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GRA says ‘disrespectful’ Freddie Kissoon ‘verbally abused’ their staff, should apologise

Freddie Kissoon

The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) has placed political activist and columnist Freddie Kissoon on blast for his alleged inappropriate behaviour and “verbal abuse” towards the Executive Assistant of the Commissioner-General, Godfrey Statia.

Kissoon who wrote negatively about Statia’s leadership of GRA in one of his weekly Kaieteur news columns complained about having to wait with others for hours to at the City Mall where a drop off center was supposed to be set up at a certain time to submit tax returns, but in this case it wasn’t set up on time.

GRA, while apologizing for not setting up shop earlier, called out Kissoon for his treatment of their staff when he phoned into the Secretariat to speak with the Commissioner-General.

According to GRA “After being inconvenienced, Mr. Kissoon contacted the Secretariat where he launched a verbal abuse, ordering Ms. Boyce to “shut up and listen me.” He then proceed to berate the Commissioner-General and resorted to the use of foul language shouting that ‘Statia lived overseas for many years and he came his a$$ back here to continue the same sh@t as Mr. Sattaur and the others…'”

See GRA’s full statement below:

The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) has noted with some concern the article penned by Mr. Freddie Kissoon in the Thursday, April 27, 2017 edition of the Kaieteur newspaper under the heading ‘From Sattaur to Statia: the unpleasant story of Guyana.’

Firstly, the GRA admits that there was a delay in the commencement of its Tax Sites on Tuesday April 25, 2017 and takes this opportunity to sincerely apologise to all Taxpayers who were inconvenienced by this unforeseeable delay, and to let you know that the GRA understands the frustrations of the taxpaying public including Mr. Kissoon as a result of the delay. The GRA intends to introduce Electronic filing in time for 2018 which we hope will minimize and alleviate these problems.

However, in Mr. Kissoon’s column he neglected to inform the public of his subsequent disrespect to the office of the Commissioner-General and the verbal abuse which was subsequently meted out to Ms. Boyce by none other than himself.

After being inconvenienced, Mr. Kissoon contacted the Secretariat where he launched a verbal abuse, ordering Ms. Boyce to “shut up and listen me.” He then proceed to berate the Commissioner-General and resorted to the use of foul language shouting that “Statia lived overseas for many years and he came his a$$ back here to continue the same sh@t as Mr. Sattaur and the others…”

Any attempt by Ms. Boyce to speak was greeted by Mr. Kissoon shouting for her to “shut up.” After informing Ms. Boyce that he was heading to the Headquarters, he informed her that she should “get her backside out of the office and collect it from him.” He then requested her cellular number. When this was refused another round of verbal abuse began. This was not the end of Mr. Kissoon’s disrespectful conduct, however, space would not permit for it to be written in its entirety. Needless to say Ms. Boyce was not the only staff at the receiving end of Mr. Kissoon’s vile attack and despite his abrasive behaviour, efforts were still made to facilitate the collection of his tax returns.

Over the years the GRA, in its effort to provide added convenience to the taxpayers, have established tax sites countrywide during the busy tax period in an effort at the congestion at its various offices. The agency has even taken to establishing the sites a number of weeks before the submission due date of tax returns to ensure the convenience offered will be utilized in a timely manner. Taxpayers are often encouraged to submit their returns prior to the due dates thereby avoiding the last minute rush. Nonetheless, it is our observation that there are thousands of Taxpayers who submit their returns late and in some instances through no fault of their own, with some employers distributing the 7B slips to the employees at the last moment. This last minute rush results in long lines.

Despite the inconvenience experienced by the delayed start on Tuesday which we are once again apologizing for, there is no justification for Mr. Kissoon’s abuse. Mr. Kissoon has many admirers. He is considered an independent thinker, and may have sometimes suffered for his stand. His articles create national and international discourse. It is unfortunate therefore that such a person can descend to such a level of indecency, where he felt it was acceptable to berate and abuse public servants and then simultaneously try to manipulate the situation to garner public sympathy. This leaves a lot to be desired from defender of the downtrodden.

