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Former Member

OK folks,

Let's talk suicide.

Let me first quite Cobra Bhai:

"Indians are suffering from economic, political and domestic depression. They are being marginalized by the current government. Suicide is not new, and still there is no effective govt program in place to educate these young people to value life and how to cope with their problems. When these problems arise, the the treasury is dry, yet there is plenty of money to spend on less important things like fete night and pre planning of independence celebration."

Lots of truth in above and I will address some later.

The rate of suicides have escalated since the AFC/PNC took office. Is this a coincidence ? Yes, it is. It is indeed a sign that Indos have lost a sense of confidence in themselves and their future since the AFC/PNC rigged the election.

Let us first stop denying that this is not a problem. It is a serious problem and we must look at the root causes.

Depression and mental illness play a major role. Social and Economic conditions are also contributing factors which have been ignored by this administration until recently where Granger paid lip service to this problem by making an announcement and that was all that he did. Just lip service.

The government of the day has the responsibility in addressing health issues affecting citizens and lip service will not address this problem.

Top suicide rate countries are (World Health Organization 2012):

Guyana (Mixed Population) No.1

Mozambique (Afro Population) No.6 

Tanzania (Afro Population) No. 7

India (Indo Population) No. 11

If we were to examine this problem based on this worldwide stats, we cannot conclude that it is an Indo problem because this problem appears to be affecting mainly Indo Guyanese in Guyana. After all, Mozambique and Tanzania (6th and 7th) are Afro countries with rates higher than that of India (11th).

Based on that fact, we cannot blame this problem on the Indo race.

One than has to look at economic problems and it appears that since the PNC took over, this problem has escalated and recently, 9 suicides in 9 days.

Indo Guyanese have become hopeless and have no confidence since May of last year but this is not the only problem. Indos live mainly in agricultural communities and with easy access to chemical, brings easy access to suicides. Ramjattan has correctly addressed this as a contributing factor. 

Years ago, there was a sense of community where elders and the churches, mosques and temples were a part of life for Indos. Many have stopped going to these important places and elders are shunned.

This is a serious problem which requires serious solutions. Sadly, this problem might escalate under this administration which has demonstrated it's inability to effectively handle major issues.

And please, do not blame the PPP, it is the PNC which ran on a campaign of change. So far, nothing has changed and problems are escalating as they remain clueless. Take suicide and crime, they are spinning out of control and they have no solution.

Lip service will not solve Guyana's problems. Granger must be reminded of this fact. Pray for Indos in Guyana.





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Here are some information posted from an article by Gil:

"According to teenager, Ferana Mohamed, she became very frustrated with life after enduring severe problems with her boyfriend. She is presently hospitalized battling for her life. According to her, she had a mouthful of β€œgamazone” and was saved by neighbours. She is in the hospital eight days now."

"Meanwhile, a mother of two from Fairfield village said she became very frustrated after she had a heated argument with her husband last Sunday night. She consumed a large quantity of β€œgamazone” and is presently receiving saline."

Last edited by Former Member

"Years ago, there was a sense of community where elders and the churches, mosques and temples were a part of life for Indos. Many have stopped going to these important places and elders are shunned."


What cause this to happen,any answers??

The rate of suicides have escalated since the AFC/PNC took office. Is this a coincidence ? Yes, it is. It is indeed a sign that Indos have lost a sense of confidence in themselves and their future since the AFC/PNC rigged the election


Garbage..people have accept the government of the day,not because the party you support lost,it's doomsday, pay attention to some of the cases mentioned it is trivial matters that should not cause some one to take their life.


yuji22 posted:
Django posted:

"pay attention to some of the cases mentioned it is trivial matters that should not cause some one to take their life.



You intentionally left out my accurate observation about easy assess to chemicals. Please read it again.

I noticed in your post about the Chemical,that was after i was replying on the other post.That chemical was around a long time mostly used by farmers and is deadly if you don't get medical attention early.I lost a cousin who commit suicide the reason he had a quarrel with his wife,same crap he drank, he was the only cousin who kept to himself never mix with the others,so we could not help.

