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Al Saud betrays, fools Muslim Ummah: Political analyst


The sacredness of Mecca and Medina is being used by the Saudi regime to fool around, to fool the Saudi citizens and to fool the Muslim Ummah and the international community at large.”

Syed Ali Wasif, president of Society for International Reforms and Research, Washington

A political analyst says the repressive regime of Al Saud betrays and fools the Saudi citizens and the entire Muslim world, Press TV reports.

“What they (Saudi regime) are doing is they are betraying the common Muslims in the name of Mecca and Medina, and their sacredness,” said Syed Ali Wasif, the president of Society for International Reforms and Research in Washington, in an interview with Press TV on Sunday.

“The sacredness of Mecca and Medina is being used by the Saudi regime to fool around, to fool the Saudi citizens and to fool the Muslim Ummah and the international community at large.”

Since February 2011, protesters have held demonstrations on an almost regular basis in Saudi Arabia, mainly in the Qatif region and the town of Awamiyah in the oil-rich Eastern Province, primarily calling for the release of all political prisoners, freedom of expression and assembly, and an end to widespread discrimination.

However, the demonstrations have turned into protests against the Al Saud regime, especially since November 2011, when Saudi security forces killed five protesters and injured many others in the Eastern Province.

On August 3, Saudi security forces killed 18-year-old Hussain Yousef al-Qallaf in Qatif.

Wasif stated that the anti-regime protesters in Saudi Arabia “are under a single leadership, under a single banner and they are moving ahead in the right direction to oust the Saudi regime in that region.”

According to Human Rights Watch, the Saudi regime “routinely represses expression critical of the government.”

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The Sauds were overthrown before by the Turks.  They ended up in 7 tents on the Kuwaiti Royal Family land in Kuwait with a monthly stipend of $30 British Pounds provided by the Ottoman Turkish Royal Family.  The Sauds will fight to the last man, woman and child before they go back to that existence again. 


They may be desert rats.  But they are the leaders of the largest tribe in Arabia.  They controlled the largest area in Arabia for centuries until the Turks run them out of Arabia and before the British came to Arabia.

Originally Posted by TI:
What existence? They were desert rats until the British made them monarchs.

they made every nation in the region. Maybe the new events unfolding there will remake them in to a whole. Islam was not enough to do it for them. 

Originally Posted by TI:
Actually Islam did not come to the Saud family. They created their own version and used it to "own" Mecca by force and religious fanaticism.

I am speaking of the peninsula as a whole ( and adjoining states). In any event, if the Saudis are a bogus brand of Islam why is it our Guyanese Muslims are so intent on remaking themselves in their image?

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Non of these people like Gaddafi or Mubarak ever experienced overthrow.  The Sauds experience it before so they know what to do to prevent it from happening to them again.

If the people cannot be held together by some social ethic, some summoning creed, then it matters not what the rulers do. Just as water must find a way downstream so will a people in their determination  to dethrone a monarch if  the converging social gravity is strong enough.


Mecca and Medina should be separate states in the way Vatican City is for Christians. It is abhorrent to see one of the most corrupt families on earth, the house of Saud, claiming to be the guardians of the holly sites.

if you think the Sauds are saints here is a brief outline of their rise. Mecca and Medina were under the control of the Sharif of Mecca, a descendant of the prophet and Banu Hashim clan.  The Saud clan was a relatinely small clan in an oasis town in the desert. The alliance between the Saud clan and Wahab is what caused the Saudis to rise to prominence and gain power. Wahab warriors conquered Mecca and Medina and ousted the Sharif. They destroyed the tombs of the prophet, robbed the treasury of  the prophet mosque, and burnt every book in the libraries except the Quran.  They forced the men to grow beards and the women to be vieled.  The Sauds were in bed with these extremists.   Also under the Anglo-Saudi treaty, the British funded and aided the Saudis to capture the Arabian peninsula from Ottoman control.  With British help, the Sauds took over Mecca and Medina and executed 40,000 men imposing the Wahab doctrine over the population and created the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia.  And then, of course, they discovered oil. One of the Sauds was even given a knighthood by the British.
Originally Posted by TI:
With British help, the Sauds took over Mecca and Medina and executed 40,000 men imposing the Wahab doctrine over the population and created the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia.  
 Today, they are still barbaric

