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Stephon Joseph Phillips, otherwise known as ‘Muslim’ and ‘Wash-Meh-Ganga’ who came forward as an eyewitness in support of allegations of sexual assault made against a police rank by  Colwyn Harding is captured in a secretly recorded conversation denying that the alleged rape took place.

Phillips was recorded without his knowledge by a policewoman and gave a detailed account of the entire incident before and after Harding’s allegations.  In explaining why he came forward as an eyewitness and why Harding made the allegations Phillips could be heard stating that it was done as revenge for mistreatment by cops during their arrest. He said he shared the same cell and was also incarcerated at the Camp Street prison with Harding during the time the alleged incident took place and at other points before. He was vehement in his denial that the alleged baton sexual assault took place.

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‘Eyewitness’ says he found Harding unconscious in cell after hearing screams of ‘murder’

January 18, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

A former prisoner is claiming that he heard Colwyn Harding repeatedly screaming ‘murder’ after police  forced him into a cell at the Timehri Police Station, and says he later found the alleged sex assault victim bleeding and unconscious in the same cell.
The man, who identified himself as Stephan Joseph Phillips, called ‘Muslim’, also claim that Harding later disclosed that he had been sexually assaulted by a policeman at the station.

‘Eyewitness’ Stephan Joseph Phillips

‘Eyewitness’ Stephan Joseph Phillips

Phillips came forward to speak to reporters yesterday and also to give a statement to Attorney-at-Law Nigel Hughes.
Asked if he was aware of the alleged eyewitness, Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell told Kaieteur News last night that he was informed that Hughes “had a statement from someone and that they (investigators) were checking it out.”
Phillips told Kaieteur News that he, along with his 17-year-old son, was detained at the Timehri Police Station from November 14 to November 15 on a sex assault allegation at the same time that Harding was brought to the same station. According to the former inmate, he had known Harding previously by the nickname ‘Obama’, while Harding knew him (Phillips) as ‘Muslim’.
Phillips alleged that on the day that Harding arrived at the station, he observed police ranks “tugging” at Harding to go into the lockups. “I ask he what happen and he say that the police come up and arrest he, along with some other suspect, at Timehri for some break and enter.”
He recounted that they were placed in separate cells.
“They place him in Cell Two, and I hear he hollering for ‘murder’, ‘murder.’ When they left I open the lockups (cell) where I was, and I go and open his lockups and I find he lying down and bleeding from his head, his foot and other parts of his body. He was unconscious.”
Phillips said that he was the ‘prison orderly’ and therefore was allowed to move from one unlocked cell to the next.
“Two days after, they come in about five o’clock in the morning and take him to court.”
Phillips, who alleged that his son was also beaten by the police, said that he was eventually released without charges.
According to Philips, he had decided to come forward with his story because Harding had mentioned his name “on the news”.
“So after I heard that, I decide to come forward. I decide to come forward because I know about the incident. I was the one who advised him (Harding) to go to the media. I came forward this morning. I come to the hospital, then I went to the lawyer’s (Hughes&rsquo office.”
Phillips also alleged that some police ranks have approached him and asked him not to give a statement.
“All they are asking me is that Singh in problem and they don’t want me to go against him. I decided to come forward without them knowing because I know the pain he (Harding) went through. “
Officials from the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) are conducting the investigation. Yesterday, an OPR investigator visited Harding at the Georgetown Public Hospital. He spent several hours questioning Harding in the presence of attorney Nigel Hughes.
Brumell had told journalists on Thursday that the constable that Harding had accused has been placed under close arrest. He said that “about six to eight” other ranks, including an assistant superintendent, have been transferred from the Timehri Police Station to Georgetown.
The Commissioner stressed that the investigation was still incomplete and that the accused ranks had denied forcing a baton up Harding’s rectum. Harding, he said, had also never indicated to police that this was done to him.
Brumell had said that investigators were also to have visited the Georgetown Prisons, where Harding was remanded.
A Prison official had told Kaieteur News that Harding never indicated that he had sustained any injuries, when he was brought to the penitentiary. The official also expressed doubt that the inmate was injured while he was incarcerated there.
The official explained that prisoners being placed in the Camp Street facility are questioned as to whether they have any injuries. If the injury is not a serious one, the inmate is treated at the prison infirmary. In cases where the injury is severe, the prisoner is transferred to hospital, the official said.

