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Albouystown fisherman shot over old grievance

A fisherman was on Thursday evening shot and injured after two gunmen opened fire on him while he was standing in close proximity to his Albouystown, Georgetown, home. The incident occurred sometime around 18:45h.

The injured man was identified as 31-year-old Sunil Sooklall of James Street ,Albouystown. According to a release from the Public Relations Officer of the Guyana Police Force Ivelaw Whittaker, Sooklall was on James Street when two men rode up on bicycles and one of them discharged several rounds in his direction.

Sooklall was hit to the right foot. The shooters escaped while the injured man was picked up and rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where was admitted.

Based on information, Guyana Times was made to understand the shooting stemmed from an old grievance which had resulted in the use of violence.

However, an aunt of the injured man told this newspaper she does not know exactly what transpired, but was informed by another relative that the person who was with the shooter and her nephew have had “some problems” but could not say what the issue was or what had sparked Thursday’s incident.

She noted that Sooklall was walking with a friend when the rounds were discharged at him. However, the friend was unharmed. “I don’t know what problems he had with them but they deliberately shoot my nephew,” the woman stated.

She claimed to know the identity of the shooters but refused to disclose the names out of fear.

Nevertheless, the names of the suspects were provided to the police as they continue their investigations.

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