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by TI:
With British help, the Sauds took over Mecca and Medina and executed 40,000 men imposing the Wahab doctrine over the population and created the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia.  
 Today, they are still barbaric

The House of Saud was installed by the British in Saudi Arabia when they waged war against the Ottoman empire. The British took the land from the Ottomans, they invented a revolution that never existed and for that purpose turned a tribal chief into a king. Saudi Arabia is a fake country, like many in the middle east.
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by TI:
With British help, the Sauds took over Mecca and Medina and executed 40,000 men imposing the Wahab doctrine over the population and created the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia.  
 Today, they are still barbaric

The House of Saud was installed by the British in Saudi Arabia when they waged war against the Ottoman empire. The British took the land from the Ottomans, they invented a revolution that never existed and for that purpose turned a tribal chief into a king. Saudi Arabia is a fake country, like many in the middle east.

Do we have "real" countries? The modern state is 200 years old. Every  nation from Russia to India to the US to Aftica, China and the ME are geopolitical constructs that only recently concretized.


I agree without covert British support the Sauds would never been able to defeat all those tribes plus the Turkish army.  After they were force to flee to Kuwait they started their fight back with 200 men which was reduced to 40 men in a matter of three months.  Yet with 40 men they were able to capture the city of Riyadh and defeat the Al Rashidi Tribe. Then in a few months after that they were ready to take on and defeat the Turkish army.  Without British covert support to the Sauds and their tribe, they would have never been able to take on all those tribes and the Turkish army then defeat them. 


There was nothing covert about British support for the Saudi tribe. There was a very open and frontal war against the Ottoman empire. In Australia there is a day when they commemorate the death 20,000 Aussies and Wikies in Gallipoli wearing British uniforms and fighting to dismantle the Ottoman control of the region. Around 40,000 Turks were slaughtered in Gallipoli.

The selection of the small Saudi tribe was based on the ability of the British to manipulate them by making them totally dependent on British protection. You couldn't achieve that If you picked a more representative tribe. But they were tribes and therefore very primitive in their culture and affairs. That primitive culture is maintained until today also thanks to the support of the Americans. Arabia under the Saudis is perhaps the only country in the world without a constitution. The House of Saud manages the kingdom as their private property as if it belonged to them not to the people.

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by TI:
With British help, the Sauds took over Mecca and Medina and executed 40,000 men imposing the Wahab doctrine over the population and created the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia.  
 Today, they are still barbaric

The House of Saud was installed by the British in Saudi Arabia when they waged war against the Ottoman empire. The British took the land from the Ottomans, they invented a revolution that never existed and for that purpose turned a tribal chief into a king. Saudi Arabia is a fake country, like many in the middle east.

The House of Saud ruled the Saudi kingdom long before the British or the Ottomans got there. Go read your history.


The Ottomans overthrew the Saudis by force and they themselves were overthrown a few years later. You live by the sword, you die by the sword.

Kingdom, state, country, whatever you want to call it. The First Saudi State was established in 1744. The House of Saud were the rulers. This was ages before the British or the Ottomans arrived there. The House of Saud rulers were subsequently overthrown and went into exile in Kuwait from where they launched a successful attempt to regain leadership with the help of the British.
You are talking about the Saud/wahabi tribal dynasty that overran the Arabian peninsula. Western historians call them a state, but they were in fact tribal warlords that did in fact control the peninsula until their viciousness in Karbala, and other atrocities caused their downfall. But, yes, they were there in the vast desert regions not controlled by the Ottomans.

My point is that those primitive tribes would never had a country if it wasn't for the British and they keep it today because of the Americans. Leave them alone without the protection of the Americans and their towel heads roll down like rotten tomatoes.


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