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Amaila Falls runs dry


The Amaila Falls which was intended to supply the nation with 165 megawatts of electricity and save Guyana millions of US dollars is bone dry.

An overhead view of the dried out Amaila Falls

An overhead view of the dried out Amaila Falls

Yesterday, Works Minister Robeson Benn said that it is not unusual for waterfalls used to provide hydroelectricity to run dry. He pointed to power stations in Suriname and in Brazil.
He said that when the contractors would have built a dam that would have stored water to smoothen the flow regime. The dam would have given rise to a reservoir which would have been used to regulate the flow of water for the hydro.
Minister Benn also explained that in times of heavy rainfall, the excess water would have been released through gates. He insisted that had there been a dam, the extent of dryness at this time would not have been as severe.
The hydroelectric facility was being constructed at a whopping US860 million. This dry spell revealed that Guyana could not have depended on the hydro for a continuous supply of power.
Minister Benn said that the engines currently in use by Guyana Power and Light would have been kept to provide a back up. The smaller engines would have been distributed to places like Mahdia and Port Kaituma and some Berbice locations

A photograph provided by GINA of Amaila Falls with a bountiful supply of water in March Last year

A photograph provided by GINA of Amaila Falls with a bountiful supply of water in March Last year

where electricity is generated for no more than four hours a day.
But if indeed that were to be the case then whenever the falls runs dry the nation would have experienced severe power outages.
Amaila would certainly not have been worth the money spent to build it.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

These are the types of uneducated trash that want to rule Guyana. They jump to conclusions after a good bottom house drunken debate. The purpose of a dam is to collect the water and then divert to the turbines in controlled quantities. Unless there are prolonged periods of dry weather, the reserve water in the dam should be suffice to compensate for times of slow flow. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These are the types of uneducated trash that want to rule Guyana. They jump to conclusions after a good bottom house drunken debate. The purpose of a dam is to collect the water and then divert to the turbines in controlled quantities. Unless there are prolonged periods of dry weather, the reserve water in the dam should be suffice to compensate for times of slow flow. 

a wannabe hydro engineer brays loudly and insistently, confusing his aspiration(s) with "hydro seed"


dullness can be a curse . . . how's the remedial reading on transmission line losses coming, eh dumbo?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These are the types of uneducated trash that want to rule Guyana. They jump to conclusions after a good bottom house drunken debate. The purpose of a dam is to collect the water and then divert to the turbines in controlled quantities. Unless there are prolonged periods of dry weather, the reserve water in the dam should be suffice to compensate for times of slow flow. 

a wannabe hydro engineer brays loudly and insistently, confusing his aspiration(s) with "hydro seed"


dullness can be a curse . . . how's the remedial reading on transmission line losses coming, eh dumbo?

A DUMB ASS like you will believe ASS WIPE when they next print " The mighty Essequibo and Demerare River are DRY""/ You ARE that STUPID!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These are the types of uneducated trash that want to rule Guyana. They jump to conclusions after a good bottom house drunken debate. The purpose of a dam is to collect the water and then divert to the turbines in controlled quantities. Unless there are prolonged periods of dry weather, the reserve water in the dam should be suffice to compensate for times of slow flow. 

a wannabe hydro engineer brays loudly and insistently, confusing his aspiration(s) with "hydro seed"


dullness can be a curse . . . how's the remedial reading on transmission line losses coming, eh dumbo?

A DUMB ASS like you will believe ASS WIPE when they next print " The mighty Essequibo and Demerare River are DRY""/ You ARE that STUPID!!!!

wahdat nerooo ?


dude, if u feel compelled to bray a 'response' . . . please wait until u are sober and/or capable of typing something coherent/relevant for public consumption


you are a low-level 'educator' of sorts i understand . . . act like it for a change, arite?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These are the types of uneducated trash that want to rule Guyana. They jump to conclusions after a good bottom house drunken debate. The purpose of a dam is to collect the water and then divert to the turbines in controlled quantities. Unless there are prolonged periods of dry weather, the reserve water in the dam should be suffice to compensate for times of slow flow. 

a wannabe hydro engineer brays loudly and insistently, confusing his aspiration(s) with "hydro seed"


dullness can be a curse . . . how's the remedial reading on transmission line losses coming, eh dumbo?