We strongly condemn his abuse and an apology for same is expected.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Guyana had Freddy Kissoon during PPP/PNC/APNU/AFC time. I have no quarrel with the man for speaking out. You can't want democracy and tell the man to shut up. Many on GNI would say otherwise, though.


Freddie is right to cuss these incompetent creeps out. There is no excuse for them to be sitting on their behinds when people are required to comply with the law to submit their forms.

Leonora posted:

This chap was handsome. How did he get so ugly?  

His nasty mind get him there. He looks like a monster.

He stole when he was in Canada. Ask him.

Paku Mouth Thiefman:


He is scared of Harmon who will not hesitate to shove his boots down that Paku's Throat.


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Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:

This chap was handsome. How did he get so ugly?  

Huh!!!!!!!!  That Neanderthal is still evolving.  He is stuck at stage II of the evolutionary chain - physically and mentally!!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:

This chap was handsome. How did he get so ugly?  

Huh!!!!!!!!  That Neanderthal is still evolving.  He is stuck at stage II of the evolutionary chain - physically and mentally!!!!!

Funny, the Paku said that he is not Indian and that he was ashamed to be called an Indian. Guess what ? God is fulfilling his dreams, he looks like what he dreams of becoming.

A cockroach. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Leonora posted:

This chap was handsome. How did he get so ugly?  

His nasty mind get him there. He looks like a monster.

He stole when he was in Canada. Ask him.

Paku Mouth Thiefman:


He is scared of Harmon who will not hesitate to shove his boots down that Paku's Throat.

you cannot wait to talk some one name you fag


Why do people have to comment and make fun of others looks.  I have an issue with the man because of his politics, I don't care what he looks like.  People are who they are, some people look "better" than some, that however, is not a testament to their qualities, character or values!  And that matters more to society than their so called "good looks"!  As for this banna, as I said, I have an issue with his politics!

warrior posted:
yuji22 posted:
Leonora posted:

This chap was handsome. How did he get so ugly?  

His nasty mind get him there. He looks like a monster.

He stole when he was in Canada. Ask him.

Paku Mouth Thiefman:


He is scared of Harmon who will not hesitate to shove his boots down that Paku's Throat.

you cannot wait to talk some one name

You used to sleep with Jagdeo's name under your pillow, and scream that name day and night.


That skunk used to call Jagdeo and PPP Indians all sorts of names and laugh at how they look. It is payback time. An eye for an eye.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

He can't be ugly and rude at the same time.  Pick one and stick with it!!!!

You should not be calling people ugly.....age is catching up with you also. Further, one can also insist pretentiousness from yesterday's faded roses are just as  aesthetically jarring. Be kind to others if you need a reciprocal temperate and respectful consideration. 

Here Freedie is being boisterous on a just cause. You on the other hand is nitpicking on his looks and biasedly suggesting he is rude for upbraiding hapless, incompetent government officials who are inconveniencing the citizenry with their slovenliness.


The thief and liar:


"However, in Mr. Kissoon’s column he neglected to inform the public of his subsequent disrespect to the office of the Commissioner-General and the verbal abuse which was subsequently meted out to Ms. Boyce by none other than himself."

Trust me, Harmon will shove his boots down this liar's throat. He forget that he has to answer to his PNC masters.

Cobra posted:

Owe meh laad, look how all you ah jhag-joreh the man because he black and shine. �� yuji, God go sin you, bhai. He seh fuh love your enemies as yourself.

dude you are no whiteman and I would be freddie's color than that. My paternal grandmother was close to that complexion.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

The thief and liar:


"However, in Mr. Kissoon’s column he neglected to inform the public of his subsequent disrespect to the office of the Commissioner-General and the verbal abuse which was subsequently meted out to Ms. Boyce by none other than himself."

Trust me, Harmon will shove his boots down this liar's throat. He forget that he has to answer to his PNC masters.

who trusts you again!!!!

