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Amaila more than double similar Pakistan Hydro Plant

July 29, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

….project US$478M less than Amaila

Pakistan has announced that it will be building a 147MW Hydro Electric Plant at a cost of US$362M.
This would mean that the cost per mega watt would be US$2.4M as against the more than US$5M per mega watt that the Bharrat Jagdeo Administration secretly negotiated and inked.

Parliamentarian Joseph Harmon

Shadow Minister with responsibility for Public Works in Guyana, Joseph Harmon, says that the Pakistani Hydro Power Plant demonstrates clearly that hydro power plants can be built far more economically than that which is proposed in Guyana.
Harmon recalled that when the Amaila Falls Hydro Power Plant was first proposed for Guyana, it was priced at a cost of US$340M.
That figure has since skyrocketed to a whopping US$840M.
Not at any price
“We have always been supportive of hydro, but not hydro at any price,” says Harmon.
He said that there must be intense scrutiny of the proposed Amaila Falls Project given that it is not just the current generation of Guyanese that will have to pay for it but “our children and our children’s children.”
Harmon opined that the administration possibly believed that because the project is located in an area out of the public eyes that they would have built it at any price with no questions asked.
“People are asking questions now,” said Harmon.
He opined that the level of scrutiny now being placed on the project was absent years ago because of the lack of information.      Alliance for Change (AFC) Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, in weighing in on the Amaila Falls project as against the Pakistani project,  said that it is important to note that while it is only 18MW less than Guyana’s the difference in cost is a whopping US$478M less than Amaila Falls.
He said too that it is even more critical to point out that the Pakistani Project is being done by private sector joint venture, in a country which in the last 10 years had a coup, several assassinations and three governmental changes – thus must be deemed more politically risky than Guyana.”
The Amaila Falls project has in its financing a Debt Political Risk Insurance to the tune US$55.7M and is being insured in China.

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan

Financing Amaila
The Amaila Falls Hydro Power project in recent days has been coming in for extreme criticism given its seemingly astronomical price tag.
Only recently, financial analyst Christopher Ram questioned the financing arrangement for the project that serves as a huge part of the over-all cost.
Sithe Global has been contracted as the developer of the project which has already inked a contract with China Railway First Group to Build the Amaila Falls Hydro Project.
In terms of how the money will be used, Sithe Global officials had explained that the Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) cost of the actual project will amount to some US$519.6M.
The total capital costs for the project, according to the Sithe Global officials, will be US$652.5M, taking into consideration additional construction, development, start-up, as well as a contingency.
The remaining US$187.8M will go towards financing costs which include Interest during Construction (US$97.1M), Lenders Fee and Advisory Cost (US$34.9M), and Debt Political Risk Insurance (US$55.7M).
As it relates to the actual construction of the hydroelectric plant the officials explained that of the US$519.6M in total Capital Expenditure, the plant is expected to cost US$314M, with the Transmission Line demanding some US$126M. The additional US$79M is for currency adjustments.
Interest during the construction will amount to US$97.1M.
Per MW comparisons
Experts on the building of such plants say the cost of hydropower construction per megawatt usually ranges between US$1M and US$1.5M.
Some of the most expensive power plants built or under construction include the Chinese Three Gorges power project with a capacity of 18,000 MW at $1.3m per megawatt.
The controversial Ilisu hydroelectric dam in Turkey will cost US$1.6B but will generate 1,200MW of electricity. This means that it is being constructed at an average cost of US$1.3m per megawatt.
In Sudan, the 1,200MW Merowe Dam on the Blue Nile, commissioned in March 2009, cost only US$760M while the Gilgel Gibe II hydropower station in Ethiopia with a capacity of 420MW was built at a cost of US$600M.

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Sithe Global has been contracted as the developer of the project which has already inked a contract with China Railway First Group to Build the Amaila Falls Hydro Project.


Why ask a railway company to build a hydro dam? Is it something that company has built before in China?