A DUMB ASS like you will believe ASS WIPE when they next print " The mighty Essequibo and Demerare River are DRY""/ You ARE that STUPID!!!!

wahdat nerooo ?


dude, if u feel compelled to bray a 'response' . . . please wait until u are sober and/or capable of typing something coherent/relevant for public consumption


you are a low-level 'educator' of sorts i understand . . . act like it for a change, arite?

There is a word for people like you who always seems bitter at the world for not standing in your shadow. You're creating a good impression with your filthy demeanor. Don't take Nehru happiness and make it your problem. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These are the types of uneducated trash that want to rule Guyana. They jump to conclusions after a good bottom house drunken debate. The purpose of a dam is to collect the water and then divert to the turbines in controlled quantities. Unless there are prolonged periods of dry weather, the reserve water in the dam should be suffice to compensate for times of slow flow. 

a wannabe hydro engineer brays loudly and insistently, confusing his aspiration(s) with "hydro seed"


dullness can be a curse . . . how's the remedial reading on transmission line losses coming, eh dumbo?

A DUMB ASS like you will believe ASS WIPE when they next print " The mighty Essequibo and Demerare River are DRY""/ You ARE that STUPID!!!!

wahdat nerooo ?


dude, if u feel compelled to bray a 'response' . . . please wait until u are sober and/or capable of typing something coherent/relevant for public consumption


you are a low-level 'educator' of sorts i understand . . . act like it for a change, arite?

There is a word for people like you who always seems bitter at the world for not standing in your shadow. You're creating a good impression with your filthy demeanor. Don't take Nehru happiness and make it your problem. 

bai, me doan guh searching fuh "happiness" in the bottom of a rum bottle like y'all . . . arite?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These are the types of uneducated trash that want to rule Guyana. They jump to conclusions after a good bottom house drunken debate. The purpose of a dam is to collect the water and then divert to the turbines in controlled quantities. Unless there are prolonged periods of dry weather, the reserve water in the dam should be suffice to compensate for times of slow flow. 

a wannabe hydro engineer brays loudly and insistently, confusing his aspiration(s) with "hydro seed"


dullness can be a curse . . . how's the remedial reading on transmission line losses coming, eh dumbo?

But, it is true, isn't it.  That's the reason for the dam and large reservoir, correct?  The viability study included water flows and volumes for the past several decades and the design and size of the dam reflects that fact.


Off course, neigh-sayers kick into gear.  How come the PNC objection did not include not enough water supply?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These are the types of uneducated trash that want to rule Guyana. They jump to conclusions after a good bottom house drunken debate. The purpose of a dam is to collect the water and then divert to the turbines in controlled quantities. Unless there are prolonged periods of dry weather, the reserve water in the dam should be suffice to compensate for times of slow flow. 

a wannabe hydro engineer brays loudly and insistently, confusing his aspiration(s) with "hydro seed"


dullness can be a curse . . . how's the remedial reading on transmission line losses coming, eh dumbo?

But, it is true, isn't it.  That's the reason for the dam and large reservoir, correct?  The viability study included water flows and volumes for the past several decades and the design and size of the dam reflects that fact.


Off course, neigh-sayers kick into gear.  How come the PNC objection did not include not enough water supply?

Son of Katahars, stick to reading. PNC saved the nation.


Benn confirms what I had indicated before that pedophile redunce interjected with his usual diatribe of insults.


Amaila Falls dry spellâ€Ķ : Minister says: ‘No need to worry’ : --all it needs is a reservoirPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Leroy Smith   
Saturday, 12 October 2013 23:26

WORKS Minister Robeson Benn said yesterday that the drying up of the Amaila Falls is nothing to worry about, since the remedy to the problem is also part of the design for the project.

Minister Benn told the Guyana Chronicle yesterday that as part of the design for the Amaila Falls, like any other hydro project, there will be constructed a dam, better known as a reservoir, which will serve the purpose of holding water to ensure that the ‘hydro’ has a continuous flow of water.

The minister explained that the reservoir would be used to regulate the water flow, which would see water being stored and released as needed, especially when the falls experiences instances like presently obtains (running dry).

