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And no action or competence The PNC and the 2 House Slave told the Guyanese People to Vote for them and with the magical wand they will eliminate CRIME.  News, CRIME has NEVER been WORST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Many on GNI also believed the PNC and their 2 House Slave, now dem ah hide!!!!


Businesswoman shot in head during home invasion

July 7, 2015 8:54 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Leroy Smith

POLICE INVOLVED SHOOTING[] – Forty-one-year-old businesswoman Angela Hussain is fighting for her life after she was shot in her head by bandits on Monday evening when armed men invaded her business place and terrorized the family.

iNews was informed that at approximately 19:30hrs five bandits barged into the home while the woman’s shop at Lot 62 Palmyra No. 2 Village East Canje.

According to one of the shot woman’s daughters, when the bandits entered the home, two returned outside and stood guard while one went to her mother. The other two keep an eye on the other occupants of the home. 

The men ransacked the shop taking the money that was earned for the day. However they were not satisfied with the yield and demanded more money. After Hussain told them there was no more cash; the man became frustrated and shot her to the head.

The bandit then returned to where the other relatives were and demanded cash and jewellery from the woman’s husband. When he refused he was struck to the head with the gun, the bandits also struck the eight your old and another occupant of the house to their heads with the guns. One of the guns went off during this process.

The lad was then taken upstairs where he was instructed to tell the bandits where the cash and jewellery where while one of the bandits placed a gun to his head threatening to shoot him.

The victims related that when the ordeal was over the bandits used a back street and made good their escape in a dark coloured car that had no number plate.

All of the men wore masks to conceal their identities however; four of the men had guns while one carried a cutlass. Police are continuing their investigations into the incident.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

And no action or competence The PNC and the 2 House Slave told the Guyanese People to Vote for them and with the magical wand they will eliminate CRIME.  News, CRIME has NEVER been WORST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Many on GNI also believed the PNC and their 2 House Slave, now dem ah hide!!!!



Yes Antiman...cause that's how government works. Get elected on May 11th and by July 7th presto chango abracadabra Om Namoh Shivaya all problems are solved.


F-ing coolie idiots!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

And no action or competence The PNC and the 2 House Slave told the Guyanese People to Vote for them and with the magical wand they will eliminate CRIME.  News, CRIME has NEVER been WORST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Many on GNI also believed the PNC and their 2 House Slave, now dem ah hide!!!!



Yes Antiman...cause that's how government works. Get elected on May 11th and by July 7th presto chango abracadabra Om Namoh Shivaya all problems are solved.


F-ing coolie idiots!

AHOLE, You DUMB ASS, read and understand if you are capable. The PNC and the 2 House Slaves made that claim NOT me. DUMB ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

And no action or competence The PNC and the 2 House Slave told the Guyanese People to Vote for them and with the magical wand they will eliminate CRIME.  News, CRIME has NEVER been WORST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Many on GNI also believed the PNC and their 2 House Slave, now dem ah hide!!!!



Yes Antiman...cause that's how government works. Get elected on May 11th and by July 7th presto chango abracadabra Om Namoh Shivaya all problems are solved.


F-ing coolie idiots!

I suspect Granger is going to use the army to some degree to get this crime situation under control. If so, you will see the screams about "ethnic cleansing" and martial law coming from same idiots you referred to. They will only be satisified by complete Indian domination of Guyana and nothing less.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

And no action or competence The PNC and the 2 House Slave told the Guyanese People to Vote for them and with the magical wand they will eliminate CRIME.  News, CRIME has NEVER been WORST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Many on GNI also believed the PNC and their 2 House Slave, now dem ah hide!!!!



Yes Antiman...cause that's how government works. Get elected on May 11th and by July 7th presto chango abracadabra Om Namoh Shivaya all problems are solved.


F-ing coolie idiots!

I suspect Granger is going to use the army to some degree to get this crime situation under control. If so, you will see the screams about "ethnic cleansing" and martial law coming from same idiots you referred to. They will only be satisified by complete Indian domination of Guyana and nothing less.

You and Caribj should live in one house!!!1 Now an Indian not leading Guyana, you both are very Happy.  Burnham was right to treat Al YUh like FILTH!!!

