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Originally Posted by alena06:

The statement from the AFC clearly does not seem an "official statement" of the AFC leadership but rather self-serving and "activist" oriented.  The language and calls fit into a larger narrative of those who seek to "internationalize" what is purely a domestic civil issue.  You would expect the first call would be for an "impartial and open" investigation before seeking external involvement.  It's also interesting the AFC makes it's own "lose-cannon" statement and not a statement as part of a "joint opposition".


There are clearly agents within the security apparatus bent of creating the "martyrdom", the chosen phrase contained in the statement.  There should be a full and through investigation of the incident and anyone who was part of the action itself (security), incited the protestors, and protectors who damaged property should be held accountable.


If this is the "official position" of the AFC, then the org have descended into into nothing more than a group of demagogues hell-bent on scoring political points at all costs.  The "position" of the AFC, if it is, clearly reflects an "unhinged" organization that has lost its direction and deviate far far from it's charter and message.  Either that, or the Org has lost it's command and control and is being guided by individual aspirations which does not fit into a common narrative.  Whichever it is, the AFC has positioned itself for future similar to that of the UF.


I conclude by re-iterating, the violence is absolutely uncalled-for and all parties responsible, regardless who they are, should be held accountable under the law of the nation.

This is exactly the truth.  Needs to be copied and emailed to the US Government.

Just saw a flash from Guyana earlier today.  In the meeting with the PPP, PNC and AFC, the PNC accepted an offer for an impartial investigation to be conducted locally.  The AFC has blocked the offer (as part of the joint opposition), digging in their heels for an International led investigation.


The AFC has shown itself as a fringe party looking to grab attention and score points rather the seeking solutions and answers.  The AFC came in 3rd in Linden last election, behind the "reviled" PPP.  Clearly the AFC does not understand the "Art of War", and are being "played" by both sides.  The PNC played them well to split the PPP votes, now the PPP playing them well to grab PNC votes next round.  The Nagamootoo supporters will abandon the AFC en-masse and the PPP will be sitting pretty.  Mark my words.  The AFC comet will be a distant dim star next election.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The language and calls fit into a larger narrative of those who seek to "internationalize" what is purely a domestic civil issue.

What's with the FEAR of Uncle Sam, Baseman?


I thought you were a patriotic 'American'


The Roger Khan syndrome . . . perhaps?

Banna, go take your case up with Leroy Brummel.  The US state department, the UN, etc has real international issues to handle, not a little domestic incident in Guyana.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The language and calls fit into a larger narrative of those who seek to "internationalize" what is purely a domestic civil issue.

What's with the FEAR of Uncle Sam, Baseman?


I thought you were a patriotic 'American'


The Roger Khan syndrome . . . perhaps?

Banna, go take your case up with Leroy Brummel.  The US state department, the UN, etc has real international issues to handle, not a little domestic incident in Guyana.

That's NOT what I'm addressing in my post . . . and you know it!!


wiggle wiggle . . . squirm squirm

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

That's a brilliant analysis, Baseman! Everything that is conspired to bring down the PPP will eventually work against AFC much more than APNU. Why the AFC is looking for an International inquiry when it's a domestic issue? Ramjattan just wanted to show off and speak bigger than he can actually act on.


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

That's a brilliant analysis, Baseman! Everything that is conspired to bring down the PPP will eventually work against AFC much more than APNU. Why the AFC is looking for an International inquiry when it's a domestic issue? Ramjattan just wanted to show off and speak bigger than he can actually act on.


Never in my life I see a third party acting like the executive body and allowed to carry out propaganda that led to riot and death. What we see happened in Linden is what the AFC action plan is all about. I've said it once, and I am saying it again. How long can the AFC and APNU hold onto to each other? How long can they play politics on the people's expense. They say every dog has its day.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC and the PNC used their supporters and thugs who attacked the police and destroyed property to incite voilence and this might as well be the first attempt by the combined opposition to overthrow the democratically elected government of Guyana.


I express my sympathy to the family of those killed. The actions of the police is justifiable given the voilent actions of some of the protestors. 


We cannot sit idle and allow politicians like Gerhard and others to allow for a possible violent overthrow of a democratic government. It is very clear that Gerhard and others want a return to the dark days of the when racial strife was incited by the PNC which led to the murder of Guyanese a large number being Indo Guyanese who were raped and killed by PNC thugs.


Voilence by protesters must not be allowed. The police retaliated only after the situation became very violent and the protesters started to destroy private property and violently attacked the police.


We must stand vigilant and remind Guyanese that the actions of the now AFC and PNC thugs must not be allowed. 