That Chemical should be looked up and be out of reach by the household.

yuji22 posted:

I agree regarding locking up chemicals/pesticides and having it out of reach by household members.

I stated that Ramjattan correctly addressed this as a contributing factor.

If someone wants to commit suicide they will commit it somehow or the other.  

The solution is to educate them so that suicide should not be seen as an option.  Too many suicides in Guyana are driven by spontaneous actions.

Suicide is a national problem in Guyana so it should be addressed on a national/grand scale.

VVP posted:
yuji22 posted:

I agree regarding locking up chemicals/pesticides and having it out of reach by household members.

I stated that Ramjattan correctly addressed this as a contributing factor.

If someone wants to commit suicide they will commit it somehow or the other.  

The solution is to educate them so that suicide should not be seen as an option.  Too many suicides in Guyana are driven by spontaneous actions.

Suicide is a national problem in Guyana so it should be addressed on a national/grand scale.

Agreed.  A strategy is required to change the mindset not to turn to suicide.  You need counseling and social outreach programs to help those at risk.  Previous govt was only interested in fortifying their friends and families.

yuji22 posted:

I agree regarding locking up chemicals/pesticides and having it out of reach by household members.

I stated that Ramjattan correctly addressed this as a contributing factor.

yuji, I honestly cannot say that the availability of pesticides is a contributing factor. It is certainly a convenient factor. Look, gramaxone don't cause people to kill themselves. If dem people in Essequibo didn't have gramaxone, dem wouddah swalla someting else. If goat shit coudda kill, dem woudda eat goat shit. Dem woudda hang demself or jump in de river or lake because they had already decided against living. 

We have to examine and eliminate the root causes of suicide. In cases of broken relationships, for example, we have to counsel our friends, families, neighbours etc to learn to face rejection, to take 'NO' for an answer, to think long term and have goals, etc. I am supposing that suicide victims don't have the benefit of such advice.

yuji22 posted:

OK folks,

Let's talk suicide.


The rate of suicides have escalated since the AFC/PNC took office.

Top suicide rate countries are (World Health Organization 2012):

Guyana (Mixed Population) No.1

Mozambique (Afro Population) No.6 

Tanzania (Afro Population) No. 7

India (Indo Population) No. 11





We have no proof about whether suicides are up since last May.  We do know that Guyana was # 1 in the world.

We also do know that Guyana isn't recovering from a disastrous civil war, or suffering from severe droughts and/or floods as is Mozambique.  So of what relevance will comparison to that country be.  I don't even compare Guyana to India.

Guyana ought to be compared with other Caribbean countries. Guyana #1,  Suriname #2.  Trinidad #3.  Jamaica, Barbados and the other majority black Caribbean countries rank much lower than these countries with significant Indian populations.

Guyana became the most suicide prone nation under an INDIAN gov't. So stop blaming this on blacks.  


More blacks are mentally insane.  Should Indians be blamed for this, or is it specific factors to the Afro Guyanese population which ought to be looked at?

yuji22 posted:

Here are some information posted from an article by Gil:

"According to teenager, Ferana Mohamed, she became very frustrated with life after enduring severe problems with her boyfriend. She is presently hospitalized battling for her life. According to her, she had a mouthful of β€œgamazone” and was saved by neighbours. She is in the hospital eight days now."

"Meanwhile, a mother of two from Fairfield village said she became very frustrated after she had a heated argument with her husband last Sunday night. She consumed a large quantity of β€œgamazone” and is presently receiving saline."

And here is a cultural response.  Black women have loads of problems with their men.  They usually don't kill themselves.

Maybe they have better support systems OUTSIDE of the family.

Maybe they aren't as dependent on the men, so can throw them out of the house. 

Maybe they feel more empowered as women, so feel better able to confront these men when they feel wronged. 

Maybe they aren't subject to some notion of "family disgrace" if they end the marriage.

Maybe they can cuss out their mother in law and throw her out of the house.

Bottom line is they don't kill themselves over men to the same degree.