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

And no action or competence The PNC and the 2 House Slave told the Guyanese People to Vote for them and with the magical wand they will eliminate CRIME.  News, CRIME has NEVER been WORST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Many on GNI also believed the PNC and their 2 House Slave, now dem ah hide!!!!



Yes Antiman...cause that's how government works. Get elected on May 11th and by July 7th presto chango abracadabra Om Namoh Shivaya all problems are solved.


F-ing coolie idiots!

I suspect Granger is going to use the army to some degree to get this crime situation under control. If so, you will see the screams about "ethnic cleansing" and martial law coming from same idiots you referred to. They will only be satisified by complete Indian domination of Guyana and nothing less.


Do not suspect it. Granger will be employing the army against the armed almost paramilitary criminal elements....many of them quite close to the PPP acting as an armed wing of the PPP to destabilize the country in the hope that it will speed the PPP's return to office.


Let's not forget that using criminals to destabilize a sitting Government was a concept pioneered by the PNC and now seemingly adopted by the PPP. However, unlike the PPP the PNC has the will and wherewithal to answer the challenge to State authority.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

You and Caribj should live in one house!!!1 Now an Indian not leading Guyana, you both are very Happy.  Burnham was right to treat Al YUh like FILTH!!!

Not happy moron! I want the crime situation dealt with and it appears the Brigadier is crafting an aggressive plan. You will be screaming "ethnic cleansing" in a few weeks when your Indian drug lords and gun runners are being arrested or taken out in droves.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You and Caribj should live in one house!!!1 Now an Indian not leading Guyana, you both are very Happy.  Burnham was right to treat Al YUh like FILTH!!!

Not happy moron! I want the crime situation dealt with and it appears the Brigadier is crafting an aggressive plan. You will be screaming "ethnic cleansing" in a few weeks when your Indian drug lords and gun runners are being arrested or taken out in droves.

YOu are more inclined to support Drug Dealers.It is in your DNA!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You and Caribj should live in one house!!!1 Now an Indian not leading Guyana, you both are very Happy.  Burnham was right to treat Al YUh like FILTH!!!

Not happy moron! I want the crime situation dealt with and it appears the Brigadier is crafting an aggressive plan. You will be screaming "ethnic cleansing" in a few weeks when your Indian drug lords and gun runners are being arrested or taken out in droves.

YOu are more inclined to support Drug Dealers.It is in your DNA!!!!

ahhhhh yes, black man is more prone to drug running. Tell me smart man, who was Guyana's drug kingpin? black man?

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You and Caribj should live in one house!!!1 Now an Indian not leading Guyana, you both are very Happy.  Burnham was right to treat Al YUh like FILTH!!!

Not happy moron! I want the crime situation dealt with and it appears the Brigadier is crafting an aggressive plan. You will be screaming "ethnic cleansing" in a few weeks when your Indian drug lords and gun runners are being arrested or taken out in droves.


I can almost assure you that no one is gonna be arrested. "Killed while engaged in armed confrontation with army/police" will be written often as boilerplate language in many a coroner's verdict.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You and Caribj should live in one house!!!1 Now an Indian not leading Guyana, you both are very Happy.  Burnham was right to treat Al YUh like FILTH!!!

Not happy moron! I want the crime situation dealt with and it appears the Brigadier is crafting an aggressive plan. You will be screaming "ethnic cleansing" in a few weeks when your Indian drug lords and gun runners are being arrested or taken out in droves.

YOu are more inclined to support Drug Dealers.It is in your DNA!!!!

ahhhhh yes, black man is more prone to drug running. Tell me smart man, who was Guyana's drug kingpin? black man?

I do not know your Race and dont need to know.  Drug dealers are Drug Dealers

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You and Caribj should live in one house!!!1 Now an Indian not leading Guyana, you both are very Happy.  Burnham was right to treat Al YUh like FILTH!!!

Not happy moron! I want the crime situation dealt with and it appears the Brigadier is crafting an aggressive plan. You will be screaming "ethnic cleansing" in a few weeks when your Indian drug lords and gun runners are being arrested or taken out in droves.

YOu are more inclined to support Drug Dealers.It is in your DNA!!!!

ahhhhh yes, black man is more prone to drug running. Tell me smart man, who was Guyana's drug kingpin? black man?