Gerhard and the others in the AFC and the PNC must be ashamed of inciting their supporters to protest and a attempt a possible violent overthrow of a democratically government.


We must be reminded that Gerhard posted an artice claiming that it is justifiable for the people to continue to receive billions of dollars of electricity  while the rest of the nation pay their fair share.


We cannot and should not support one part of Guyana to pay less while the rest of the counrty pay a lot more. Gerhard and others inflamed this situation and should now take full responsibility of the results.


We must stand vigilant otherwise Guyana will return to the dark days in our history under the PNC. This is the first clear attempt by the AFC to hand over the country to the PNC in a silver platter.


Gerhard has never, not even once condenmed the past actions of the PNC and has consistently attacked the PPP. I need to remind Gerhard that Guyana will never become like Hitler's Germany even though it now appears that Gerhard and others would love to see racial division in Guyana while they remain silent. Just like a vast  majority of Germans remain silent during Hilters attempt to exterminate the Jews.


We are closely watching what happens in Guyana.

You have been drinking silly juice. These grand pronouncements that the Police were provoked to murder protesters is on no evidence. It is just the disgusting racist chattering class making conclusions with no facts to support it.  Secondly, the democratically elected minority PPP government is tethered to a democratically elected majority in the legislature.


They are to consult and discuss or nothing get done. It is understood the PPP are  calcified autocrats and so are not skilled practitioners of the art of dialog and compromise. On that account they have had to be dragged along on every issue in this parliament. To date they still think they are our elected dictators. Unfortunately for them, they cannot be dictators.  They do however have an out. They can   suspend parliament and in 100 days we are back to the polls.


Gerhard never said it is justified to subsidize any one. He made a case that one can with on a good foundation say the people have a relationship with a new company that is making a profit.  Note, Lindeners did not get electricity for free at the low rates.  It was part of their pay packet on account of their work in an industry with capacity to use energy as an inducement.  If as the government indicated that Lindeners do use more than twice the averagel power, then one could lower halve their rate with an education campaign alone. But as usual the PPP government simply dictates. It wanted to raise the rates because it wants to raise the rates.


Please do not hyperventilate about hitler and I would assume you think Indians are the new jews. Well, I will let that be since as an avowed racist you have little legs to stand on trying to make Gerhard a racist.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

That's a brilliant analysis, Baseman! Everything that is conspired to bring down the PPP will eventually work against AFC much more than APNU. Why the AFC is looking for an International inquiry when it's a domestic issue? Ramjattan just wanted to show off and speak bigger than he can actually act on.

The 'Roger Khan Syndrome' . . . perhaps?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

That's a brilliant analysis, Baseman! Everything that is conspired to bring down the PPP will eventually work against AFC much more than APNU. Why the AFC is looking for an International inquiry when it's a domestic issue? Ramjattan just wanted to show off and speak bigger than he can actually act on.

The 'Roger Khan Syndrome' . . . perhaps?

You're a stuck record.  No one cares about Roger Khan or the "phantomization" program, when will you "fathom" that and move on.  Even your PNC don't want it.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

That's a brilliant analysis, Baseman! Everything that is conspired to bring down the PPP will eventually work against AFC much more than APNU. Why the AFC is looking for an International inquiry when it's a domestic issue? Ramjattan just wanted to show off and speak bigger than he can actually act on.


Never in my life I see a third party acting like the executive body and allowed to carry out propaganda that led to riot and death. What we see happened in Linden is what the AFC action plan is all about. I've said it once, and I am saying it again. How long can the AFC and APNU hold onto to each other? How long can they play politics on the people's expense. They say every dog has its day.


You do not see because you are blind. The PPP are experts at propaganda. They have Misir Bin Goebbels and his merry band of New Media Group posters here and on face book and on every Guyanese site doing Propaganda service on the nations expense. And there is that filthy site that Kwame manages where he attempts to ridicule everyone the PPP hates.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

That's a brilliant analysis, Baseman! Everything that is conspired to bring down the PPP will eventually work against AFC much more than APNU. Why the AFC is looking for an International inquiry when it's a domestic issue? Ramjattan just wanted to show off and speak bigger than he can actually act on.

The 'Roger Khan Syndrome' . . . perhaps?

Perhaps? Then you're not certain yourself!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The India PPP regime is involved in ethnic cleansing of Linden. The people of Linden should approach Western nations suck as the US and Canada for arms so that they can fight back against the regime. Only an armed struggle can prevent further massacres.

WHAT? How does a civil war help?

