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Former Member

Alliance is sure on the move in Berbice


–Starring a psychotic herbalist and a gossippy lawyer

THE AFC’s weekly programme, ‘Alliance on the Move’ on DTV 8, has now become a shameless attempt to hoodwink gullible Berbicians, but thank God, this category is ‘blessed’ with only a few myopic individuals who climax their Saturdays by viewing garbage, wicked gossips and lies which are peddled as ‘Issues of the People’. Even as a member of the AFC, I had found this programme so deficient in its content and so flawed in its structure and presentation that I had complained to the leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan, who had promised to have more ‘faces from Georgetown’, and to make the programme more in line with party ‘politics’. But, lo and behold, his attempt to do that resulted in the host threatening to tender his resignation from the party.

The ‘herbal psychologist’ and the ‘gossip’ lawyer
Moreover, the goodly ‘doctor’ claimed that it was his programme, and that he was paying for it. (This doctor got qualified as a psychologist and is practising herbal medicine!) This was later found to be untrue. The programme was entirely financed by an AFC well-wisher who wanted to remain anonymous.
When Ramjattan got wind of this, the name of the programme was immediately changed from ‘Issues of the People’ to ‘ Alliance on the Move’. Unfortunately, the faecal content of this programme has remained unchanged!
Now we have two hosts from Berbice: A ‘psychological herbal doctor’ and a ‘gossip’ lawyer or liar? They have now taken ‘Alliance on the Move’ to new depths of depravity and deceit. They have now taken an evil delight in making knavish and disparaging personal remarks about whomever they feel threatened and insecure about, and this they supplement with taunts, sarcasm, innuendoes and mordacious lies.
This type of irrational behaviour hinges on moral depravity, and a complete absence of intelligence! The ‘gossip’ lawyer should know that ‘argumentum ad hominem’ is a fallacy; you need evidence to argue a case!

Recognition issues
Again, the leader of the AFC unsuccessfully tried to ‘rein in his beasts of burden’. The ‘ gossip’ lawyer resigned because his ‘braying’ was not recognised. The AFC leader started to send taped programmes from Georgetown. His co-host pleaded a strong case in favour of the ‘gossip’ lawyer and, eventually, he was placated. He was ‘guaranteed’ non-interference from the boys in GT! He came back with more venom and asinine disposition than before. The ‘herbal psychologist’ had tutored him well. The two are now making the ‘Alliance Cart’ move with renewed vigour and vitality! What a team! The ‘donkey cart boys’ in New Amsterdam are extravagantly envious of them!

‘The AML/CFT Bill’s not Important’
Last Saturday, the doctor confused himself and his viewers in his usual inimitable and effortless manner. Among the many incoherent babbles he was dishing out to his loyal few was that “ the anti-moneylaundering bill was not important for our country, since who does do moneylaundering will be affected.”
I was dumbfounded by this deliberate lie and misrepresentation. The Kaieteur News and the Stabroek News, which he loves to quote from, carried many articles highlighting the dangers of not passing this vital Bill. For example, in the November 22, 2013, edition of the Kaieteur News, it was emphatically stated that “The CFATF decision will affect payments for oil, family remittances, payment for goods and services and a host of other transactions that could virtually cripple trade.”
Furthermore, he loves to quote, or rather misquote, Ralph Ramkarran. If he could find some time from his ‘busy schedule’, he should read what Ralph Ramkarran said in the March 2 edition of the Stabroek News. He reiterated the position of the masses when he stated, without ambiguity, that “The losers and victims of the failure to pass the legislation will be the people of Guyana.”
He further prognosticated, with regard to new elections, that “if the AML/CFT legislation is the occasion for the elections, it (the Opposition) will be on the back foot in the campaign, being accused of sabotaging the country.” The good doctor should pay some more heed to the sources he depends on for the veracity of his evidence! So ‘Doc’, is the Bill important or not? You can ask your buddy, Moses!