Originally Posted by albert:

‘Eyewitness’ says he found Harding unconscious in cell after hearing screams of ‘murder’

January 18, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

A former prisoner is claiming that he heard Colwyn Harding repeatedly screaming ‘murder’ after police  forced him into a cell at the Timehri Police Station, and says he later found the alleged sex assault victim bleeding and unconscious in the same cell.
The man, who identified himself as Stephan Joseph Phillips, called ‘Muslim’, also claim that Harding later disclosed that he had been sexually assaulted by a policeman at the station.

‘Eyewitness’ Stephan Joseph Phillips

‘Eyewitness’ Stephan Joseph Phillips

Phillips came forward to speak to reporters yesterday and also to give a statement to Attorney-at-Law Nigel Hughes.
Asked if he was aware of the alleged eyewitness, Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell told Kaieteur News last night that he was informed that Hughes “had a statement from someone and that they (investigators) were checking it out.”
Phillips told Kaieteur News that he, along with his 17-year-old son, was detained at the Timehri Police Station from November 14 to November 15 on a sex assault allegation at the same time that Harding was brought to the same station. According to the former inmate, he had known Harding previously by the nickname ‘Obama’, while Harding knew him (Phillips) as ‘Muslim’.
Phillips alleged that on the day that Harding arrived at the station, he observed police ranks “tugging” at Harding to go into the lockups. “I ask he what happen and he say that the police come up and arrest he, along with some other suspect, at Timehri for some break and enter.”
He recounted that they were placed in separate cells.
“They place him in Cell Two, and I hear he hollering for ‘murder’, ‘murder.’ When they left I open the lockups (cell) where I was, and I go and open his lockups and I find he lying down and bleeding from his head, his foot and other parts of his body. He was unconscious.”
Phillips said that he was the ‘prison orderly’ and therefore was allowed to move from one unlocked cell to the next.
“Two days after, they come in about five o’clock in the morning and take him to court.”
Phillips, who alleged that his son was also beaten by the police, said that he was eventually released without charges.
According to Philips, he had decided to come forward with his story because Harding had mentioned his name “on the news”.
“So after I heard that, I decide to come forward. I decide to come forward because I know about the incident. I was the one who advised him (Harding) to go to the media. I came forward this morning. I come to the hospital, then I went to the lawyer’s (Hughes&rsquo office.”
Phillips also alleged that some police ranks have approached him and asked him not to give a statement.
“All they are asking me is that Singh in problem and they don’t want me to go against him. I decided to come forward without them knowing because I know the pain he (Harding) went through. “
Officials from the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) are conducting the investigation. Yesterday, an OPR investigator visited Harding at the Georgetown Public Hospital. He spent several hours questioning Harding in the presence of attorney Nigel Hughes.
Brumell had told journalists on Thursday that the constable that Harding had accused has been placed under close arrest. He said that “about six to eight” other ranks, including an assistant superintendent, have been transferred from the Timehri Police Station to Georgetown.
The Commissioner stressed that the investigation was still incomplete and that the accused ranks had denied forcing a baton up Harding’s rectum. Harding, he said, had also never indicated to police that this was done to him.
Brumell had said that investigators were also to have visited the Georgetown Prisons, where Harding was remanded.
A Prison official had told Kaieteur News that Harding never indicated that he had sustained any injuries, when he was brought to the penitentiary. The official also expressed doubt that the inmate was injured while he was incarcerated there.
The official explained that prisoners being placed in the Camp Street facility are questioned as to whether they have any injuries. If the injury is not a serious one, the inmate is treated at the prison infirmary. In cases where the injury is severe, the prisoner is transferred to hospital, the official said.

guyana is a very colorful country


It stands to reason that the prisoner would not have been shouting "murder, murder," if something every painful were not applied/happening  to him, also  a former prisoner is claiming  he later found the alleged sex assault victim bleeding and unconscious in the same cell.


The Police and the Government would try to 'cover up' by all means necessary I can understand that, especially when the Government brought everyone under their employ in the medical profession to lie and say that there were no assault by the they were there to see what happened. Now that foreign professional are involved the Govt and the Police is now in a serious situation, the world will now see the abuse by the Guyana Police Force and the length that the Corrupt Govt of the PPP/C will go to cover same. 



Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by albert:

‘Eyewitness’ says he found Harding unconscious in cell after hearing screams of ‘murder’

January 18, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

A former prisoner is claiming that he heard Colwyn Harding repeatedly screaming ‘murder’ after police  forced him into a cell at the Timehri Police Station, and says he later found the alleged sex assault victim bleeding and unconscious in the same cell.
The man, who identified himself as Stephan Joseph Phillips, called ‘Muslim’, also claim that Harding later disclosed that he had been sexually assaulted by a policeman at the station.