The statement from the AFC clearly does not seem an "official statement" of the AFC leadership but rather self-serving and "activist" oriented.  The language and calls fit into a larger narrative of those who seek to "internationalize" what is purely a domestic civil issue.  You would expect the first call would be for an "impartial and open" investigation before seeking external involvement.  It's also interesting the AFC makes it's own "lose-cannon" statement and not a statement as part of a "joint opposition".


There are clearly agents within the security apparatus bent of creating the "martyrdom", the chosen phrase contained in the statement.  There should be a full and through investigation of the incident and anyone who was part of the action itself (security), incited the protestors, and protectors who damaged property should be held accountable.


If this is the "official position" of the AFC, then the org have descended into into nothing more than a group of demagogues hell-bent on scoring political points at all costs.  The "position" of the AFC, if it is, clearly reflects an "unhinged" organization that has lost its direction and deviate far far from it's charter and message.  Either that, or the Org has lost it's command and control and is being guided by individual aspirations which does not fit into a common narrative.  Whichever it is, the AFC has positioned itself for future similar to that of the UF.


I conclude by re-iterating, the violence is absolutely uncalled-for and all parties responsible, regardless who they are, should be held accountable under the law of the nation.

 Gerhard as a member of the AFC said it is official so on that account one must accept it is. You do not get to say otherwise. That would be on no authority.


May I remind you that politics means the activities of the poilis or more specifically opinions or activism about the management of the polis. So this idea of a distinction of activist and non activists politics is moronic.


We live in an international symbiotic soup. Kari repudiated a point I made by appealing to that principle that loans from the community and growth on that account ( despite we produce nothing otherwise) is real growth. If one feels the local players in the PPP cabal are reticent to be moved to fairness and accountability in the society then one needs independent arbitrage.


If they can impunity claim those who were killed "had it coming" because they were riotous and had villainy in their hearts, then why should anyone negotiate with them directly? One then looks  partners in the international community who be the mediator.  Surely the PPP are not ashamed to unfurl their dirty laundry.


The only thing unhinged is your capacity for fairness. But that is not a hope but an expectation.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The India PPP regime is involved in ethnic cleansing of Linden. The people of Linden should approach Western nations suck as the US and Canada for arms so that they can fight back against the regime. Only an armed struggle can prevent further massacres.

WHAT? How does a civil war help?

The statement from the AFC clearly does not seem an "official statement" of the AFC leadership but rather self-serving and "activist" oriented.  The language and calls fit into a larger narrative of those who seek to "internationalize" what is purely a domestic civil issue.  You would expect the first call would be for an "impartial and open" investigation before seeking external involvement.  It's also interesting the AFC makes it's own "lose-cannon" statement and not a statement as part of a "joint opposition".


There are clearly agents within the security apparatus bent of creating the "martyrdom", the chosen phrase contained in the statement.  There should be a full and through investigation of the incident and anyone who was part of the action itself (security), incited the protestors, and protectors who damaged property should be held accountable.


If this is the "official position" of the AFC, then the org have descended into into nothing more than a group of demagogues hell-bent on scoring political points at all costs.  The "position" of the AFC, if it is, clearly reflects an "unhinged" organization that has lost its direction and deviate far far from it's charter and message.  Either that, or the Org has lost it's command and control and is being guided by individual aspirations which does not fit into a common narrative.  Whichever it is, the AFC has positioned itself for future similar to that of the UF.


I conclude by re-iterating, the violence is absolutely uncalled-for and all parties responsible, regardless who they are, should be held accountable under the law of the nation.

 Gerhard as a member of the AFC said it is official so on that account one must accept it is. You do not get to say otherwise. That would be on no authority.


May I remind you that politics means the activities of the poilis or more specifically opinions or activism about the management of the polis. So this idea of a distinction of activist and non activists politics is moronic.


We live in an international symbiotic soup. Kari repudiated a point I made by appealing to that principle that loans from the community and growth on that account ( despite we produce nothing otherwise) is real growth. If one feels the local players in the PPP cabal are reticent to be moved to fairness and accountability in the society then one needs independent arbitrage.


If they can impunity claim those who were killed "had it coming" because they were riotous and had villainy in their hearts, then why should anyone negotiate with them directly? One then looks  partners in the international community who be the mediator.  Surely the PPP are not ashamed to unfurl their dirty laundry.


The only thing unhinged is your capacity for fairness. But that is not a hope but an expectation.

That's an unhinged, loose cannon, helter-skelter approach to "communication".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You do not count....I get my point across and that is what matters. Absurdest quips by racist morons do not count.

Like you matter.  You got no point so don't flatter yourself.

