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Amaila Falls hydro project will remove risk of price volatility – Finance Minister


The Amaila Falls Hydro power (AFHP) project is the most prominent and transformative scheme that will convert Guyana from being entirely dependent on fossil fuels to becoming dependent on renewable energy. This will in turn bring back benefits and the avoidance of a significant import bill associated with fuel for electricity generation.


Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh, said hydro power in Guyana will see a reduction or almost elimination of the risk of exchange rate, and it will remove the risk of price volatility, particularly regarding oil. He made these statements during a segment of the five-part series being aired on the National Communications Network on the AFHP.


Minister Singh noted also that while hydro power is extremely attractive and beneficial to the people of Guyana, it has environmental advantages, being consistent with the country’s Low Carbon Development Strategy. Putting all these advantages together, he observed that it would bring reliable and affordable power, reduce the cost of electricity to every household, and to every business, and relieve the latter category of having to invest in back up power.


With respect to cheap energy becoming abundant through the AFHP, Minister Singh observed that “there can be no doubt at all that affordable, reliable energy is absolutely critical to an economy that is going to perform well and that will facilitate improvement of social and individual well being.” He recalled that energy is a critical input into every productive process and as a result, energy goes to the core of doing business in any environment. Minister Singh pointed out that the reality is that each investor in Guyana has to factor in the cost of back-up power especially in capital and operating costs, which is significant.


He expressed no doubt however, that should the need for this be removed, “domestic profitability will be increased because they don’t have that carrying cost any more…operations would become greater, they are going to set up new industries.”


Minister Singh emphasised that more affordable power would mean greater investment, job creation, increased profitability which would bring fiscal benefits, improved capacity to pay wages with more competition, “and ultimately, people’s net disposable income would be increased.”


The reality, he pointed out, is that the generating capacity of the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Company has to be increased along with the upgrade of the distribution network. This cannot be possible without the harnessing of hydro power he stated.  ‘It is time we harness that potential and realise the transformative benefits for our country,’ he stated.


“I am convinced that project deserves to be placed on its merit on the highest level of our priorities, and that is our Government’s position,” Minister Singh said.


He also pointed out that the Blackstone Company, one of the largest investment companies in the world, through its subsidiary, Sithe Global feels that the AFHP is a good project and as such it should not be dismissed.


He also noted that this AFHP is not only about cheaper power and lower bills, it also involves macroeconomic outflow. This includes the demand for foreign exchange in Guyana, taking into consideration that GPL and any self – generating business are currently vulnerable to price volatility regarding oil prices on the international market. This reality is that with the fluctuating prices, either the consumer or the generator of electricity has to pay the cost.


“Amaila Falls relieves you of the vulnerability of oil price fluctuation, and relieves you of the need to find hundreds of millions of US dollars to import fuel,” he stated.


Speaking on the environmental dimension, Minister Singh noted that with Guyana’s commitment to the LCDS, the AFHP as a single investment moves it from a country fully dependent on fossil fuels to one fully dependent on a renewable resource, water.


“This project can be seen from many perspectives and has strong justification from each perspective,” Minister Singh said.


Financial funding is already on stream for the project the Minister observed, with the Chinese, and Inter-American Development Bank committed to their investments.


Meanwhile, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, in the first part of the series noted that the journey towards developing hydro power in Guyana dates back to the days of the Demerara Bauxite Company, the 1950s and 60s and targeting the Mazaruni River as a base. He noted that between the 1970s to 1980s a study was done regarding the locations for hydro power plants; however the expectations then were less than now both socially and environmentally.


He expressed the hope that within two years of the AFHP being completed, it would be able to handle the peak demand of power needed in Guyana.

Government lobbies opposition support for Amaila Project

* APNU says it is still to inspect and decide
* AFC to await green light from IDB


By Abena Rockcliffe, July 15, 2013, By , Filed Under NewsSource


Finance Minister, Ashni Singh


Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh has called for unanimous support in Parliament for two pieces of legislation that will directly affect the Amaila Falls Hydro Project.

According to Singh, lack of “timely” Parliamentary support, will most likely threaten progress as critical deadlines are looming and expiration dates on certain commitments expire this year.

The two legislations to be debated that are being dubbed critical for the progress of the Amaila Falls project are a motion to increase the debt ceiling and Amendments to the Hydro Electric Act.

A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) has noted that it has to carefully inspect the pieces of legislations. Therefore, no definite decision has been made yet on whether or not support will be given on Thursday.

On the other hand, “Absolutely not,” is what the Alliance for Change (AFC) is saying as it stands by its position not to support any legislation linked to the Amaila Falls project until it is given the green light from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB.)

Leader of the AFC Khemraj Ramjattan told Kaieteur News yesterday that his party will not budge from the decision made to await the IDB’s approval.

He said that the due diligence study undertaken by the bank will be completed by the end of October and then and only then will AFC either support or withhold its support from the Amaila Falls project depending on what is reflected in the report. “If IDB gives the reorganization we will piggy back on that.”

That report will include an economic feasibility study, an environmental study, one that will project if the country will be able to manage.

Ramjattan said that in the absence of that document, he does not see the importance in “changing laws and all of that.”

The Attorney at law told Kaieteur News that the Finance Minister, with all his persuasion techniques, should try influencing the President to implement the Procurement Commission, which he noted is ordered by the law.

That was a sentiment also shared by APNU’s Joseph Harmon who also noted that the Finance Minister should urge the President to assent to the Bills he rejected and adhere to the “reasonable” demands made by the APNU, including the call for the Procurement Commission.

Harmon had also noted that the APNU is not too enthused with regards to the way the Government is seeking to “amend the amended over and over again.”

He pointed out that, at the last sitting of the National Assembly, the Government opted not to proceed with the Amendments.

Harmon said that he has heard that further Amendments have been made. “So with all these things happening, we have to be really careful on how we are moving ahead.” He said that APNU knows not whether or not it will support but is prepared to fine tune the Amendments.

Dr. Singh had indicated that government over the last few weeks has maintained a close engagement with the Opposition, particularly APNU. A multitude of critical documents have been shared on a confidential basis.

It was said that despite repeated invitations, the AFC has declined Government’s overtures on the Amaila project. However, last Thursday, a group of AFC members engaged the GPL Board and management on matters relating to GPL and Amaila Falls.

Singh also noted that decisions on the matters at the upcoming Parliament meeting are critical to ensuring that the IDB timetable for the Board’s consideration of the transaction is achieved. Government officials have indicated that key documents pertaining to the environmental studies of the project have been published on the Bank’s website in keeping with the mandatory 120-day Pelosi requirement before being voted on by the US chair on the board.

This requirement satisfies one of the key conditional ties for the project to be voted on by the Bank’s Board of Directors at the end of October.

Kaieteur News understands that government has engaged key stakeholders including the opposition during key points of the project’s development. In early last year, Sithe Global made presentations to the media, private sector groups, and opposition parties.

Various meetings were also convened at the Office of the President for presentation to the opposition in March 2012, March 2013 and most recently, in June of this year.


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