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Ahead of Int’l Women’s Day on Sunday… First Couple hosts appreciation to celebrate achievements of women


President Donald Ramotar and PPP/C Prime Ministerial candidate, Elisabeth Harper with some of the recognised women at last night’s event at State House [Photos by Adrian Narine)
President Donald Ramotar and PPP/C Prime Ministerial candidate, Elisabeth Harper with some of the recognised women at last night’s event at State House (Photos by Adrian Narine)


AHEAD of International Women’s Day on Sunday, the First Couple hosted an appreciation afternoon to reflect on progress made and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities. During his remarks at the event held on the lawns of State House, President Donald Ramotar, expressed his appreciation to all women and recognised their fight against all the odds to reach where they are today.


He highlighted that “now we are seeing at every level of the educational system girls and women are at the forefront. We have come a long way but our journey has not yet ended.”


A section of the women gathered at State House last night

A section of the women gathered at State House last night


He explained to the persons gathered, the valiant and committed person that the late Janet Jagan was, noting too the struggles she conquered to give women equal opportunity in present day Guyana. He related that in the society today many women are showing their leadership qualities and under this Government, he gave his assurance that they would continue to fight for equal opportunities for our womenfolk.

In closing, the Head of State emphasised that gender-based violence is prevalent in today’s society, and “too many women are victims of abuse … I know we can do better as a country to rid us of this.” President Ramotar added that, “I recall the past so that we can appreciate our present and plan for our future.”

Elisabeth Harper, Prime Ministerial candidate for the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), congratulated all women on their achievements and also the men who would have stood by the women, encouraging them to excel. She explained that under this year’s theme “Make it happen”, it is right for our country “to reflect on the achievements of all women who made it happen in all aspects of their lives.”

Harper related that she is proud to have been elected for the Prime Ministerial position by the PPP/C and plans to use her post to empower women.

Indra Chandarpaul, Chairman of the Women’s Progressive Organisation (WPO) explained that “WPO has been the first organistaion in the country that started to celebrate International Women’s Day. The first celebration occurred in 1957 which was hosted by the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan.” She concluded by thanking all the women past and present for their loyalty and commitment.

PPP/C General Secretary, Clement Rohee reiterated that our women have come a far way in society but still the journey has now begun. He said that “the PPP/C will not stop until our women are on the forefront in all aspects of our country’s development.” He also congratulated the WPO on its continued support and fight for the women of Guyana.

President of WPO and Chairperson for last evening’s event, Sheila Verasammy, like all the speakers noted the struggles that women faced over the last 60 years that the WPO has been in existence and this has not deterred their efforts. “We, the women of the WPO, have tangibly contributed towards the development of women lives in Guyana.”

Also attending last evening’s event were members of the Cabinet, Ministers of Government and members of the Diplomatic Corps. -- (By Rebecca Ganesh)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

APNU/AFC are very bitter with women to say the least. I read many horrible story how they treat women like tools. I am confident Mrs Harper will widen the chance of women being respected in every capacity in life.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

APNU/AFC are very bitter with women to say the least. I read many horrible story how they treat women like tools. I am confident Mrs Harper will widen the chance of women being respected in every capacity in life.


You must be very proud about how Guyana's 2nd Indian First Lady was abused and humiliated in the most vile and gratuitous ways in public.


Indian people's proudest moment, eh?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am confident Mrs Harper will widen the chance of women being respected in every capacity in life.

Women also in all parts of the world indeed have challenges; which however should not exist.


With Mrs. Elisabeth Harper being in the forefront, and hopefully becoming the Prime Minister after the May 11, 2015 election, it will be an opportunity to enhance and further to presence of females.


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