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Former Member

Ayoo mattie killing themselves. A national tragedy and ayoo PPP na do nothing about it. Ayoo know why? Ayoo don't study Social Sciences...ayoo doan appreciate this kind of work...ayoo  Now ayoo IAC coming up with grand demands. Not one coolie man in Guyana has a study on suicide. All dey interested in was dance around dem flower trees...and Sharukh. Calling the doers...hucksters...Yuji, Baseman, Cobra, Bibi Haffina...what insights ayoo gat to offer ayoo people in time of crisis?

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TK posted:

Ayoo mattie killing themselves. A national tragedy and ayoo PPP na do nothing about it. Ayoo know why? Ayoo don't study Social Sciences...ayoo doan appreciate this kind of work...ayoo  Now ayoo IAC coming up with grand demands. Not one coolie man in Guyana has a study on suicide. All dey interested in was dance around dem flower trees...and Sharukh. Calling the doers...hucksters...Yuji, Baseman, Cobra, Bibi Haffina...what insights ayoo gat to offer ayoo people in time of crisis?

I am not following your logic here. This is a national crisis facing Guyanese. Why should the IAC (in the absence of anyone doing a study) not bring up the suicide crisis. This is a problem the government of the day has to address. By your logic, since the PPP did not address the problem, Indians are not studying the problem, so screw the suicide victims. You are trying hard to pin this on the PPP....which is not in office....appalling.  You seem to have a greater problem with the fact that the IAC is calling for the government to take action.

Last edited by VishMahabir

That boy TK must not have a class to teach this year. He playing dumb about this matter. Suicide prevention methods such as hotlines, education, support system etc are large ticket items that are in the domain of government, not a small organization such as IAC.  Even though Granger et al kick him in the behind by not even offering a lil janitor wuk in the administration, the man is displaying slavish devotion to these new bunch of crooks in office. 

Drugb posted:

That boy TK must not have a class to teach this year. He playing dumb about this matter. Suicide prevention methods such as hotlines, education, support system etc are large ticket items that are in the domain of government, not a small organization such as IAC.  Even though Granger et al kick him in the behind by not even offering a lil janitor wuk in the administration, the man is displaying slavish devotion to these new bunch of crooks in office. 

I agree. 


Drugb posted:

That boy TK must not have a class to teach this year. He playing dumb about this matter. Suicide prevention methods such as hotlines, education, support system etc are large ticket items that are in the domain of government, not a small organization such as IAC.  Even though Granger et al kick him in the behind by not even offering a lil janitor wuk in the administration, the man is displaying slavish devotion to these new bunch of crooks in office. 

I agree those are indeed prevention methods. What was PPP doing when the data clearly show Indos kill themselves at a significantly higher rate...almost 5 times higher than other groups? You know what they did? They got a pandit to sing bajan. Let's see if this govt can do better. They have been there for only 7 mths.

VishMahabir posted:
TK posted:

Ayoo mattie killing themselves. A national tragedy and ayoo PPP na do nothing about it. Ayoo know why? Ayoo don't study Social Sciences...ayoo doan appreciate this kind of work...ayoo  Now ayoo IAC coming up with grand demands. Not one coolie man in Guyana has a study on suicide. All dey interested in was dance around dem flower trees...and Sharukh. Calling the doers...hucksters...Yuji, Baseman, Cobra, Bibi Haffina...what insights ayoo gat to offer ayoo people in time of crisis?

I am not following your logic here. This is a national crisis facing Guyanese. Why should the IAC (in the absence of anyone doing a study) not bring up the suicide crisis. This is a problem the government of the day has to address. By your logic, since the PPP did not address the problem, Indians are not studying the problem, so screw the suicide victims. You are trying hard to pin this on the PPP....which is not in office....appalling.  You seem to have a greater problem with the fact that the IAC is calling for the government to take action. you concede Indos are Guyanese? Ayoo had a fit when Nagamotoo said that pre election. IAC has to do what IAC does...they are hypocrites in any case. They have financial resources that could commission a study, but I guess ayoo doan do Social Sciences...ayoo PPP was trying to close down Social Sciences...

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What kind of a nonsensical, idiotic, ridiculous piece of rubbish is this?  Or is this crazy person just looking for attention.

TK is looking for attention. PNC kicked him to the curb lie a trash bin. He deserves to be ignored. 

Hey Brown Bhai KKK...I doan work for PNC or AFC. If yuh had lil sense yuh would pick dat up by now.

yuji22 posted:

I am of the firm opinion that he comes here to further degrade himself based on his posts. His posts are very low class. 

Hucksters and Hustlers are terms used to describe himself as per his posts.

Very low class indeed. Is this how a so called professor behave ?

A juss trying foh match up ayoo doers' IQ yasuh. Why yuh vex high caste Brahmin brown bhai KKK? Na get vex man...

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The language and odd behavior is not consistent with someone who is in the teaching profession or who is running for public office.

