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Ali guarantees Berbicians jobs, deep-water harbour

…Phillips demolishes PNC’s “Black tokenism” claim

People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Presidential Candidate, Dr Irfaan Ali guaranteed the residents of the East Berbice-Corentyne region a deep-water harbour if he becomes President following the March 2 General and Regional Elections.

PPP/C Presidential Candidate, Dr Irfaan Ali

Ali was at the time speaking at the party’s second rally held at Albion on Sunday which saw a massive crowd gathered to listen to their leaders as the party continues its campaign to win the Government.
The crowd reportedly stretched along the Albion Public Road as far as Williamsburg and was described as one of the largest gathering in history at a political rally in Region Six.
“We are going to initiate the massive transformational initiative of a deep-water harbour in Region Six. We got the real plans, these are the real plans that will take the country forward,” Ali said to rousing applause.
The presidential hopeful based his presentation on the lack of jobs for Guyanese especially Berbecians.

PPP/C PM Candidate
Mark Phillips

The issue, he noted has become a major one since the David Granger-led A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government closed two sugar estates in the region, leaving thousands without an alternative plan.
Ali said that the Government placed the sugar workers on the breadline which created a ripple effect and crushed the region’s economy.
“Today your pockets are lighter because this Government has stolen from your pockets. This Government placed you and many Guyanese on the breadline. They created a disaster for many families especially here in Region Six and come March 2 we will fix this. How are we going fix it?” he questioned.
“By voting PPP/C,” the crowd responded.

A scene from PPP/C’s Berbice rally

He accused the Government of having a morbid obsession with former President Bharrat Jagdeo and his role in the PPP/C. However, he informed that Jagdeo will be a part of the next PPP/C Government, explaining that he brings a wealth of experience and has the skill set to advance the developmental agenda of the party.
“One of the most important things is the creation of jobs. It is to ensure that our people here and all across Guyana has access to jobs. Jobs that pays well. Jobs that can sustain your family. Jobs that can increase the welfare of communities,” he said.
”One of the most important aspect of the developmental plan for Region Six is the creation of jobs and our focus in the creation of jobs will not be the restoration of sugar industry, it will not only be the restoration of jobs in the agriculture sector, it will be the creation of new jobs and new opportunities in every sector that a new economy would deliver on,” the former Housing Minister added.
He promised to invest in a knowledge-based economy which would see information communication technologies taking centre stage in advancing Guyana. He went on to state that these new advancements would create a spinoff of new opportunities in every sector.
With Region Six being an agricultural region, the presidential hopeful laid out what he described as a rapid developmental plan for the advancement of the sector. He explained that under a PPP/C Government they would be reducing the input costs to farmers. He noted that since 2015 the costs have risen mainly because the Government continues to implement taxation measures which cripple the farmers.
Under his Government, if elected, Ali promised new jobs in various sectors which would all be intertwined with the agriculture sector. He said that it is now his mission to see Region Six not only become the breadbasket of Guyana but the Caribbean and even further afield.
“We will establish a deep-water harbour and connect it to a free zone to bring new jobs. Disposable incomes in the homes and communities will increase under the PPP/C Government. If you have more money in your pockets then you will be able to spend more and if you do then businesses and the economy will do better. Region Six will do better under the next People’s Progressive Party/Civic Government,” Ali said as he roused up his supporters.
The massive crowd from all over Guyana expressed their support for the candidacy of Ali and his running mate Brigadier (ret’d) Mark Phillips.
Speaking directly to some of the issues affecting farmers, particularly rice farmers, Ali noted that when he speaks of support to the ailing rice industry he means that he has a plan. Alluding to comments made by President Granger that rice is a Private Sector issue and not Government even after campaigning on increased prices for paddy for rice farmers, Ali expressed that it is not all talk in his camp and that rice is a Government issue, adding that rice farmers deserve better treatment.

