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Donald Trump offers Jeff Sessions attorney general post.

Last Updated Nov 18, 2016 7:15 AM EST

President-elect Trump has offered Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions the post of attorney general, sources directly involved in the selection process tell CBS News.

The choice of Sessions to be the nation’s top prosecutor is sure to be controversial.

Sessions has been one of Mr. Trump’s closest and most consistent allies.

But when Sessions faced Senate confirmation for a job 30 years ago, it didn’t go well.

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Great.  Another racist.  Baseman and Siggy must be over the hill in anticipation of the white supremacy which will soon be landed on their butts.  I do know that Siggy gets orgasms at the prospect of being whipped by his white massas. 

He loved the days when the British Raj communicated with their "coolies" using their boots and not their mouths.  Even in Guyana I saw one kick his Indian driver when he didn't move fast enough. Tried the same arrogance with a black airport work, who looked at him blankly, and then called the person behind him.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nah.  He can't be over 100 years old.  You kidding me.

Wha wrong with you,Massa was around after Guyana got Independence,when they got booted Kabaka took over.

Last edited by Django

I saw the Indian driver getting kicked in 1980.  This is why when he tried to be haughty to the black airport official he was ignored.

I don't know why you have an issue with this because with the increasing evidence that the Trump era will be dominated by white supremacist might suggest that by 2017 Indians might once again start getting kicked by whites.

Whites are afraid of blacks, so will use other methods of control.  But you all who are "wannabe" whites are easy to bully.   Don't think that an Indian who has proper self esteem will be bullied either, and they will be among the 80+% who voted for Hillary.

In fact Siggy is longing to visit the USA so he can et kicked and whipped by a Trump supporter.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

You saw a white massa kicked his Indian driver in Guyana???  How old are you??? 

I saw them getting kicked and brutalized in NY. I was at Awee bar in Holis watching a boxing match in the early nineties when the police game down there because a fight started outside the bar. They beat the hell out of the assembled indian contingency calling them all sorts of names. 

I saw indian boys getting their behind kicked from Giuliani stop and frisk road blocks. One of them included my cousin. Everyone here would have a story of that time because Indians started posting flags  on their homes post nine eleven in RH to indicate they are patriotic because they felt stigmatized.

The newspapers had stories that turban does not mean Muslim because even the Sikhs were getting beat up. The Pakis closed down their shops and moved en mass to Canada within one month from Main Street. What is coming will pale in the face of those times. They know RH has a high undocumented rate.

Last edited by Former Member

Danyael these people think that Trump is going to host a huge welcome party to welcome these people to "whiteness".

Poor things don't understand is that they have 3 stigmas against them.

1.  They talk and act like other Caribbean people, so are seen as black.

2.  They look like South Asians, so are seen as "Muslim".

3.   They possess certain cultural attributes which xenophobic people will consider offensive, like the smell of their cooking, their music, and their lengthy weddings.  Kal Penn has spoken about the blatant racism that he sometimes faced growing up in the NJ suburbs.

And with Trump around this racism will become even more blatant. 


So far for the past 20 yrs i have not experienced any racism in my neck of the woods [CT],my business [only Guyanese]in a white neighborhood and 99.9 % of my customers are white,hopefully it does not spread here,anyway folks are different in New England.


Django when racist whites thought that open displays of bigotry was not sociable acceptable they kept their views silent.  Now that such behavior is being normalized, some feel perfectly OK with being open about it.

It also depends on the type of business you have.  If seen as the type which immigrants can do (small retail) then you will not experience this.  If they see you as a competitor then all sorts of subtle things can happen.  Done in ways that you cannot prove to be racist.

caribny posted:

Django when racist whites thought that open displays of bigotry was not sociable acceptable they kept their views silent.  Now that such behavior is being normalized, some feel perfectly OK with being open about it.

It also depends on the type of business you have.  If seen as the type which immigrants can do (small retail) then you will not experience this.  If they see you as a competitor then all sorts of subtle things can happen.  Done in ways that you cannot prove to be racist.

I am aware of the [highlighted],i am in the Electronics Service Business,a mixture of work are from manufacturers warranty, third party insurance and out of pocket customers,i have a white tenant who have a franchised printing service in one part of the commercial building i own.

Last edited by Django
FC posted:

Danyeel, D2 very true what you posted.  It would be funny if Baseman runs into these empowered racists.  He would be looking for a Blackman to save him.


Last edited by Django

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