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ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why isn't Trump sending back all these illegals and dem pickney back to their shithole countries and save American taxpayers some of their hard earned money?

Maybe he gets orgasms seeing those people suffer. I heard ICE is hiding the females. I wonder why.

Zero tolerance is Obama's law. Not Trump's.

Bibi Haniffa
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
 Nehru posted:

Obama my ass, Obama was the greatest President of the US!!!

He was a slacker.  This law was on the books and he never enacted it.  He was counting on those immigrant voters for Hillary.

Since when illegals and Green Card holders can vote?? Am I missing something??!!!!!

I never said they can vote.  He was canvassing those who can vote by his immigration policy.  Most immigrants who are eligible to vote, voted for Hillary.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why isn't Trump sending back all these illegals and dem pickney back to their shithole countries and save American taxpayers some of their hard earned money?

Maybe he gets orgasms seeing those people suffer. I heard ICE is hiding the females. I wonder why.

Zero tolerance is Obama's law. Not Trump's.

Absolutely incorrect !!!!!

There are no laws in the US_of_A that mandates the separation of families which was stated by the Attorney General in April/May of 2018.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

Maybe he gets orgasms seeing those people suffer. I heard ICE is hiding the females. I wonder why.

Zero tolerance is Obama's law. Not Trump's.

Absolutely incorrect !!!!!

There are no laws in the US_of_A that mandates the separation of families which was stated by the Attorney General in April/May of 2018.

The law does mandate separation of minors if the adult is to be arrested and prosecuted for breaking the law.  Trump is applying the law, prosecution of law breakers (illegal entrants) and, as such, separation from minors is covered and mandated under the law.

Trump is asking for a law modification which will allow prosecution of the adult without separation and deportation of the family intact!

So shut yuh old poke!

Ray posted:

You don't ask for law modification by holding little children hostages

It's a total con.  The lawyers in the US advised them to bring kids so it complicates the detainment of the adult.

He is asking for modification to reunite families as the Obama's law, which mandate separation, is very inhumane.  It's the kind of law you find in places like Kenya!

Ray posted:

You don't ask for law modification by holding little children hostages

Correct Ray.

Again it must be noted ....

1. No US_of_A's legislation/laws exist to specifically permits border agents to separate children from their families.

2. Separation of children from parents stated in April/May of 2018 with statements by the Attorney General.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Ray posted:

You don't ask for law modification by holding little children hostages

Correct Ray.

Again it must be noted ....

1. No US_of_A's legislation/laws exist to specifically permits border agents to separate children from their families.

2. Separation of children from parents stated in April/May of 2018 with statements by the Attorney General.

Why hasn't the court intervene if you are that confident? D_G?

Demerara_Guy posted:
Ray posted:

You don't ask for law modification by holding little children hostages

Correct Ray.

Again it must be noted ....

1. No US_of_A's legislation/laws exist to specifically permits border agents to separate children from their families.

2. Separation of children from parents stated in April/May of 2018 with statements by the Attorney General.

Dummy, why the Dem and Ted Cruz rushing to implement a new law to cover this loophole.  The difference between the two laws being proposed, the Democrats want to go back to catch and release if a minor is involved, Ted Cruz do not want that.  He wants what Trump is proposing!

Study Canada laws as to how you can take these illegals!

Separation is the "implicit" law as it requires separation in event of prosecution.  Well, Trump prosecuting under existing laws!

Catch and release days are over!

Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

You don't ask for law modification by holding little children hostages

Tell that to the Democrats who also asking for modification.

Their lawyers did not tell them Trump will apply the law in it's purest form.

Stop with the red herring

Trump in charge, he is the one holding children as hostages

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why isn't Trump sending back all these illegals and dem pickney back to their shithole countries and save American taxpayers some of their hard earned money?

Maybe he gets orgasms seeing those people suffer. I heard ICE is hiding the females. I wonder why.

Zero tolerance is Obama's law. Not Trump's.

You and all peddling Trump fake news. Maybe he is hiding the girls so that one day he will grab them by their p---y he is very good at that? I will NEVER! NEVER! support a sexual deviant. and a molester of women, how can a woman do??

Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

Maybe he gets orgasms seeing those people suffer. I heard ICE is hiding the females. I wonder why.

Zero tolerance is Obama's law. Not Trump's.

Absolutely incorrect !!!!!

There are no laws in the US_of_A that mandates the separation of families which was stated by the Attorney General in April/May of 2018.

The law does mandate separation of minors if the adult is to be arrested and prosecuted for breaking the law.  Trump is applying the law, prosecution of law breakers (illegal entrants) and, as such, separation from minors is covered and mandated under the law.

Trump is asking for a law modification which will allow prosecution of the adult without separation and deportation of the family intact!

So shut yuh old poke!

If we had to apply the laws of America, then Trump and his family should be behind BARS, they raped the decency of the American people, refused to pay contractors and lawyers, bankrupt several times and the Papa Trump molested several innocent women. Oh ,before I forget ,he is your idol.

kp posted:
Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:

Maybe he gets orgasms seeing those people suffer. I heard ICE is hiding the females. I wonder why.

Zero tolerance is Obama's law. Not Trump's.

Absolutely incorrect !!!!!

There are no laws in the US_of_A that mandates the separation of families which was stated by the Attorney General in April/May of 2018.

The law does mandate separation of minors if the adult is to be arrested and prosecuted for breaking the law.  Trump is applying the law, prosecution of law breakers (illegal entrants) and, as such, separation from minors is covered and mandated under the law.

Trump is asking for a law modification which will allow prosecution of the adult without separation and deportation of the family intact!

So shut yuh old poke!

If we had to apply the laws of America, then Trump and his family should be behind BARS, they raped the decency of the American people, refused to pay contractors and lawyers, bankrupt several times and the Papa Trump molested several innocent women. Oh ,before I forget ,he is your idol.

Good, grumble all you want, he is president and will do what’s right for America.  You are free to lobby your government to take the illegals. 

Ray posted:
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

You don't ask for law modification by holding little children hostages

Tell that to the Democrats who also asking for modification.

Their lawyers did not tell them Trump will apply the law in it's purest form.

Stop with the red herring

Trump in charge, he is the one holding children as hostages

Bull shit. If Trump was acting outside the law, the courts would have already and put a stay on the process.  They have not because he is applying the law of the land.  


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