 I am sure I matter. You respond to my posts. Ignore them. I have no intention to ignore yours. Yes I matter.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

That's a brilliant analysis, Baseman! Everything that is conspired to bring down the PPP will eventually work against AFC much more than APNU. Why the AFC is looking for an International inquiry when it's a domestic issue? Ramjattan just wanted to show off and speak bigger than he can actually act on.

The 'Roger Khan Syndrome' . . . perhaps?

Perhaps? Then you're not certain yourself!

sarcasm . . . wasted on a fool.


My bad

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You do not count....I get my point across and that is what matters. Absurdest quips by racist morons do not count.

Like you matter.  You got no point so don't flatter yourself.

 I am sure I matter. You respond to my posts. Ignore them. I have no intention to ignore yours. Yes I matter.

Well, if that's what it takes to make your day, more power to you.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Stormy, what's your point again?

If you are a special needs racist...ask baseman for help.

Where do you see the need for racist and why do I have to ask baseman for help? This is one of your habits to jump a topic and put words in people's mouth that was never intended. This is a nasty habit, and you need to take note and put it into practice. You're not the best thing here, and your wicked etiquette gravely surpasses your intelligence.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Stormy, what's your point again?

If you are a special needs racist...ask baseman for help.

Where do you see the need for racist and why do I have to ask baseman for help? This is one of your habits to jump a topic and put words in people's mouth that was never intended. This is a nasty habit, and you need to take note and put it into practice. You're not the best thing here, and your wicked etiquette gravely surpasses your intelligence.

Hehe, where the hell did you pull that from.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Stormy, what's your point again?

If you are a special needs racist...ask baseman for help.

Where do you see the need for racist and why do I have to ask baseman for help? This is one of your habits to jump a topic and put words in people's mouth that was never intended. This is a nasty habit, and you need to take note and put it into practice. You're not the best thing here, and your wicked etiquette gravely surpasses your intelligence.

Well it dont take much to fish up the IDIOT. Bhai, go easy pun dat Cunumunu and Lamata. People like that will lie, steal and sell their souls for Status!!!

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Stormy, what's your point again?

If you are a special needs racist...ask baseman for help.

Where do you see the need for racist and why do I have to ask baseman for help? This is one of your habits to jump a topic and put words in people's mouth that was never intended. This is a nasty habit, and you need to take note and put it into practice. You're not the best thing here, and your wicked etiquette gravely surpasses your intelligence.

 The general drift of  your hapless attempts to make a case that these people deserved to be shot because they were out to over throw the government and you know this because they were a riotous lot prepped for villainy by malevolent political operatives speaks to your racism.


My quip as to baseman was for you to seek understanding where you can, in the embrace of a kindred racist like yourself. It is hardly likely you can under reason outside that frame of reference.


My intelligence cannot be assessed by morons. A racist is by definition a moron. as your attempt as a smart quip, you have to come again. Your idiot friends will not recognize a malapropism when the see it. Wicked etiquette is a conjugation left for comedians and other very smart people. You are none of that.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Stormy, what's your point again?

If you are a special needs racist...ask baseman for help.

Where do you see the need for racist and why do I have to ask baseman for help? This is one of your habits to jump a topic and put words in people's mouth that was never intended. This is a nasty habit, and you need to take note and put it into practice. You're not the best thing here, and your wicked etiquette gravely surpasses your intelligence.

Well it dont take much to fish up the IDIOT. Bhai, go easy pun dat Cunumunu and Lamata. People like that will lie, steal and sell their souls for Status!!!

We see you excelling at being the epitome of what makes for a great village idiot here with every sentence you mutilate.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Stormy, what's your point again?

If you are a special needs racist...ask baseman for help.

Where do you see the need for racist and why do I have to ask baseman for help? This is one of your habits to jump a topic and put words in people's mouth that was never intended. This is a nasty habit, and you need to take note and put it into practice. You're not the best thing here, and your wicked etiquette gravely surpasses your intelligence.

Hehe, where the hell did you pull that from.

See why I told him to seek comfort in your wisdom or lack there of? You are kindred! 


These AFc fools have no shame, they fed nonsense into the people's head convincing them that free electricity was their birthright and now they claiming that the killings were unjustified. Try burning and destroying public property in any other part of the world and see how quick gunshot rain down on you fools. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These AFc fools have no shame, they fed nonsense into the people's head convincing them that free electricity was their birthright and now they claiming that the killings were unjustified. Try burning and destroying public property in any other part of the world and see how quick gunshot rain down on you fools. 