He said that when the water that powers the hydro seems to be getting below the required level, water from the reservoir would be released to keep the level needed; and likewise, when there is too much water in the reservoir itself, it would be released to maintain the required level, as advised by the engineers.

While not a regular occurrence, the issue of the falls running dry is normal, and is also experienced by other falls around the world, Benn added.
He said that at the moment there is a low water regime, which makes impossible the presence of adequate water to maintain a flow at both the falls and river. Moreover, the low water regime also impacts on proper navigating along the rivers during such occurrences.

From time to time, the Kaieteur Falls also experiences low water levels, the minister said, as he made it clear that despite the instances of low water, 99.9 percent of the time there would be sufficient water coming through the falls to power hydro power terminals. He said there is also possibility of the dams running a bit low on water during the present period, because the dry weather is being experienced, and this is also evident along the coast.

He deemed the dry weather also a blessing in disguise, since it allows for infrastructural works.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These are the types of uneducated trash that want to rule Guyana. They jump to conclusions after a good bottom house drunken debate. The purpose of a dam is to collect the water and then divert to the turbines in controlled quantities. Unless there are prolonged periods of dry weather, the reserve water in the dam should be suffice to compensate for times of slow flow. 

a wannabe hydro engineer brays loudly and insistently, confusing his aspiration(s) with "hydro seed"


dullness can be a curse . . . how's the remedial reading on transmission line losses coming, eh dumbo?

But, it is true, isn't it.  That's the reason for the dam and large reservoir, correct?  The viability study included water flows and volumes for the past several decades and the design and size of the dam reflects that fact.


Off course, neigh-sayers kick into gear.  How come the PNC objection did not include not enough water supply?

Son of Katahars, stick to reading. PNC saved the nation.

Katahar, how come this was not their argument in the objection, because it's not.  Many of these falls and rapids to run low or even drys at times.  The dam takes care of that unless there is a prolonged unusual drought.  That's a fact, so you are being as usual.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

And Burnham and Hoyte are your earthly Gods.

Mr Hoyte was a good President.

He gave us free and fair elections.

Thanks to Jimmy Carter.  Hoyte had no intention if not forced however, he did start the reforms but that could not change the people's minds.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Benn confirms what I had indicated before that pedophile redunce interjected with his usual diatribe of insults.


Amaila Falls dry spellâ€Ķ : Minister says: ‘No need to worry’ : --all it needs is a reservoirPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Leroy Smith   
Saturday, 12 October 2013 23:26

WORKS Minister Robeson Benn said yesterday that the drying up of the Amaila Falls is nothing to worry about, since the remedy to the problem is also part of the design for the project...

From time to time, the Kaieteur Falls also experiences low water levels, the minister said, as he made it clear that despite the instances of low water, 99.9 percent of the time there would be sufficient water coming through the falls to power hydro power terminals. He said there is also possibility of the dams running a bit low on water during the present period, because the dry weather is being experienced, and this is also evident along the coast.

He deemed the dry weather also a blessing in disguise, since it allows for infrastructural works.


How could Benn confirm anything knucklehead? He can defend the naked eye observations but confirmation can only come from the official study as to the size of the volume of the required reservoir, and the hydrology of the region. Those they refuse to present to the public to date and the reason there is so much guessing as to what the hell they are talking about.


I do not know how long it will take for a reservoir of the required size to be filled and given the shallowness of the river valley how much of a buffer it will provide to sustained production or if siltation will be a problem


Those are in the feasibility study which they have hidden from the public to date. I suspect under informed critical study, the cost to benefit ratio would go south.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These are the types of uneducated trash that want to rule Guyana. They jump to conclusions after a good bottom house drunken debate. The purpose of a dam is to collect the water and then divert to the turbines in controlled quantities. Unless there are prolonged periods of dry weather, the reserve water in the dam should be suffice to compensate for times of slow flow. 

a wannabe hydro engineer brays loudly and insistently, confusing his aspiration(s) with "hydro seed"


dullness can be a curse . . . how's the remedial reading on transmission line losses coming, eh dumbo?

