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Air traffic controller abandons post as CAL flight prepares to land


The Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) is investigating the circumstances surrounding an Air Traffic Controller (ATC) abandoning his post at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) control tower last Friday while a Caribbean Airlines (CAL) aircraft was getting ready to land.
Reports are that around midnight last Friday the ATC attached to the GCAA left the control tower just before the flight which originated from Trinidad was preparing to touchdown. Head of the Aviation Authority Zulphicar Mohamed told Kaieteur News yesterday that an investigation has to be conducted as part of protocol for any irregularity.
Mohamed mentioned however that nothing unusual manifested since his understanding of the situation is that the ATC was in contact with his seniors and his departure was made known. He added that another staffer was immediately able to take over.
A senior official from the CJIA told Kaieteur News yesterday that no report was made to the airport authority about what occurred, since flights were not disrupted. The official said that, “there were no delayed or postponed flights.”
Reports indicate however that the controller was feeling ill and was not relieved when he was supposed to. After informing his colleagues that he could not work through the night, the ATC reportedly left the building.
When asked about the CAL flight having to circle the airport before landing, Mohamed said that it is undetermined whether the absent ATC was the cause of this.
It is however alleged that the CAL flight landed a few minutes late because of the absent tower staff.
In a press release, the Ministry of Public Works and the GCAA said they “have launched an investigation into an incident that allegedly occurred at the Control Tower, Timehri a little after midnight – March 8, 2014.”
“The investigation will focus on the operational procedures and code of conduct as it relates Air Traffic Control Services being provided by the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority.”

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Originally Posted by Mars:
In a press release, the Ministry of Public Works and the GCAA said they “have launched an investigation into an incident that allegedly occurred at the Control Tower, Timehri a little after midnight – March 8, 2014.”

“The investigation will focus on the operational procedures and code of conduct as it relates Air Traffic Control Services being provided by the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority.”

Once again the corrupt PPP is avoiding a proper investigation! What about the safety of the plane, passengers, and crew??? Surely an investigation into that is far more important and should come before anything else. Especially since another plane crash landed in the country not so long ago, and also at night. It is quite obvious that landing at night in Guyana is a clear and present danger.



Guyana air traffic controller abandons post, forcing incoming plane to circle

Originally Posted by Mars:


How does Zulfikar knows that there was no danger to anybody? He is covering up. Guyana should be marked on the international register as dangerous place o land at night.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Mars:


How does Zulfikar knows that there was no danger to anybody? He is covering up. Guyana should be marked on the international register as dangerous place o land at night.

Most likely a frend and fammily affair. Cover ups all over that place.


Why not have two ATC at any given one time, as lives of many are at stake, means when one has to go take a leak, the other will be in attendance or when one needs a sleep, the other will be there.

Nah the Corrupted PPP/C would run the Airport like their family cake shop.

Originally Posted by asj:

Why not have two ATC at any given one time, as lives of many are at stake, means when one has to go take a leak, the other will be in attendance or when one needs a sleep, the other will be there.

Nah the Corrupted PPP/C would run the Airport like their family cake shop.

They feel building a new terminal is the answer.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by asj:

Why not have two ATC at any given one time, as lives of many are at stake, means when one has to go take a leak, the other will be in attendance or when one needs a sleep, the other will be there.

Nah the Corrupted PPP/C would run the Airport like their family cake shop.

They feel building a new terminal is the answer.

I wonder how much they will pocket as backsheesh due to them?

No wonder the Corrupt PPP/C are scared to appoint the Procurement Committee that the AFC is calling for, it is clear as daylight as it would seems that they want to bleed Guyana of every single penny, if they do appoint that Committee it means many of them will be going to jail.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by asj:

Why not have two ATC at any given one time, as lives of many are at stake, means when one has to go take a leak, the other will be in attendance or when one needs a sleep, the other will be there.

Nah the Corrupted PPP/C would run the Airport like their family cake shop.

They feel building a new terminal is the answer.

I wonder how much they will pocket as backsheesh due to them?

It's about 10%. That is why they want the projects because 10% of small money is small money. 


