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Alexander St vendor gets ten years for armed robberies

Nicholas Smith

July 5 2018


A city magistrate yesterday sentenced an Alexander Street vendor to 10 years in jail after he was found guilty of two counts of armed robbery.

Nicholas Smith was on trial before Magistrate Faith McGusty on two armed robbery charges, both committed on the same day.

The first charge stated that Smith, on February 11, at Seawall Road, Kingston, in the company of others and armed with a gun robbed Dexter David of a gold chain valued $60,000, and a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 cellphone valued $70,000 and $1,000 cash.

It was further alleged that Smith robbed Kevin Ramlall of a gold chain valued $60,000, an iPhone 5s valued $62,000, a wallet valued $3,000 and a sum of cash,  a total value $131,000.

During his first court appearance Smith had denied the charges levelled against him. However, when his matter came to an end yesterday, Magistrate McGusty found him guilty of both offences.

He was then sentenced to five years for each of the armed robberies. The sentences will run consecutively, resulting in Smith having to serve 10 years behind bars.


The matter was prosecuted by Police Prosecutor Seon Blackman.

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