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Alleged Attempted Suicide Caught On Camera


attempted suicidePhotos captured yesterday of a woman who allegedly attempted suicide by drowning but was saved by a few good Samaritans. The reason or circumstances behind the lady’s suicide attempt is unclear but Guyana Press understands that the lady is in good health and stable condition.

At a staggering rate of 44.2 suicides per 100,000 people (the global average is 16 per 100,000)  Guyana has the highest rate of suicide in the world. And with fewer than 10 full-time psychiatrists, a shortage of social workers or psychologists and no operating crisis hotline, there are limited options for people seeking help.

No one factor can explain Guyana’s shockingly high suicide rate. Health workers have pointed to the deep poverty in rural areas, the prevalence of alcohol abuse (which is notorious for its contribution to successful suicides) and the ease of access to deadly substances. Some scholars have theorised that exposure to certain herbicides and pesticides used in the country makes farmers more prone to suicidal behaviour.

I always ask myself the question, what would be an easy way to part with life? To be killed by a ruthless group of bandits, beaten, chopped into pieces while my children looked on helplessly, or to save them the trauma of witnessing my savage death? There is an alternative way. Tell this to all the news media that don't know the answer as to why people commit suicide.


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