 The burning happened after the moronic police murdered their friends and neighbor. Get your ducks in order....but that would be a tall order for you.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These AFc fools have no shame, they fed nonsense into the people's head convincing them that free electricity was their birthright and now they claiming that the killings were unjustified. Try burning and destroying public property in any other part of the world and see how quick gunshot rain down on you fools. 


Linden pays $ 15 per Kilowatt

Berbice pays $ 53 per Kilowatt


Is this fair ?



The AFC is making a total fool of themselves by demanding that Linden pay less while the rest of Guyana pays more. Those who destroy private property must be dealt with the full force of the law.


Those who defend the actions of the AFC/PNC and the thugs in Linden are making a total fool of themselves. 


I really do see any wisdom in asking for any international input into the situation. If Guyana cannot resolve such basic domestic issues then none of the political parties are worthy. Let the commission comprise of citizens of various regions.

As for rate charges , no Guyanese should be entitled to prefered rates . It is rediculous.

Originally Posted by alena06:

The statement from the AFC clearly does not seem an "official statement" of the AFC leadership but rather self-serving and "activist" oriented.  The language and calls fit into a larger narrative of those who seek to "internationalize" what is purely a domestic civil issue.  You would expect the first call would be for an "impartial and open" investigation before seeking external involvement.  It's also interesting the AFC makes it's own "lose-cannon" statement and not a statement as part of a "joint opposition".


There are clearly agents within the security apparatus bent of creating the "martyrdom", the chosen phrase contained in the statement.  There should be a full and through investigation of the incident and anyone who was part of the action itself (security), incited the protestors, and protectors who damaged property should be held accountable.


If this is the "official position" of the AFC, then the org have descended into into nothing more than a group of demagogues hell-bent on scoring political points at all costs.  The "position" of the AFC, if it is, clearly reflects an "unhinged" organization that has lost its direction and deviate far far from it's charter and message.  Either that, or the Org has lost it's command and control and is being guided by individual aspirations which does not fit into a common narrative.  Whichever it is, the AFC has positioned itself for future similar to that of the UF.


I conclude by re-iterating, the violence is absolutely uncalled-for and all parties responsible, regardless who they are, should be held accountable under the law of the nation.

This is exactly the truth.  Needs to be copied and emailed to the US Government.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These AFc fools have no shame, they fed nonsense into the people's head convincing them that free electricity was their birthright and now they claiming that the killings were unjustified. Try burning and destroying public property in any other part of the world and see how quick gunshot rain down on you fools. 


Linden pays $ 15 per Kilowatt

Berbice pays $ 53 per Kilowatt


Is this fair ?



The AFC is making a total fool of themselves by demanding that Linden pay less while the rest of Guyana pays more. Those who destroy private property must be dealt with the full force of the law.


Those who defend the actions of the AFC/PNC and the thugs in Linden are making a total fool of themselves. 

 The AFC is on target with its campaign for justice and fairness in our political system, Here we have a president who sat on OMAI board, over see the sale of bauxite company to OMAI for some 5 million dollars with a promise to spend 40 million to upgrade. Instead we see them selling the same for 40 million later with NICIL liquidating other company assets inclusive of machinery for sums yet to be disclosed because somehow, this PPP run company cannot account for itself for 10 years.


BOSAI, the Chinese company jagdeo brought in is doing well. It made 119 million profit on its electricity production. It obviously is not hurting. The Idea that the people is getting "free electricity" is far from the truth. That they should also pay GPL rate is also an atrocious.


GPL rates are hiked up some 40% to compensate for thief and line loss. Only the willfully ignorant would see that the situation where, there is no theft and different companies produce electricity with different management style and equipment and are making a profit should be equated.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Fact remains:


Linden pays $ 15 per kilowatt

Berbice pays $ 53 per kilowatt


We must stick to the real issue and those who are insane enough to defend the actions of the AFC and PNC are making a total fool of themselves.

 The real issue is you are trying to make others swallow a lie. If someone pays a dollar for a lemon and another 2 one does not call the one buying the lemon for a dollar a crook. One looks to why the vendors charge differently. BOSAI made a profit selling to lindeners.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Fact remains:


Linden pays $ 15 per kilowatt

Berbice pays $ 53 per kilowatt


We must stick to the real issue and those who are insane enough to defend the actions of the AFC and PNC are making a total fool of themselves.

 The real issue is you are trying to make others swallow a lie. If someone pays a dollar for a lemon and another 2 one does not call the one buying the lemon for a dollar a crook. One looks to why the vendors charge differently. BOSAI made a profit selling to lindeners.


I can for give you for being a welfare recipient but not as a drunkard. You are now using lemons to defend yourself.


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