Correct. It is a reflection of a very low class individual.

My know yuh come from high caste brown bhai KKK material. Me doan have yuh kind of high caste bhai.


I am surprised at TK's post. He seems to be into something. But I might be wrong. He is still feeling down because of his failure to have an independent 20 percent of electorate. Thought that AFC would have been the vanguard for this but found out that they were more interested in the trappings of power. Supported the PNC/APNU and had a harsh dose of reality. Not even a hint of a job.  Granger has not forgiven him for characterizing the guyanese economy as a "donkey cart economy?. Many of his supporters are on the streets selling and trying to make a living and this uppity foreign living professor degrading them so. He is vexed that this guy does not know hard his people work for a living. 

Here he is now playing politics with people distress. He should go back and review Granger's first utterance on this issue some time back. TK what have you done to help in this area? It is so easy to criticize the ineffectiveness of what has been done so far. Do you really think that the previous government did not care? Please explain why?  Might be berries to rethink your post, approach and where you stand.


TK posted:
yuji22 posted:

I am of the firm opinion that he comes here to further degrade himself based on his posts. His posts are very low class. 

Hucksters and Hustlers are terms used to describe himself as per his posts.

Very low class indeed. Is this how a so called professor behave ?

A juss trying foh match up ayoo doers' IQ yasuh. Why yuh vex high caste Brahmin brown bhai KKK? Na get vex man...

lol. You onto something. I agree, that is the level they operate at. Some are definitely mentally challenged. 

Yugi was bragging on another thread how he can make 100k to a charity and he would not notice it. Well, I suggested that the indo supremists start a fund to treat the suicide problem with yugi making his 100k contribution.  Yugi was no where to be found.  He avoided the discussion like the plague. LOL 

Last edited by Former Member
TK posted:

Ayoo mattie killing themselves. A national tragedy and ayoo PPP na do nothing about it. Ayoo know why? Ayoo don't study Social Sciences...ayoo doan appreciate this kind of work...ayoo  Now ayoo IAC coming up with grand demands. Not one coolie man in Guyana has a study on suicide. All dey interested in was dance around dem flower trees...and Sharukh. Calling the doers...hucksters...Yuji, Baseman, Cobra, Bibi Haffina...what insights ayoo gat to offer ayoo people in time of crisis?

Now now, you seem to be losing it.  I made several posts on this matter over the years. Not sure what you want.  I think you should address it to Tola, he is the expert.

I tell you hustler, you are filled with hate and poison.  Not good.

Funny how you characterize "abie mattie coolie".  You do reveal quite a lot.  Something happened in your youth to cause you to hate your "mattie".  You need to deal with it!

TK posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The language and odd behavior is not consistent with someone who is in the teaching profession or who is running for public office.

Bai yu just throw back and wait for de man wid 5 dactarates come to Richmond Hill. LOL!

Bai, you need a time-out from anything Guyana.  You are driving yourself into suicide territory!

You take yourself and this board too serious.  This is not the place to try to make an impression.  You need to lighten-up.

The hate will eat you up inside while the "dacta" carries on and moves on.


Professah TK brings shame and ignominy to his profession. I have never known a professor to indulge in so much mud slinging. You would thnk that his claim of advanced education and IQ would at least show some hesitation to "roll in the mud". Prof, please represent your profession more professionally. This is not your forum to exhibit your IQ.

skeldon_man posted:

Professah TK brings shame and ignominy to his profession. I have never known a professor to indulge in so much mud slinging. You would thnk that his claim of advanced education and IQ would at least show some hesitation to "roll in the mud". Prof, please represent your profession more professionally. This is not your forum to exhibit your IQ.

Someone should send these posts to the University where he lectures.

yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Professah TK brings shame and ignominy to his profession. I have never known a professor to indulge in so much mud slinging. You would thnk that his claim of advanced education and IQ would at least show some hesitation to "roll in the mud". Prof, please represent your profession more professionally. This is not your forum to exhibit your IQ.

Someone should send these posts to the University where he lectures.

Why??? is it vindictiveness.

FC posted:
TK posted:
yuji22 posted:

I am of the firm opinion that he comes here to further degrade himself based on his posts. His posts are very low class. 

Hucksters and Hustlers are terms used to describe himself as per his posts.

Very low class indeed. Is this how a so called professor behave ?

A juss trying foh match up ayoo doers' IQ yasuh. Why yuh vex high caste Brahmin brown bhai KKK? Na get vex man...

lol. You onto something. I agree, that is the level they operate at. Some are definitely mentally challenged. 

Yugi was bragging on another thread how he can make 100k to a charity and he would not notice it. Well, I suggested that the indo supremists start a fund to treat the suicide problem with yugi making his 100k contribution.  Yugi was no where to be found.  He avoided the discussion like the plague. LOL 

So far, on this BB every racist have the same way of expressing their racism. I wonder if this is same person with different handles.


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