Fip Motilall’s former PR czar Cathy Hughes best suited to answer queries about his competence

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AFC's Cathy Hughes

“Why was Makeshwar “Fip” Motilall awarded the contract when he has never built a road or hydro plant?”  This was one of the questions raised by Carl Greenidge, the shadow Finance Minister of a Partnership for National Unity (APNU). However in response the erstwhile Attorney General Anil Nandlall pointed out that the best person to explain the merits of hiring Motilall to build the road would be no other than Cathy Hughes, executive member of the Alliance For Change (AFC).



Despite her party's protestations against the awarding of the contract to Motilall Hughes functioned as his public relations officer. When this conflicting position was pointed out during one press conference at which the party lambasted Motilall Khemraj Ramjattan said that Hughes was free to obtain employment anywhere.


The AG in response to Greenidge's queries said Hughes had been the public relations agent of Fip Moitall and that she sent out so many releases extolling his experience, etc that she could most easily access and inform Greenidge as to why the contract was awarded as it was.


The AG in response to Greenidge's queries said Hughes had been the public relations agent of Fip Moitall and that she sent out so many releases extolling his experience, etc that she could most easily access and inform Greenidge as to why the contract was awarded as it was.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AG in response to Greenidge's queries said Hughes had been the public relations agent of Fip Moitall and that she sent out so many releases extolling his experience, etc that she could most easily access and inform Greenidge as to why the contract was awarded as it was.

who cares the man with the help of the ppp government thief the guyanese taxpayers money

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Cathy Hughes (AFC MP) is noticeable silent on that issue after allegedly fleecing millions from Fip Moitall, gotta come clean Cathy...

you ass looking for a scape goat it will not work the ppp days are #


“Why was Makeshwar “Fip” Motilall awarded the contract when he has never built a road or hydro plant?”  This was one of the questions raised by Carl Greenidge, the shadow Finance Minister of a Partnership for National Unity (APNU). However in response the erstwhile Attorney General Anil Nandlall pointed out that the best person to explain the merits of hiring Motilall to build the road would be no other than Cathy Hughes, executive member of the Alliance For Change (AFC).



How ironic, the AFC is accusing the P.P.P/C of not coming clean, and here is Cathy who allegedly collected millions as a PR person for the project, she hasn't broken her silence....

Originally Posted by Conscience:

How ironic, the AFC is accusing the P.P.P/C of not coming clean, and here is Cathy who allegedly collected millions as a PR person for the project, she hasn't broken her silence....

well as a guyanese i am demanding that every party come clean the government is being pay with taxpayers money let start with them 


The Government has invited the joint opposition and had shown them all the paper work as regards to the hydro-project, the joint opposition was even given a tour to the site, many sections of the media, including those hostile to the state, had reported the joint opposition were satisfied with the progress thus far and saw the constraints,the government was assured that the joint opposition would had support the project in parliament, much to the surprise of the state and the society at large, the joint opposition did the unthinkable and kill the bill....

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Government has invited the joint opposition and had shown them all the paper work as regards to the hydro-project, the joint opposition was even given a tour to the site, many sections of the media, including those hostile to the state, had reported the joint opposition were satisfied with the progress thus far and saw the constraints,the government was assured that the joint opposition would had support the project in parliament, much to the surprise of the state and the society at large, the joint opposition did the unthinkable and kill the bill....

dummy show the people the books put it on the internet let the whole country see it every details all the investers in every projects is that asking too much


The joint opposition's questions about the project was answered, they had no reason for killing the bill, not only the supporters of the PPP/C will be affected, but all Guyana

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition's questions about the project was answered, they had no reason for killing the bill, not only the supporters of the PPP/C will be affected, but all Guyana

cut the crap wait until you have a bottomhouse meeting and feed that shit to your racist comrades


The hydro project is supported by all Guyanese, the APNU/AFC are now being greeting with cold shoulders when they visited their respective constituencies, first they cut GPL subsidies, now they cut Amaila.....the Guyanese populace is asking...whats next?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The hydro project is supported by all Guyanese, the APNU/AFC are now being greeting with cold shoulders when they visited their respective constituencies, first they cut GPL subsidies, now they cut Amaila.....the Guyanese populace is asking...whats next?

camp st jail for the ppp crime lords


The AG in response to Greenidge's queries said Hughes had been the public relations agent of Fip Moitall and that she sent out so many releases extolling his experience, etc that she could most easily access and inform Greenidge as to why the contract was awarded as it was.