But, it is true, isn't it.  That's the reason for the dam and large reservoir, correct?  The viability study included water flows and volumes for the past several decades and the design and size of the dam reflects that fact.


Off course, neigh-sayers kick into gear.  How come the PNC objection did not include not enough water supply?

Son of Katahars, stick to reading. PNC saved the nation.

Katahar, how come this was not their argument in the objection, because it's not.  Many of these falls and rapids to run low or even drys at times.  The dam takes care of that unless there is a prolonged unusual drought.  That's a fact, so you are being as usual.

You are on your knees sucking up the opinion of Benn whose duty is to conserve the received wisdom of the PPP. We do not need Benn or the PPP telling us what is possible. We have our minds to discern the matter. That would be possible if we see the official feasibility study. The PPP has that under wraps and the only one you can legitimately call a katahar is yourself with you habit of lapping PPP table scraps.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Wally:

You guys got to be joking here. I never heard of a water falls used for hydro power running dry.

You must be joking Wally.  But maybe not the falls itself however, a falls landscape provide the height difference to make a hydro possible.

And by pure magical thinking you conclude the above!

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Wally:

You guys got to be joking here. I never heard of a water falls used for hydro power running dry.

You must be joking Wally.  But maybe not the falls itself however, a falls landscape provide the height difference to make a hydro possible.

And by pure magical thinking you conclude the above!

??  Hi stargazer.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These are the types of uneducated trash that want to rule Guyana. They jump to conclusions after a good bottom house drunken debate. The purpose of a dam is to collect the water and then divert to the turbines in controlled quantities. Unless there are prolonged periods of dry weather, the reserve water in the dam should be suffice to compensate for times of slow flow. 

a wannabe hydro engineer brays loudly and insistently, confusing his aspiration(s) with "hydro seed"


dullness can be a curse . . . how's the remedial reading on transmission line losses coming, eh dumbo?

But, it is true, isn't it.  That's the reason for the dam and large reservoir, correct?  The viability study included water flows and volumes for the past several decades and the design and size of the dam reflects that fact.


Off course, neigh-sayers kick into gear.  How come the PNC objection did not include not enough water supply?

Son of Katahars, stick to reading. PNC saved the nation.

Katahar, how come this was not their argument in the objection, because it's not.  Many of these falls and rapids to run low or even drys at times.  The dam takes care of that unless there is a prolonged unusual drought.  That's a fact, so you are being as usual.

You are on your knees sucking up the opinion of Benn whose duty is to conserve the received wisdom of the PPP. We do not need Benn or the PPP telling us what is possible. We have our minds to discern the matter. That would be possible if we see the official feasibility study. The PPP has that under wraps and the only one you can legitimately call a katahar is yourself with you habit of lapping PPP table scraps.

Don't you think Sithe and other key stakeholders studied the feasibility/viability?  Sithe's decision to pull-out was due to domestic politics, nothing less.  You guys are the experts of the experts, wannabe kings and king-makers, but you must accept the fact that you are not and will never be.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These are the types of uneducated trash that want to rule Guyana. They jump to conclusions after a good bottom house drunken debate. The purpose of a dam is to collect the water and then divert to the turbines in controlled quantities. Unless there are prolonged periods of dry weather, the reserve water in the dam should be suffice to compensate for times of slow flow. 

a wannabe hydro engineer brays loudly and insistently, confusing his aspiration(s) with "hydro seed"


dullness can be a curse . . . how's the remedial reading on transmission line losses coming, eh dumbo?

But, it is true, isn't it.  That's the reason for the dam and large reservoir, correct?  The viability study included water flows and volumes for the past several decades and the design and size of the dam reflects that fact.


Off course, neigh-sayers kick into gear.  How come the PNC objection did not include not enough water supply?

Son of Katahars, stick to reading. PNC saved the nation.

Katahar, how come this was not their argument in the objection, because it's not.  Many of these falls and rapids to run low or even drys at times.  The dam takes care of that unless there is a prolonged unusual drought.  That's a fact, so you are being as usual.