Stormborn posted:
yuji22 posted:

The thief and liar:


"However, in Mr. Kissoon’s column he neglected to inform the public of his subsequent disrespect to the office of the Commissioner-General and the verbal abuse which was subsequently meted out to Ms. Boyce by none other than himself."

Trust me, Harmon will shove his boots down this liar's throat. He forget that he has to answer to his PNC masters.

who trusts you again!!!!

Who trusts a compulsive liar like you ?

BTW, why did you lie about leaving GNI ?

Why did you announce that you wasted many years of your life here and because of your attitude, you did not make any friends here ?

You lied about attending school with Fip.

The pile of lies keep piling up, no wonder you had over five handles at GNI, you could no longer keep up with your own lies.

You are the biggest compulsive liar on GNI ! Gwan Suh ! Huutt ! Huut !!

Stormborn posted:
Cobra posted:

Owe meh laad, look how all you ah jhag-joreh the man because he black and shine. �� yuji, God go sin you, bhai. He seh fuh love your enemies as yourself.

dude you are no whiteman and I would be freddie's color than that. My paternal grandmother was close to that complexion.

There is no need to get personal with me because I said the man is black and shine. 

yuji22 posted:
Stormborn posted:
yuji22 posted:

The thief and liar:


"However, in Mr. Kissoon’s column he neglected to inform the public of his subsequent disrespect to the office of the Commissioner-General and the verbal abuse which was subsequently meted out to Ms. Boyce by none other than himself."

Trust me, Harmon will shove his boots down this liar's throat. He forget that he has to answer to his PNC masters.

who trusts you again!!!!

Who trusts a compulsive liar like you ?

BTW, why did you lie about leaving GNI ?

Why did you announce that you wasted many years of your life here and because of your attitude, you did not make any friends here ?

You lied about attending school with Fip.

The pile of lies keep piling up, no wonder you had over five handles at GNI, you could no longer keep up with your own lies.

You are the biggest compulsive liar on GNI ! Gwan Suh ! Huutt ! Huut !! are a bloody dunce to these kinds of fishwife's commentary are your common fare.  You will always be that mean nasty low life dalit.


Sorry Hobo (cry baby) Cain,

Did you run again crying to admin like a wuss ? Take it back if you dish it out.

The honourable Yuji does not associate with your kind. I vow to never associate with them. Not in 100 years.

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cain posted:

What skun7 you talkin about cryin to admin...that is your wimpy moves. 

You always run to admin crying and calling like a lil gyal for admin.

Then again, that's how HOBOS live.

You dish it out, you better be able to take it back. 

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:

Freddie is right to cuss these incompetent creeps out. There is no excuse for them to be sitting on their behinds when people are required to comply with the law to submit their forms.

Don't they efile in Guyana?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:

This chap was handsome. How did he get so ugly?  

Huh!!!!!!!!  That Neanderthal is still evolving.  He is stuck at stage II of the evolutionary chain - physically and mentally!!!!!

They evolved into or were assimilated into us! By the way, the jury is still out on their smarts as they had bigger everything on us including brain size hence processing power. Physically they definitely were a hundred times stronger and mentally...if brain size is an accurate measure they would be up 15 percent on the IQ scale than us

yuji22 posted:

Miss D2,

You are the nasties poster at GNI. You dish it out and you better be able to take it back.

I do not mind being the nastiest...( correct spelling dunce). The jury is already in that you could be skull f%@ked by a squirrel on the IQ scale.

ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:

Freddie is right to cuss these incompetent creeps out. There is no excuse for them to be sitting on their behinds when people are required to comply with the law to submit their forms.

Don't they efile in Guyana?

half the nation dont or cannot afford internet!

Leonora posted:

This chap was handsome. How did he get so ugly?  

Gyal, me tink de man bin hugly all de time. Only now you notice he has a face only a mother could love. Glad you notice too. That's makes two of us.


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