I do not know your Race and dont need to know.  Drug dealers are Drug Dealers

You don't know me either, so how do you know it's in my DNA? You got cornered for the filthy racist you are. I never considered you racist, just maybe scared or apprehensive of black folks. I can add you to the list of racist Indian folks on GNI now. No wonder you are comfortable with Cobra.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You and Caribj should live in one house!!!1 Now an Indian not leading Guyana, you both are very Happy.  Burnham was right to treat Al YUh like FILTH!!!

Not happy moron! I want the crime situation dealt with and it appears the Brigadier is crafting an aggressive plan. You will be screaming "ethnic cleansing" in a few weeks when your Indian drug lords and gun runners are being arrested or taken out in droves.

YOu are more inclined to support Drug Dealers.It is in your DNA!!!!

ahhhhh yes, black man is more prone to drug running. Tell me smart man, who was Guyana's drug kingpin? black man?

I do not know your Race and dont need to know.  Drug dealers are Drug Dealers

You don't know me either, so how do you know it's in my DNA? You got cornered for the filthy racist you are. I never considered you racist, just maybe scared or apprehensive of black folks. I can add you to the list of racist Indian folks on GNI now. No wonder you are comfortable with Cobra.

You can label me what the hell you want.  This is a FREE Country!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

You certainly aint too smart. Your DNA is of the type that allow you to be associated with crimes. You dont have to be Einstein, well that would be taxing your little brain.

These are slanderous remarks. What crimes am I associated with? Put up or shut up.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You certainly aint too smart. Your DNA is of the type that allow you to be associated with crimes. You dont have to be Einstein, well that would be taxing your little brain.

These are slanderous remarks. What crimes am I associated with? Put up or shut up.

Did I say you committed a Crime?? Slowly, I said you will be more inclined to do so than I would be!!!!!

Last edited by Nehru
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You certainly aint too smart. Your DNA is of the type that allow you to be associated with crimes. You dont have to be Einstein, well that would be taxing your little brain.

These are slanderous remarks. What crimes am I associated with? Put up or shut up.

Did I say you committed a Crime?? Slowly, I said you will be more inclined to do so that I would be!!!!!



Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You certainly aint too smart. Your DNA is of the type that allow you to be associated with crimes. You dont have to be Einstein, well that would be taxing your little brain.

These are slanderous remarks. What crimes am I associated with? Put up or shut up.

Did I say you committed a Crime?? Slowly, I said you will be more inclined to do so that I would be!!!!!



HEHEHE  Jokey time.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You certainly aint too smart. Your DNA is of the type that allow you to be associated with crimes. You dont have to be Einstein, well that would be taxing your little brain.

These are slanderous remarks. What crimes am I associated with? Put up or shut up.

Did I say you committed a Crime?? Slowly, I said you will be more inclined to do so that I would be!!!!!



..and these are the people you want to govern over LMFAO!

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You certainly aint too smart. Your DNA is of the type that allow you to be associated with crimes. You dont have to be Einstein, well that would be taxing your little brain.

These are slanderous remarks. What crimes am I associated with? Put up or shut up.

Did I say you committed a Crime?? Slowly, I said you will be more inclined to do so that I would be!!!!!



..and these are the people you want to govern over LMFAO!


I have never been more profoundly wrong about anything else than the future civilizational value of these abject morons.


I think my learned Indian friend was right in sharing your sentiments. All the intelligent Indians migrated and the lunatics are now in firm control over their fellow lunatics.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You certainly aint too smart. Your DNA is of the type that allow you to be associated with crimes. You dont have to be Einstein, well that would be taxing your little brain.

These are slanderous remarks. What crimes am I associated with? Put up or shut up.

Did I say you committed a Crime?? Slowly, I said you will be more inclined to do so that I would be!!!!!



..and these are the people you want to govern over LMFAO!


I have never been more profoundly wrong about anything else than the future civilizational value of these abject morons.


I think my learned Indian friend was right in sharing your sentiments. All the intelligent Indians migrated and the lunatics are now in firm control over their fellow lunatics.

When was the last time you look in the Mirror???

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You certainly aint too smart. Your DNA is of the type that allow you to be associated with crimes. You dont have to be Einstein, well that would be taxing your little brain.

