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Alberta election: NDP wins majority, ending 44 years of PC rule

Josh Dehaas,, Published Tuesday, May 5, 2015 7:26AM EDT, Last Updated Tuesday, May 5, 2015 11:44PM EDT, Source - CTV News



Alberta NDP Leader Rachel Notley has won a majority government, ending the 44-year reign of the Progressive Conservatives.


Notley’s NDP will form the next government and the Wildrose Party under Brian Jean will form the official opposition.


Jim Prentice’s PC Party, which had 70 seats at dissolution and won 12 consecutive majority governments, is expected to finish the night in third place.


Prentice won his own seat in Calgary-Foothills, but other high-profile PC candidates, like former Edmonton mayor Stephen Mandel, failed to win theirs.


Notley’s victory is a major upset, considering her party held only four seats when the election was called on April 7. The New Democrats had never before won more than 16 ridings.


Both the Wildrose and Liberals had five seats before the campaign. The Liberals appear to have lost all but leader David Swann’s seat, while the Wildrose appear to have gained about 15 seats. Greg Clark won the upstart Alberta Party's first-ever seat, beating PC Education Minister Gordon Dirks in Calgary-Elbow – the seat once held by former premier Alison Redford.


Pollsters correctly predicted the NDP win, unlike the 2012 Alberta election when most forecast a Wildrose win but the PCs formed a majority government.


Notley started off as an underdog, but her popularity soared after a strong showing in the leaders’ debate last month.


Prentice’s performance during the debate was widely panned on social media after he told Notley, “I know that math is difficult,” during an exchange about corporate taxes.


Contrasting economic tax plans

Prentice took over as premier from interim leader David Hancock in September. Hancock was installed after Alison Redford stepped down over a series of spending scandals, including a $45,000 taxpayer-funded trip Nelson Mandela's South Africa funeral.


The election was announced on April 7, a year ahead of what’s legally required, because Prentice said he wanted a mandate to pass his budget.


The PC budget would have increased some taxes and allow a $5-billion deficit in order to maintain spending schools and hospitals in an era of falling fossil fuel revenue. Royalties from oil and gas have long funded much of Alberta’s budget.


The Wildrose Party released a platform that promised no tax increases, and a return to balanced budgets by 2017, which would be achieved by reducing the number of government managers and other spending cuts.


The NDP, meanwhile, committed to tax hikes on the top 10 per cent of income earners, and corporations, in order to raise more money for health care and education. The party has also said it would re-examine fossil fuel royalties.


The Liberal Party released a platform that includes a reduction of personal income taxes for the first $50,000, and increases thereafter, to fund things like school construction, reduced post-secondary tuition fees and arts subsidies.

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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Jim Prentice’s PC Party, which had 70 seats at dissolution and won 12 consecutive majority governments, is expected to finish the night in third place.


Alberta election: NDP wins majority, ending 44 years of PC rule, Josh Dehaas,, Published Tuesday, May 5, 2015 7:26AM EDT, Last Updated Tuesday, May 5, 2015 11:44PM EDT, Source - CTV News

Jim Prentice, current Premier of Alberta, announced his resignation of the seat he just won a few minutes ago plus the position as Premier of Alberta.


Rachel Notley, an NDP leader 50 years in the making

Her father helped start the party in Alberta, now she's pushed and pulled it to centre stage

By Rick McConnell, CBC News Posted: May 05, 2015 3:25 PM MT, Last Updated: May 05, 2015 9:59 PM MT, Source


Rachel Notley has led the populist party her father helped found more than 50 years ago into the spotlight in Canada's most conservative province. CBC is projecting a majority NDP government in Alberta.

Rachel Notley has led the populist party her father helped found more than 50 years ago into the spotlight in Canada's most conservative province. CBC is projecting a majority NDP government in Alberta. (CBC)


Rachel Notley was born with orange roots.


She came into the world, and a very political world it must have been, two years after her father helped found the Alberta NDP.


She was four when her father, Grant, became the nascent party's leader.

He went on to become a legend in Alberta politics. Now his daughter seems poised to join him.


Throughout her childhood, Rachel Notley's father ran for office again and again. He lost in 1963, lost in 1967, lost a byelection in 1969.


He kept trying. And finally, on his fourth kick at the political can, he won the party's first Alberta seat in 1971, the same year Peter Lougheed's Conservatives swept aside a moribund Social Credit Party that had been in power since the 1930s.


No one could have guessed at the time that the Conservatives were on their way to building their own political dynasty, one that would last for nearly 44 years.


During one-quarter of those years, Grant Notley was the lone NDP member in the legislature. He became leader of the Official Opposition in 1982.