‘Eyewitness’ Stephan Joseph Phillips

‘Eyewitness’ Stephan Joseph Phillips

Phillips came forward to speak to reporters yesterday and also to give a statement to Attorney-at-Law Nigel Hughes.
Asked if he was aware of the alleged eyewitness, Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell told Kaieteur News last night that he was informed that Hughes “had a statement from someone and that they (investigators) were checking it out.”
Phillips told Kaieteur News that he, along with his 17-year-old son, was detained at the Timehri Police Station from November 14 to November 15 on a sex assault allegation at the same time that Harding was brought to the same station. According to the former inmate, he had known Harding previously by the nickname ‘Obama’, while Harding knew him (Phillips) as ‘Muslim’.
Phillips alleged that on the day that Harding arrived at the station, he observed police ranks “tugging” at Harding to go into the lockups. “I ask he what happen and he say that the police come up and arrest he, along with some other suspect, at Timehri for some break and enter.”
He recounted that they were placed in separate cells.
“They place him in Cell Two, and I hear he hollering for ‘murder’, ‘murder.’ When they left I open the lockups (cell) where I was, and I go and open his lockups and I find he lying down and bleeding from his head, his foot and other parts of his body. He was unconscious.”
Phillips said that he was the ‘prison orderly’ and therefore was allowed to move from one unlocked cell to the next.
“Two days after, they come in about five o’clock in the morning and take him to court.”
Phillips, who alleged that his son was also beaten by the police, said that he was eventually released without charges.
According to Philips, he had decided to come forward with his story because Harding had mentioned his name “on the news”.
“So after I heard that, I decide to come forward. I decide to come forward because I know about the incident. I was the one who advised him (Harding) to go to the media. I came forward this morning. I come to the hospital, then I went to the lawyer’s (Hughes&rsquo office.”
Phillips also alleged that some police ranks have approached him and asked him not to give a statement.
“All they are asking me is that Singh in problem and they don’t want me to go against him. I decided to come forward without them knowing because I know the pain he (Harding) went through. “
Officials from the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) are conducting the investigation. Yesterday, an OPR investigator visited Harding at the Georgetown Public Hospital. He spent several hours questioning Harding in the presence of attorney Nigel Hughes.
Brumell had told journalists on Thursday that the constable that Harding had accused has been placed under close arrest. He said that “about six to eight” other ranks, including an assistant superintendent, have been transferred from the Timehri Police Station to Georgetown.
The Commissioner stressed that the investigation was still incomplete and that the accused ranks had denied forcing a baton up Harding’s rectum. Harding, he said, had also never indicated to police that this was done to him.
Brumell had said that investigators were also to have visited the Georgetown Prisons, where Harding was remanded.
A Prison official had told Kaieteur News that Harding never indicated that he had sustained any injuries, when he was brought to the penitentiary. The official also expressed doubt that the inmate was injured while he was incarcerated there.
The official explained that prisoners being placed in the Camp Street facility are questioned as to whether they have any injuries. If the injury is not a serious one, the inmate is treated at the prison infirmary. In cases where the injury is severe, the prisoner is transferred to hospital, the official said.

guyana is a very colorful country

You sure?

Originally Posted by asj:

It stands to reason that the prisoner would not have been shouting "murder, murder," if something every painful were not applied/happening  to him, also  a former prisoner is claiming  he later found the alleged sex assault victim bleeding and unconscious in the same cell.


The Police and the Government would try to 'cover up' by all means necessary I can understand that, especially when the Government brought everyone under their employ in the medical profession to lie and say that there were no assault by the they were there to see what happened. Now that foreign professional are involved the Govt and the Police is now in a serious situation, the world will now see the abuse by the Guyana Police Force and the length that the Corrupt Govt of the PPP/C will go to cover same. 



Who are these foreign professionals? Why when challenged to name the individuals Nigel Hughes refused?


I've also noted that you havent offered a comment on the fact that the same eyewitness put forward by Hughes is now here on tape saying the alleged sexual assault did not take place and that Harding is in fact a known homosexual


Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by asj:

It stands to reason that the prisoner would not have been shouting "murder, murder," if something every painful were not applied/happening  to him, also  a former prisoner is claiming  he later found the alleged sex assault victim bleeding and unconscious in the same cell.


The Police and the Government would try to 'cover up' by all means necessary I can understand that, especially when the Government brought everyone under their employ in the medical profession to lie and say that there were no assault by the they were there to see what happened. Now that foreign professional are involved the Govt and the Police is now in a serious situation, the world will now see the abuse by the Guyana Police Force and the length that the Corrupt Govt of the PPP/C will go to cover same. 



