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Django posted:

The Plantain chip factories funding was budgeted in 2014.

July 9, 2015

During last year’s budget debate, former acting Minister of Tourism Irfaan Ali had said that the $1 billion was proposed, out of the ministry’s overall $2.2 billion budget, for the fund which will support enterprise development initiatives in rural areas. He had also promised that there will be quarterly reports on the progress of the $1 billion Rural Development Fund and had encouraged members from regions countrywide to educate their villagers about how to access it. “This revolving fund covers all regions. Once it is approved, public ads will be made and calls for proposals to be part of this revolving fund,” he had said.

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It was announced the Leguan Factory to be started in August 2019

more on the story here

So it is as I said. The PPP presented this grand plantain chip factory idea in 2014. Then when convenient Ratman railed against it furiously. Now Fatman advocating for it. Pack of idiots!

Would it be too much to ask Guyana's most vaunted skullar, future president and prolific degree holder to present a business case for the plantain chip factory he now advocates for instead of just bullshit rhetoric about "jobs".

He can start with the questions I raised above and educate his dumb ass followers like nehru, sean from de toilet and others who can't muster even a stutter to respond to my questions.

kp posted:
Nehru posted:

Incompetent DUMMIES!! 4 years and they still cant fine the Plantain??

Cuffy holding wan big plantain.

SMFH. This is what passes for "political discourse" on GNI today. Typical PPP commie shit.

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:
kp posted:
Nehru posted:

Incompetent DUMMIES!! 4 years and they still cant fine the Plantain??

Cuffy holding wan big plantain.

SMFH. This is what passes for "political discourse" on GNI today. Typical PPP commie shit.

Hey hey hey...Greenie salipenta bai...yuh going down and vote foh dem one love bais? Hey hey hey...

Iguana posted:
Django posted:

Ali told hundreds of residents of the largely Agricultural Island that when the PPP was in government, it had already negotiated with one of the leading distributors in the Caribbean to sell plantain chips under the brand ‘Island Chips’. 

“The brand was island chips, and we were going to have this distributor distribute the plantain chips all across the Caribbean,” he shared, adding that plantain chips are imported in large quantities in all CARICOM countries, including Guyana, and it would have been a great opportunity for this country to capitalize on.  


But this reliance on plantain chip as an economic activity is one which starkly contradicts the previously held position of the party. 

It was only last year the PPP General Secretary, Bharrat Jagdeo took aim at President Granger for saying that job creation can start with the selling of plantain chips. 


Subsequently, the PPP and Jagdeo criticized the President and made fun of his position on plantain chips.

Jagdeo even criticized the incumbent administration and said it was creating a “plantain chip economy,” and what is needed is the provision of jobs in the emerging oil and gas sector. 

Since I have a few minutes. A cursory read of the bolded red above and the sheer NONSENSE being peddled by Ali and the clowns in the PPP is evident. They were FOR the plantain chip industry (claiming ownership of the original idea). Then RATman criticized it. Now FATman is trying to sell it again. All for political expediency.

Then comes the PPP simpletons like Nehru, Sean and Dave clapping loudly. No shame in alyuh stupidity.

Furthermore, how does a "plantain chip factory" help Guyana? Considering Jamaica, Costa Rica, DR, and a billion other countries grow plantains commercially, what exactly are the barriers to entry to getting into this enterprise? NONE.

Exhibit A - check the net, you'll find a ton of plantain chip companies in the Caribbean - Mr. Joes, Mr John's, Mariquitas, Caribbean Crisps, Soldanza, Lam's, National etc.

How would Guyana compete with them? What exactly is Guyana's competitive edge here? Would the price of Ali's "Island Chips" be profitable enough to sustain an industry, given the competition already out there?

Ah kno, ah kno. Y'all need not answer. Most of the people who could answer and discuss don't post hay no mo. Demerara guy gon post a picture of a plantain, Nehru gon scratch he ass and smell, and suh on.

Guyana is run by a bunch of very DUNCE people on ALL sides. No competitive analysis, nothing. Just build shit and hope it flies. God help Guyana.

Stop exposing yourself. More evidence.

Iguana posted:
kp posted:

Who asked you to lift your frock and exposed yourself.??

Y'all hated Ronan, but he leff he mark pon alyuh wid he phraseology. "lift your frock", etc. Even Princess Kaz running around talking about "selling aids infested bt" and suh on.

Practicing the same thing that alyuh appeal to Amral to ban Ronan fuh. No shame in alyuh. Two black man manners all alyuh, suh yuh run complaining.

Are you not Ronan/Redux?


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