financial collapse of the National Insurance Scheme in which thousands of contributors invested and are now pushed to the edge of uncertainty”. “The drain in public funds, plus squandermania and waste, has resulted in greater borrowing so that Guyana’s national debt today is higher than that under the PNC regime,” Nagamootoo noted.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
as the PPP/C will regain a majority of 51+ percent in another free and fair election.

Last time you were just as confident about 60% a mere two months before the election.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
as the PPP/C will regain a majority of 51+ percent in another free and fair election.

Last time you were just as confident about 60% a mere two months before the election.

Immaterial as the general public do make predictions, yet you seemed to be stuck in the past.


Of interest, quite closer to the election, I did review the situation and my  guess was that the PPP/C will gain about 55% of the votes. Of the course the results of the elections were different.


The experts and professionals who are engaged with these issues make their forecasts with probabilities of about 5%+/-.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
as the PPP/C will regain a majority of 51+ percent in another free and fair election.

Last time you were just as confident about 60% a mere two months before the election.

Immaterial as the general public do make predictions, yet you seemed to be stuck in the past.


Of interest, quite closer to the election, I did review the situation and my  guess was that the PPP/C will gain about 55% of the votes. Of the course the results of the elections were different.


The experts and professionals who are engaged with these issues make their forecasts with probabilities of about 5%+/-.

Hey hey hey...yea you is de man who bawl loud last time how PPP gettin 60%. Dat Bisram poll is a rale pole. Hey hey hey...


Find out who indeed predicted on GNI that the AFC will win the 2011-election with about 60% of the votes.


Hint .. it was an AFC member who was a potential member for parliament in the 2011 elections and also a member of GNI.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Find out who indeed predicted that the AFC will win the 2011-election with about 60% of the votes.


Hint .. it was an AFC member who was a potential member for parliament in the 2011 elections.


Hey hey hey...DG like yuh rubbin yuh daag manure on dem AFC bais. Who fram AFC say suh man? Doh is one dreamer. Hey hey hey...

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Find out who indeed predicted that the AFC will win the 2011-election with about 60% of the votes.


Hint .. it was an AFC member who was a potential member for parliament in the 2011 elections.


Hey hey hey...DG like yuh rubbin yuh daag manure on dem AFC bais. Who fram AFC say suh man? Doh is one dreamer. Hey hey hey...

You should know the AFC person, who is well known on GNI.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Find out who indeed predicted that the AFC will win the 2011-election with about 60% of the votes.


Hint .. it was an AFC member who was a potential member for parliament in the 2011 elections.


Hey hey hey...DG like yuh rubbin yuh daag manure on dem AFC bais. Who fram AFC say suh man? Doh is one dreamer. Hey hey hey...

You should know the AFC person, who is well known on GNI.

Who? We have nuff AFC bais on this GNI in de pass with they real name. Me want see de quote who say AFC gettin 60%. Doh banna must be smokin some good weed. Hey hey hey...

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Find out who indeed predicted on GNI that the AFC will win the 2011-election with about 60% of the votes.


Hint .. it was an AFC member who was a potential member for parliament in the 2011 elections and also a member of GNI.

More horse manure, worry about your own false predictions that haven't come true ever!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
as the PPP/C will regain a majority of 51+ percent in another free and fair election.

Last time you were just as confident about 60% a mere two months before the election.


Ow...ole age...De man forgettin tings now. 

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Find out who indeed predicted that the AFC will win the 2011-election with about 60% of the votes.


Hint .. it was an AFC member who was a potential member for parliament in the 2011 elections.


Hey hey hey...DG like yuh rubbin yuh daag manure on dem AFC bais. Who fram AFC say suh man? Doh is one dreamer. Hey hey hey...

You should know the AFC person, who is well known on GNI.

Who? We have nuff AFC bais on this GNI in de pass with they real name. Me want see de quote who say AFC gettin 60%. Doh banna must be smokin some good weed. Hey hey hey...

Your choice to find out.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Find out who indeed predicted that the AFC will win the 2011-election with about 60% of the votes.


Hint .. it was an AFC member who was a potential member for parliament in the 2011 elections.


Hey hey hey...DG like yuh rubbin yuh daag manure on dem AFC bais. Who fram AFC say suh man? Doh is one dreamer. Hey hey hey...

You should know the AFC person, who is well known on GNI.

Who? We have nuff AFC bais on this GNI in de pass with they real name. Me want see de quote who say AFC gettin 60%. Doh banna must be smokin some good weed. Hey hey hey...

Your choice to find out.


DG how yuh chinkenin out suh? Hey hey hey...


In the matter of months the P.P.P/C would regain the majority and Guyana would continue on the path of development unhindered by the sinister motives of the joint opposition.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

In the matter of months the P.P.P/C would regain the majority and Guyana would continue on the path of development unhindered by the sinister motives of the joint opposition.


But aluh tiefin unhindered right now. Aluh doan need wan majority foh tief. Look how Brassy getting more chubby. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

In the matter of months the P.P.P/C would regain the majority and Guyana would continue on the path of development unhindered by the sinister motives of the joint opposition.

If that is the case why are the cowards in the PPP afraid to call elections? why are the low breed, thiefman cowards running?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
as the PPP/C will regain a majority of 51+ percent in another free and fair election.

Last time you were just as confident about 60% a mere two months before the election.

Immaterial as the general public do make predictions, yet you seemed to be stuck in the past.


Of interest, quite closer to the election, I did review the situation and my  guess was that the PPP/C will gain about 55% of the votes. Of the course the results of the elections were different.


The experts and professionals who are engaged with these issues make their forecasts with probabilities of about 5%+/-.

It is YOU who live in the past.


1.  Indians are  no longer 52% of the voters.  they probably aren't more than 45%.


2.  the PPP has NOT made any inroads into the African and mixed votes, the mixed vote being the fastest growing segment.


3.  Voter turn out in the interior regions is quite low.  So the PPP cannot count on Amerindians to bail them out, especially when they call them stupid and threaten to slap them.


4.  The PPP doesn't own the Indian vote.  Many have left Guyana.  Others will not vote, and still others will vote AFC in protest.  Granger isn't perceived to be the scary man that Corbin was seen as.


Update your analysis and then  ytour forecasts will be correct.  You will recall that I told you that the PPP would get the plurality of votes, but not the majority.


What has changed in 3 years?  More Indians have left, and the PPP has become more blatantly corrupt and arrogant!


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