October 1984 plane crash

Then, in October 1984, he was killed in a plane crash near High Prairie, Alta. He was 45.


Grant Notley died two years before his party finally made a breakthrough; in the 1986 provincial election, the NDP under leader Ray Martin captured 16 seats. That total, until Tuesday, had been the NDP high water mark.

Rachel Notley has now taken her father's party to new heights.


Born on April 17, 1964, she grew up in Fairview in northern Alberta, the oldest of three children to Grant and Sandy Notley.


Alberta election

NDP supporters cheered as they watched results come in at Notley's headquarters in Edmonton Tuesday night. (Mike Ridewood/Canadian Press)


She was 20 when her father died. After studying political science at the University of Alberta, she got a law degree from Osgoode Law School in Toronto and went to work as a labour relations officer for the United Nurses of Alberta.


No one was surprised when she announced in 2008 her intention to run for the party in Edmonton-Strathcona.


The riding had a mixed past. The Conservatives held it from 1971 until 1986, when New Democrat Gordon Wright wrestled the seat away from PC Julian Koziak. The NDP held the seat for three terms, before the Liberals won in 1993. Former NDP leader Raj Pannu took the seat back in 1997, retained it in 2001, and won by 5,000 votes in 2004. He stepped down in 2008 and Notley took over, winning the seat in March by 2,800 votes.

A bump on the road

Her career hit a bump a month after the election, when two Greenpeace protesters snuck into Edmonton's Shaw Conference Centre and dropped from the ceiling in harnesses to unfurl a banner that read, "Stelmach: The Best Premier Oil Money Can Buy."


One protester turned out to be a woman who worked two days a week in Notley's constituency office.


"It was something that I didn't find out about until after she had done it," Notley said at the time. "It's a personnel matter, and so it's something I'm going to discuss with her in person and not through the media."


Notley was re-elected in 2012, this time with a margin of more than 6,000 votes over her nearest competitor.


Rachel Notley

Notley, a lawyer by training, represents Edmonton-Strathcona. She was first elected in 2008. (Jason Franson/Canadian Press)


In the fall of 2014, she ran for the leadership once held by her father. During the race, she collected $108,815 in campaign contributions, more than double the total of her two competitors.


But that pales in comparison to the more than $1.8 million Jim Prentice raised to fund his run last summer for the Conservative leadership.


Notley won her race handily, getting 70 per cent of the 3,589 votes cast in the first ballot, easily defeating member of the legislature David Eggen and union leader Rod Loyola.

'Let's make history'

In her victory speech before a crowd of several hundred supporters, Notley promised change and a viable alternative to the Progressive Conservative and Wildrose parties.


"In the next election, Albertans will have a choice to make between the past and the future," Notley said at the time. "In the past, you have a tax on pensions, you have lakes of fire, you have arrogance, you have entitlement, you have a narrow-minded vision of days gone by.


"Let's leave the parties of the past behind," she said. "This time, let's not forget history. Let's not repeat history. Let's make history."


The next day, in a sad nod to history, her own and the province's, she spoke at a memorial service to mark the 30th anniversary of her father's plane crash.


"We as a movement are not about one person," she said that day. "We are not about the last leader, the current leader, the next leader.


"I'm very excited about what is to come. I think there will be another breakthrough. And it will not be because of one person."


But in the Alberta election of 2015, this one particular person seems to have played a major role in turning her once-small and sidelined party into a fully realized political force.


Poll after poll this spring has shown the NDP leading by wide margins over the PCs and the Wildrose. At least some of that support seems directly linked to issues of trust and leadership. A CBC-ROI poll released last week asked respondents to rate the overall performance of the leaders of all five parties. Fifty-three per cent gave Notley a favourable approval rating. That was the same percentage who disapproved of Prentice's performance as leader.

'Shades of Jack Layton'

"Rachel Notley has built this campaign around her," pollster Bruce Cameron said last week. "It has shades of Jack Layton, in that she is quite popular and she has a lot of energy."


Notley showed some of that energy last November, during her first sitting as leader, when she rose in the legislature to attack Prentice on the issue of gay-straight alliances in schools.


"This premier has shown himself to be as socially conservative as any 'lake of fire' candidate," she said, in reference to a blog post by a Wildrose candidate that surfaced during the 2012 election and was credited, in part, with derailing the right-wing party's electoral chances. "Indeed," Notley said. "it's as though he's consciously trying to move this province back in time."


Her comments were greeted by a chorus of catcalls from the government bench.


But Notley, now five years older than her father was when he died, stood her ground.


"I'm sorry, you may not like this," she told the boo-birds, "but this is real."


It appears the same can now be said of the tiny party Grant Notley helped found more than 50 years ago, the party his daughter has now moved to the centre of the Alberta political stage.