FC posted:

Look at how low these PPP stoogies will go to try and blame the new government for suicides.  Yugi & Cobra have you no shame or human decency to politicize a very serious mental illness issue.

When the suicide issue first became topical, once it was discovered that Guyana had the highest suicide rate, the Indo KKK screamed incredulity that the PPP could be blamed.

Now they blame the PNC for  suicides which occurred under the PPP.  The data that people are looking at come from 2013 and other years.  NOT 2015.

yuji22 posted:

I agree regarding locking up chemicals/pesticides and having it out of reach by household members.

I stated that Ramjattan correctly addressed this as a contributing factor.

Listen banna, Guyana is a farming nation and such chemicals are widely available as a part of a way of life.  It may b a contributing factor like guns to suicide and violence in the USA.  But legislating this away is more difficult than guns in the USA.

The poison is just the means to an end and not the cause.  The causes are much more deep-seated and needs to be addressed holistically.  Ramjattan's outburst is very simplistic and without much thought, no wonder crime-fighting in Guyana has become so dismal recently.

FC posted:

Look at how low these PPP stoogies will go to try and blame the new government for suicides.  Yugi & Cobra have you no shame or human decency to politicize a very serious mental illness issue.

No Govt can simply solve this matter, it cannot be legislated away.  This issue transcends generations and Govts.  The Gov't could start a national dialogue and kick-off initiatives to address.  There has to be a national education campaign involving all aspects of civic society from schools, parents, religious institutions, law and  everything else in between.

It's not wise to assign blame to any Govt however, I do give the new Govt credit for seeming to take the issue up as it needs to became a national priority.  This has been long overdue.

caribny posted:
FC posted:

Look at how low these PPP stoogies will go to try and blame the new government for suicides.  Yugi & Cobra have you no shame or human decency to politicize a very serious mental illness issue.

When the suicide issue first became topical, once it was discovered that Guyana had the highest suicide rate, the Indo KKK screamed incredulity that the PPP could be blamed.

Now they blame the PNC for  suicides which occurred under the PPP.  The data that people are looking at come from 2013 and other years.  NOT 2015.

Nah, it was the anti-PPP who always blamed the last Govt.  Baseman always contend, politicizing this issue is non-productive and actually become self-defeating!

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Here are some information posted from an article by Gil:

"According to teenager, Ferana Mohamed, she became very frustrated with life after enduring severe problems with her boyfriend. She is presently hospitalized battling for her life. According to her, she had a mouthful of β€œgamazone” and was saved by neighbours. She is in the hospital eight days now."

"Meanwhile, a mother of two from Fairfield village said she became very frustrated after she had a heated argument with her husband last Sunday night. She consumed a large quantity of β€œgamazone” and is presently receiving saline."

And here is a cultural response.  Black women have loads of problems with their men.  They usually don't kill themselves.

True, I remember how them Black men used to "black-up them eyes, bruise up them knee" and continue sport.  Some of these poor Black women would come and beg my parents to talk to the man.  One was so depressed that she set herself on fire, but was doused and saved!

Meanwhile, my 12 years old Indian friend committed suicide with malation.  Why?  He  felt his parents were not fair to him in a dispute with his older brother.

Everyone has problems but handle it differently.  I find Blacks would cry for help, Indians just end it once and for all.

ball posted:

I remember a lot of suicide by Train in Guyana that was because they had no access to rope and chemicals.  

Never heard this one. Usually it's gramazone, malatan a length of rope and a mango tree. Can't help but feel sorry for these poor souls tho. Giving way to an emotional impulse and ending their lives is not the way to go at all. But, as some members pointed out, regardless of what programs the Govt. may implement, once a person decides to end his or her life there's nothing much anyone can do.

ball posted:

I remember a lot of suicide by Train in Guyana that was because they had no access to rope and chemicals.  

Thanks for the reminder, Ball. People used to lie down on the tracks or just throw themselves in front of moving trains. Some engine drivers were quick with the brakes and the person would get up and scamper off. Others got their death wish.


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