These are slanderous remarks. What crimes am I associated with? Put up or shut up.

Did I say you committed a Crime?? Slowly, I said you will be more inclined to do so that I would be!!!!!



..and these are the people you want to govern over LMFAO!


I have never been more profoundly wrong about anything else than the future civilizational value of these abject morons.


I think my learned Indian friend was right in sharing your sentiments. All the intelligent Indians migrated and the lunatics are now in firm control over their fellow lunatics.

When was the last time you look in the Mirror???




I can be called a lot of things. Antiman, uneducated, lacking in a hint of class are not really among them. Only in abbe low life coolies' fevered imaginations would these things pertain to me. So here I remain, unpierced by verbal salvo but rather amused.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You certainly aint too smart. Your DNA is of the type that allow you to be associated with crimes. You dont have to be Einstein, well that would be taxing your little brain.

These are slanderous remarks. What crimes am I associated with? Put up or shut up.

Did I say you committed a Crime?? Slowly, I said you will be more inclined to do so that I would be!!!!!



..and these are the people you want to govern over LMFAO!


I have never been more profoundly wrong about anything else than the future civilizational value of these abject morons.


I think my learned Indian friend was right in sharing your sentiments. All the intelligent Indians migrated and the lunatics are now in firm control over their fellow lunatics.

When was the last time you look in the Mirror???




I can be called a lot of things. Antiman, uneducated, lacking in a hint of class are not really among them. Only in abbe low life coolies' fevered imaginations would these things pertain to me. So here I remain, unpierced by verbal salvo but rather amused.

Now dat is a Jokey chap.  Good to see your great sense of humor. It is very rare with Abee Indians.  Kudos to the Shaitaan.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You certainly aint too smart. Your DNA is of the type that allow you to be associated with crimes. You dont have to be Einstein, well that would be taxing your little brain.

These are slanderous remarks. What crimes am I associated with? Put up or shut up.

Did I say you committed a Crime?? Slowly, I said you will be more inclined to do so that I would be!!!!!



..and these are the people you want to govern over LMFAO!


I have never been more profoundly wrong about anything else than the future civilizational value of these abject morons.


I think my learned Indian friend was right in sharing your sentiments. All the intelligent Indians migrated and the lunatics are now in firm control over their fellow lunatics.

When was the last time you look in the Mirror???




I can be called a lot of things. Antiman, uneducated, lacking in a hint of class are not really among them. Only in abbe low life coolies' fevered imaginations would these things pertain to me. So here I remain, unpierced by verbal salvo but rather amused.

You dont have to take my advise but I will give it anyway. stop painting with a broad brush, speak to women with respect and you will be taken seriously.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You certainly aint too smart. Your DNA is of the type that allow you to be associated with crimes. You dont have to be Einstein, well that would be taxing your little brain.

These are slanderous remarks. What crimes am I associated with? Put up or shut up.

Did I say you committed a Crime?? Slowly, I said you will be more inclined to do so that I would be!!!!!



..and these are the people you want to govern over LMFAO!


I have never been more profoundly wrong about anything else than the future civilizational value of these abject morons.


I think my learned Indian friend was right in sharing your sentiments. All the intelligent Indians migrated and the lunatics are now in firm control over their fellow lunatics.

When was the last time you look in the Mirror???




I can be called a lot of things. Antiman, uneducated, lacking in a hint of class are not really among them. Only in abbe low life coolies' fevered imaginations would these things pertain to me. So here I remain, unpierced by verbal salvo but rather amused.

You dont have to take my advise but I will give it anyway. stop painting with a broad brush, speak to women with respect and you will be taken seriously.


This is 2015. I don't know any women who need my tender touch and protection from reality. I pay women the compliment of treating them with the respect they deserve or not deserve based upon their individual merit.


Which is what leads me to Canje Gyal's case. She's a skont and will be accorded not more respect and certainly not less than any similarly situated male skont of her class.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You certainly aint too smart. Your DNA is of the type that allow you to be associated with crimes. You dont have to be Einstein, well that would be taxing your little brain.

These are slanderous remarks. What crimes am I associated with? Put up or shut up.

Did I say you committed a Crime?? Slowly, I said you will be more inclined to do so that I would be!!!!!