“When we say support for rice industry, we are not talking about just reversal of taxes but we are talking about plans to open new markets, extension services, increase in yield and increased profitability. We say it is important for the economy of Guyana and rice is the Government’s business and rice are the people’s business and a PPP/C Government will ensure we support this sector.
“We are talking mainstreaming agriculture in the national life. We are talking about all the important sectors. The productive sector as well as the new sectors. Agriculture has an important part to play and we will invest to ensure we improve agriculture,” Ali outlined.
He noted that investments would also be made in livestock and fisheries by the introduction of new technological support as well as infrastructure. He did not stop there, Ali said that his Government will be using the oil and gas opportunities to their advantage by creating spinoff sectors in tourism and manufacturing among others.
“Berbice is going to benefit from all of these sectors. We have a clarity of vision as to where and how these opportunities will be created.”
Ali told supporters that by the end of his first term as President he will ensure that every Guyanese student attending the University of Guyana would do so tuition-free.
“We will expand the scholarship programme to 20,000 scholarships per year. We are going to work on a pathway to get students with existing loans written off and we have outlined that in our manifesto. We will ensure a healthy population by fixing primary health care institutions…we will put more money in your pockets,” he said.
“We will help the Private Sector to become more energetic and create opportunities and jobs in our country. We are going to build community roads and ensure 100 per cent coverage of treated water in Region Six. We will ensure that there is better drainage and irrigation in the region. We will work on bridging the Corentyne River as well,” Ali added.

PM Candidate
Meanwhile, Ali’s Prime Ministerial Candidate, former Army Chief of Staff, Phillips hit back at the criticism coming from the APNU/AFC camp.
Phillips took time to single out APNU/AFC’s Joseph Harmon who recently told supporters that Phillips was ‘Black tokenism’ of the PPP/C.
“The PPP/C have a proven track record of development from 1992 when we restored democracy to 2015 when we demitted office. The PPP/C will ensure all Guyanese regardless of race, religion or political affiliation will benefit from the progress after our victory. The coalition is desperate and running scared. Joe Harmon refer to me as African or Black tokenism on PPP list. If you to follow Harmon’s reasoning then he is saying that all Africans on coalition is Black tokenism. We in PPP lead by example and don’t just speak about racial harmony. Check our list of candidates, it is a truly national list. It is a truly winning list,” Phillips declared.
Phillips said he brings to the fore over 36 years of defence and security experience to make Guyana better. He noted that he has a plan to reform the security sector so that Berbicians and Guyanese as a whole can feel much safer.
“They have about five Brigadiers, Admirals and Commissioner of Police with them and this one Brigadier come out of retirement and joined the PPP/C and they running scared…” he declared.
He noted that the PPP/C Government of which he will be a part has a plan for the crime situation that is plaguing Berbicians. He went on to note that the crime rate is high and Police capacity is low throughout Guyana and that needs to be fixed.
He noted that they will equip and improve the operational efficiency of the Guyana Police Force as well as the effectiveness of the Community Policing Groups.
Phillips went on to say that Region Six has a role to ensure food security in Guyana so that the country does not only depend on oil and gas to improve the economy. He noted that the PPP/C manifesto outlines the five-year plan to improve every sector that was destroyed by the current Administration.
“We will pursue a policy of land allocation reform in this region. We will explore climate-smart agriculture and technological support; we will improve farm to market roads and improve prices. We believe in quality health care for all Guyanese so we will put an end to drug shortage and upgrade and expand health services in Guyana. We will improve conditions of work and services for public health workers,” Phillips outlined.
Like his running mate, Phillips also spoke about the lack of jobs in the region and throughout Guyana. He noted that this lack of opportunity is one of the major contributing factors of the high crime rate in Guyana.
“Jobs is a big concern. We have to replicate the Port Mourant Training School model throughout Guyana. Crime will decrease if more youth will be given job opportunities,” the Brigadier noted.
“Today we have economic mismanagement and health care is worsening…since the No-Confidence Motion in December 2018, the coalition Government has shown scant regard for our Constitution and rule of law. They tried to make fools of us with fancy mathematics but we are not fools. We should have this General and Regional Elections long before now. It was a hard and uphill struggle to get to this point. This election is about restoring rule of law in Guyana, it is about restoring democracy,” Phillips added as he roused the crowd.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Prince posted:

Did Ali say how he intends to take away rum from them rum sucking drunks before giving them jobs?