You are on your knees sucking up the opinion of Benn whose duty is to conserve the received wisdom of the PPP. We do not need Benn or the PPP telling us what is possible. We have our minds to discern the matter. That would be possible if we see the official feasibility study. The PPP has that under wraps and the only one you can legitimately call a katahar is yourself with you habit of lapping PPP table scraps.

Don't you think Sithe and other key stakeholders studied the feasibility/viability?  Sithe's decision to pull-out was due to domestic politics, nothing less.  You guys are the experts of the experts, wannabe kings and king-makers, but you must accept the fact that you are not and will never be.

Sith never built a damn on their own. The as all contractors will build because there is money to be earned. If it silts up or under performed they have their loot. They were not putting in much. We shouldered the lions share of the capitalizing and all of the risks. This is not a standard deal with investor taking risks. Like the Marriott and the Berbice river this is incentive ( what Brassington called catalyzing and what I call gravy dealing) to spend the nation money. Sith walked with no loss but money for nothing.


In your mind you are something. I know that I am in every way your better and that is because I am smart, educated, morally grounded and can turn a dime from desert sand because I can think creatively. Now go and grovel after the crap the PPP spills off their table and imagine yourself to be a visionary. That is all it will be.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

And Burnham and Hoyte are your earthly Gods.

Mr Hoyte was a good President.

He gave us free and fair elections.

Hoyte gave nothing willingly. Don't try to twist history. Hoyte rigged even more than Burnham and had it not been for the international community he would not have agreed to anything, including the sacking of Bollers. Now go to your alter and artie Burnham and Hoyte.   

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

And Burnham and Hoyte are your earthly Gods.

Mr Hoyte was a good President.

He gave us free and fair elections.

Hoyte gave nothing willingly. Don't try to twist history. Hoyte rigged even more than Burnham and had it not been for the international community he would not have agreed to anything, including the sacking of Bollers. Now go to your alter and artie Burnham and Hoyte.   


The PPP did not do anything for free and fair election. It was the diaspora and Mr Hoyte. Ask Mr Vishnu Bisram. 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

And Burnham and Hoyte are your earthly Gods.

Mr Hoyte was a good President.

He gave us free and fair elections.

Hoyte gave nothing willingly. Don't try to twist history. Hoyte rigged even more than Burnham and had it not been for the international community he would not have agreed to anything, including the sacking of Bollers. Now go to your alter and artie Burnham and Hoyte.   

Indeed they were crooks. But we are speaking here of minnows to sharks. Burnham did not have a house. None of the PNC people are obscenely rich. Everyone of the PPP inclusive of their kinfolks to the 4th degree are leeching themselves fat on the state. That is the matter that is at hand. One cannot excuse present disease on past illnesses.

Amaila Falls dry spellâ€Ķ : Minister says: ‘No need to worry’ : --all it needs is a reservoirPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Leroy Smith   
Saturday, 12 October 2013 23:26

WORKS Minister Robeson Benn said yesterday that the drying up of the Amaila Falls is nothing to worry about, since the remedy to the problem is also part of the design for the project.

Minister Benn told the Guyana Chronicle yesterday that as part of the design for the Amaila Falls, like any other hydro project, there will be constructed a dam, better known as a reservoir, which will serve the purpose of holding water to ensure that the ‘hydro’ has a continuous flow of water.

The minister explained that the reservoir would be used to regulate the water flow, which would see water being stored and released as needed, especially when the falls experiences instances like presently obtains (running dry).

He said that when the water that powers the hydro seems to be getting below the required level, water from the reservoir would be released to keep the level needed; and likewise, when there is too much water in the reservoir itself, it would be released to maintain the required level, as advised by the engineers.

While not a regular occurrence, the issue of the falls running dry is normal, and is also experienced by other falls around the world, Benn added.
He said that at the moment there is a low water regime, which makes impossible the presence of adequate water to maintain a flow at both the falls and river. Moreover, the low water regime also impacts on proper navigating along the rivers during such occurrences.

From time to time, the Kaieteur Falls also experiences low water levels, the minister said, as he made it clear that despite the instances of low water, 99.9 percent of the time there would be sufficient water coming through the falls to power hydro power terminals. He said there is also possibility of the dams running a bit low on water during the present period, because the dry weather is being experienced, and this is also evident along the coast.

