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Alleged corruption… Former army chief to conduct Broadcasting Authority inquiry

Oct 06, 2016, News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....g-authority-inquiry/ of State, Joseph Harmon, hands over the Terms of Reference (TOR) to Major General Retd. Joe Singh, MMS for the investigations into the allegations of corruption and misconduct made by Mr. Kenwin Charles against members of the Guyana National Broadcasting Association (GNBA) Board.

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Alleged corruption… Former army chief to conduct Broadcasting Authority inquiry

Oct 06, 2016, News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....g-authority-inquiry/

The Terms of Reference (TOR) for the investigations into the allegations of corruption and misconduct levelled by Kenwin Charles against members of the Guyana National Broadcasting Association (GNBA) Board was yesterday handed over to Major General (Retd), Joe Singh, MMS, by Minister of State, Joseph Harmon.
According to the Ministry of the Presidency statement, the event took place at the office of Minister Harmon.
Singh will conduct an inquiry into the allegations and is expected to submit his report to the Prime Minister of Guyana by October 31, 2016.
Minister Harmon said that President David Granger had requested that the inquiry be conducted. “(The President) is very confident that you’ll be able to discharge your responsibilities,” Minister Harmon told Major General Singh after having provided him with the instruments of his appointment.
Minister Harmon also assured him of his full support throughout the course of the investigations.
In an invited comment, Major General Singh said that he will work along closely with the Legal Advisor from the Ministry of the Presidency, Geeta Chandan-Edmond, to ensure emphasis is placed on the gathering of detailed information so that a report can be completed and handed over to President Granger and Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo in a timely manner.
“[We are going] to work closely with the Legal Adviser… to map out a time table and a sequence of events, identify those persons, who are pertinent in terms of receiving information from them; whether written or oral… and during that process asking the relevant questions to ensure that we can come up with the determination based on what the report is designed to do,” Major General Singh said.
Charles, a broadcaster in Essequibo, is claiming that two members of the GNBA Board tried to force him to sell his operation to a prominent businessman.
The broadcaster said that a “deal” that was offered to him, stipulated that he sell his present operation, including equipment, to the prominent businessman and he would be given licence to operate in another region.
It was alleged that GNBA members were firm that unless he complied with the “deal” that was offered, he would not be given licence to operate in any part of Guyana.
The broadcaster said that the deal was conveyed to him during the course of two meetings, one of which was held at the GNBA, the other at the business office of one of the members who attempted to coerce him into selling.


Alleged corruption… Former army chief to conduct Broadcasting Authority inquiry

Oct 06, 2016, News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....g-authority-inquiry/

The Terms of Reference (TOR) for the investigations into the allegations of corruption and misconduct levelled by Kenwin Charles against members of the Guyana National Broadcasting Association (GNBA) Board was yesterday handed over to Major General (Retd), Joe Singh, MMS, by Minister of State, Joseph Harmon.
According to the Ministry of the Presidency statement, the event took place at the office of Minister Harmon.
Singh will conduct an inquiry into the allegations and is expected to submit his report to the Prime Minister of Guyana by October 31, 2016.

Perhaps, decisions are made hence this commission is window-dressing.

Today is October 06, 2016 and the report is needed by October 31, 2016


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