Who are these foreign professionals? Why when challenged to name the individuals Nigel Hughes refused?


I've also noted that you havent offered a comment on the fact that the same eyewitness put forward by Hughes is now here on tape saying the alleged sexual assault did not take place and that Harding is in fact a known homosexual



Colwyn Harding case…Jamaican medical

personnel confirm sodomy

February 13, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Medical examinations conducted by independent doctors both here and in Jamaica have concluded that a “foreign object” was inserted into the anus of 23-year-old Colwyn Harding, causing extensive damage to the man’s anal region.
This was the report by the Colwyn Harding Support Group (CHSG) and lawyer for the victim, Nigel Hughes. The team reported to the media that independent medical practitioners found also that no examination of Harding’s anus/rectum was done so a comprehensive report on damage sustained was not ascertained.

Harding’s mother breaks down when the findings are read Attorney Nigel Hughes addresses the media. Harding’s mother is consoled by Danuta Radzik; Roxanna Myers [left)

Harding’s mother breaks down when the findings are read by Attorney Nigel Hughes addresses the media.

Member of CHSG, Roxanne Myers, related a sequence of events to the media. She said that Harding was discharged for the Georgetown Public Hospital on January 20, after spending a total of 33 days at the institution.
He was immediately taken to a private doctor to be evaluated, and was readmitted to a private hospital with sepsis (potentially fatal whole-body inflammation), fever and painful distress.
She said the GPHC hospital chart that was collected on behalf of the family by Harding’s lawyer indicated three procedures being performed. However, at no time during hospitalization at GPHC, was any examination of the anus/rectum performed, according to the patient’s hospital chart.
The only examination of the anus/rectum was done by the independent doctors contracted by the CHGS, Myers said.
The independent doctor from St. Mercy’s Hospital found that Harding has active rectal mucosal bleeding and an inflamed rectum. The evaluation also found other inconsistencies.
Harding was however sent to Jamaica and evaluated of February 5, to “conduct a forensic examination and to benefit from medical advice,” on the way forward for Harding’s recovery.
The report of the Jamaican surgeons is consistent with local referring surgeons, Myers said. She said that they noted that there was inflammation of the rectum and a “”narrowed distal sigmoid” as the surgeons were unable to go beyond 25cm with the scope, indicative of an injury that is consistent with abuse.”
The Jamaican surgeons recommended further study on Colwyn’s intestines before he has the third surgery which will provide more details about the “narrowed distal sigmoid” and a number of surgeries that may be required to remove stomas.
Harding should be ready for surgery in the next six to eight weeks to have the ostomies reversed (closed).
The CHGS also registered several inconsistencies with GPHC records handed over by the hospital. Myers charged incorrect page numbering, missing details, chronological errors, and different handwriting on several pages of the charts, which bear the same name; among other matters.
To the inconsistencies, independent surgeons questioned the validity, reliability and authenticity of some pages in the patient’s chart, Myers continued. She had accompanied Harding and his mother on their Jamaican trip.
Attorney at law Nigel Hughes has stated however that Harding’s representatives are still to receive information requested from the police regarding Harding’s alleged assaulters. He said that the civil matter against the Attorney General has also been delayed after the police Commissioner complained of inadequate time to investigate.
Hughes said that there has not been any new information on the investigation except for what is being read in the media.
He wrote to Attorney General Anil Nandlall on February 11, about compensation for Harding in light of the independent examination. The results of that examination will be with the Director of Public Prosecutions so that she can consider before making recommendations. The lawyer has also indicated the likelihood of civil proceedings in upcoming weeks.
The lawyer also addressed the comments of Justice Cecil Kennard, Health Minister Bheri Ramsarran and officials of the GPHC who pronounced that there was no medical evidence to support a police baton being pushed up the man’s anus and that other medical conditions had caused the damage, among other things.
Hughes charged that the officials should have less to say since it was confirmed that no examination of Harding’s anus/rectum was done at GPHC, although it was those examinations that confirmed that the man’s injures were consistent with the insertion of a “foreign object.”


Quote "I've also noted that you havent offered a comment on the fact that the same eyewitness put forward by Hughes is now here on tape saying the alleged sexual assault did not take place and that Harding is in fact a known homosexual" unquote


This will be argued in Court, as we cannot speculate on the outcome now, unless ofcourse the Corrupt PPP/C are willing to pay Settlement.


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