He deemed the dry weather also a blessing in disguise, since it allows for infrastructural works.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These are the types of uneducated trash that want to rule Guyana. They jump to conclusions after a good bottom house drunken debate. The purpose of a dam is to collect the water and then divert to the turbines in controlled quantities. Unless there are prolonged periods of dry weather, the reserve water in the dam should be suffice to compensate for times of slow flow. 

a wannabe hydro engineer brays loudly and insistently, confusing his aspiration(s) with "hydro seed"


dullness can be a curse . . . how's the remedial reading on transmission line losses coming, eh dumbo?

But, it is true, isn't it.  That's the reason for the dam and large reservoir, correct?  The viability study included water flows and volumes for the past several decades and the design and size of the dam reflects that fact.


Off course, neigh-sayers kick into gear.  How come the PNC objection did not include not enough water supply?

the point is the size of the reservoir ( 90 sq Kilometers by 30 meters) and the rate of rainfall is to be calculated against the rate of use to produce electricity. That the river basin can be dried out in three months is not heartening.


These calculations and the message of its viability should not be a matter for disputations. They should be hard facts given to the public for their consumption and understanding a long time ago. Every technical assessment should easily rebutted when questioned. The matter  should not be begged by a public works minister whose record of failures is already a national abscess.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These are the types of uneducated trash that want to rule Guyana. They jump to conclusions after a good bottom house drunken debate. The purpose of a dam is to collect the water and then divert to the turbines in controlled quantities. Unless there are prolonged periods of dry weather, the reserve water in the dam should be suffice to compensate for times of slow flow. 

a wannabe hydro engineer brays loudly and insistently, confusing his aspiration(s) with "hydro seed"


dullness can be a curse . . . how's the remedial reading on transmission line losses coming, eh dumbo?

But, it is true, isn't it.  That's the reason for the dam and large reservoir, correct?  The viability study included water flows and volumes for the past several decades and the design and size of the dam reflects that fact.


Off course, neigh-sayers kick into gear.  How come the PNC objection did not include not enough water supply?

the point is the size of the reservoir ( 90 sq Kilometers by 30 meters) and the rate of rainfall is to be calculated against the rate of use to produce electricity. That the river basin can be dried out in three months is not heartening.


These calculations and the message of its viability should not be a matter for disputations. They should be hard facts given to the public for their consumption and understanding a long time ago. Every technical assessment should easily rebutted when questioned. The matter  should not be begged by a public works minister whose record of failures is already a national abscess.

We should listen to you because you have experience in these matters. Someone years ago mentioned your pee pee problem with slow flow possibly from prostrate issues.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

These are the types of uneducated trash that want to rule Guyana. They jump to conclusions after a good bottom house drunken debate. The purpose of a dam is to collect the water and then divert to the turbines in controlled quantities. Unless there are prolonged periods of dry weather, the reserve water in the dam should be suffice to compensate for times of slow flow. 

a wannabe hydro engineer brays loudly and insistently, confusing his aspiration(s) with "hydro seed"


dullness can be a curse . . . how's the remedial reading on transmission line losses coming, eh dumbo?

But, it is true, isn't it.  That's the reason for the dam and large reservoir, correct?  The viability study included water flows and volumes for the past several decades and the design and size of the dam reflects that fact.


Off course, neigh-sayers kick into gear.  How come the PNC objection did not include not enough water supply?

the point is the size of the reservoir ( 90 sq Kilometers by 30 meters) and the rate of rainfall is to be calculated against the rate of use to produce electricity. That the river basin can be dried out in three months is not heartening.


These calculations and the message of its viability should not be a matter for disputations. They should be hard facts given to the public for their consumption and understanding a long time ago. Every technical assessment should easily rebutted when questioned. The matter  should not be begged by a public works minister whose record of failures is already a national abscess.

We should listen to you because you have experience in these matters. Someone years ago mentioned your pee pee problem with slow flow possibly from prostrate issues.

Imagine that! I would come here for a medical diagnosis from a bunch of morons? Nah, there are too many cousins etc who are physicians for me to visit before coming here among you lunatics to complain. Sorry, you need to invent another problem for callous in tying responses to nonsense like this!


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