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On this blessed day of Friday we are witnessing the swearing in of our 45th President, Mr. Donald Trump.
This morning I pray asking God Almighty to cause this President to be just and fair, for him to execute his duties without bias and for his Presidency to be successful.
As an immigrant and more so a Muslim American I was disappointed with statements he made before the elections. Hopefully as President he will be respectful to all regardless of class, race or religion. If he succeeds then America succeeds, as the saying goes, let the games begin!
God bless America!

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KING: Today is one of the dumbest days in American history
Shaun King
Friday, January 20, 2017, 9:56 AM
Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, pose in front of the Lincoln Memorial on Thursday.

Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, pose in front of the Lincoln Memorial on Thursday.

(MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)

We are here. It is real. It is sad. It is ugly. I hoped we could somehow avoid it, but the moment is upon us. Today is one of the dumbest days in American history.

This is not me being petty or partisan. I’ve seen many people I wasn’t thrilled about win elections. I disagreed with them on positions and policies — sometimes I didn’t like their personalities — but today is altogether different. Our nation elected a terrible human being as President of the United States.

In any textbook definition of what the American public should look for in a President, Donald Trump falls outrageously short. That’s an understatement actually. He is the exact opposite of who and what we all know a President should be.

He is quick tempered. He is thin-skinned. He is perpetually dishonest.

Trump to get inauguration sermon from Rev. who calls Islam 'evil'

He targets and mocks people.

He lacks the education and experience to understand many of the most complicated issues of national security and international diplomacy. He consistently embarasses himself and endangers the nation when speaking with international news outlets about virtually any matter related to war, peace, weapons, treaties, accords, or coalitions.

For a year, most of his 17 Republican opponents openly said that electing him would be dangerous. They said that allowing him access to the nuclear codes would be a grave mistake.

His first wife said that he was cruel and demeaning throughout their marriage and that he raped her, an accusation she then renouced. After a recording of Trump was released in which he openly bragged about how he physically forces himself on women, nearly twenty women came forward and said that he did that very thing to them.

Sen. Graham receives warm reception prior to Trump's inauguration

Just days before the inauguration, he agreed to pay out a $25 million settlement to students who said they were defrauded by Trump University.

Trump and his wife Melania leave St. John's Episcopal Church on January 20, 2017.

Trump and his wife Melania leave St. John's Episcopal Church on January 20, 2017.


He openly takes credit for job deals that were finalized weeks or even months before he was elected. This is his way. His is a con man.

He has conned evangelical Christians into thinking that he deeply values the faith when he just recently said he has never asked for forgiveness.

He has conned the anti-abortion crowd into believing he is pro-life.

Trump begins Inauguration Day with church service, tweeting

He has conned coal miners into believing he cares about rural workers and their quality of life.

Chairs are set up on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., on Friday.
Chief posted:
On this blessed day of Friday we are witnessing the swearing in of our 45th President, Mr. Donald Trump.
This morning I pray asking God Almighty to cause this President to be just and fair, for him to execute his duties without bias and for his Presidency to be successful.
As an immigrant and more so a Muslim American I was disappointed with statements he made before the elections. Hopefully as President he will be respectful to all regardless of class, race or religion. If he succeeds then America succeeds, as the saying goes, let the games begin!
God bless America!

Chief you are safe. You are a koolie from Guyana. Those people got their eyes on real Muslims meaning Arab Muslims. 


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