Nah!! He seh how he gon buss dem balls who rape, kick down doors, choke and rab.

Last edited by Former Member

Bai, tell we what PNC did for Berbicians Na ?

My father in law told me that life was good in Berbice under PPP. People had jobs and dignity. People had money to spend.

Now people can’t afford to feed their families and send their children to school under PNC. Crime a tear rass in Berbice. Rat butting can now in Berbice. 

People expressed their dissatisfaction for the PNC by showing up by the LARGEST numbers ever to a meeting in Berbice. Speaks for itself. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Bai, tell we what PNC did for Berbicians Na ?

My father in law told me that life was good in Berbice under PPP. People had jobs and dignity. People had money to spend.

Now people can’t afford to feed their families and send their children to school under PNC. Crime a tear rass in Berbice. Rat butting can now in Berbice. 

People expressed their dissatisfaction for the PNC by showing up by the LARGEST numbers ever to a meeting in Berbice. Speaks for itself. 

The PNC will do nothing for Berbice. That goes without saying. But the PPP is no better. They just want the people votes, then its back to the usual grind. As for this large number of of people showing up, what did u expect? And just so u know, during PPP time crime was tearing rass still. Nothing has changed.

Sheik101 posted:

Wishful thinking on Ali's part. He will give them Berbicians nothing. Just promises and more promises. Sad thing is, dem berbicians honestly believe him .

You have to be from a distant Planet. They were ALL employed when the PPP was in Govt and will be should the PPP wins! It is NOT that difficult!!


@ Sheik 
No better ? 

Read what I posted. Life was good under the PPP for Berbicians. They had jobs, dignity, could  spend money and send their pickney to school. 
All of that ended under the PNC.

My wife visited last year and was shocked to see how Berbice quickly declined under the PNC. She was horrified. And she did visit under the PPP and said the exact thing about a good life for Berbicians under the PPP.

She left Guyana after one week, said that she was scared and didn’t feel safe as a result of the crime situation under PNC.

These are real life experiences. 

Berbicians are a proud people and know what progress means and PNC F up Berbice. I know that you have pro PNC bias but the the truth remains. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

@ Sheik 
No better ? 

Read what I posted. Life was good under the PPP for Berbicians. They had jobs, dignity, could  spend money and send their pickney to school. 
All of that ended under the PNC.

My wife visited last year and was shocked to see how Berbice quickly declined under the PNC. She was horrified. And she did visit under the PPP and said the exact thing about a good life for Berbicians under the PPP.

She left Guyana after one week, said that she was scared and didn’t feel safe as a result of the crime situation under PNC.

These are real life experiences. 

Berbicians are a proud people and know what progress means and PNC F up Berbice. I know that you have pro PNC bias but the the truth remains. 

U take the opinion of one person. What about the others who went, cane back and stated otherwise. Berbicians and a a resourceful set of people. PNC in power doan mean squat to them. They will progress one way or the other. During Burnham time when we in G\T were sucking salt Berbicians were getting rich with contraband regardless who they had to pay off.

The bottom line is this. Coolie people doan want blackman rule them and black people doan want coolie people rule them .


Na Bai, I beg to disagree. Life has become unbearable under PNC. The large numbers at the PPP meetings are a reflection of opposition and frustration at a hapless PNC administration. 
Indos broke from Berbice ranks under PPP and gave PNC a chance through the AFC and they F it up. 
Don’t blame the people for being angry at the PNC from going from a good life under the PPP to a miserable life Under the PNC. 