Last edited by Former Member

I made a post earleir on this.

So DG seeing you guys sometimes take what's going on in Canada and use it as a measurement to what's going on in Guyana. This ain't any different now is it?

I know yugi does it constantly, I hope he sees this.


Conservatives over 44 years in office gets turfed by the people.

Something like, NDP 54%  Wild Rose 20% Conservatives 11%. Conservatives cork duck after over 40 years my oh my.


A change is in the air...can you smell it? 

Last edited by cain

Change indeed is in the air, Cain.


In Guyana, the change will be that the PPP/C will emerge with more than fifty percent of the votes and again form the government of Guyana.  

Last edited by Former Member

Alberta Conservative premier resigns as party leader, quits his seat

Wed May 6, 2015 12:20am EDT, Source


Alberta Premier and Progressive Conservative party leader Jim Prentice reacts after losing the Alberta election in Calgary, Alberta, May 5, 2015. REUTERS/Todd Korol


TORONTO (Reuters) - Alberta Premier Jim Prentice, who led his Conservative party to a stunning election defeat on Tuesday, said he will resign as party leader with immediate effect and also quit his seat.


The left-leaning New Democrats won election in the Canadian province, ending the 44-year run by the Progressive Conservatives amid promises to review oversight of the oil and gas sector in the home of Canada's oil sands.


(Reporting by Amran Abocar; Editing by Ken Wills)

Originally Posted by cain:

you jus doan get it. Aright banna, one week to go.

In a week's time, we will again see the PPP/C to victory and again the government of Guyana.


Of course, the PNC will again be occupying the opposition seats, this time with less number of MPs.

Last edited by Former Member

Energy sector braces as Alberta ushers in NDP Staff, Published Wednesday, May 6, 2015 11:16AM EDT, Source


"A lot of concerned people in downtown Calgary," says city's Chamber of Commerce CEO


The NDP’s historic win in Alberta could mark the beginning of a turbulent period for Canada’s energy sector, as the industry braces for a promised corporate tax hike and a review of the province’s oil patch royalties.


The end of the Progressive Conservative dynasty in Alberta had an immediate effect on energy stocks, which brought the S&P/TSX composite index down by triple digits Wednesday morning.


Even though Alberta’s premier-designate Rachel Notley promised to work with the province’s energy sector in her victory speech Tuesday night, business leaders are worried, Calgary Chamber of Commerce CEO Adam Legge told BNN.


“An NDP majority – that was definitely a surprise,” Legge said Wednesday.


He said there is “a lot of concern in Calgary,” especially when it comes to corporate taxes and Alberta’s royalty regime, which uses a portion of the energy revenue in the province to fund things like education and healthcare.


Notley has called for a review of the complex royalty system to ensure that Albertans are getting their fair share of the oil and gas revenues. She has also promised to hike taxes for corporations and the wealthy in order to balance the books.


All that could lead more investors to sell off their energy stocks as affected corporations consider their next move. Some analysts say that energy companies might consider moving their headquarters out of Alberta down the road, although it’s still unclear exactly how an NDP government will affect the entire sector.


“We have to find a way to work with (the NDP) in a positive way to reflect the needs of business and our economy,” Legge said. But he said the New Democrats “must understand … that a royalty review would just be the wrong thing to do in a very fragile environment.”


In her speech Tuesday night, Notley specifically addressed Alberta’s energy sector and the province’s job creators.


“Our government will be a good partner and we will work with you to grow our economy and to secure a more prosperous future for every Albertan in every community,” she said.


But she said her government will focus on building a “diversified and resilient” economy in order to end the “boom and bust rollercoaster” that came with falling oil prices and Alberta’s dependence on its oilsands.


With files from The Canadian Press

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

PPP/C will win the May 11, 2015 election with more than 51% of the votes to again form the government of Guyana.

and you know that because you saw the ballots being stuffed by your PPP guys right?

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

PPP/C will win the May 11, 2015 election with more than 51% of the votes to again form the government of Guyana.

and you know that because you saw the ballots being stuffed by your PPP guys right?

Each person has views on issues.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

PPP/C will win the May 11, 2015 election with more than 51% of the votes to again form the government of Guyana.

and you know that because you saw the ballots being stuffed by your PPP guys right?

Each person has views on issues.

But you have issues on your own views.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

PPP/C will win the May 11, 2015 election with more than 51% of the votes to again form the government of Guyana.

and you know that because you saw the ballots being stuffed by your PPP guys right?

Each person has views on issues.

But you have issues on your own views.

their prediction numbers dropping 4 days to go


on May 11 it will be a holiday,


May 12 will see PPP in the opposition.


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