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Amaila Falls Hydro Project … Price tag now at staggering US$835M

September 28, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News
Source - Kaieteur News

An artist's impression of the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Project.

Government yesterday announced that the price tag on the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Project could near a staggering US$835M, more than US$100M in excess of the cost that the developers Sithe Global had indicated earlier this year.

The figure was announced by President Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday during the commissioning of a US$18.4M Wartsila plant at Kingston.

According to Jagdeo, that cost of the 165-megawatts hydro power project includes both construction and the “costs of capital”.

Addressing ministers, private sector representatives and senior officials of the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL), the President underscored the feasibility of the project saying that it would be owned by Guyanese after 20 years.

Earlier this year, Sithe Global during a series of consultation meetings across the country, said that it has committed US$200 million to the project and that it could cost as much as US$700 million to complete it.

The President did not elaborate yesterday on how the project will now reach US$835M.

He lashed out at critics of the project whom he described as “gripers” and noted that they were going after every project of government and then would make an about turn and support it after it is completed.

Stressing that it was not “Fip Motilall” that was building the hydro project, Jagdeo said that Blackstone, the parent company of Sithe Global, is a respected business that has managed to gain financing from China Development Bank.

Motilall, whom government said initially proposed to government to construct the facility, was handed a US$15.4M project to build the access roads leading to the project area. His company, Synergy Holdings, is way behind on the contract and has since been granted an extension to the end of December to complete his works.

According to Jagdeo yesterday, the Chinese contractor, China Railway First Group, won the bid for the construction in an open process.

In July last year, the Guyana Government signed off on a loan deal to build the project and formalize the cooperation between the Guyana Power and Light Company, Sithe Global, China Development Bank and China Railway First Group Company Limited.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
I have been saying it will cost 700-800 mill. Not far off. The unit cost and hence price of electricity will be very costly.

A great achievement by Bharat jagdeo. That will be one of his great achievements.

The AFC crooks who ran away from the PPP and PNC can only watch and cry.
Originally posted by Pointblank:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
I have been saying it will cost 700-800 mill. Not far off. The unit cost and hence price of electricity will be very costly.

Like the Berbice Bridge

Another achievement by the PPP.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
I have been saying it will cost 700-800 mill. Not far off. The unit cost and hence price of electricity will be very costly.

A great achievement by Bharat jagdeo. That will be one of his great achievements.

The AFC crooks who ran away from the PPP and PNC can only watch and cry.

Thats right, like the berbice bridge which costs more to cross than redjet to trinidad.

Oye vey.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
It's because of the quality of services the ppp provided for guyanese, they would be re-elected again for another 5 years.

see this link

oh and this one also

and ummm then you should go grab a coffee and wake up!
Bhai, Now till November Dem Snakeoil Harkatee Salesmen gun be sleepless and grumpy. partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
It's because of the quality of services the ppp provided for guyanese, they would be re-elected again for another 5 years.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Bhai, Now till November Dem Snakeoil Harkatee Salesmen gun be sleepless and grumpy. partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
It's because of the quality of services the ppp provided for guyanese, they would be re-elected again for another 5 years.
and parasites supporting a the new patricians of the Suharto ilk will be cheering!
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Bhai, Now till November Dem Snakeoil Harkatee Salesmen gun be sleepless and grumpy. partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
It's because of the quality of services the ppp provided for guyanese, they would be re-elected again for another 5 years.
and parasites supporting a the new patricians of the Suharto ilk will be cheering!

I don't have a problem with that..

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