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Fellow Guyanese Patriot:


          The dawn of a new year is before us and many in the Guyanese Diaspora will mark the beginning of 2014 celebrating in various locations across North America and elsewhere. I am equally confident that thousands will also be reflecting on the sordid and appalling conditions citizens are compelled to survive under- in our once Beautiful Guyana.

It seems many people have lost hope while others unwittingly resort to horrendous acts as mechanisms for coping with stress and frequent traumatic events. Unfortunately, oftentimes personal and family lives are shattered by premature deaths at the hands of criminals immune to pain and suffering.

In the midst of this lamentable predicament it is quite easy for some to recoil and give up, while some feel emboldened to act unselfishly to halt if not reverse the plight of our people. The feelings of despair and a general sense of malaise appear to have sapped our energies as we witness city blight, moral decadence, wanton murders, public corruption and a precipitous decline in the quality of live- all but hastens the march to societal degeneracy.

Where do you fit in and what solutions have you conjured up and want to share with concerned Guyanese seeking to improve the lives of our fellow brothers and sisters. For many people at home 2014, appears meaningless as they are consumed by pauperization and neglected for the most part by uncaring politicians interested in self aggrandizement rather then improving squalor living conditions.

If your New Year resolution includes becoming proactive then I extend an invitation for you to join a select group desperately seeking plausible resolutions to the social morass, which has engulfed Guyana. We anticipate constructive dialogue and an exceptionally high level of critical thinking, which would be conducted in an atmosphere conducive for successfully achieving our projected multifaceted goals (short/medium/long-term).

The initiators of this noble undertaking look forward to your full support and remind you that there should be no illusion of any quick fix; nevertheless it is imperative that each one of us attends the session with a positive attitude, which can ensure a satisfactory outcome.

On a cautionary note, it is important that attendees be respectful of opposing viewpoints, permit others the privilege to speech and mindful that everyone’s opinion/comment is precious and most valuable to the organizers.


DATE:          Saturday, February 22, 2014

TIME:          10:00 A.M To 3:00 P.M

VENUE:         867 Troy Ave. Brooklyn, N.Y

          (between Church & Linden Aves)

          COST:          US$20.00 (includes lunch)


RSVP by Friday, February 7, 2014

Email: Ms. Bascom





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