This has nothing to do with race but a fight for dignity and better life under the PPP. 
Berbicians are not stupid people, we are a proud and smart people. We know when a government is F ing things up.

PNC tried this once and failed. Berbicians will never make the same mistake again. Their presence at that meeting sends a clear message to the PNC, they were given a chance and F ed it up in three years ! 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Na Bai, I beg to disagree. Life has become unbearable under PNC. The large numbers at the PPP meetings are a reflection of opposition and frustration at a hapless PNC administration. 
Indos broke from Berbice ranks under PPP and gave PNC a chance through the AFC and they F it up. 
Don’t blame the people for being angry at the PNC from going from a good life under the PPP to a miserable life Under the PNC. 

This has nothing to do with race but a fight for dignity and better life under the PPP. 
Berbicians are not stupid people, we are a proud and smart people. We know when a government is F ing us up.

PNC tried this once and failed. Berbicians will never make the same mistake again. Their presence at that meeting sends a clear message to the PNC, they were given a chance and F ed it up in three years ! 

We will touch base on this in two month's time


No one wants DUMB Gadahas to Rule them. They want conpetent caring and knowledgeable people to run the Country. This will result in Progress and Prosperity like they had from 1992 to 2015!!!!!!!

Nehru posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Anyone who GUARANTEES anything is pandering to the voters....let we see his first degree, na?

HEHEHe LIL ABC dropout and Chief dunda Head want see degree.

Coalition already got these things covered banna.

Nehru posted:

No one wants DUMB Gadahas to Rule them. They want conpetent caring and knowledgeable people to run the Country. This will result in Progress and Prosperity like they had from 1992 to 2015!!!!!!!

I'm sure theres a bunch of PNC supporters somewhere echoing the same sentiment.

Sheik101 posted:

Wishful thinking on Ali's part. He will give them Berbicians nothing. Just promises and more promises. Sad thing is, dem berbicians honestly believe him .

If Ali could give Berbicians jobs, are they willing to work. Generally, the whole country gat real lazy ppl waiting on money from overseas relatives.

Ali could promise a crime free Berbice. Then he doan have to create any  jobs it will naturally comes to Berbicians. 

seignet posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Wishful thinking on Ali's part. He will give them Berbicians nothing. Just promises and more promises. Sad thing is, dem berbicians honestly believe him .

If Ali could give Berbicians jobs, are they willing to work. Generally, the whole country gat real lazy ppl waiting on money from overseas relatives.

Ali could promise a crime free Berbice. Then he doan have to create any  jobs it will naturally comes to Berbicians. 

All politicians do is make promises on either side of the divide. And they don't deliver except for their family and friends. We see it all the time. With new found wealth off our shores, and with a racially divided people, this is a recipe for disaster. PNC is not going down without a fight. Ali can whip the berbicians into a frenzy all he like.


So you saying that PNC will respond like animals with violence ? What nonsense is this ?

PPP and their supporters never resorted to post election violence. They are a peaceful people.

PNC better not try that, PPP is quite capable of taking care of PNC  post election violence. This is no longer a weak Cheddi PPP.

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

No one wants DUMB Gadahas to Rule them. They want conpetent caring and knowledgeable people to run the Country. This will result in Progress and Prosperity like they had from 1992 to 2015!!!!!!!

what do you know about what real Guyanese want...

Ray posted:
Nehru posted:

No one wants DUMB Gadahas to Rule them. They want conpetent caring and knowledgeable people to run the Country. This will result in Progress and Prosperity like they had from 1992 to 2015!!!!!!!

what do you know about what real Guyanese want...

Bring back KSI(whatever that was).

Ray posted:
Nehru posted:

No one wants DUMB Gadahas to Rule them. They want conpetent caring and knowledgeable people to run the Country. This will result in Progress and Prosperity like they had from 1992 to 2015!!!!!!!

what do you know about what real Guyanese want...

A lot. I have a working brain But I does feel sorry for those who are defected Dem should gat brain mechanic


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