Character Assassination
The entire programme is replete with feeble attempts by the hosts to discredit people, without having thoroughly investigated the claims made by callers . As soon as a caller says something that is anti-government, the hosts will pounce upon what was said and start their personal attacks on the President, the Home Affairs Minister, the Minister of Agriculture or the Police Commander. Then the taunts and sarcasm will start to flow.
I want to ask these guys a simple question: Would Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela or Cheddi Jagan have behaved in such a manner towards their political opponents? Who are the role models of these guys? By the way, both of these persons claim to be devout Hindus, and would frequent Mandirs and Satsanghs. Are these hypocritical gestures? The goodly doctor even claimed to be a vegetarian once (But his close associates know better!).

I joined the AFC in 2005; I spoke on the political platforms during the 2011 General Elections, but I committed the cardinal sin of exposing fraud, theft , cronyism and corruption within the AFC. I should have kept my mouth shut and waited until I resigned and then expose their wrongdoings.
But unfortunately, I strongly believe in the principles of Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Cheddi Jagan, and, above all, the Prophet Muhammad, who said that when things go wrong, we should change it with our hands, or speak out against it or hate it with our hearts. But the last is the weakest of faith.
I spoke out against the wrongdoings of certain members of the AFC, because I expect them to be better than those who they are condemning. I do believe that charity begins at home!
Many, like myself, will leave the AFC; and many have already done so. The ball is in your court, Ramjattan! Support national development or perish at the next election.

Haseef Yusuf
AFC Councillor


source: Guyanachronicle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

one of the main reason for this program was to ask the berbicians  for donation the AFC WANT TO BUY PAMPERS FOR BAR-RAT AFC SHORT OF FUNDS YOU SEE THIS MAN IS REALLY SHITING 


The AFC leadership needs to undertake a frank and critical self-examination and overhaul some of its political tactics and practices.

I will not write off the AFC, however, because I think it can make a big difference for the betterment of the nation.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The AFC leadership needs to undertake a frank and critical self-examination and overhaul some of its political tactics and practices.

I will not write off the AFC, however, because I think it can make a big difference for the betterment of the nation.

They will get what they got the last time. 10 per cent.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The AFC leadership needs to undertake a frank and critical self-examination and overhaul some of its political tactics and practices.

I will not write off the AFC, however, because I think it can make a big difference for the betterment of the nation.

the guyanese should thank god for the AFC FOR THE FIRST time in history the ppp have to account for what they do, with out the AFC THE PPP WILL BE A MAJORITY IN PARLIAMENT 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The AFC leadership needs to undertake a frank and critical self-examination and overhaul some of its political tactics and practices.

I will not write off the AFC, however, because I think it can make a big difference for the betterment of the nation.

They will get what they got the last time. 10 per cent.

Indeed their prcent will be 10 but will look like this 0.10. For real.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The AFC leadership needs to undertake a frank and critical self-examination and overhaul some of its political tactics and practices.

I will not write off the AFC, however, because I think it can make a big difference for the betterment of the nation.

They will get what they got the last time. 10 per cent.

Indeed their prcent will be 10 but will look like this 0.10. For real.

the professor know his maths he learn to count when he was thiefing one for you one for me

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The AFC leadership needs to undertake a frank and critical self-examination and overhaul some of its political tactics and practices.

I will not write off the AFC, however, because I think it can make a big difference for the betterment of the nation.

They will get what they got the last time. 10 per cent.

Indeed their prcent will be 10 but will look like this 0.10. For real.

the professor know his maths he learn to count when he was thiefing one for you one for me

Born ignorance.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The AFC leadership needs to undertake a frank and critical self-examination and overhaul some of its political tactics and practices.

I will not write off the AFC, however, because I think it can make a big difference for the betterment of the nation.

They will get what they got the last time. 10 per cent.

Indeed their prcent will be 10 but will look like this 0.10. For real.

the professor know his maths he learn to count when he was thiefing one for you one for me

Born ignorance.

cannot argue with you there dr crime

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The AFC leadership needs to undertake a frank and critical self-examination and overhaul some of its political tactics and practices.

I will not write off the AFC, however, because I think it can make a big difference for the betterment of the nation.

They will get what they got the last time. 10 per cent.

Yu daddie must be a fortune tella.  LOL

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

conman the most the ppp can do is teach these people how to dress when they go on TV,THEY DID COLLECT THE PPP MONEY



PPP agent provocateur.


He now pull down his pantie, so all the piss comming out of his mouth finally.


This man Yusuf is anothe political reject who got paid off by the PPP.


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