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Riff posted:
Baseman posted:

Donald Trump is doing more for this country than any other in the time he has been in office!  

AYuh forget how the country was on the brink of major disaster when Obama took over....


We not talking 2008, but 2018!  We all know what caused it, policies going back to the Clinton days. Yes, Obama steered us through the stabilization and recovery and left a good platform.

Now trump is having his day and impact.  The economy continues to break new ground but the admin had been a bit tops-turvy.  Amid this, economic and political progress is being made.  We are having foreign policy successes, let’s now hope for progress on NK. 

You People stuck in your Guyana political conundrum.  This is America, Presidents do their own thing, somethings work better than others.  But the nation keeps the good and find alternatives for the bad. 

In Guyana, it’s zero-sum with one foot always stuck in shyte!  That’s wah alyuh accustom to!!

Last edited by Former Member

If America fails as a democracy, to make us feel like a home away from home, everyone living here and those who hope to come here, their lives and dreams will be shattered. Instead of cussing and getting on like neemakarams, open your big mouth and say thanks to America once in a while. America is spending close to one trillion dollars on military advancement to protect us and to maintain our freedom. So, don't be traitors.

Riff posted:
Baseman posted:

Donald Trump is doing more for this country than any other in the time he has been in office!  

AYuh forget how the country was on the brink of major disaster when Obama took over....


Recklessness brought it to that point. America corrects itself, Trump is the apostle to those who believes in that kind of America, strength from within.

kp posted:
cain posted:
seignet posted:
cain posted:

If all immigrants were to go back to their respective countries there would be not much going on in North America.

I think the remaining natives would be very happy.

Who would be there to give the majority of them their social assistance cheques?


This fella, KP is acting like lil boy school days. If he doesn't get last-lick, he don't feel good. KP, ah worked hard and pay my dues. I don't look forward to handouts, padna. Let's get serious with the topic. 

Prince posted:
cain posted:

Oi Prince how is the little Price/Princess doing?

They are both doing fine, thank you. Man, they grow up quickly. Babies in America don't stay babies for long. I am enjoying them while it last. Lol. 

They sure grow up quickly. I just spent a couple weeks at my daughter's place with her hubby and 15 mth old. I sat at the keyboard with her (grandaughter) on my lap and as I pressed on a key she would do the same on the right key. She also has some wicked timing when singing kids songs.

We went to a restaurant and that lil rugrat polished off a fricken grill cheese sandwich with all of her three teeth.

My other grandaughter sits at my son's drumset and keeps busy on it..she will be 1 this monthend.

I always thought at that age they should just eat soft food drink milk an let it rip in their diapers.

Baseman posted:
kp posted:

What so serious about the circus clown Donald Trump I suggest you pick another idol. He has done nothing for humanity he just takes.

Rass bai, who you hate more, Burnham or Trump?

I have no space within to hate another but I love to be critical. Let me explain carefully I share no sense of appreciation for a man who openly declares that he molested women, I respect all women, my wife, my mother, my daughter, my sisters, my neighbour's wife, and so on,Yes, I admire a beautiful woman I never stray, at home I have a Queen.Burnham on the other hand he raped the Nation and exploited a race.

Baseman posted:
kp posted:

What so serious about the circus clown Donald Trump I suggest you pick another idol. He has done nothing for humanity he just takes.

Rass bai, who you hate more, Burnham or Trump?

Like yuh buying what Rush selling bai. We don’t hate Trump. He is right now in too pathetic a state for anyone to hate him. We don’t feel sorry for him either because he is getting exactly what he deserves. He is a very nasty person whose balls are under a lot of pain from Mueller and Putin’s vice grip and he doesn’t really know who of the two to be more afraid of.

Pay a laborer his wages before his perspiration dries. Trump has no regard for that respect. He spent his adult life robbing and conning others. Serves his ass right.

Prince posted:

People never satisfied wherever they live. They complain about Guyana, they complain about America. Trump is right to tell them to go back to your shithole country and be happy. Obama was all you babysitter. Trump don't dulaar allyou coolie rass. Get them out, get them out, Trump.  

When wan white man buss you head, me guh seh "good fuh you skoant, dem should bruk you haan an foot too".

yuji22 posted:

Bai, dah wah impressed yuh? Dem duh colleges was giving millions tuh dem coaches even without the tax bill while dem was paying did ohman peanuts. How come dem duh colleges didn't need no tax cut to be able to afford paying dem coaches millions? How long yuh tink dat ohman will be able tuh keep dat bonus in sheh retirement account?   


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