..and these are the people you want to govern over LMFAO!


I have never been more profoundly wrong about anything else than the future civilizational value of these abject morons.


I think my learned Indian friend was right in sharing your sentiments. All the intelligent Indians migrated and the lunatics are now in firm control over their fellow lunatics.

When was the last time you look in the Mirror???




I can be called a lot of things. Antiman, uneducated, lacking in a hint of class are not really among them. Only in abbe low life coolies' fevered imaginations would these things pertain to me. So here I remain, unpierced by verbal salvo but rather amused.

You dont have to take my advise but I will give it anyway. stop painting with a broad brush, speak to women with respect and you will be taken seriously.


This is 2015. I don't know any women who need my tender touch and protection from reality. I pay women the compliment of treating them with the respect they deserve or not deserve based upon their individual merit.


Which is what leads me to Canje Gyal's case. She's a skont and will be accorded not more respect and certainly not less than any similarly situated male skont of her class.

I dont know who you are referring to BUT not because you think it is so, that it is in fact so. This is one of the major problems with some "Coolies" I am not going to name them BUT you know a few I bet.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I have never been more profoundly wrong about anything else than the future civilizational value of these abject morons.


I think my learned Indian friend was right in sharing your sentiments. All the intelligent Indians migrated and the lunatics are now in firm control over their fellow lunatics.

Now you sounding like Burnham. Maybe he reached the same conclusion.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I have never been more profoundly wrong about anything else than the future civilizational value of these abject morons.


I think my learned Indian friend was right in sharing your sentiments. All the intelligent Indians migrated and the lunatics are now in firm control over their fellow lunatics.

Now you sounding like Burnham. Maybe he reached the same conclusion.


If you observe the political culture of Guyanese Indians, you can only shudder. And yes, I can absolutely understand Burnham now. After 23 years of elected Indian Mudhead Rule, I totally understand the 28 years of rigged elections now. If it wasn't for 28 years of rigged elections, we'd be on the 51st year of unbroken PPP Mudhead rule this year.


I held out some flicker of hope that with the loss of power these morons would recognize the error of their ways. NO! It's time to double and triple down on the F-ing inexplicable criminal levels of stupidity. Cussing out America in 2014 not enough? Cuss dem out some more in 2015. Just lost an election? Refuse to go gracefully and cry like a bytch. Lost two elections in a row? No leadership elections. No resignations. Allow failed leadership to reappoint itself. Lost the intelligent Indians and the Indian middle class? Well cuss dem out some more and keep them out of positions of party power. The list is too lengthy to fit into one paragraph but you get my point.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
This is 2015. I don't know any women who need my tender touch and protection from reality. I pay women the compliment of treating them with the respect they deserve or not deserve based upon their individual merit.


Which is what leads me to Canje Gyal's case. She's a skont and will be accorded not more respect and certainly not less than any similarly situated male skont of her class.

If was yo baie Pav writing dah he would have stopped at the third word.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

You and Caribj should live in one house!!!1 Now an Indian not leading Guyana, you both are very Happy.  Burnham was right to treat Al YUh like FILTH!!!

Not happy moron! I want the crime situation dealt with and it appears the Brigadier is crafting an aggressive plan. You will be screaming "ethnic cleansing" in a few weeks when your Indian drug lords and gun runners are being arrested or taken out in droves.

YOu are more inclined to support Drug Dealers.It is in your DNA!!!!

ahhhhh yes, black man is more prone to drug running. Tell me smart man, who was Guyana's drug kingpin? black man?

Yes - Winston Felix... He gat so much drugs that he wanted to plant some on a lady at CJIA fuh de PNC. He and the current AG cook up this ting. Ah no that the answer you are looking for is Roger Khan. Yes, he was one also, he got catch and spending time. Felix, on the other hand is has been promoted by the PNC as a Minister.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

Yes - Winston Felix... He gat so much drugs that he wanted to plant some on a lady at CJIA fuh de PNC. He and the current AG cook up this ting. Ah no that the answer you are looking for is Roger Khan. Yes, he was one also, he got catch and spending time. Felix, on the other hand is has been promoted by the PNC as a Minister.

Khan is IN JAIL. The DEA dying for info on drug running in Guyana. Call dem about Felix nah?


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