And they want eight terminals? If just one plane can't be guaranteed safe landing God help us if more than one plane tries to land. Is where they going to find the calibre of ATC to do that kind of job? In Skeldon?

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

And they want eight terminals? If just one plane can't be guaranteed safe landing God help us if more than one plane tries to land. Is where they going to find the calibre of ATC to do that kind of job? In Skeldon?

They can get mentality like Skeldon_Man.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

And they want eight terminals? If just one plane can't be guaranteed safe landing God help us if more than one plane tries to land. Is where they going to find the calibre of ATC to do that kind of job? In Skeldon?

yeah we got smart people in Skeldon. Move the airport to Skeldon.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

And they want eight terminals? If just one plane can't be guaranteed safe landing God help us if more than one plane tries to land. Is where they going to find the calibre of ATC to do that kind of job? In Skeldon?

They can get mentality like Skeldon_Man.

Smart and successful professional.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

And they want eight terminals? If just one plane can't be guaranteed safe landing God help us if more than one plane tries to land. Is where they going to find the calibre of ATC to do that kind of job? In Skeldon?

They can get mentality like Skeldon_Man.

Smart and successful professional.

You smart and successful? Joke. 

Originally Posted by asj:

Why not have two ATC at any given one time, as lives of many are at stake, means when one has to go take a leak, the other will be in attendance or when one needs a sleep, the other will be there.

Nah the Corrupted PPP/C would run the Airport like their family cake shop.

Contrary to what the PPP will have one think plane traffic into GEO is relatively lighyt.  People know when planes are arriving, and have ample time to arrange a leak.


What is more disturbing is the lack of back up if some one falls ill, as happened in this case.  I certainly don't want a distracted person responsible for guiding a plane during dense fog or rainfall.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

And they want eight terminals? If just one plane can't be guaranteed safe landing God help us if more than one plane tries to land. Is where they going to find the calibre of ATC to do that kind of job? In Skeldon?

The 8 jetways is about pure corruption. St Vincent is building an ENTIRE airport from scratch for the same amount.  Given that Chinese are the laborers in Guyana, and will earn ZERO you cant blame labor costs.



Three Air Traffic Controllers sent off job to facilitate probe

  • Monday, 10 March 2014 19:42

Three Air Traffic Controllersd have been removed from duty to facilitate an investigation into why another controller last Saturday night left his post as a Caribbean Airlines flight was preparing to land at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA). 

"To facilitate the investigation, three persons have been removed from duty," the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) said in a statement.

Demerara Waves was told they are one senior and two junior Air Traffic Controllers. The senior controller was the one who went upstairs to clear the aircraft to land.

The GCAA said it is expected to submit its findings on the incident to Transport Minister, Robeson Benn "by the end of the week".

The Authority sought to allay fears and concerns by the travelling public by stating that the Caribbean Airlines flight was in "continuous contact and in the control of the Area Control Centre which provided a replacement Air Traffic Controller to ensure the safe landing of the aircraft:"

That appears to confirm an earlier Demerara Waves report that when the Air Traffic Controller left his post at the end of his eight-hour shift because he was unwell, a colleague from another unit that monitors overflights went upstairs to take over 

The Caribbean Airlines flight landed about eight minutes late althoiugh it had departed Piarco International Airport a biut early, an airline official has said.

Originally Posted by Mars:

That appears to confirm an earlier Demerara Waves report that when the Air Traffic Controller left his post at the end of his eight-hour shift because he was unwell, a colleague from another unit that monitors overflights went upstairs to take over 

So there was no ATC on duty and overseeing the safe landing of the plane during the period between when the first ATC left his post,  and the 2nd ATC took over at least several minutes later. That is a dangerous situation and could have caused massive fatalities. This was a night landing. Try landing a plane at night without any guidance from the watch tower. Then tell me it is not dangerous and unsafe.

Originally Posted by JB:

This is disturbing to say the least. What cant the PPP do the simple thing right? 

Because they hire their incompetent drunken friends and pay them loads of cash only for the Guyanese people to suffer.


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