"Warrior" ask Cathy how much money she was paid as PR consultant for the hydro project.


Amaila more than double similar Pakistan Hydro Plant

July 29, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

….project US$478M less than Amaila

Pakistan has announced that it will be building a 147MW Hydro Electric Plant at a cost of US$362M.
This would mean that the cost per mega watt would be US$2.4M as against the more than US$5M per mega watt that the Bharrat Jagdeo Administration secretly negotiated and inked.

Parliamentarian Joseph Harmon

Shadow Minister with responsibility for Public Works in Guyana, Joseph Harmon, says that the Pakistani Hydro Power Plant demonstrates clearly that hydro power plants can be built far more economically than that which is proposed in Guyana.
Harmon recalled that when the Amaila Falls Hydro Power Plant was first proposed for Guyana, it was priced at a cost of US$340M.
That figure has since skyrocketed to a whopping US$840M.
Not at any price
“We have always been supportive of hydro, but not hydro at any price,” says Harmon.
He said that there must be intense scrutiny of the proposed Amaila Falls Project given that it is not just the current generation of Guyanese that will have to pay for it but “our children and our children’s children.”
Harmon opined that the administration possibly believed that because the project is located in an area out of the public eyes that they would have built it at any price with no questions asked.
“People are asking questions now,” said Harmon.
He opined that the level of scrutiny now being placed on the project was absent years ago because of the lack of information.      Alliance for Change (AFC) Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, in weighing in on the Amaila Falls project as against the Pakistani project,  said that it is important to note that while it is only 18MW less than Guyana’s the difference in cost is a whopping US$478M less than Amaila Falls.
He said too that it is even more critical to point out that the Pakistani Project is being done by private sector joint venture, in a country which in the last 10 years had a coup, several assassinations and three governmental changes – thus must be deemed more politically risky than Guyana.”
The Amaila Falls project has in its financing a Debt Political Risk Insurance to the tune US$55.7M and is being insured in China.

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan

Financing Amaila
The Amaila Falls Hydro Power project in recent days has been coming in for extreme criticism given its seemingly astronomical price tag.
Only recently, financial analyst Christopher Ram questioned the financing arrangement for the project that serves as a huge part of the over-all cost.
Sithe Global has been contracted as the developer of the project which has already inked a contract with China Railway First Group to Build the Amaila Falls Hydro Project.
In terms of how the money will be used, Sithe Global officials had explained that the Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) cost of the actual project will amount to some US$519.6M.
The total capital costs for the project, according to the Sithe Global officials, will be US$652.5M, taking into consideration additional construction, development, start-up, as well as a contingency.
The remaining US$187.8M will go towards financing costs which include Interest during Construction (US$97.1M), Lenders Fee and Advisory Cost (US$34.9M), and Debt Political Risk Insurance (US$55.7M).
As it relates to the actual construction of the hydroelectric plant the officials explained that of the US$519.6M in total Capital Expenditure, the plant is expected to cost US$314M, with the Transmission Line demanding some US$126M. The additional US$79M is for currency adjustments.
Interest during the construction will amount to US$97.1M.
Per MW comparisons
Experts on the building of such plants say the cost of hydropower construction per megawatt usually ranges between US$1M and US$1.5M.
Some of the most expensive power plants built or under construction include the Chinese Three Gorges power project with a capacity of 18,000 MW at $1.3m per megawatt.
The controversial Ilisu hydroelectric dam in Turkey will cost US$1.6B but will generate 1,200MW of electricity. This means that it is being constructed at an average cost of US$1.3m per megawatt.
In Sudan, the 1,200MW Merowe Dam on the Blue Nile, commissioned in March 2009, cost only US$760M while the Gilgel Gibe II hydropower station in Ethiopia with a capacity of 420MW was built at a cost of US$600M.


Councie, Per MW comparisons
Experts on the building of such plants say the cost of hydropower construction per megawatt usually ranges between US$1M and US$1.5M.
Some of the most expensive power plants built or under construction include the Chinese Three Gorges power project with a capacity of 18,000 MW at $1.3m per megawatt.


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